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The 8 Show (2024– )
Amazing social commentary show
17 May 2024
Another amazing social commentary show from Korea. I binged it all in one day. The premise of the show is incredible. The setting and metaphors, as well as the commentary on how society works, are perfect. The out-of-touch "elite" girl is annoyingly insufferable.

One thing, though, is that I feel like things got a bit too extreme toward the last two episodes. I'm not saying it's impossible for humans to be cruel in the pursuit of money-people have literally killed for money in real life. But for the last two episodes, even though such extreme actions are possible, when it went there so abruptly in the show, it just broke the immersion and suspension of disbelief and make the show felt unsettlingly too weird to watch.

Still, this is a highly recommended show to watch. An important reminder that power corrupts even the most well-intentioned people.
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Worth Watching, But Too Long
12 May 2024
I think the story can be a good lesson on scam awareness, making it worth watching. However, the nearly three-hour runtime felt unnecessarily long to me. The start of the first episode successfully hooked me, but the second episode suffered from repetitive dialogues, filler monologues and seemingly stretched expositions, which all came across to me as redundant.

Showing the efforts made to track down the scammer was intriguing, but I don't think that literally every single detail needs to be depicted so exhaustively. For example, in the second episode, there are many scenes of the journalist selfie style portrait video showing him monologuing to his phone. It's redundant because the journalist was already being interviewed by the film crew.

Towards the end, it felt weird because the journalist seemingly makes all this to be about himself.
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Dark Matter (2024– )
I like it, hope it's more sci-fi though
11 May 2024
Another life drama show wrapped in sci-fi clothing. Don't get me wrong, I love these multi-dimensional concepts. And I think it's interesting enough to keep watching until the end. But instead of making the plot more "grand" with the technology, we have to watch this family drama unfold.

With technology like that, one would hope the story would explore something more profound than just "I want to have my dream life with my dream wife." You could have made this about an apocalyptic event, an ambitious dictator, etc., but here we are stuck with this personal adventure. The acting is great, of course. The pace is slow in the first episode, but it gets better in the second.
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Bodkin (2024– )
Too Slow
11 May 2024
The show had potential, but its pacing was too slow, with numerous scenes where nothing really happened. All the content could have been condensed into half the number of episodes.

I thought they were going to do something interesting with the True Crime Podcast theme, but that wasn't done well either; the podcast thing seemed to be an afterthought. It was tagged as a mystery, dark comedy, and drama, but by trying to do too many things, the overall quality suffered. Apart from the lighting, I don't think it's that 'dark'. I also lost interest in the "mystery" due to repetitive scenes of characters saying things ominously that seemed to lead nowhere.
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Dead Boy Detectives (2024– )
Could be better
27 April 2024
The dynamic between the two 'dead boys' is fun to watch. However, Crystal the psychic seems out of place. Her sudden integration into the group felt forced, and the first episode focuses so much on her that you'd think she founded the agency.

Maybe it should be written better, because at first, I thought Crystal would be just a one-time character as a client. Then, out of nowhere, she suddenly becomes central (like, literally positioned at the center of the screen) in every scene.

Fortunately, things improved in the second episode. I enjoyed every scene that actually focused on the 'detective' part. Crystal character also got better towards the end, so probably just the introduction that's not smooth enough.
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Baby Reindeer (2024)
The Story is Insane!
13 April 2024
This is insane. The story, the woman, every bit of it, just insane. Oh my god. There were so many moments that just made my blood boil.

Somehow, This story is shockingly real, the show is written and produced by the guy this happened to. Even more shockingly, The actor who plays Donny, Richard Gadd, is the guy this stalking situation happened to! I cannot believe one could have the energy to write, produce, and act in a show based on one's own traumatic experience.

Now, I get that Martha is sick, and the series made it clear that she needs help. However, I won't empathize with Martha. Don't confuse empathy with sympathy. Sure, Police/Institutions should learn many things from this Martha situation, and society should provide more resources to those with mental illness. Still, no, I don't empathize. Build many affordable therapy centers, then send her to them, permanently.
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9-1-1: You Don't Know Me (2024)
Season 7, Episode 5
"I'm An Ally"
12 April 2024
This is the first episode in a while that I decided to watch entirely live. I think many would agree that Buck's direction has made the show more interesting and engaging. Interestingly, from what I have seen in general, even those who don't like the "change" are still investing their energy into engaging with it.

As already seen in the promo, Buck went on a 'first date with a dude.' It went about as smoothly as anyone would expect. Awkward at times, a bit cringey at times, but real to what many people in their 'first date with a dude' would feel. Nice acting performance from everyone involved.
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Somehow, It's somewhat hilarious
10 April 2024
LOL All the reality TV tropes are here, even in prison:

  • Classic "you disrespect me!" drama. Also, "How dare you talk to me like that?!" drama
  • Inmates are introduced with close-up footage, multiple angle cuts, posing, lens flare, and dramatic music. Like, hello, these people committed CRIME lol
  • Various things were smashed. Many angry hands movement
  • Inmates having confessional-style reality TV talk to the camera as if they're Kardashians.

The overall experiment itself was somewhat interesting, and there are serious moments in the show. However, I don't think I have absorbed any serious message. It's the prison drama that kept me watching.
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Ripley (2024)
Cool Monochrome
7 April 2024
I have never watched anything in full black-and-white before, so at first I was a bit not into it, but as the show goes on, I think it's an interesting artistic choice. It added a layer of grit and atmosphere, giving a shadowy noir tone to the story. The visuals are a gorgeous play in shadow and light.

Now, the pacing is somewhat slow. While it's clearly intentional and may appeal to some, it's not really my thing.

The casts and the supporting casts all did an amazing job. The production and the location setups are also amazing. The plot of the show is a nice thrilling mix of mystery and suspense.
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9-1-1: Buck, Bothered and Bewildered (2024)
Season 7, Episode 4
Fantastic 911/10
6 April 2024
From the reactions I've seen in general, most are positive, and a few that are reacting to this negatively are likely just being unfair and showing their personal bias.

Regardless, I want to say that I think this is the perfect 100th episode! The crossover with The Bachelor injected a playful dynamic, and the guest stars integrated well into the story.

They finally took Buck's character to an interesting "revelation" that many in the fanbase have been waiting for, and they did it in such a natural way that it doesn't seem forced at all. Kudos to the writers and Oliver Stark for their brilliant portrayal of this storyline. I'm excited to see how Buck's journey unfolds from here.
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Scoop (2024)
OK Scoop
6 April 2024
I like the way it's shown how out of touch the palace crew was, especially before the interview aired when they were saying Andrew did "wonderful."

I think it's just a fine watch, nothing mind-blowing. But it's interesting to get a peek of the supposed behind the scenes of that infamous Prince Andrew interview.

It's not some edge-of-your-seat drama though, which I think is great because not everything needs dramatization. Since it's based on a book of a real event, with some creative changes, don't expect any crazy MI6 agents busting in to shut the interview down or anything like that. It keeps things relatively grounded despite the subject matter.
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The Believers (2024– )
Where there is faith, money follows
3 April 2024
This series nicely explores the intersection of religion, power, and profit. It delves into the murky waters of modern organized religion, where faith and cash collide. In fact, it seemed cash matters more than the religion itself at this point.

The concept is interesting, with strong performances by the lead cast, however some portrayal of the supposed 'ruthless businessman' might seem cringy at times. The evil shark loan personality and dialogues are somewhat comically evil. Yet, overall, it's still a great show. The series constantly introduces new arc and keeps you hooked throughout. For sure, A gem among Thai series on Netflix.
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A Killer Paradox (2024– )
Extremely entertaining
10 February 2024
This show is really worth watching. The plot is super unique and interesting. It keeps me hooked, with lots of exciting, intense, and also some dark comedic undertones. Although, I'll say, the story kinda dragged in the middle and it got somewhat dull for a while before getting back on track.

The cinematography is also well done. Particularly noteworthy are some scenes that are captured in long one-take shots. The editing choice to sometimes cut back and forth between different times also makes it more fun and engaging to watch.

The actors are great. They play the characters' emotions well, especially the two male leads.

While there are some predictable moments in the story, they don't detract from the overall experience. Extremely recommended.
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Jack Whitehall: Settle Down (2024 TV Special)
Casual Fun
4 February 2024
Just watched this stand-up on Netflix, and I really enjoyed it. The humor was both funny and casual, offering a refreshing break from the overly political and controversial specials making headlines on Netflix lately.

While he did include some edgy jokes, which I have no problem with, what I appreciated most was the avoidance of hammering down on the same points over and over, that some comedian might do. The variety of stories kept me entertained, focusing on everyday experiences that made the content relatable. The pacing was great, and the use of the display to show photos also helped keep me engaged with the show.
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Okay Dystopian
4 February 2024
The movie is just okay with a basic dystopian plot that's easy to watch casually. The action sequences look cool. However, the CGI disappoints, especially in the fake building collapse that looks chunky and rubbery.

The main villain is a classic megalomaniac. Cliche "I'm gonna do horrible things to save the world" , "I'm gonna do whatever horrible things to save my daughter" villain. At times, His creepy and unsettling traits become so annoying and breaks immersion.

I'm guessing there's an attempt at social commentary on the education system and wealth, but it falls short in conveying its message, or anything at all, effectively.
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Master of Productions
26 January 2024
I'm a big fan of World War stuffs, so I was excited to watch this show. The visual aspect is absolutely stunning. The sky battles, the way they've captured the aerial combat - it's truly impressive. The production values are remarkable too. The attention to detail in the sets, props, and costumes is meticulous, adding to the immersion of the story. Casting is solid. Talented actors.

Although, at times, Austin Butler sounds weirdly deep, and some characters do feel somewhat one-dimensional and underdeveloped, but I think it's not a major issue. It's still a very entertaining and worthwhile watch for anyone interested in stories like this.
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Good Lesson on Assumptions and Judgment
20 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This documentary is excellent, especially for its ability to challenge preconceptions. It cleverly illustrates how easy it is to form concrete false opinions based on limited information.

For instance, in the first episode, I was "sure" that the boyfriend was the villain. Then, by the second episode, I was "sure" the girlfriend is the "Gone Girl." woman. However, all of these assumptions turned out to be untrue. The real, full picture is revealed in the third episode.

This narrative approach emphasizes the importance of understanding the bigger picture and cautions against making definitive judgments based solely on what we see on the internet.
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Some of these so-called contestants ruined an interesting concept
10 January 2024
What even is this? If this is all genuine and not a horrible script, then many of the contestants are just miserable, reactionary people. The premise is great and interesting, but many of the contestants' actions are nonsensical and annoying.

I don't know if it's edited weirdly or what, but I just don't understand all the rage and "fierce" dialogues in the second episode.

At this point, if someone coughs the wrong way, a certain group of high school bully is going to turn that into a court case, invoke a history lesson on how a cough destroyed Rome, and bully the person who coughed into the ocean.

It's a reality show, so I don't expect much, but I felt like this broke my suspension of disbelief a lot.
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Saltburn (2023)
Weirdly intriguing
23 December 2023
I saw quite a few review saying how gross and extreme this is, so I thought I would hate this. After watching this on Prime, I don't think it's actually 'that' shocking.

Like, sure, there are many 'eww' scenes in there, but all the controversial scenes are done intentionally that way to provoke emotions and serve a purpose in the narrative.

Barry Keoghan's portrayal of Oliver Quick was impressive, with his creepy demeanor and unsettling vibe capturing the character well.

The visual style of the film is notably interesting. It starts off with this sort of dreamy quality and then slowly turns into a nightmare. This shift in tone was not only visually interesting but also felt very symbolic of the story's progression.
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It'd be good if I had never watched the original series.
22 November 2023
The thing is, having watched the original series, I will always, at least subconsciously, compare this to the original show. So, this makes the reality show seem less impressive.

It gets better as more contestants are eliminated, since I can focus more and somewhat connect with the contestants. Still, the portrayal of the contestant emotion can feel exploitative at times.

On the more positive side, it's worth acknowledging the impressive production, effort, and organization behind all this. The willingness to try and do such a large-scale project, while they could have just thrown all these money into pumping out thousands more Love Islands, deserves some praise.
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We Met at Midnight in the Hanging Tree
15 November 2023
As someone who has read the book, seeing it come to life on screen was incredible. It's always interesting to see how certain things from the book were adapted on screen, adding a new experience to the story I've read.

The production value, scene locations, and overall ambiance were simply amazing, capturing the essence and aesthetics of the book properly.

The music, especially "The Hanging Tree", that Katniss sang in the original trilogy, was a highlight, linking this prequel to the original trilogy nicely. Also, the song that Olivia Rodrigo did for this movie "Can't Catch Me Now" fit the film's mood and themes well.
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A Fun and Unique Theater Experience
14 October 2023
The theater I went to encouraged the audience to dance and sing along, which was unique for me since this was the first time I didn't have to sit silently in the movie theater.

Overall, The Eras Tour concert film is an enjoyable and entertaining experience for any music fan, but it will especially be a blast for Taylor Swift's fans. It is a well-made film that captures the essence and excitement of Swift's live shows. The film has good camera work, editing, and sound design that make the viewer feel like they are part of the concert.

However, at the end of the day, this is targeted at Swift's fans, so I think you have to be familiar with Taylor's catalogs to some degree to fully enjoy this. I noticed some viewers who seemingly just tagged along with their loved ones/friends losing enthusiasm and interest after a while since the film runs for almost three hours.
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Fair Play (2023)
Not as thrilling as the trailer portrayed
6 October 2023
The acting in this film is on point, especially by the male lead. Luke's actor did so well that I found myself going from "Oh this guy is handsome" to "I wanna see him die on-screen". The actor embodied the type of man the film aimed to portray. The breakdown of the 'tough guy' image by the end is also acted well.

However, the writing and the plot could've been better. The trailer makes me think the film would focus more on the workplace rivalry thing between the lovers, with them competing against each other with some sly strategies and sabotage. I thought I would see cunning moves and witty plans, but it felt underexplored.
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The Devil's Plan (2023– )
Very Enjoyable, Despite Complex Games
4 October 2023
This show is surprisingly good and enjoyable. I thought it's gonna be just another reality show I have on as a background noise, but this show delivered so much more. The drama and rivalry among contestants kept things interesting. The dynamics between the players keeps me invested and waiting for the next episode.

Now, some of the games can be a bit tricky and quite complicated to follow. At times, I've skipped the long explanations part and just watch the game played out. Surprisingly, watching things unfold often makes more sense than wading through the exam style rules. Overall, The combination of drama, strategy, and heartfelt moments makes this show a must-watch for me.
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The Changeling (2023– )
Great Acting and Production, but Fails in Pacing
10 September 2023
This show is labeled as "Thriller" on Apple TV, but I didn't really sense any of that. Instead, the scenes just dragged on without delivering any genuine tension or excitement. I ended up zoning out through dull dialogues and uninteresting moments. It's a struggle to continue watching this.

Both the production and acting are great, but the pacing and the writing of the storyline do not hold interest. It's far from living up to its trailer.

The pilot episode fails to engage, and the following episodes have also been uninteresting so far. It's a letdown in terms of delivering the suspense and thrill.
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