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(I) (2002)

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Com'on, it's not that bad.
SnoopyStyle13 June 2017
Once upon a time, Lucy (Britney Spears), Kit (Zoe Saldana), and Mimi (Taryn Manning) were best friends. They buried a box of their dreams and vowed to dig it up on their senior prom night. They have drifted apart over the years. Lucy is a bookworm valedictorian who pines for her absent mother and to be a normal teenager. Kit is the popular mean girl. She's planning to marry her high school boyfriend but he has been distant ever since going off to college. Mimi is pregnant desperate to audition for a record company in L.A. Lucy and Kit have a disappointing prom and join Mimi in digging up the box. They both have a mission and follow Mimi on her road trip in Ben (Anson Mount)'s car.

Com'on, it's not that bad. Is it? Everybody trashes this for Spears. She doesn't fit the nerdy brains role. They could have at least given her a pair of glasses. She couldn't wait to get into a belly shirt. She's not that good as an actress but she's able to walk and talk. She does have good acting partners and I like the girls' frail friendship. Ben is an unnecessary extra and sometimes he sticks out. What's up with him angry at the girls driving? The story structure is fairly standard and this could have worked better. It's an early writing effort from Shonda Rhimes. It has her melodrama. I just don't buy that this is as bad as everybody claims.
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nostalgic for some, average for others
iben_frederiksen17 April 2021
The movie has a low rating, mostly because people hate that Britney Spears is it, that's it. It's in no way a cinematic masterpiece, but it's also not offensively bad as some people say.

It is a very average teen movie, nostalgic for some because they saw it growing up, or just a silly flick for others. The script is not good, but it has some heartfelt moments - as well as a cast that will surprise you. Did NOT expect to see Dan Aykroyd or Kim Cattrall.
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Great horrible movie!
Devotchka29 January 2005
I love Crossroads because it's so terrible. Definitely one of the best "worst movies" I've ever seen, it tells the story of how Britney Spears looks like a fashion model and acts like an angel while still managing to be the most unpopular girl at school. Sob, sob! Incredibly awful and idiotic drama coupled with sickeningly sweet romance make this one a not-to-be-missed...if you're the sort to love MST3K, that is. Sure, Britney can't act too well, but she can sing, and this movie is actually a LOT better than Glitter, Mariah Carey's similarly-themed vehicle. (And by "better", I mean "less boring and self-indulgent.") It's been two years since I saw Crossroads and I still remember it vividly. It's a cult classic--moronic, worthless, contrived, and hilariously awful.
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For what it is, a teen road movie, not as bad as many are claiming.
TxMike16 December 2002
I read all the reviews and comments before seeing "Crossroads." Since I got it free from the public library, and "time" was my only investment, I'm not sorry at all. Roughly 50% of IMDb votes are "1" which is totally absurd. A more accurate rating is probably in the 4 to 6 range, compared to all similar films. "Center Stage", where the central characters are dancers training to make it big in ballet, is a similar film.

Other commentors say "Britney Spears can't sing." Those comments are equally absurd. While I'm not particularly a fan of hers, she indeed can sing, very well. As a singer she is as good as most of the rest of the young singers who cater to the teeniebopper audience. She certainly is a better singer than Madonna who achieved her fame on image alone.

Can Britney act? Compared to good young actresses, Britney is fairly amateurish. But she didn't have to stretch very far for the role of a proper, studious high school valedictorian who decided to look for her mother who abandoned her as a baby to be raised by her single father (Ackroyd). And, along the way write poetry which was then put to music by a young man who drove the three girls west to Los Angeles.

Most of the situations and dialog are silly, and there are many close-range shots of a pretty, smiling Britney. However I suspect they would appeal to the under-15 crowd of Britney fans. I enjoyed the film from the point of view that it gave me some glimpse of the real Britney, one that is not revealed in her concerts and music videos. I believe, as she grows up and out of her former image, she will develop a more mature singing and acting style and will continue her popularity for a long time. (Year 2005 update: I was wrong, she's become very strange! Year 2007 update: She has gotten even more strange! Year 2008 update: Even her little sister has become strange, and a new mother!!))

Critic Ebert gives an accurate review of the facts in the case, I will not repeat them here. While I probably would not recommend this film to anyone, I personally enjoyed watching it. Not a very good film, still it also is not a bad film. Just juvenile.
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Not a terrible movie, but definitely not a good one either
anadyr2126 June 2005
I was sitting home bored on Sunday morning, and my cable was acting up, so one of the few channels working was MTV and Crossroads was on. The movie isn't as god-awful as everyone says, but I wouldn't recommend it either. The story itself has been done before (see Boys on the Side), and you can predict the whole movie in the first 5-10 minutes. You also have to suspend some belief (they should still be broke). If you accept the movie for what it is, a coming of age story of 3 very different girls that would appeal to the tween and early teenagers, it's passable. If you're a guy, don't waste your time. The acting is amateurish, but not nearly as bad as in Glitter or From Justin to Kelly.

All in all, if you have nothing else to do and it's on, feel free to give it a try. Do not purposely rent or try to watch it. You'll be sorely disappointed.
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Caught between two things; being a proper, honest to goodness movie, or being a teenage sisterhood pamphlet...
Howlin Wolf6 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
For a while there, I thought that I was going to be in genuine danger of having to admit that I liked this movie. For the first forty minutes it was a warm, if slightly generic, road movie about the positives of friendship and following your dreams... Then, after that point, I started to feel it turn into a Steel Magnolias clone. It was now apparently the type of film where the girls all sit around in a sewing circle, and discuss their problems. I suppose this is fine if you feel like these are real issues and you can relate to them, but when they feel as though they've been cribbed from the pages of 'Dear Abby... ', you stop suspending your disbelief that these are real people, and start seeing them for what they are: Stock Movie Characters.

Going along with the well-worn movie tradition, the guy our heroine gets with has to be 'hot', and not the slightly awkward, geeky schoolfriend that she actually shares a little bit of a rapport with. That's Movie Law - don't lose your virginity to someone you have a little bit of history with, lose it instead to the hunk you've only just met who has a heartbreaking backstory and abs chiseled from stone, but lacks the facility of meaningful conversation. Hey, why talk much when you can just beat up sleazy jerks in bars and win the girl's affection that way, right?!

The first half of the film actually has a path that seems like it might be leading somewhere... until suddenly, that trail goes cold, and the rest of the movie is essentially just a visually 'inspirational' pep talk for Spears' status as a teen role model. It's a shame too, because Spears' performance as a whole suggests she would be capable of handling more diverse requirements. Sadly, these don't appear to be in the play- by-play manual followed by the makers. Eventually, the clichés win out, as we all must have suspected they would do, in the first place.
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hales_r_us30 July 2003
Please don't waste your time on this movie. The only people who may possibly like it are those people who think that Britney's music is brilliant. And even those people can't deny that Britney can't act. This movie lacked everything. When you read the plot, it looks as though it could have some meaning to it, maybe even a little more than some other teen movies. But it isn't so. And it's so silly, like Britney's character writing that poem that turns out to be the lyrics to that stupid, ' not a girl, not yet a woman', whatever it is. And then the guy writes music for it and she automatically starts singing along perfectly, she automatically knows the tune even though she hasn't heard it yet, and so forth. And don't even get me started on the karaoke contest scene, the cover of "I love rock 'n roll" is a travesty. This is another pitiful pop star attempt at being a movie star. Doesn't work at all.
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Extreme Sugarchock
C-rocodile1 March 2005
I can't say that this film is worthless. It has got rather good lighting, make up and it's filmed OK, and the art direction isn't that bad.

But I think that the plot was too predictable, the acting was simple and quite boring. Taryn Manning did OK, but the rest... it was just not impressive at any point. And I think everyone was trying to make Britney look better than she really was, complimenting her. Her character, Lucy, is too flawless. She was always perfect while the people who surrounded her had prominent flaws. And then in the commentary she went on about how every girl would be able to relate to her character, but wrong! No one is that flawless and covered in sugar.

And I know you've got to see it for what it is, you don't go to see Crossroads if you are looking for a deep film, but even as a cute chick flick Crossroads didn't do very well. at all. It was shallow pretending to be genuine and deep. Even in the worst of girl films you need a point where it's getting serious - something to make it look real, you need to feel something.

This whole movie is too SWEET. Everything about it is sweet.. the dialogs, the looks, the camera angles, the clichés, the music. It was like having 200 lbs of Chocolate, it was way too much. No one can handle that much sugar in one night...
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I cannot say 'Crossroads' is a great movie, but it definitely does not deserve 3.5
TaylorYee942 January 2021
There are some weaknesses. No, MANY weaknesses. However, the movie has some good quality as well. First, this movie is for Britney and Britney(album). In early 2000s, Britney Spears can have and deserves promotional 'movie'. Three songs in Britney's third album 'Britney' are featured in the movie. Also, supporting roles are trying so hard for Lucy to tell her story that they look like tools not actors. For example, when Kit and Mimi leave the place to make a room for Lucy and Ben's romance to bloom, their excuses are awfully unrealistic. Second, the storyline is very simple and linear just like their road trip. But, doesn't all teen or coming-of-age movies have simple storyline? Lastly, the chemistry between Lucy & Ben and Lucy & friends make up for somewhat tedious story. Some say Britney was a bad actor, but that's because she acts 'this 'naïve, innocent, and nerdy virgin who writes poems' which is the very opposite of a shiny, cute pop star who she actually is. Audience also had prejudice on Britney Spears before coming to the theater. Three girls seem to have genuine connection and to really care for one another on the screen. 'Crossroads' and Britney Spears do not deserve this much ridicule.
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Not A Britney Hater
Kilwins20 November 2003
Ok, I have nothing against Britney Spears (except for the fact that she can't sing), so my trashing of this movie has nothing to do with the fact that Britney has the lead role. Although I will admit I only saw it to see how bad it was.

The movie is so predictable I knew what was going to happen within the first fifteen minutes. I'm so glad I watched it at a friend's house and I didn't pay anything for it. The movie is boring because you know what is going to happen before it does. The girls travel with a 'hot' guy, and Lucy, the virgin, really takes a liking to him. Gee... I wonder what is going to happen?

I will give the movie some credit, however. Not all the acting was bad, some of it was good. The characters had some kind of depth, and the movie attempts to hit mature issues like date rape. I would not recommend this movie to anyone, unless they were like me, and just wanted to be amused.
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Never thought it was horrible. Still don't.
I remember in 2002 when I went to go see this movie just to laugh at it. It's honestly not funny. I mean yeah the first half is FUN, but then stuff gets deep and messed up. Of course hindsight is 20/20 and it's now 2018 and we know this was written by Shonda rhimes, so it HAD to be messed up, right? It's been 16 years. Can we get over the fact it's a Britney movie and finally admit it's not half bad, and honestly kind of sad towards the end? No? Just me? Ok.
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Oh, get over yourself and admit that this is a cute movie
Smells_Like_Cheese11 June 2002
Out of all the people, I admit that I bash Britney Spears all the time. But I saw this movie because my 2 best friends and my boyfriend wanted to see this. And we actually thought this was a cute movie. And it's funny, our friendship is like the one in this movie. There's the sexy one, there's the smart one, there's the one who wants to make it big, and of course my boyfriend. Of course it's not oscar worthy, or the movie of the year. But it's cute. Kind of cheesy, but fun. So what if you're not a Britney Spears fan, if you hate this movie just because someone you don't like is in it, you have to be a pretty shallow person. So stop acting like you know everything about movies. I'm not a pre-teen, but I liked it. So like I said, just admit that it was cute. Like people are going to contact you and praise you for making fun of this movie.

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Forget about Britney, it is the script that ruins this movie!
Boba_Fett113813 April 2012
This is a bad movie, mostly because of the simple reason that it's an absolutely horrible written one.

This movie is mostly infamous and hated because of Britney Spears, who plays the lead role. But really, in all honesty, she is far from the worse thing about this movie. It's true that she is obviously no actress but I didn't exactly hated her watching in this and her performance didn't made me cringe all that badly.

It's a movie that got made at the prime of her musical career, when she also was still considered to be fresh and innocent. But it does not at all feel like this movie got specifically written for her. She plays a character that is quite different from herself and in the movie she doesn't even sing or dances all that much, which is good news for a lot of people.

It's true that this movie is a typical chick-flick, so perhaps I'm not the right person to judge it but I'm still sure that I'm very well able to recognize a good movie when I see it and this movie just isn't much good to watch. The entire way the movie got written and progresses is not only boring and pointless but also lazy and too often doesn't make enough sense.

I just don't get some of the stuff that this movie does. Britney Spears is supposed to be an ugly girl, that gets laughed at, at school, which is laughable in itself. No matter how much you just don't like Britney, you can't really call her ugly, especially not when you also see her body as well, which she shows quite a lot in this movie actually. And for some crazy and never explained reason, 3 girls who used to be best friends stopped being friends at high school and even somewhat hate each other go on a road trip together and for some, totally different, crazy reason they also suddenly are friends again, as if everything that was shown and told in the movie previously wasn't important and had even never happened.

Something I also really don't understand; the Britney Spears character had a nerdy boyfriend (played by Justin Long of course) for 3 years but as the movie goes along she totally forgets about this and so are its viewers supposed to do I suppose? Since she hooks up with a totally different guy, which is something we also are supposed to cheer for. But what about poor Justin Long Brit? What did he ever do wrong to you. It just didn't feel right but it's normal for this movie to leave many loose ends like this and character just keep on changing their behavior and personalities for no logical reasons, other than it's just being a very poorly written movie.

The movie really doesn't progress very naturally or pleasantly and doesn't really wrap things up properly. Just think about it. The 3 main characters all go on the road trip for a specific reason but for none of them, it ends up the way they were hoping for. The movie acts as if it has an happy ending but once you really start thinking about it, you could wonder to yourself, what exactly is so happy about it.

It's actually amazing to see how many big names appear in this movie. Granted, that most of them weren't really big names yet at the time, such as Zoe Saldana and Justin Long but still it makes you wonder how so many great actors ended up playing in this movie. It's probably all due to it that this was a Britney Spears vehicle and lots of people tried to ride in on the success and fame of her. But as it turned out, this is not exactly a project that any of the people involved with could be very proud of.

Not exactly the worst movies of all time, not even close honestly but it still is far from a great or likable enough movie as well.

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Crossroads: Business in the front, Party in the back...
film-critic9 May 2007
To begin, because that is always a good starting point with films of this nature, I must take a step forward and say that the acting wasn't excruciating, but it was painful. It was obvious that our three leads, Spears, Saldana, and Manning, were quickly becoming strong friends – and that friendship translated well onto the screen, but it was their individual stories and accomplishments that created the pain. In one scene, we saw this trio as little girls – friends without a care in the world – then instantly we are pushed into the awkward high school dark ages where nobody is friends with anyone. Riffs have been issued, and we are asked to rediscover who these characters are again. Matching them with their young counterparts is easy, but when their mouths open, it is another world all together. Spears leads with a hodgepodge of different characteristics. She dances sensually in her bedroom, unrobes nonchalantly in front of her lab partner, but is most avid about doing the right thing when it comes to morality and truthfulness. There is even one scene where she hangs up on her father, no doubtably instilling the correct visions into her impressionable teen fan base. She couldn't give us a straight character to save her life. Coupled with the annoying Zoe Saldana who tries the hardest of the group, but cannot seem to quite understand the life surrounding her. Then, painful to write, there is Taryn Manning (who gets better with each film) using every cliché redneck white-trash persona possible to define her character. It isn't bad enough that we have Spears fading in and out of her "real" character that to have Manning use "y'all" like it is Shakespeare – yikes. Again, the acting isn't bad (I have seen far, far, far worse), but it isn't Juliard – closer to flunking out of Acting 101.

I have mediocre respect for director Tamra Davis. The woman that gave us the hysterical and near cult-classic "Billy Madison" as well as "Half-Baked", has also turned out slow duds like "Gun Crazy" and, surprise, "Crossroads". Her talent seems to be all over the place instead of choosing projects that will continue to define her. Listening to the commentary, it felt she did this to 1) work with Spears, 2) she needed the rent money, and 3) it was an all girl cast – her youthfulness will be returned. Not exactly the typical reasons artist create on a blank slate. With Davis, I wanted humor, darkness, or anything that would make me remember why I loved "Madison" or "Half-Baked' – ANYTHING – there was nothing. Did I expect it with "Crossroads", probably not, but it would have been nice to see something that was uniquely hers. Road movies are made weekly, and it is those road films that try to bring something new to the genre that stand out and bring more to the table. Wasn't "Billy Madison" just a take-off of "Back to School"? I just question the ability of Davis without a studio baking and thankfully she has taken her raw, rotten talent to television only to further infuse the masses.

We are left with nothing more than the story. What story did "Crossroads" tell? How about one lone girl's quest to find herself and loose her virginity? Does that sound right? Again, this wasn't rocket science writing, yet it seemed amateur from the first word. We know who Spears' love interest is going to be from the beginning, the "take" at the end is given away within the first twenty minutes, and the only strength to this entire film is a scene with Dan Aykroyd saying "I was a Ghostbuster, a Blues Brother, and Conehead – I did this film for my kids". I believe that sums up this whole story in a nutshell. Needless to say, the story lacked any depth, and there was one scene where we attempted to bring real life to the screen with a rape, an accidental death, and our old friend, "underage drinking". Thankfully, Spears could push beyond all this and finally sing her songs near the end, the obvious finale to the film that was started. The ending point didn't match with the starting point in this film.

So, I watched this film. Everyone will have to at one point in their life, I just shortened the inevitable. Again, it wasn't the worst film ever made, "Glitter" still ranks below this, but there wasn't any value in the final performance. Spears didn't push for this film to be made because she wanted to be an actress, she wanted more face time with an audience that seemed on the fence about her ability – and as time has shown, we didn't make the best assumption. The acting wasn't horrible, but everything else was so we are left with a sour taste in our mouth coming from all directions. I will not, nor suggest this film to anyone except my wife, who thought it was better than "Clerks II".

Ouch. I will end on that note.

Grade: ** out of *****
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She has enough trouble
jimmylee-120 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
So, thankfully, I wasn't stupid enough to pay to see the movie, but I watched it - all way through - on VH1, without choking on my own vomit. I also didn't have any major expectations going into the film - judging by her hopping around, which was called "dancing," with her early hits, I figured her "acting" would be equally interesting.

I'm not surprised that she wanted to act, or that people were willing to pay to see her in her first attempt and went away disappointed that her skills weren't up to par yet. Although what "par" is for pop musicians who try to become omni-media stars is unclear to me. "Shanghai Surprise" certainly set a rather low standard.

I do think Britney can sing, and sings better than me, although that's faint praise. She doesn't sing songs that I always like, but she's got a nice voice. I'm thankful she did this, instead of some sort of "Britney Revealed" backstage movie filled with endless applications of mascara and "I mean, we're fricking dorks!" I don't think I could have endured that, or my nieces' endless demands to see it.

I do wish the plot didn't involve Britney trying to become a singer while facing the incredible challenges of growing up (are the movie executives teenagers? How many times have we seen this plot? After the first five minutes, I could have summarized the entire movie in a three-minute voice mail and spared all of silicon valley from having to see this movie) which is, shall we tactfully say, a bit trite, for all of Britney's PR people saying it's so relevant.

I'd expect to see this show up on the lifetime (victim) network at some point - the story seemed about that caliber of movie. I'm not sure there was anyone with actual quality experience in major movie making behind the wheel. The writing was terrible. Dan Ackroyd looks like he was sleepwalking in order to get through the experience. But Kim Cattrall was interesting as a bad mom (never pictured her in that role. The mom, I mean). Britney and friends were all appealing and the camera predictably loved all of them. I wish my parents spent that much on MY teeth.

Acting lessons, like ballet lessons, should never end. I didn't think this wasn't a movie to completely trash - it just got too much buzz so it fell a bit hard.

I'm sure Britney could use some peace right now. If she was listening to anyone, which I doubt, maybe she would take a few acting lessons, record an album of baby lullabies, and hire an image consultant before her next acting effort - she definitely could do much better than this.
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crossroads was...
woterfalz199118 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Woah. I'm not even sure what to say about it. Some people say it will apeal to the 15-and-under crowd, but i was like 12 when I watched it, and I really did not like it then. So, me now being 15, much more sarcastic, syncial, and not being able to stand things that are too unrealistic, i'm sure if I saw it again i would hate it. The script was cheesy, the and I could tell what was gonna happen way before it hapend. It tried to deal with real issues, and date rape and teen drinking are real issues. But this moovie practially made a joke out of them. I can't even believe Britney Spears thinks she can act, and i'm shocked she made a career for herself singing. All she has going for her is how pretty she is. That's about it. On a whole, this movie was not a total piece of crap. And if your under 16, can take such cheesy movies, and your in the mood for it, then you might be able to sit down and watch Crossroads. But if your not in that group, don't waste your time on it.
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Atrocious, dreadful, appalling: Crossroads
jolshan22 March 2003
No one can fully describe the agony of watching this film or the twitching that occurs when you realize that it could have been written by a four year old. Did anyone notice that every scene could have done without the one preceding it? Even terrible movies string together scenes most of the times. Bottom line: Crossroads goes beyond terrible and should be avoided over things like stubbing your toe, gouging your eyes, and plague.
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Watchable and actually ok, people just love to hate...
kysta29 May 2021
Cliched, yes. Corny, yes.

But compared to so much other pretentious crap out there that pretends to be more than it is this movie is ok and worth a chance. Perfectly watchable.

To those complaining, you are watching the movie from the characters POV (teens/young adult) and they talk/act appropriately. Make some poor choices, struggle with choices, want answers, want adventure....don't we all at some point?

I think alot of the hate is from people who secretly enjoyed it ;) Hell of a lot worse out there than this.
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So bad that it's....still really bad
darienwerfhorst18 July 2007
Wow...this movie makes Striptease look like Citizen Kane. This horrible teen tale is full of every cliché you can think of and then some...runaway mom, overprotective dad, teen pregnancy, teen sluttishness, and in all of this Britney gets to be the guiding moral light. (You know how bad something is going to be when Britney is the "Good girl".) For 90 minutes (that feels like twice that) you watch their roadtrip complete with singing along to the radio, the karaoke contest and the obligatory "should she or shouldn't she" decision about S-E-X.

I had a couple of drinks while watching this, and I suspect the only way I could have truly enjoyed it was to either a) drink more heavily or b) Break out the chronic. Yikes. Yuck. Yowsa.
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SamJamie24 April 2020
"Crossroads" is a heartwarming American road comedy that was released in 2002 and is set in Georgia. The plot revolves around three teenage girls who embark on a cross-country road trip and discover themselves and their friendship along the way. The star-studded cast includes Britney Spears, Anson Mount, Zoe Saldana, Taryn Manning, Kim Cattrall, and Dan Aykroyd. Produced by MTV Films and released on February 15, 2002, in North America by Paramount Pictures, this movie is a perfect blend of comedy, drama, and adventure. Despite its low rating of 3.5/10, the film has a sweet and endearing storyline that is sure to tug at your heartstrings and leave you feeling nostalgic for your own teenage road trips.
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Surprised that this has such a low rating
hannahclac27 January 2022
I would have thought this movie had a rating of at least 5 or 6. I'm surprised to see that it has less than 4 stars. I knew many people thought this was a bad movie, but I thought just as many loved it too. This is no Oscar winning movie and the script isn't profound, but it's cute and touching with some funny and heartbreaking moments. There are many, many movies that are worse than this that have better ratings, but it's all subjective. Britney Spears is also absolutely adorable in this and her acting is not bad at all. She actually does a decent job. Taryn Manning and Zoe Saldana also make a good effort. As a kid I was a big Britney Spears fan, so I loved this movie. I might just be biased because of that but I watched it again as an adult and it still holds up. This movie is so nostalgic. I give it a 6.5.
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very mediocre
jennie_singstar266 April 2006
I have to admit, I'm a massive Britney fan. Not because I think she is in any way talented, except possibly as a dancer, but because the girl can get a recording contract and sell millions of Cd's across the globe, despite the fact she can't sing.

I was looking forward to watching this movie, but it in no way even matched up to what I thought it could. I knew the plot would be predictable and lack credibility - i mean come on! It's a Britney movie! But some of my favourite films lack credibility and are still hugely enjoyable, just as a silly release from daily life.

Britney tries hard to reclaim her image as the innocent virgin, which has already been destroyed, and making herself out to be clever, or even a geek? Like anybody could fall for that? I'm glad they made an attempt to tackle controversial subjects, but angry that these were skimmed over as subplots, as if they were only there for the critics.

The acting wasn't great, but it wasn't terrible either. I have seen a lot worse. I'm sure this will just be another step in the path to fame, especially for the supporting cast. Hilary Swank was in the original Buffy movie, and look where she is now. However, that said, I don't think any of these actors will be winning an Oscar any time soon.

Don't waste your time on this movie. If you are bored and wanna laugh at Britney you'll find it mildly amusing, but otherwise, I wouldn't bother. Even as a fan, I couldn't praise this film.
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I've seen a lot better, but I've also seen a LOT worse...
Lady-of-Rohan8 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Musicians trying to act in movies is nothing new. Madonna did it, Justin Guarinni did it, Kelly Clarkson did it, and most famously, Jennifer Lopez did it. In 2002, Britney Spears became yet another unfortunate statistic to the sad and growing tally of can't-act singers. Mauled by critics, "Crossroads" became a box office disappointment, and finally showed the world that an Oscar is nowhere in the near future for Mrs. Spears.

"Crossroads" is definitely a stinker. The plot is so indescribably simplistic that a 6yr old could follow it. The element of Britney's character finding and confronting her AWOL mother is disastrously underdone. At other times, the acting is downright ridiculous and has some of the most uninspired direction I've ever seen (closeup, medium shot, closeup, medium shot, repeat 500 times).

Judging from the lead actress, "Crossroads" is a film aimed at the preteen crowd so naturally it should have content which is suitable for that age group. So you can imagine how shocked I was at the whole plot line of Lucy trying to loose her virginity to some loser, the saga of her friend being raped by her other friend's fiancé, who gets pregnant, and then has a miscarriage by taking a header down a flight of stairs! Yes, this is all in the movie, folks!

However, those saying it's the worst film of all time have really got to see more movies. This is because "Crossroads" is mildly amusing to follow despite it's Goliath sized flaws. I do admit I have a soft spot for the road trip genre, and the quirkiness of several characters and their offbeat adventures kept me somewhat entertained in a vanilla state. But despite this, Crossroads is not worth the DVD price. You're much better off using that money to see a better film currently in theatres.

So next time you visit your local video rental place, I advise you skip this one. It's simple, and poorly made so it's really not worth your time. If it happens to be on cable, you might be amused but I'm sure you'll find yourself changing the channel not long after it starts. 4/10
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