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True Detective: Night Country: Part 6 (2024)
Season 4, Episode 6
Not surprised by the low ratings & their comments
2 March 2024
As I watched this episode I thought at one point how profound it was so see women be the focus, women's experiences, the depth of their feelings and complexities a real and relatable way.

However I can understand why some viewers who are self identifying in their reviews, maybe have never experienced women being shown in this way and watching is making them feel uncomfortable.

The themes were so strong, the acting was incredibly good and it dealt with some of the same ideas as Season 1 - what it means to be truly alive, finding hope after darkness, righting profound wrongs. I can see why this is a part of the overall series - although I never watched S2 or S3.

Like many I watched for Jodie Foster but Kali Reis was really compelling as well. I enjoyed experiencing indigenous Alaskan community and what life is like in a part of the world so different from my own (I'm in nyc).

What I can't understand is why people watched all the way through the series if they didn't get or enjoy it. This is intelligent programming designed to offer a critique of what we're used to seeing by showing it in its realism.

Overall I enjoyed the series and I'm glad I watched.

That being said, I didn't understand the final scene at all so might need to do a deeper dive on that one.
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Boarders (2024– )
Really good series
23 February 2024
Pretty good series - I'm only 3 episodes in but it sucked me in from the very first episode. It's really absorbing and does a good job of mixing serious social and on point racial commentary with laugh out loud comedy. The characters show a lot of heat and are likable, well developed and unpredictable.

It's hard to guess what direction people are going to go in because the characters are so layered with no one appearing one dimensional. It's been a long time since I've seen something so good like this on British TV and it's nice to have something other than a political or police drama to watch and get sucked into.

It's also nice to know that slang hasn't changed too much and the social media girls are particularly on point.
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True Detective: Night Country: Part 5 (2024)
Season 4, Episode 5
Pretty good episode
10 February 2024
Don't understand the reviewers who say this is a boring show and nothing happens. It's a slow burn, which is what it's meant to be. That doesn't mean it's not good it means it's not the type these reviewers like that's all.

This was a gripping episode, several very important pieces of the puzzle came to light and it ended on a real cliffhanger, which I can't wait to see the conclusion of.

Things I like about this series include getting an insight into the lives of indigenous Alaskans, it shows a lovely culture of community and care.

What I don't like is Danvers lack of understand for her step daughter. If it was me I'd have walked out and never looked back but Leah hasn't yet. I feel like in the end Danvers is going to say she tried to keep her under control because she was scared of losing her. If that's the case it will be a lot obvious, if she doesn't then I'm not sure I understand that character much at all.

This episode was a lot to take but I can't wait for the conclusion. The acting here is excellent. Love the story and pacing and dialogue.

What I can't understand is people who don't enjoy it watching week after week only to come and complain that it's too slow. It's a genre, if it's not for you just say you like shows that are in your face and spell out the subtext for you instead of complaining about this excellent - female driven - show that is riveting, thoughtful and very intense.
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Past Lives (2023)
Lovely film
22 January 2024
Watched this on a flight recently and it was very good. Hard to explain why but it was thoughtful and loving and romantic. Greta Lee is great in everything she does honestly and this one was extra special.

It wasn't the film of the year for me but it's definitely up there and if you watch it you won't be sorry. A very good thoughtful mood movie that will draw a lot of emotion from you towards the characters and be grateful for such a sweet story, very well told.

One thing I will say is that it's presented as though the film is told over a single week but actually there is a lot of build up to this and the story is told in three parts.
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Saltburn (2023)
Lots of good fun and WTF moments
22 January 2024
It's clear this film isn't for everyone. Sometimes when a plot isn't spoon fed to the audience you lose that audience but it's ok, not everything is for everyone.

Personally I thought it was very well done.

Perhaps it is being British myself that I can see this is clearly a riotous comedy in the vein of poking fun not just at the upper crust but also those who aspire to it.

People seem to think this is a thriller but it seems to me more like a set them up then watch the dominos fall film.

Rosamund Pike has so many witty one liners and Richard grant is just perfect along with Carey mulligan as Poor Dear Pamela. I could delve into what does it say about class, privilege, social mobility etc but none of that matters. I think Emerald Fennell captured a cartoonish yet almost believable representation of the out of touch old money families of the UK and what it may be like not to have a financial care in the world.

Barry Keoghan is equal parts charismatic and revolting as evidenced by his actions but we are never given more that the briefest sense of why, which doesn't matter because this is an absurd bit of fun that stays with you for days after.

And about that last scene, I recently discovered it's a redux of the original video for murder on the dance floor. So there you go.

I found this film, funny, gross and very memorable. Emerald Fennell did a great job.
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Candy Cane Lane (I) (2023)
We enjoyed it
26 December 2023
Truthfully I'd watch anything with Eddie Murphy in it - same for Tracee Ellis Ross so maybe I'm biased but we did really enjoy it.

Perhaps the low overall score is because it wasn't laugh out loud funny which we usually expect from Eddie Murphy but rather it was a more traditional take on the Christmas movie with a little claymation mixed in and they did it beautifully.

My kids 6-10 and I 46 all loved it.

Think high concept Christmas adventure around Christmas tradition versus laugh out loud modern Christmas whacky film.

We loved it and I'm surprised to see such a low overall score because the film deserves better.
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Elemental (2023)
Better than expected
24 September 2023
Having written this film off based on the trailer, which frankly looked very stupid I reluctantly watched on Disney+ at my kids request.

This is a much more beautiful and emotional movie than I had expected. Whoever did the marketing for this should be fired. The film was nothing like the trailer.

It was a classic immigrant story told with the most beautiful visuals I've seen for a long time. Individual frames were as beautiful as paintings and there was a lot of heart.

Yes it's a classic story but it had a lot of modern elements around class, ethnicity and parental expectations and they were done well.

Sooooo much better than I expected.
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Fresh original and brilliant.
18 June 2023
A simply great documentary about Biz Markie. If like me you knew only a little this will fill in everything about the man, who he was, how he worked with so many incredible artists and made an amazing career for himself. With unique graphics, music and animation this isn't your run of the mill cookie cutter documentary, this doc carries Biz's legacy of bringing people joy and will make you smile with his wit and silliness. From back in a Long Island high school cafeteria his family and friends paint some a vivid picture that hand to god the screening broke out in song of Just a Friend.

Go see it!
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Really beautiful portrait of an artist
2 December 2022
Didn't know what to expect going into the film. I thought I knew who Louis Armstrong was but this film shows me I knew nothing but the records.

There are so many ways to make a biographical documentary but this was such a unique way. To make this Louis account of his own life and those who truly knew and played with him elevates the film so deeply. You get a real essence of Louis the person not just the performer, which this film goes to great pains to tell you was just one side and at the same time everything of who he was. The animated segments are the most enjoyable outside of learning musically what made him so special.

I would definitely recommend anyone to see this wonderful documentary about the late great Louis Armstrong, in his own words.
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Moon Knight (2022)
Pretty good...
3 April 2022
Happened to catch the first episode while staying at an Airbnb with Disney+. I'm not a colossal Marvel TV follower nor have I seen much of Oscar Isaac before. But this was objectively very engaging if a little gory. As a Brit living in the US I usually deteste people 'doing' a British accent but that was better than the average. The story moves at a good clip, twists, turns and lots of the unexpected. I may get Disney+ to watch the rest of it. Bloody good show.
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I enjoyed it!
3 October 2021
It wasn't the Sopranos, obviously. You can't make the same magic twice but it was fun. Like many reviewers mention the story is a little weak but the casting was spot on, Silvio, Pussy, Junior and Paulie were uncanny. It has the same balance of violence drama and comedy as Sopranos and I wasn't disappointed. Likewise wasn't entirely sure what the filmmakers were going for with the Leslie Odom Jr storyline but it lacked enough depth to make a strong impact.

So overall, weak confusing story, but told extremely well nonetheless with good acting and dialogue.
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The Chair (2021)
Generally good but...
26 August 2021
Perhaps I'm the right sort of age for this - mid forties - but I found this pretty funny and of course Sandra Oh is always compelling to watch.

What I find hard to get my head around is that while the subject matter and in fact what the characters are often talking about is race, gender and inequality, the characterization does not live up to those ideals. The characterization of white men, women and people of color are very tired and old. The female chair is always scrambling and in a panic perpetuating the idea that women are less capable in leadership positions, the sole black teacher has no backstory and exists only in relation to the other characters. There is a very typical white male role - 'brilliant washed up professor' who behaves without responsibility but it's excused because he's 1. Brilliant and 2. Sad. So bored of that narrative. The only decent representation is Joan for being a badass but still relies on the old trope that older woman doesn't feel appealing so says what's on her mind because she's nothing to lose.

If you're going to make a series that talks explicitly about issues of gender, race and inequality then your work need to be above what you're critiquing. Otherwise you're not hitting the nail on the head so much as missing the mark entirely. Which is a shame because you can see they're trying.

Perhaps more diversity in the leadership roles and less from the types of people who brought us the death of Khaleesi.
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Essential viewing
20 April 2021
Abstract, historical and utterly unflinching. There are no words that will do this documentary series justice for how vital it is. Raoul himself says in episode 4 that even getting a program like this made is remarkable. It's certainly a little different in style than most docs blending archival, music, personal narrative and dramatic reconstruction but for me personally it works because that is Raoul's style. There are so many reasons why this is so important but absolute clarity on who we are and how we got here is vital for our decision making for who we want to be going forward.
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Downhill (I) (2020)
Painful to watch
1 December 2020
So painful, was actually grateful to switch off halfway through. Why make JLD so shrill? It was a rare miss for these directors
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