Titanic (1997) Poster


Victor Garber: Thomas Andrews



  • Rose : Mr. Andrews... I saw the iceberg and I see it in your eyes... please, tell me the truth.

    Thomas Andrews : The ship will sink.

    Rose : You're certain?

    Thomas Andrews : Yes. In an hour or so, all of this will be at the bottom of the Atlantic.

    Cal Hockley : What?

    Thomas Andrews : Please, tell only who you must. I don't want to be responsible for a panic. And get to a boat quickly, don't wait. You remember what I told you about the boats?

    Rose : Yes... I understand.

  • Ismay : [Andrews enters room with crew behind him; he lays out architectural drawings on table, with Ismay behind him]  Most unfortunate, captain!

    Thomas Andrews : [perspiring and trembling]  Water... fourteen feet above the keel in ten minutes. In the forepeak, in all three holds and in the boiler room six.

    Ismay : When can we get underway, damnit!

    Thomas Andrews : That's five compartments! She can stay afloat with the first four compartments breached, but not five!

    [tersely to Smith] 

    Thomas Andrews : Not five. As she goes down by the head, the water will spill over the tops of the bulkheads at E deck from one to the next. Back and back. There's no stopping it.

    Smith : The pumps... if we opened the doors...

    Thomas Andrews : [interrupting]  The pumps buy you time, but minutes only. From this moment, no matter what we do, Titanic will founder.

    Ismay : [incredulously]  But this ship can't sink!

    Thomas Andrews : She's made of iron, sir! I assure you, she can... and she will. It is a mathematical certainty.

    Smith : How much time?

    Thomas Andrews : An hour... two at most.

    Smith : And how many aboard, Mr. Murdoch?

    1st Officer William Murdoch : 2,200 souls on board, sir.

    Smith : [turning to Ismay]  Well, I believe you may get your headlines, Mr. Ismay.

  • Thomas Andrews : [having broken his promise to Rose]  I'm sorry that I didn't build you a stronger ship, young Rose.

  • Rose : Mr. Andrews, forgive me. I did the sum in my head and with the number of lifeboats times the capacity you mentioned, forgive me, but it seems that there are not enough for everyone aboard.

    Thomas Andrews : 'Bout half, actually. Rose, you miss nothing, do you?

  • Thomas Andrews : Mr. Lightoller, why are the boats being launched half full?

    Second Officer Charles Herbert Lightoller : Not now, Mr. Andrews.

    Thomas Andrews : Look, 20 or so in a boat built for 65? And I saw one boat with only 12, 12!

    Second Officer Charles Herbert Lightoller : Well, we weren't sure of the weight, Mr. Andrews. These boats may buckle.

    Thomas Andrews : Rubbish! They were tested in Belfast with the weight of 70 men! Now, fill these boats, Mr. Lightoller, for God's sake, man!

    Second Officer Charles Herbert Lightoller : Please, I need more women and children, please!

  • Thomas Andrews : Sleep soundly, young Rose, for I have built you a good ship, strong and true, she's all the lifeboats you need.

  • Rose : Mr Andrews? Mr Andrews? Thank God! Where would the master of arms take someone under arrest?

    Thomas Andrews : What? You have to get to a lifeboat right away!

    Rose : No! I'm doing this with or without your help sir. But without will take longer.

    Thomas Andrews : Take the elevator to the very bottom, then go to the left, down the crewman passage, then go right, then left again at the stairs and you'll come to a long corridor.

  • Ruth : Tell us of the accomodations in steerage, Mr. Dawson. I hear they're quite good on the ship.

    Jack : The best I've seen, Ma'am. Hardly any rats.

    [laughter from the table] 

    Cal Hockley : Mr. Dawson is joining us from the Third Class. He was of some assistance to my fiancée last night.

    Rose : It turns out that Mr. Dawson is quite a fine artist. He was kind enough to show me some of us work today.

    Cal Hockley : Rose and I differ somewhat in our opinion of fine art...

    [to Jack] 

    Cal Hockley : Not to impune you work, sir.

    Jack : [Jack shrugs it off as no offense; Jack looks down at his utensils, confused as which to use, he turns to Molly Brown]  Are these all for me?

    Molly Brown : Just start from the outside and work your way in.

    Ismay : He has every rivet in it, don't you, Thomas?

    Rose : Your ship is a wonder, Mr. Andrews, truly.

    Thomas Andrews : Thank you, Rose.

    Waiter : [to Jack]  How do you take your caviar, sir?

    Jack : No caviar for me, thanks. Never did like it much.

    Ruth : And where exactly do you live, Mr. Dawson?

    Jack : Well, right now, my address is the RMS Titanic, after that, I'm on God's good humor.

    Ruth : And how is it you have means to travel?

    Jack : I work my way from place to place, you know, tramp steamers and such, but I won my ticket on Titanic here in a lucky hand of poker, a very lucky hand.

    Col. Archibald Gracie : All life is a game of luck.

    Cal Hockley : A real man makes his own luck, Archie. Right, Dawson.

    Jack : Mm-hmm.

    Ruth : And you find that sort of rootless existence appealing, do you?

    Jack : Well, yes, ma'am, I do. I mean, I've got everything I need right here with me. I've got air in my lungs and a few blank sheets of paper. I mean, I love waking up in the morning not knowing what's going to happen or...

    [Eating of piece of bread] 

    Jack : ... Who I'm gonna meet, where I'm gonna wind up. Just the other night, I was sleeping under a bridge and now, here I am on the grandest ship in the world having champagne with you fine people.

    [to the waiter] 

    Jack : I'll take some more of that.

    [Back to the table] 

    Jack : I figured life's a gift and I don't intend on wasting it. You never know what hand you're gonna get dealt next. You learn to take life as it comes at you.

    [Seeing Cal getting ready to light up a cigarette, he throws Cal his lighter] 

    Jack : Here you go, Cal.

    [Back to the table] 

    Jack : To make each day count.

    Molly Brown : Well said, Jack.

    Col. Archibald Gracie : Here, here.

    Rose : [Raising her glass for a toast]  To making it count.

    [the table joins in on the toast] 

  • Thomas Andrews : Mr. Lightoller! Why are the boats being launched half full?

    2nd Officer Lightoller : Not now, Mr. Andrews.

    Thomas Andrews : [points to a departing lifeboat]  There, look. Twenty or so in a boat built for 65? And I saw one boat with only twelve. Twelve!

    2nd Officer Lightoller : Well, we weren't sure of the weight, Mr. Andrews. These boats may buckle.

    Thomas Andrews : Rubbish. They were tested in Belfast with the weight of seventy men! Now, fill these boats, Mr. Lightoller, for God's sake, man!

    2nd Officer Lightoller : [turns to look at the departing lifeboat; turns back to the crowd]  Please! I need more women and children, please!

See also

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