Gray Matter (2023) Poster


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Average, but much better than what Project Greenlight made it seem
Makennz29 July 2023
The movie is solid for what it is. The two lead ladies have TERRIFIC performances, and the cinematography was really nice! The story felt like an extended episode of Heroes with less characters, but it held up. The pacing was a bit off though. It started off slow and the conflict was resolved too quickly. Her growth and understanding of her powers was too sudden imo.

I do think "Project Greenlight" gave Meko and her film too much shade. She had $5 million and 2.5 weeks to work with...they didn't give her much and she DELIVERED. Knowing what she was up against with a small budget, a tight schedule, and a chaotic/overcrowded workspace, she shined. She may not be the best when it comes to fixing a problematic script that someone else wrote, but she definitely knows how to make a solid movie. I'm looking forward to seeing her make more feature length films with bigger budgets and better scripts. Meko is talented! The people involved were really good, but overall the movie is just average, but that doesn't fall on the director or the main actors.
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Good acting, but the concept unoriginal
justahunch-7054931 July 2023
This truly feels like something I had seen before and I without naming names, I have indeed already seen films about people with powers trying to keep them hidden and suppressed with a young person learning how to control them. Basically that's all that this is about. Some of it is clever, some of it confusing and none of it is really special. I did like some of the performers however. Mia Isaac in the lead role as the child who is learning is quite good subtly gaining strength, power and determination by the time this ends. Jessica Frances Dukes as her mother is also good and Garret Dillahunt provides, as usual, a most capable performance. I swear this guy can play anything. I loved his little smile near the end. I know nothing about Andrew Liner, but he gives one of the most sweet & tender performances that I have seen in a long time. That's mostly all he has to do, but he does it very well. This is not terrible, but it's minor.
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A Great CW Pilot But...
nisa-jaie30 July 2023
Disclaimer: I watched the accompanying "Project Greenlight" first, so I knew there were issues with the script going into this but they did create more drama in the show to make the film seem worse than it is. Meko, you did need those extra shoots/angles girl...that's Film School 101 but PGL did lack true training/mentoring for a beginner (if it weren't for Gina and CatchLight I don't think this film would have made it). It's not bad for a first feature. The best movie PGL has ever released.

Now for my take.

It felt like a CW Pilot and not a film even per streaming standards. The pacing in the beginning was slow and could have been fixed with editing to help with the elements of surprise that follow later. This is a good lesson in a script needs to be solid before starting production. The story flow got better in the second act but then it all fell apart in the third. I give a 90% on technical because of the editing issue and VFX but it was shot, lit, and color corrected perfectly. Maybe to perfectly?! I saw all the Spielberg, Ridley Scott, etc. Tricks but enjoyed them none the less.

The actors were top notch and that along great production design and cinematography helped make it watchable.

Even with a killer script, I think 'Gray Matter' would have been better as a series and not a film. I don't feel it would have held up to 'Limitless' (which was first a book and later made as a series). This would have allowed for more character building. I think it's hard to make a genre piece like this and have true substance for just 90 minutes. However, the timeline for pre-production and principal was unrealistically condensed and I feel shows in the film execution as well.

So overall, the script, pacing (editing), budget, and the ridiculous timeline (I don't know how they got away with this) makes for a pretty good start on a TV series but doesn't hold up as a film.

I suggest give it a watch anyway just to see some good technical shooting and acting.
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indialm27 July 2023
While watching the current Project Greenlight I was aware from watching that there were several problems with the script and story. However I didn't realize just how poorly put together this film was until actually watching it. The director, first time at a feature film, Miko Winbush, refused to listen to experienced producers offering to help her fix the script through notes given to her in regard to explaining who these characters were, their world, who was in it and how they got there.

We're told that a mother and daughter are psionics, people who can use their minds to do all kinds of things, from making things move to injuring people. The mother keeps her daughter from literally everybody and says it's because she's not ready. Ready for what though? And we're told they are being pursued, but not told why and not a word about why "they" are dangerous. You only get an inking of what's occurring in this world by the time you get to the end, and unfortunately, most viewers would probably turn it off before then.

The beautiful photography and great acting in this film could not save it from the disaster that Winbush made it. I have heard actors say they can be the best in the business but it will be for nothing if you don't have a director who can tell the story. Editing helps too but Winbush couldn't be bothered to be with her editor every day like she should have been. But even the best editor couldn't have saved this film.

The producers and HBO really should have fired the director early on and brought in one of the other finalists when it was obvious that Winbush was not really a team player as she refused to take responsibility and be open to the suggestions that more experienced people were sending her way.
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Terrible Script
Posygirl15 July 2023
If I hadn't watched Project Greenlight I would have completely been in the dark on what the film was about. They didn't give much away on the plot on PG just a hint. Even the cast whom most are really good actors couldn't help bad writing. I feel bad for the cast. There's no setup, very little character background, a lot of wasted time on empty shots, and the effects are... well they may as well not be there. And I don't know if it was my tv picture setting but the first few minutes everything is an extreme close up and credits and title cut off. Trying too hard with odd shooting. Blurred people, strange closeups that don't have any meaning. It's a very hard watch.
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Black Mirror Episode for Kids
zack_gideon13 July 2023
The movie (more like an episode for a show that doesn't exist) is a relatively simple concept, and the film is too. There really isn't much I'll take away from this film that will stick.

Overall, it's a movie you can put on in the background or while making dinner. Besides some cgi blood and one head explosion it's just for kids. Very simple characters, plot is also standard kid with powers, harness them, mom/kid relationship (which drags really bad towards the end).

I liked the idea maybe as the pilot to a much more complex show (which honestly may have been why it was made because it's really low budget with lighting, settings and actors). Standard 5/10. Not awful not memorable really at all.
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SeatontheAisle27 July 2023
This isn't so bad as I was led to believe. Neither is it great. First quarter is too slow, and the movie does feel longer than it is, which is unfortunate. A little slow and repetitive in the "dream" sequences. For me it got better when Dillahunt showed up. I thought his scenes with Mia Isaac (who's fantastic and has a great career ahead of her) were more sparky and interesting. Script needed work and its a shame it didn't get it. This is a repetitive truffle made more watchable by talented actors. I found myself much more disappointed in the accompanying series, Project Greenlight. Was so clearly manipulated and set up for maximum "drama", but her support system was nonexistent. Found myself disappointed in Issa Rae.
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We are here to hekp you
nogodnomasters4 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Aurora (Mia Isaac) or Ro to her friend, has psionic powers that includes mind reading and telekinesis. She inherited the powers from her mother Ayla (Jessica Frances Dukes) who home school's Aurora and teaches her how to harness and control her power. She stresses the powers should be used for good. The family is keeping a low profile so "they" don't get them. At 16 Aurora is adventuresome and meets a boy Isiah (Andrew Liner), They hold hands until his big head explodes. At this point "they" find Aurora,

This is a mini version of X-men. People with super abilities are considered harmful and they need to be subdued. Low budget version was not as exciting as a superhero production.

Guide: No swearing, sex, or nudity.
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There's nothing to see here, folks
bensfiction25 July 2023
I don't know what sect of people seem to be in this crusade against the producers of PGL, but the final product only solidified for me how accurate the notes were for much needed story, emotional beats and cohesion.

Act I: a young girl has powers, so does her mom. We're not told the significance of these powers or how the powers themselves or the people that have them interplay with the world at large. Moreover, we really don't know that any world exists outside of maybe 8 people. The girl then maybe kills someone with her powers, maybe not, I don't know - this is yet another point the movie never elucidates.

Act II: The girl is taken by another person with power who runs a hospital for people with power or something. He might be installed, he might have created it in his own, I don't know -- this is yet another point the movie never elucidates. Then mom finds the girl through...not trusting her?

Act III: Girl apparently suddenly has control over powers for no discernible reason, I don't know - this is yet another point the movie never elucidates. Then....the end

The characters were wooden despite pretty decent acting. The character arc makes no sense, but it doesn't matter because we never care about the characters to begin with. Love or hate PGL, you gotta admit this is another awful attempt at filmmaking. I think the AD and cam ops for the feature have egg on their face for being mean to the cam crew of PGL... as Greenlight was the only interesting thing to come out of this highly forgettable mess.
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It's bad
caite-3826812 August 2023
I love PGL, but damn this movie is boring AF. Stopped watching halfway through. I don't care about the characters. The scenes are long and quiet, overly serious. The mom has no likeable qualities. I have no idea why Aurora killed that boy, or how she met him, or what their relationship was.

PGL needs to pick a good script. It doesn't need to be fancy, but get something solid with characters that we feel something for. Don't make it too serious. A story that isn't character-driven is a waste of time.

And for gods sake, give the director more than pocket change and 6 weeks. Give the film a real chance.
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Good Movie
nettah-2518923 August 2023
Over the years I've watched 15 min. Of 100s of movies on major networks, highly rated by major publications, and had to stop because I couldn't bare to watch another minute. There are a lot of "bad" actors and plots out there which makes me suspect that something "financial or political" is going on with todays movie/series reviews. I went straight through to the end on this movie. It was entertaining and different for a Black female lead. The acting was good. There could have been more historical explanation on how their society evolved but that's not a deal breaker and this was a much better project coming out of Project Greenlight than projects from 2 other seasons I saw that were not good. One thing I would have liked was to pick 2 directors to make projects so we could compare styles and outcomes of the movies like done in previous seasons but overall good job.
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Amazing potential.
rissa-0055010 November 2023
This movie (honestly feels like a short story with a cliff hanger ) has amazing potential to show what it was meant to if they created it as a series,, I originally started watching it in the hopes it was , or would be , I actually was surprised that it was just in the Movie premise. It could be a great story, if they carried through with it.

The acting I feel was good especially from the main girl ,, she carried it. Also,, again... They are overlooking the potential of a great story if they don't expand it, weather in a limited series at first ,, or ongoing,, I would definitely watch it . Hope they explore the possibilities and different directions they could create with it.
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A little on the boring side.
djrmc2424 July 2023
Don't get me wrong I thought there were some solid performances from the two leads here but the movie's execution was not good. The movie's pacing was very unbalanced which really caused the movie to be boring. Reading the synopsis of this film seems pretty interesting but seeing it live doesn't make for a compelling story. Here is the synopsis: Aurora has known all her life from her mother that the superhuman abilities they have also make them dangerous. However, on one fateful and fatal night, Aurora will discover if her mother was speaking the truth. That seems pretty interesting right?! Well it's wrong here! I think under a better script and a better direction could have propelled this movie up further. At least they got the cast right in this one. If you skip this movie you aren't missing anything. I give Gray Matter 3 low stars out of 10.
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Cool concept
dwarffighter13 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I can't recommend this movie. They must've ran out of money at the end.

Full movie recap below and why I don't suggest watching this movie:

So you're following this interesting story of a girl and her mom. They're on the run because they have super powers. They have physic abilities to move things, read other peoples thoughts, and everything else you could expect. Mom doesn't let daughter outside because they're being hunted. She does it anyways and she can't control her powers.

She accidentally kills her only friend with her powers and is discovered by the bad guy. Bad guy has powers too and used to work with her mom. He captures anyone with similar powers and puts them in a hallucination trance where they think they're not captured. He does this to protect people. He shows her that her mom is a criminal who killed 3 people and offers to train her. Long story short, he's a bad guy and she escapes with her mom helping her.

Anyways, the daughter and mom end up at a cafe. Daughter uses powers to smash a glass to summon bad guy because he can detect their power. At this point the movie is legit a solid 6/10 or 7/10.

Now, you're probably expecting some epic battle of powers because these guys can literally throw anything with their powers, teleport, and go into each other memories. But the daughter teleports in front of the guy, grabs his shirt, and drops him in front of a truck.

Yup most anti-climatic ending ever. There wasn't even a fight. 1/10.
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Nothing Happens
lenhardt-0633823 July 2023
Maybe a great example of a movie that looks pretty but lack any depth. They didn't even go with some kind of cliche philosophy besides mentioning utilitarianism. It's not that it's terrible, but it's worse, it's so average it's not possible to enjoy its badness.

Maybe a great example of a movie that looks pretty but lack any depth. They didn't even go with some kind of cliche philosophy besides mentioning utilitarianism. It's not that it's terrible, but it's worse, it's so average it's not possible to enjoy its badness.

Maybe a great example of a movie that looks pretty but lack any depth. They didn't even go with some kind of cliche philosophy besides mentioning utilitarianism. It's not that it's terrible, but it's worse, it's so average it's not possible to enjoy its badness.
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Mia Issac is the only reason to watch this movie
Kendal25 July 2023
Sad that I have to leave a negative review but the movie is very basic, nothing unique and at times actually boring. There is no real introduction to the world they live in, no real clues. Eventually things pick up more speed and you are lead through a sequence of events that you've seen in some form or another in other movies many times over. Some of the dialogue and interactions feel forced, but I don't blame any of the actors it is really just a mediocre script.

I specifically gave it at least 5 stars solely due to Mia's amazing performance as a young actor, really bringing all the life to this movie. I look forward to seeing her in another film.
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Philip Gelatt's script breaks too many rules
A_Different_Drummer13 July 2023
The problem with this production is the script. And any movie with a damaged script is going to have a real problem finding fans. The story opens with an action-scene that snags the viewer. So far, so good. Then, suddenly, we find ourselves in the middle of what seems an endless spat between a single mom and a difficult teenager. If we listen really closely to the dialog, we can sort of put together that the mother has special "powers" and so does the daughter. But the daughter not only has no interest in controlling her gifts, she also does not believe her mom that there are "bad people" out there who mean them both harm. Worse, the daughter sneaks out the window as soon as mom leaves, and goes to visit a local boy -- something she was never, ever, supposed to do. In other words, you are already 25 mins into the picture and there is no character you care about, no goal you want these characters to achieve, and no empathy at all between viewer and screen. 30 years ago this might have been interesting. In a filmic metaverse of powered people, it is instantly forgettable. And a waste of talent. ((Designated "IMDb Top Reviewer." Please check out my list "167+ Nearly-Perfect Movies (with the occasional Anime or TV miniseries) you can/should see again and again (1932 to the present))
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Think it was written
d-beringer24 August 2023
The mother Oprah look a like made me want to turn it off & specially when she endorses MSM as there "early warning system!!" Early warning to brain washing & lies!!!

Should be called " no grey matter". Knowing it's just fiction but why use a fake tv program to memic what the daughter considers real life!! Fiction within fiction within fiction. Maybe it'll get better but I don't think so!! Nice to see a familiar face from "Hand of God" tv series.. Only thing that's bring any quality so far!! The back ground show isn't funny which is the hardest part to watch, perhaps it was filmed this way to build contrast...
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Way better than I was expecting based off reviews
suzypens21 October 2023
Honestly way better than I was expecting. I needed something decent/new to watch. This is what I needed!

I feel like the only thing missing was a little more substance.

The idea from the movie was better suited for a short tv series. More character development and more of everything lol

But I was thoroughly entertained. Had me on the edge of my seat at times despite being mostly predictable like any other movie. Great popcorn flick.

As compared to "Dark mirror" as some have my opinion that show can be over the top, even perverted. So, yeah. If you're into that kind of thing this movie will probably disappoint.

No profanity in this or nudity. Just your annoying smart mouthed know it all teenager.

I had to make this review long enough to post but I wanted give this one a thumbs up! Too many bad reviews.
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karimii-623396 April 2024
Bad, cliched, untalented actors, awful direction, script for kindergarten kids. I just wasted my time. I wish there was a place where I could complain to them for bothering my time and eyes.

Bad, cliched, untalented actors, awful direction, script for kindergarten kids. I just wasted my time. I wish there was a place where I could complain to them for bothering my time and eyes.

Bad, cliched, untalented actors, awful direction, script for kindergarten kids. I just wasted my time. I wish there was a place where I could complain to them for bothering my time and eyes.

Bad, cliched, untalented actors, awful direction, script for kindergarten kids. I just wasted my time. I wish there was a place where I could complain to them for bothering my time and eyes.
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Under pressure
rob-broekhof-129 September 2023
This tells a story about people under pressure because of their "misfortune" that they're different.

There are many stories like that, but I truly believe that this is one to watch.

There are several points where it seems that the natural point where the story ends has reached, but ... it goes on. In some movies this doesn't work. In this movie it does.

Compared to the movies such as the ones from the X-men series it's less of a visual spectacle and it's not as physically brutal.

Still, when you're vulnerable to very nasty mind games that people play, it might be too much.

So in this movie it's not the amount of blood that enhances the horror, but "merely" people behaving extremely manipulative, because they're empowered to do so ...
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Won't tax your brain
karlevans-756823 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So this is a bit of scanners, firestarter, and every other telekinetic movie you may have seen or not before.

The plot in a nutshell mum and daughter are psionics who can move things around teleport places astral project aswell. Both chased by a shadowy government agency with a baddie psionic in charge.

To be fair it's all pretty good although it sags a bit in the middle.

The special effects are quite good the script is OK, I thought the two leads were quite good and the bad guy was suitably bad!

At 86 minutes it pops along nicely as mother tries to protect her naturally inquisitive teenage daughter coming to terms with her amazing powers.

Definitely worth a look if you have nothing better to do for hour and a half or so!
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Really good
csmcmackin7310 August 2023
This looks like it should have a sequel and I hope they make it. This is an origin story and there needs to be something else other than the typical Marvel and DC. There are so many comics that should be made into movies. This was entertaining and it's good to see the up and coming actors. This movie has a "Firestarter" storyline. They are being hunted for their abilities and the young lady Aurora doesn't not know her own ability. This also is how people who are different get treated as a threat to mankind. I highly recommend this movie if you love the opened third eye. It does seem a little slow but origin stories are typically.
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I'll be watching it again
challam-672-75936618 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
After viewing "Project Greenlight," I was prepared to be disappointed in this film, but it was SO much better than the self-absorbed producers of Greenlight painted it. Yeah, a few problems with the script (I could have used some backstory, and 'Derek's' explanations were wordy and patronizing), but the acting, the flow, the suspense were impeccable, in my opinion. It held my interest every.second and this isn't even a genre I usually watch. I'll be looking for future work by director Meko Winbush, actors Mia Isaac and Jessica Frances Dukes. I'm recommending this to my family & friends, and on social media.

(Project Greenlight didn't do this movie any favors by its backhanded apologies for low budget and short shooting time. I applaud and congratulate Meko Winbush on this intricate and gripping film.
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Watch THIS movie BEFORE getting unfairly biased by Project Greenlight
mk-637-77325330 July 2023
This is an excellent film and I want to see more, (sequels and/or TV series).

I'm not surprised but very disappointed to see so many reviewers of this movie outing themselves as being heavily influenced by the show that chronicles the ALWAYS MESSY filmmaking process.

I was hooked from the start as the director efficiently established the long hard history this mother and daughter have been surviving through, preparing for, and becoming intensely bonded to and reliant on each other. The depth of love and eagerness to teach, learn and protect each other is strong. It's a refreshing change from the usual "we CAN'T use our powers" trope. But, without spoiling anything... of course it's hard to live a sheltered life.

The acting is impeccable. The director's focus on their emotive faces easily conveys their characters' intelligence and make the development of their motivations clear and relatable, often demonstrating how powerful thoughts can and MUST be hidden behind the eyes. This genre often lends itself to hand-holding and overt explanations of everything from the origin story, the "rule making," over-the-top reactions, and all the other cartoonish super-hero outlines. This film is beautifully paced as we discover new things WITH our characters. The world grew from a very humble home and kept building with more vibrance and excitement. The ending was perfect. I can't wait to see what they do next.
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