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The Acolyte (2024– )
5 June 2024
I just finished watching The Acolyte and the first word that comes to mind is disappointing. I was really hoping for better. I'm a Star Wars fan so I was really looking forward to this. I do admit that the visuals here are incredible. The acting wasn't horrible either, it's the writing that's bad which seems like the ongoing issue with these Star Wars shows, except for The Mandalorian which was great. When the writing is this bad then it doesn't matter who the actors are or how good the show looks because it's still a bad show. Hopefully this will get better if they do another season but I'm not counting on it.
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Citadel (2023– )
Entertaining Enough
4 June 2024
Personally I thought Citadel was every bit as good as I had hoped it would be but with so many mixed reviews my advice would be to just go watch it for yourself. It's about two spies who loved each other (Richard Madden and Priyanka Chopra) but have their memories wiped after their agency was destroyed by a powerful syndicate. It's now 8 years later and they have built their own lives with new identities and no memory of being spies. They then try to get their memories back to help prevent a New World Order from happening. This kind of story has been done numerous times before but Citadel still does it with a fresh new take. Some of it is unbelievable but just turn your mind off and enjoy it for what it is and that's an action packed thriller.
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Ahsoka (2023– )
Entertaining Enough
3 June 2024
I actually enjoyed Ahsoka a lot more than I expected to. After reading all the mixed reviews I was expecting a slow moving, boring show but this was anything but. I was very entertained from the very first episode to the last. I was actually wanting more episodes when it was all ove he r. I know they're already talking about renewing this for another season so I hope they go through with that. The cast here is terrific. Obviously Rosario Dawson is great as Ahsoka but it's the supporting cast which makes this show that much better. It is extremely talented cast with Natasha Lou Bordizzo, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Wes Chatham, David Tennant, the late great Ray Stevenson, and many more. You can tell they put a lot lot of love into this because the attention to detail is very obvious. While it's I not as good as the Mandalorian or Andor, it's still a good show in its own right.
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Succession (2018–2023)
Really Enjoyed It
3 June 2024
I actually enjoyed Succession but it's definitely a show that's not for everyone. The majority of the people I know end up loving up but there are those who don't like it too. You'll have to judge for yourself. What can you say about it that hasn't already been said? First off this show has won the Emmy for Best Drama every season it's been on and literally every major character has been nominated or won an Emmy for their work on this show. It's also one of the highest rated shows here so it's not only a hit with the critics but the fans love it too. Bottom line is this is one of the best shows ever created. It's one of the rare shows where every season is just as good as the others. There's no let down or weak season. This show is not for everyone though. If you are looking for action and a fast paced show then this isn't for you. What makes this series so special is the writing and acting. It will suck you into their world and won't let go. I can't recommend this show enough but again not everyone has is going to like it.
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Parks and Recreation (2009–2015)
One of the best comedies ever
30 May 2024
Parks and Recreation is absolutely, without a doubt, one of the best comedies ever created! I never really watched it when it was originally on but heard such great things about it through the years that I thought I'd give it a chance and I was absolutely blown away by how funny it was! The first season wasn't as good because the show was still trying to find itself so don't judge it by that, you could actually just skip the entire first season, but from then on every season is great. Also, the cast is terrific. Every single character on the show will make you laugh out loud and are funny enough to have their own spin-off. I promise you that you will not regret watching this hilarious show.
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Outer Range (2022– )
Slow paced but interesting and original
29 May 2024
Outer Range is a slow paced but very interesting and enjoyable sci-fi western. I've read a lot of people comparing it to shows like Yellowstone, Twin Peaks and X-Files and that's exactly what it reminded me of, a combination of those three shows. Obviously it's not as good as those, especially Yellowstone, but it's still worth watching. Not everyone will like this because it has a slower pace and takes a while before questions are answered. Josh Brolin absolutely kills it (as usual) and Tom Pelfrey was just nominated for an Emmy last year for his role in Ozark and he's just as good in this, he's such a good actor, actually the entire cast is amazing. My only complaint about this show is the amount of time between seasons, I mean over two years went by between season one and two. That's ridiculous. Who can remember everything with that long of a break? Anyway, it's a series definitely worth watching.
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I've Enjoyed It
22 May 2024
I actually enjoyed Interview with the Vampire even more than I thought I would. I liked the movie so I thought this would be a disappointment but it wasn't. Far from it. This one actually takes place in our current year. Vampire Louie de Pointe du Lac is currently living in Dubai and is telling his live story to a journalist. The story starts in New Orleans in the 20th century and shows how he met vampire Lestat du Lioncourt and how they started their family with the two of them and teen vampire Claudia. It's much like the movie where the story follows the Louie telling his story to the journalist. It's also different in many ways to the movie, not bad just different. I'm not even sure what I like more the movie or this show. I liked it enough that I binged the the whole first season in just a couple days.
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Shōgun (2024–2026)
Not for everyone
22 May 2024
Shogun is everything I hoped it would be and more. I've been looking forward to this ever since I first heard about it. My excitement grew even more when I saw the trailer. On top that it's gotten great reviews and currently has a 100% on Rotten Tomatoes. I thought my expectations were going to be too much and it'd be a let down but it's not. It's everything I'd hoped and more. I love this kind of genre. This premise kind of looked like The Last Samurai movie with Tom Cruise and I loved that movie as well. The story is told from the perspective of a British hero named John Blackthorne and his crew as they help Lord Torango in his war. This series just pulls you into their world and doesn't let go and you don't want it to. I've enjoyed every second of this.
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Halo (2022– )
Solid Sci-fi Series
16 May 2024
I never played the Halo games so I didn't really know what to expect but I have to say I really liked it. First off, Pablo Schreiber is such an underrated actor and does an excellent job in almost everything he does and he's great as the lead here. It seems that most of the people who don't like it is because it's not exactly like the video game. These shows need to be adapted for tv so there going to be a little different. Most people don't read the source material and don't care but I guess some of the ones who do know it do mind. As long as it's entertaining I've never cared if they change it up a little. This story is well written, the acting is good, and there's plenty of action and drama to keep you interested throughout the series. I absolutely recommend this to anyone who's a fan of sci-fi or action.
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15 May 2024
The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live might be the best of all the spinoffs. I was initially hesitant about watching these spinoffs considering the last few seasons of The Walking Dead and Fear the Walking Dead was so up and down (and the other spinoffs have been downright awful) but I've actually really enjoyed all three of the new spinoffs much more than I anticipated. This is the one everyone's been looking forward to for years now. They originally announced a 3 movie deal about continuing Rick Grimes story that was suppose to happen back in 2020 but it never came. Then they changed it to this spinoff and I love it. Andrew Lincoln and Danai Gurira return to their roles of Rick and Michonne. I hope they continue to do multiple seasons of this like they are with the other two spinoffs because they've all been great.
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Gen V (2023– )
Solid Spin-off
12 May 2024
As a big fan of The Boys I've been looking forward to Gen V ever since I first heard about it. Then after seeing the trailers my excitement grew even more. After watching the first few episodes I can absolutely say without a doubt that Gen V has not only met my expectations but has exceeded them in every way. It's as fast paced and entertaining as the The Boys series. Even though you'd probably enjoy this more if you've seen the The Boys, you don't have to have seen them to like this. The action scenes are as good as anything I've seen on tv, as exciting and ridiculous as they are in The Boys. I can't stop watching this and really hope they plan on doing several seasons of this because I'm hooked.
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Fallout (2024– )
Better Than Expected
12 May 2024
Fallout is even better than I expected. It's up there as one of the best video game adaptations ever. Fallout takes pace a couple hundred years after a nuclear apocalypse and people have to live in underground bunkers to protect themselves. There is a world going on above full of radiation that's created mutants and a lawless society full of evil people and violence. All the people living in these underground communities are forced to come up and live. Ella Purcell stars as Lucy, one of the people who's never been above ground before and wasn't prepared for the lawless society it has become. One of the most underrated actors ever in Walton Goggins steals the show once again as a mutant bandit. This series is just flat out awesome.
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Ms. Marvel (2022)
Not Marvels best but it's worth watching
11 May 2024
Ms. Marvel tells the story of teenager Kamala Khan who is a fanatic for superheroes, especially her personal hero Captain Marvel. Kamala feels like an outsider in every aspect of her life, from school to even her own family. She then gets her own superpowers and starts to gain a lot of confidence and tries to follow in the footsteps of all the other great superheroes who she admires so much. I have to admit I didn't have high expectations going in but the series is engaging enough that it held my attention throughout the season. It only has six 45 minute episodes so it's an easy binge. If you're a Marvel fan then give this a try, especially because she's starting to play a bigger part in the started earlier this year in the Captain Marvel sequel The Marvels.
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House of the Dragon (2022– )
Love It
7 May 2024
I've been looking forward to House of the Dragon since the spin-off was first announced. The majority of the reviews and ratings have been great so that only enhanced my excitement. I told myself I'd be happy if it was half as good as the original and I can say that without a doubt that it is. While it's obviously not as good as the original (not much is) it definitely is still a really good show that will no doubt be successful. It has the same Game of Thrones feel with all the action, drama, mystery, etc. People who don't like it either didn't want to because they hate everything or are comparing it to the original...don't. Just take it for what it is and that's a really good show! It was the most watched premiere in HBO history and has already been renewed for another season. This is going to have a long run so I hope it continues to get better and better like the original.
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Not Marvels best
3 May 2024
I enjoyed She-Hulk more than I thought I would. I know the reviews have been mixed and most of the negative reviews all say the same thing and that's how is she stronger and better than the original Hulk already and that she comes off as unlikable. I agree with that to a point but I still think the show is pretty entertaining. Mark Ruffalo is as terrific as always. He's not only a great Hulk/Bruce Banner but he's just a flat out great actor in just about everything he does. Tatiana Maslany does a good job as She-Hulk but I agree they need to tone down that she's better than Hulk at everything. They have a phenomenal cast overall with those two, Charlie Cox, Benedict Wong, Tim Roth & Jameela Jamil who are all great actors doing a great job as usual. Bottom line is I had a lot of fun watching it and would recommend it to any fan of the MCU.
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Hanna (2019–2021)
I found it pretty entertaining
3 May 2024
It's finally got around to watching Hanna and have to say I found it pretty entertaining. I never saw the movie so I had no expectations going into it. I know some fans of the movie didn't like it and then there are others who say it was even better. I do know that the series has a very solid 7.6 rating here and the movie a less solid 6.7. Anyway, I was thoroughly entertained throughout the entire series and glad they were able to give it a proper ending instead of a cliffhanger. It's only 3 seasons with 22 total episodes so it's an easy binge. It actually watches better as a binge watch instead of waiting over a year between seasons and forgetting what was happening. If you're looking for a solid thriller with plenty of action then give Hanna a try.
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Peaky Blinders (2013–2022)
2 May 2024
Peaky Blinders is not only one of the most underrated TV shows of all-time but it's also one of the greatest shows of all-time. It's even better than all of the hype and love it gets as more and more people are watching it and loving it. It's quickly becoming one of the better shows ever created. If you want to see how loved this show really is all you have to do is read through some of the reviews or look at the ratings. It's one of the rare shows where every season is just as great as the others. I just read they plan on doing a movie to end the show and I can't wait! If you haven't seen this amazing show yet then do yourself a favor and go watch it immediately.
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3 Body Problem (2024– )
Hooked me from the start
29 April 2024
3 Body Problem is here and it did not disappoint. First of all I've never read any of the books so I have nothing to compare it to or be disappointed about. I can just take it for what it is and that's a really good sci-fi series. They've been talking about and hyping this show up for years now. The creators of Game of Thrones (David Benioff and D. B. Weiss) are the creators of this show to show that brings a lot of expectations with it. I'm glad they released it on Netflix so we get all the episodes at one time because I couldn't stop watching. There will be haters out there who live to hate everything but don't let that deter you because this is worth every second.
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White Collar (2009–2014)
Just a fun show
22 April 2024
Even though White Collar originally was on from 2009-2015, I just now got around to watching it now in 2024. I'm actually upset with myself for not watching it earlier because it was a really fun show to watch. Netflix acquired the rights last year and it immediately went to the Top 10 watched list and stayed there for months. It did so well that they're talking about rebooting it again. The reason the show works so well is its two stars, Matt Bomer (Neal Caffrey) and Tim DeKay (Peter Burke). Their chemistry is just fantastic. I'm currently on Season 4 right now. I've been flying through it, watching several episodes at a time. This is just an easy show to watch so if you're looking for a show that's just a fun watch then give White Collar a try.
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The Last of Us (2023– )
Some will like it and some won't.
21 April 2024
I actually understand why some people love the show and some people don't like it. For me...I thought The Last of Us was one of the best new shows of the year. I never played the game so I wasn't really sure what to expect going in. I then saw the trailer and read all the great reviews so my expectations rose even more. Well, it not only met those expectations but surpassed them in every way. Pedro Pascal has to be one of the most underrated actors on the planet. He's terrific in everything he's ever done and this is no different. He carries the show again. The rest of the cast is great as well, Bella Ramsey, who play the girl Ellie, has a bright future ahead of her. I hope they make of bunch of seasons (as long as the quality stays the same).
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Sons of Anarchy (2008–2014)
Absolutely Love This Show
20 April 2024
Sons of Anarchy is absolutely, without a doubt one of my favorite shows of all-time. It's one of the few shows that I love so much that I've watched it all the way through several times and probably will again in the near future. The cast is absolutely incredible, led by the underrated Charlie Hunnam as Jax Teller. It also has so many other career performances by actors like Ron Perlman, Katy Segal, Tommy Flanagan, Ryan Hurst, Kim Coates and many more. If you haven't seen this yet I'm warning you now to give yourself enough time because you're going to want to binge it as fast as you can. Love, love, love this show!
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Ozark (2017–2022)
I liked it but couldn't stand Wendy (Laura Linney)
19 April 2024
I know it hasn't been long since it ended but I already miss Ozark. This show absolutely, without a doubt, lives up to all the hype it gets! It's a gripping thriller where the tension continues to build throughout each episode and each season and then pays off in a huge way! It really is a must watch show! People like to compare it to Breaking Bad and while I don't agree with that comparison because BB is the better show, Ozark is still terrific and worth every second. The one thing I can't stand about this show is Laura Linney's character (Wendy)! While I don't mind Linney as an actress, because she's a pretty good one, in this she plays an annoying know it all who doesn't appreciate everything Marty (Jason Bateman) has done for the her and the family. Again, it's not her fault, it's just the way her character was written and as annoying as she was it still doesn't take away from the fact that this is such a phenomenal show.
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Looking forward to next season
17 April 2024
The original Justified is one of my favorite shows of all-time. I'm excited to see where this is going but so far the only thing I know is I can't stand the daughter. Having said that, besides hating the daughter, Justified: City Primeval is one of the best new shows in years. This takes place 15 years after the original ended and Raylan Givens (Timothy Olyphant) is now a Marshall in Florida until a case brings him to Detroit to chase a violent sociopath (Boyd Holbrook). The writing and acting is what makes this show so special. This has absolutely lived up the original and has gotten nothing but great reviews by just about everyone. I believe this is only a limited series back for just this one season but I really hope they change their minds in that because this was terrific and you can't have enough Justified in my opinion.
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8 April 2024
Masters of the Air is every bit as good as I hoped it would be. There are a ton of war movies and series to choose from so for you to watch one it would have to be pretty special and stick out from the rest. Well, Masters of the Air definitely does that. It's worth every second watching this. This is a star studded cast both in front and behind the camera. It's produced by Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks, the same two who made the perfect Band of Brothers. Th e cast is also amazing. It stars a pair is Oscar nominees from last year in Austin Butler and Barry Keoghan, it also stars a handful of up and coming stars in Callum Turner, Anthony Boyle, Nate Mann, etc. The story takes place during World War II. It's about the airmen who risk their lives and the brotherhood of the 100th Bomb Group. This has the feel and look of a big blockbuster summer movie. You can tell Apple put in a lot of money into this and it's beautiful. Be prepared to go through every single emotion because this series takes you on a ride. Once you start you won't want to stop watching.
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Sugar (2024– )
Hope the do multiple seasons
8 April 2024
I wasn't really sure what to expect going into Sugar, I wasn't familiar with the story at all but Colin Farrell was starring in it so I was definitely going to at least give it a chance. I'm glad I did because I really enjoyed it. Anytime a A-list actor like Farrell does a tv show I'm usually going to give it a chance because if it's good enough to get a big name like that it must be worth watching. There are a ton of detective shows to choose from out there, it seems like even more so this year, so a show must be good enough to stick out from the bunch to get people to watch and Sugar is. The acting & writing aren't the only good things going for this show, it's also beautifully shot. It has a real stylish throwback to classic noir films to it. Bottom line, Sugar is worth your time.
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