Green Lantern (2011) Poster


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Movie could have been so much better
abecip20 June 2011
As someone who's followed Green Lantern a little bit of a decent amount (not big but fairly decent, for DC character), I liked some things about the movie; but I definitely say that it could have been made better, both for casual fans, non-GL fans or hard core ones.

Good points... 1. It stuck fairly consistently with the mythos of the origin and Planet OA; 2. Ryan Reynolds did decently as Hal Jordan (though he fits more with the Kyle Rayner/Guy Gardner type than Jordan) -- but I wish he was more serious; though non-GL fans couldn't care less about this; 3. Blake Lively was eye candy; super hot, but not much else; 4. Green Lanterns Tomar Re, Kilowog and Abin Sur were damn good but didn't have enough screen time to be significant; 5. Mark Strong's Sinestro was excellent! 6. Hector Hammond was well portrayed by Peter Saarsgard (though it lacked a proper finish) 7. Good supporting cast from Tim Robbins (Sen. Hammond) to Angela Bassett (Amanda Waller); 8. Green Lantern's costume was wicked; 9. Visual/CGI effects were pretty good

Bad Points... > It tried to fit too much into one movie, moving back and forth from Earth and outer space/OA, thus there was no proper flow... (like when there was a build up of momentum, things go slow or boring; or from serious to funny without proper pacing); too many stories were crammed into one movie > Humor was misplaced at times (good peg is Thor which had it in the flow rather than contrived/forced) > Parallax looked comical; scary at times but only a couple of times > Like Iron Man 2, I wish the fight scenes were so much more; they spent too much on the set-up that the fights were short and could have been so much more and elaborate. > Some scenes and even some characters were not necessary (Hal's best friend, even some scenes with Blake's Carol Ferris were not needed); they should have added more action instead

Summary, visual effects, actors, GL base story good. But the way the writers and director put things together were a mixture of various plots and subplots crazy glued into one movie for pure entertainment. Kids will enjoy it, but adults likely will not. This is a summer of superheroes, with 3 down and one more to go (well, technically 5 with Transformers if you're thinking comic book stories), so it's quite impossible not to compare them to each other.

The director is known to direct good flicks like Goldeneye and Casino Royale (two good movies), but I wish he did more; studied more, had split up more stories to be more single- minded and not work on a cluttered material.
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Not bad, not good, just mildly average
TheLittleSongbird10 July 2011
I like superhero movies as much as the next person, having grown up on the likes of Superman and Batman. Green Lantern is not the worst superhero movie, but far from the best either. For me it was just a mildly average and somewhat bland movie, that didn't live up to the potential it had.

Getting the good things out of the way, I did like the cinematography, settings and costumes very much, and while they weren't among the best or most detailed I've seen the effects were better than average apart from Parralex. The score/soundtrack by James Newton Howard compliments the film very nicely, Martin Campbell's direction is assured and there are classy turns from Mark Strong, Tim Robbins and Peter Sarsgaard.

On the other hand, Ryan Reynolds didn't quite work for me. Now don't get me wrong, I initially found him an ideal choice in the title role. The problem is not that Reynolds is bad, actually he is quite spirited in the role, it's just that the character himself like a lot of the characters in the movie is irritatingly bland. Blake Lively is cute and lovely, but her performance goes little beyond that. The story starts off well with an intriguing idea, being an origin story and all, but is bogged down by too many characters, tedious pacing and too thin a story for such a running time consequently some scenes seemed as though they were going on longer than they should've done. However though, these problems are pretty trivial compared to the script, which to put it kindly was an awkward, cliché-driven mess.

Overall, neither good or bad, but very average and bland. 5/10 Bethany Cox
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It's Not Easy Being Green.....
Fields20119 June 2011
I went to see Green Lantern because a friend of mine was boycotting DC for such a long time because there has been no release of a Green Lantern movie. Sure, there were plenty reincarnations of Batman and Superman, but where's Green Lantern? Someone out there listened to his plea, and the result is this.....

A mess.

I will go on record to say that it's at least enjoyable. Even though the movie seems to be everywhere in its storytelling, with characters being underdeveloped and random things just happening. I would say that during this movie, I had a hard time finding a bathroom break. I was at least interested to see where the movie is going.

Let me try to explain this movie: There is this elite group of Green Lanterns led by Sinestro (well played by Mark Strong) who are having a hard time beating this giant alien in the Milky Way called The Parallax. So when their alien friend who's name I cannot remember falls to earth and dies, his ring is sent out to choose a new victim, and somehow it chooses Ryan Reynolds. Mr. Reynolds discovers that he has a new ability, and that he is the earth's only hope, but he can't handle that until the end of the movie. Not only that, but some doctor guy turns into an evil alien which, I guess, is controlled by Parallax, and Ryan has to stop him too.

I must say that I was intrigued by the doctor subplot where he is not accepted by his father (Tim Robbins) and slowly goes insane until he turns into John Travolta from Battlefield: Earth. I also liked seeing Ryan Reynolds in the movie because he brings energy to what could otherwise be a boring movie, and I was enjoying both stories that were coming along. The problem is that the whole movie felt disjointed, and not only did scenes felt random, but events turn random too.

Like the scene where Reynolds is chosen by the ring. It just happens out of nowhere. One minute he's talking to this kid (which never served much purpose to the film) and then all of a sudden he's walking and gets carried away in green light to that dying alien dude. This happened in more than one occasion. Also the CGI was all over the place, even on Reynold's outfit, and it's rather distracting. It's very vibrant and colorful (which is good), but it looked very cartoonish and took me out of the film. I also mentioned that the characters are underdeveloped, which goes a lot to Sinestro and that Parallax thing they are trying to fight. Heck, even the love interest felt underdeveloped. By the end of the film, I felt like I barely knew the characters, with just a likable performance by Ryan Reynolds.

However, Green Lantern isn't boring, just purely average. I think the reason why I sort of liked this film was that I went into it not expecting much. I already had groups of people telling me that this film is awful before its release, so I ended up getting a little more than I expected. Just a little. It was still entertaining, to say the least.
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It wasn't that bad, why the hate?
BigMaxAttacks6 October 2011
I saw Green Lantern with my son because it looked safe enough and I used to collect the comic books when I was a kid. I felt like I was the only guy over 20 at the theater, which I guess isn't surprising anymore. Did think there would be more adults, however, because the Green Lantern was something we read in my generation. Not sure if it's even around anymore. Being a fan of the comic book I had to go see it, and I was intrigued with the movie. After I got home I jumped on the computer and read the reviews. I was very disappointed with the professional reviews that cast stones at it, while at the same time, regular folk like myself thought it was a pretty good stab at the DC comic book version. I guess I look for something different when I go to the movies. I go to unwind and enjoy myself for a couple of hours, and Green Lantern worked for me.
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The Green Cheese
TourettesPersonal19 June 2011
We are getting decent and compelling superhero movies these days, which is a great thing that happened to the genre. Now "Green Lantern" is one of those films that also needs to be powerful, but it ends up being a generic cheesy cinema. "Green Lantern" is not perfectly horrible or the worst superhero movie ever but it's just too much exposition and a whole lot of green cheese.

"Green Lantern" has a great concept. Just like the other superhero films, the storytelling also needs to be compelling. Unfortunately, the film gets lazy to tell the story so they just threw a lot of narration and even the ones that are not quite necessary to narrate. The action is not very amazing. it's just showing us how eye-candy the effects are.

At least the movie is loyal to its corniness. Hal Jordan's wacky imagination and the aliens' zany looking faces. The CGI is pretty. The performances were entertaining enough. Ryan Reynolds is doing his same old thing. Mark Strong didn't appear so much (which is disappointing) but still he's awesome.

It's disappointing because they're making the interesting villains into uninteresting. Example, Parallax should be terrifying and menacing. Instead he's a scrambled egg who eats fear. Not really terrifying nor menacing. Peter Sarsgaard's mad scientist performance was pretty good but the only thing he did in this film is crying in agony and use his telekinesis powers in a lame way.

"Green Lantern" just wanted to show its beautiful visuals. It's not a very bad thing but the filmmakers doesn't take its storytelling so seriously. It can be entertaining for some reason but it can also be forgettable. It's good to see it in the big screen for the visuals but you don't want to see it again after that. This might be the weakest superhero movie of the year. Even "The Green Hornet" is better than this. "Thor" might be the best superhero film of 2011 so far in my opinion because even though the action isn't great, at least there is a compelling storytelling. The sad thing is, both the action and the storytelling are not compelling in "Green Lantern".

3D? Very dark!
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A World Of Overreaction
Jimmyboyjr45 October 2011
While I admit this movie had it's flaws, I do strongly believe this movie has been vastly underrated by the public. Unfortunately Green Lantern came at a time when comic inspired novels have been done almost to death. While most done quite brilliantly (most being the operative word here) Green Lantern I believe did not live up to the expectations we now have of comic adaptations.

Ryan Reynolds as Hal Jordan was a great choice for the role of The Green Lantern, the character arc while helping you to understand the character of Hal Jordan was sufficient I do believe they could of well exceeded what they did.

For a story as immense as the Green Lantern I believe that the close to two hours was to short to completely describe and help understand the Green Lantern universe. The length I believe to be the biggest drawback in this movie. In my opinion the movie should of been closer to the length of The Watchmen to completely illustrate the complexity and brilliance that the Green Lantern universe really is.

For me, I believed the hype going into this movie, I had a completely closed mind and fully expected this movie to be as one critic described it "Green Lantern, The worst comic book movie ever made". Honestly I have to say that I'm glad that I read that review before viewing this movie as it made it all that sweeter when the movie went beyond all I thought it would be and greatly impressed me.

I'm sorry that this movie was received so badly because the chances of seeing a sequel have dropped and in a universe where anything is possible I think we will miss out on all that the Green Lantern franchise could be.
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Terrible Script, Good Characters- Verdict: FIRE THE SCRIPT WRITERS!
teslacoil_891 July 2011
For a comic book movie, Green Lantern had the potential to be great. If the writers of the movie even watched the animated movie First Flight, they would've been able to come up with a better script than what they did. I think the cast did the best that they could with the corny lines and terrible writing.

Ryan Reynolds was believable as Hal Jordan, Blake Lively was exceptional in her role (which primarily involved looking pretty which she is good at) and Mark Strong as Sinestro was flawless. Though I thoroughly disliked what the writers did to this movie, I do hope the GL series isn't written off. There is still enough in the story of Green Lantern for a sequel, but for the love of Oa the old script writers need to go and a brand new team needs to bring something to the table. Mark Strong is an acting powerhouse and as we have seen in the Dark Knight, it is the villain and not the hero that makes an exceptional comic book movie! Sinestro has to do for GL what the Joker did for Batman! Thats my 2 cents
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Underrated Comic Flick That Deserves More Praise
SciFiSheriff30 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Comic book adaptations are quickly becoming one of the most popular movie genres of the modern era. With high speed action, a good story and some great acting, who could blame it. however there is one film that is constantly battered by fans and movie goers alike.

Yes, this is my review of Green Lantern.

(Note; I do not believe in Millions of years, so i'm just going to leave it out of this review. I ignore usually these kind of references)

The plot goes like this;

Somewhere in the universe, a mighty force of nature called Parallax, who feeds on the fear of the universe, escapes custody by a green lantern warrior known as Abin Sur. Parallax fatally wounds Abin but he narrowly escapes instant death in an escape pod. He contacts the rest of the green lanterns and tells them who he encountered and that he will die. His pod lands on earth and at the brink of death he is met by a man who was brought there by his power ring. He passes on the ring to the man, Hal Jordan, and tells him to speak the oath. He does, and becomes one of the green lanterns. It eventually falls on him to save the universe from Parallax and defeat him once and for all.

While this movie doesn't live up to the standards of "Captain America- The First Avenger" or the Nolan Batman Trilogy, this film is still quite enjoyable.

I'll admit, the acting wasn't that great. There was no real character that stood out for me as being well acted but it was still watchable. As for the characters themselves, they were quite interesting. Although the human characters were interesting to an extent, It's the green lanterns that stole the show. Their is one scene were all the green lanterns are having a conference of some sort. There are so many green lanterns that sometimes all you see is green. Each one looks different and unique; I actually pause at this part to see what other strange beings i missed inn the first viewing. Props to the designers for creating some brilliant looking creatures.

The story isn't to special, but it is interesting. It's nothing more than the normal super-hero origin story, with a couple of unorthodox plot lines. The movie's ending tells you that there is another movie coming. I won't spoil, But green Lantern fans will like it, If they didn't like the movie itself.

The villain, I thought, is what brings the film down a notch. Halfway through the film a scientist gets infected by the power source of Parallax, corrupting him into a monstrous creature that can control objects with his eyes. I wasn't too fond of the guy. His motives for his actions were uninteresting making some of the "intence" scenes a little tedious, but this is a minor fault.Parallax is more impressive. There are some scenes were he is tearing through the city eating everything in his path. However, like the other guy (Who's name escapes me), Parallax lacks motive for what he does other than the fact he needs fear to become more powerful.

One of the most interesting things about the green lanterns is the power to make thought reality. For example, you can think of a massive artillery gun and it would appear right beside you. This is an interesting concept and is far more diverse to other superheros. Although there are plenty of scenes of this power, I thought it was under used; Sometimes all they did was fire balls of green energy at their enemies which I thought was a waste.

Don't let that put you off though. There are some impressive action scenes to sink your teeth into. The battle at the end with Parallax is definitely worth seeing. It didn't have as much action as i thought it would have or would have liked but it still was satisfying.

All in all, a great summer action flick. Not everyone's cup of tea but if you just like watching movies and are willing to bypass mistakes, this is the film for you. With over use of CGI ad badly created villains, it wasn't the best way to start a franchise but it is still enjoyable none the less.
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My thoughts on the movie.
insangpa8717 June 2011
After using IMDb for about 10 years this is my first time writing a review so here goes.

I am a big fan of DC Comics and Green Lantern is definitely one of my favorites as I even own quite a volume of comics of him. I wasn't really looking forward to this movie since every time I do I always got let down. My first thought after hearing Parallax being in the movie I was wondering if they would do it like in the comics. But that didn't make sense because this is only the first movie and the studio would make it as an origin movie not something else. The whole thing seemed a little tad slow and I think they tried to do character developments and get the story going but even for a fan I kind of found it hard to follow. It wasn't engaging enough I suppose. There were some action scenes but that also didn't really live up to expectations. I thought they had the right director and actors for this movie but something was missing from the comics.

If they ever make a sequel to this movie I do hope they hire someone from DC to write a script and have the sort of impact Iron Man did back in 2008. I do have a feeling this is going to be another Superman Returns though.
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Movie came 5 or 6 years too early
k-9453814 September 2020
This movie became a meme when it came out. Even using it for punch lines and promos for Deadpool. Its light hearted approach would fit perfectly into MCU (I know its DC) . The reason this movie really got slated on release is down to timing. We just had the Dark Knight in 2009 (I think) and in 2012 the Dark Knight rises. So that dark and serious Nolan style was all the rage. I remember complaints like its too cartoony. Not sure how else you can show the Lanterns power without it. Recent reviews with this being on Amazon are much better, averaging at 7 out of 10. Thats where I'd put it. Its better than a lot of the marvel stuff in recent years. Maybe DC will reboot it who knows.
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Brightest Review from a Comic and Non-comic Fan
jesquire14 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I'm comic book fan who's read Green Lantern since the late 80's and was privileged to see this movie early with a friend, who is a non-comic book fan in general. So what you're getting in this review are 2 fan perspectives:


The story was told very simple. Those familiar with the comic, it follows very closely to the Secret Origins (2008) arc written by Geoff Johns, more so than the original Hal Jordan story back in the Silver Age revival.

The film is 90% story setup and 10% action sprinkled throughout the film, most of them at the end with a short and uninspired final battle (a gripe similar to Fantastic Four film in 2005). This film could've used a LOT more action; most of it already revealed from the trailers, believe it or not.

The pacing felt unbalanced. My friend thought the movie tried to fit in a lot of plots and stories like Spider-Man 3 did with the transition from earth to space, back to earth, back to space, back to earth... a little foreboding when the better space scenes were few and far between. There's a post credit scene too.


This film is very heavy in that department. It's a hit or miss. It works, but some may think it's a little silly.

A gripe we had was that the CGI on some of the movements of the characters were so outdated like almost 10 years aka Spider-Man (2002). You would think after all these years we could see better CGI animation especially when it transitions from live action Hal Jordan to CGI Hal Jordan.

Also, Hal Jordan's constructs in this movie were a little too "cartoony". He basically created everything from a flamethrower, gatling gun, artillery gun, a SWAT shield, catapult, jetplanes, and even a cadillac dragster complete with it's own green speedway to drive on to! For a live action movie, just felt a little over the top silly. Not even the Justice League TV animated series, John Stewart, ever made these kinds of constructs.

Also, my buddy made a point in that the power of the ring was too godlike for non-comic book fans to grasp - the "McGyver of rings". Once Hal Jordan completed his short training (yes, short), you knew he was just going to be unstoppable. No problem with comic fans, but it might be a little bit of a turn-off to the casual viewer since it made the villain look pale in comparison, especially in the anti-climactic final battle, which the trailers actually gave a hint to on how it would end. I mean, how else would you kill off space tentacles?


Mark Strong definitely was the best cast of the film. He played the cool and calculated Sinestro better than I'd imagine. Although they were not really "buddies" in the comics, a missed opportunity I thought was that it would've been better if they had played more on the relationship between Hal Jordan and Sinestro as something a bit more than just mentor to student, in order to build up a stronger emotional bond when the "inevitable" heel turn happens to strengthen a sequel, i.e. think of Peter Parker and Norman Osborne. Yes, every 9 year old kid can point that out Senestro will be evil just based on the name.

Peter Sarsgaard who plays Hector Hammond was average; nothing really memorable in terms of acting. Another missed opportunity I believe was the fact they could've played more of the "Norman Osborne / Spider-Man as Peter Parker identity" relationship on this one too; will not spoil the film so I'll leave it at that.

Blake Lively played the typical bossy childhood girl (friend) who plays hard to get, but changes her heart once the hero saves the day. One of my least favorite characters in the film actually, with some of the most corniest lines. The romance almost felt like it was just there to give the film a romance plot that really could've been done without. Don't expect anything too deep like Peter Parker & Mary Jane chemistry-wise, or even that of Thor & Jane Foster.

Ryan Reynolds was a mixed bag. My buddy thought he was "okay" as Hal Jordan (not knowing anything about the comics), while I thought some of the inner monologue jokes from him were more appropriate coming from Guy Gardner (another Green Lantern) or even Wally West the Flash. Actually, most of it was simply Ryan Reynolds just being Ryan Reynolds (see Van Wilder) and made me wonder how much ad-lib he had in the script? Overall I wasn't impressed, but not disappointed either. But unlike what Christopher Reeve brought to the big screen as Clark Kent/Superman, or what Hugh Jackman brought as Wolverine, Robert Downey Jr as Tony Stark, and even Chris Hemsworth as Thor... Ryan Reynolds didn't quite bring it as real comic book fans would know Hal Jordan.


All in all this movie was a decent summer movie. The pacing was off, and you don't really have any emotional pull for the characters. The final battle ends before you knew it even started. It's not as good as this year's other comic book predecessors in X-Men 1st Class, and Thor. Don't come expecting deep character developments or you may be disappointed, as the movie doesn't take itself way too seriously as it should. For a 105 minute movie, the best parts were near the end in the last 15 mins of the film.

The real winners in the audience are definitely the kids, because it is a good kid's movie. Green Lantern may not be the best summer movie of this year, but this movie may brighten your day.

RATING: 6/10
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What A Nice Surprise
stormhappy1063 January 2015
I avoided this film for for a long time because I thought that many didn't like it(a la Daredevil)but was I wrong to avoid it! I loved this movie and have now seen it many times.

I barely remember reading Green Lantern as a kid, but who cares, this was a fun, exciting and impressive movie.

Ryan Reynolds was perfect as Hal Jordan, and everyone else was fine also.

Special Effects were top-notch.

The film still made an impressive $116 million domestically, which shows that many people ignored the ignorant critics.

Parallax was a superb creation.

I intend to see this film many more times in the future.
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I wanted a sequel!!
reddiemurf8124 June 2020
I saw this in the theater a thought it was really good (my introduction to the character). I really wanted to see Sinestro go bad in a sequel. Oh well,,,

Was it as good as it could've been,, well,, no, but what movie can you not say that about?!? That list is not long,,,

I thought Reynolds was great, as well as the rest of the cast. While I certainly wouldn't want to have derailed the Deadpool movies,, I really wish this had been more successful. I don't know why it wasn't,,, I mean the first Fantastic Four movie had a sequel,, and while I liked that one this was way better. Anyways,,,

Go watch it!!
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Jumbled, confused, dim and threadbare. Really, it's just stupid.
bopdog17 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This film is "inoffensive" in a way. Nothing hateful or terribly gross or upsetting about it. But it does have at least two major problems that had I known fully what they were beforehand, I would have saved myself a bit of money and my time, and done something else.

One, this is yet another in the tiresome line of uninspired movies based on a comic book. You'd think the collective hearts and minds of what we call "Hollywood" could come up with an original idea. Spending $150 million on a gimicky re-working of some other person's idea (that is, ripping off the comic book writers) really seems stupid. There are many talented artists out there whose work not only deserves to be funded, but whose work would be a lot more interesting. Maybe even exciting! And maybe, in at least a few cases, uplifting or inspiring in some way that actually contributes something to all of us--- which is the true purpose of art anyway, right?

And two, this wasn't very carefully thought out or written. You've heard criticisms of previous special FX movies where the reviewer bemoans all the slam-bam frenetic FX shots, one after another. I promise that if you are unfortunate enough to sit through this movie your jaw will drop at the sheer amount of literally non-stop whiz-bang FX- not even one after another so much as one continuous blast of the CGI cartoonist's most hectic product.

The plot points were not self-evident, at least not to me. Jet races were followed by jump cuts to kitchen scenes and then inter-galactic scenes, then space, then what appeared to be Hell, then "mysterioso" councils of wizened old cartoon "yoda" types, etc. A virtually indestructible space warrior (we find out later he was the strongest, bravest, most clever, the final hope of the Universe, etc.--- yet he somehow got shot in the shoulder and is in the process of flying his broken spaceship around earth, looking for a place to crash and die. Oh wait- he doesn't die until he tells his green ring to "choose well," and then somehow Ryan Reynolds shows up ready to be amazed and enlisted.

One question--- if the magic green ring is clever enough to find Ryan Reynolds amidst all of earth, and not just ID him but go get him, place him in a protective green bubble then whisk him 100 miles to the dying space warrior in instant--- why couldn't such a nifty ring fix a wounded shoulder?

Scenes reminiscent of the covers of 1950s sci-fi paperback books showed vague and ill-defined landscapes of rocks and cliffs and rubble. That kind of thing is OK, and might fit into some stories--- but nothing was explained, nothing was set-up, nothing was logical. Not even "artistically" logical.

I like Ryan Reynolds. Tim Robbins has always been a sturdy enough character actor, and a few of the other secondary characters here were played by good actors as well. But dang- I had no idea what they were doing. What's with that creepy doctor guy? What is the evident long-term relationship between him and Ryan Reynolds? What was he doing in the movie anyway, except to turn physically hideous and provide a bit of senseless peril to the Pretty Girl? I don't know- none of that was established.

Bottom line- this was just plain stupid. And not because it was "fantastical" or weird or sci-fi. Rather, because it was simply not good work.
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I enjoyed it.
TxMike12 November 2011
Three months ago I watched the animated movie that covers essentially the same story, that of the hot-shot, sometimes irresponsible American test pilot that gets recruited into the Green Latern Corps, the several thousand who each have a sector of the universe to protect.

Here we get real people telling the story. Ryan Reynolds is the focus as test pilot Hal Jordan. He is flying a test mission to help demonstrate the advantages of a new fighter plane when he pulls a very risky move and ends up destroying the plane. Soon after he is pulled into the presence of a dying Green Lantern, who tells him "the ring has chosen you." When he is transported to the secret location, in a far corner of the universe, he is met with much skepticism.

All the other green lanterns are from races much older than the human race, and they doubt that an Earthling human has what it takes. This of course provides the drama for Hal's quest to prove himself and become what our comic books refer to as the Green Lantern.

A large obstacle is the evil monster of sorts that is absorbing the energy of others and in the process growing more powerful. Unstopped it would destroy the universe as we know it. Hal needs to become the hero that stops the monster and in the process earning his status.

Good movie, I enjoyed it.
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A Subpar Movie...
stevenscottjones18 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
First I should say that I'm a fan of Green Lantern and he's (Hal Jordan) my favorite DC character. Here's why I thought this movie was subpar: 1. Ryan Reynolds was a horrible Hal Jordan. Before I saw the movie I thought this was a poor casting choice but thought he could potentially pull it off a la Michael Keaton/Batman. Unfortunately he did not pull it off. Ryan Reynolds is a comedic actor and that's how he portrayed Hal Jordan who if you read the comic book is not a "jokester" at all. It almost felt like Hal Jordan was Peter Parker 2. The origin of the Green Lantern character took way to long to develop. The two thirds of the movie was very boring.

3. Wrong choice of villains. Hector Hammond?!? Really?!? They couldn't come of with a better villain than Hector Hammond?!? I know that it was almost impossible to use Sinestro as the villain in the first movie as it would have taken too long to tell GL's origin and why Sinestro went bad all in one movie then have Sinestro be the final fight at the end...the movie would have felt rushed but instead of Parallax and Hector Hammond they could have went with Atrocitus (who they killed Abin Sur in the revised Origin of GL) or even the Manhunters who were the reason why the Guardians created the GL Corps in the first place. Anything would have been better than Hector Hammond and Parallax.

4. The special effects were garbage. As in the 1st Superman movie with Christopher Reeves, I DID NOT believe that a man could fly when I watched Green Lantern. The flying sequences looked very cheesy as well as the constructs that the GL's created. Also every scene had a CGI feel to it especially GL's body. It looked like they pasted Ryan Reynolds live head onto a CGI body...AWFUL!!! 5. The ending was the worst ending I've ever seen in a movie. I mean seriously...just toss Parallax into the sun...I mean Sinestro or the Guardians couldn't have thought of that?!? How did Hal Jordan know that that would kill him??? 6. Parallax looked like a joke...a big Giant head...really?!? That's the best that they could come up with...AWFUL!!! 7. Green Lantern went to Oa to learn how to be a Green Lantern. He quits before he's even had one day of training and goes back to Earth where somehow he's able to master the use of his power ring...really?!? I mean come on...Parallax defeats and kills one of the best Green Lanterns, Abin Sur (per Sinestro)and defeats Sinestro and about 7 other Green Lanterns but somehow with not even a full day's worth of training, Hal Jordan is able to defeat Parallax. Makes no sense.

With all of the above being said, the movie had one bright spot which was Sinestro. He was PERFECTLY cast (a la Heath Ledger/Joker). Unfortunately we didn't get to see enough of him.
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It's not that bad from the viewer pov
ingra8818 June 2022
Seriously it is not that bad from the publics point of view, it still entertaining to watch on a boring afternoon!

Ryan hated this film a lot had a poor working relationship with director.

BUT one brilliant thing did happen, he met Blake and had a happy family, that is one good thing!
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Bloody terrible !
janus-2030 June 2011
I'm of a forgiving nature, especially when it comes to sci-fi, special effects driven, blockbuster movies. I enjoyed the Star Wars prequels, i even enjoyed the last Indy movie, i gave G.I Joe a decent review....G.I Joe, yeah, that G.I Joe.

I cant go easy on this film, because Warner Bros deserve this, they are currently at the bottom of a deep pit when it comes to what is arguably the most popular current genre at the summer box office, super hero movies.

Marvel are wiping the floor with them, Superman had muted return, yes the Batman films are superb, yes Warners/DC turn out fantastic animated movies. But this Green Latern movie was going to show they can do more than just Batman well, it was going to be, hopefully a step towards a Justice League movie, one day, a less well known DC superhero, introduced to the non geek public, to open the floodgates to the larger DC universe than just Superman and Batman.

Well with all that riding on it, if this is the best they can do, then don't bother. This was one whopping mess of a film, Batman and Robin made more sense and yes i really have considered that statement, its nearly two weeks since i saw the movie, so this is a considered opinion, not a knee jerk one in the heat of the moment.

The characters were characterless, they were'nt funny, engaging, sympathetic, there was no emotional resonance in their situations. eg When Hal returns to Earth, after his initial visit to Oa, the scenes just drag where we are urged to feel his sense of dissonance with himself at not excepting the challenge he has been presented with.

I felt nothing, no sympathy, no empathy, nothing, it was all intercut at this stage with the origin of the Hector Hammond character. The scenes of Hal moping, are set against the scenes with us finding out that Hammond, already a creepy, sullen character before his head swells, doesn't get on with Dad, who himself is grease ball politician.

Remember Spider-Man 2 where Alfred Molina's Doc Ock had a pathos to his story which created a sense of sympathy for him and how that made for such a layered and involving villain, none of that here thank you very much.

The entire "i hate you dad" routine is old, old hat, but something fresh or dramatic could have been made of it, but instead the "i'm sensitive and dad's overbearing" tentpole is hammered into the ground, aided by awful dialogue and choppy scene structure.

The editing (amazing considering it was Stuart Baird) in these middle scenes was staccato in tone and numbing, it earned no sympathy for either character and therefore sabotaged any hope of an emotional pay off at the end of the film.

Superman's first appearance on Earth in the Donner version had you cheering, as Superman saves our feisty, likable damsel in distress Lois Lane, from a nasty helicopter crash, in front of a diverse social cross section of the good people of Metropolis.

Green Lantern's first appearance on Earth leaves you cold, as he saves an already established grease ball politician, from a nasty helicopter crash, in front of a gathering of over-achievers and posh-knobs who frankly you couldn't give a tinkers cuss about.

My abiding memory of the entire Hammond sub-plot is Peter Sarsgaard holding his head in his hands and moaning, which is ironic as i joined him in this action at numerous points.

Most unforgivable of all even the action scenes were flat and lifeless and when considering what Hal's character can do with his ring, thats just not acceptable.

On the up side, Oa was very impressive, there are some good effects and Ryan Reynolds and Mark Strong do their best to carry it off, but they are let down by other badly handled elements.

Mum always said: "If you've got nothing good to say, say nothing at all!", and mum's usually right, but in this case it cost me £15, so sorry Mum, i'm speaking my Brains !!
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The critics are way overreacting.
Loving_Silence18 June 2011
Now let me begin by saying this film is not an amazing film. It is definitely not an awful film, like most critics are saying. I think critics might have raised their expectations due to Thor and X-Men: First Class. They should not compare the Green Lantern with those films. It is ranked now 24% on Rotten Tomatoes, which is way too low. It would probably be in the high 60s, if it was released before Thor and X-Men: First Class.

The acting in the film is good and not terrible at all. Ryan Reynolds is great as Hal Jordan and extremely likable. He definitely fits the role as Hal Jordan really well. Blake Lively is great and extremely sexy, she's not just a pretty face as most are suggesting. Peter Sarsgaard is a great actor and he plays the villainous Hector Hemmond really well and interesting. Overall everyone tries their best and at the end of the day do a really great job, certainly no Oscar worthy performances, though.

The special effects are pretty superb and extremely worthwhile to say the least. Although it sometimes feel a little CGIish, but it doesn't get too big of a distraction. I have to say I was a little disappointed how Parallax looked like, it felt a little fake at times, but it is not horrible in any sense of the way. Also the film did not take itself seriously which is kind of refreshing. Which could be the reason why critics disliked it so much. They want another sad, personal and serious story. Unlike Thor and X-Men, The Green Lantern is more kids friendly.

The main problem of the film was that they were trying to cram stuff in from the comics and the personal lives of the other characters. It seems that there could be so many sequels for the other characters. It did kind of focus on too many characters. Also the editing gets to be a little distracting at times, they certainly needed to have done a better job, but the editing is mediocre at best.

Overall the Green Lantern was a fun summer flick. Although it is nowhere near the realm of The Dark Knight, it didn't need to be. The 3D was actually really good and the special effects were memorable. No doubt, the critics were extremely tough on the Green Lantern and it is unfair. At the end of the day, don't listen to the critics. Make up your mind and see this film. At the end of the day, it should be only your opinion that matters to you. You might agree with the critics or you might not. However don't skip this movie because of the low Rotten Tomatoes score.
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At least there's a happy toy manufacturer out there...
griffolyon1218 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
(To preface this, I am a Green Lantern fan, and have been for as long as I have read comic books, so on with the review.)

Some movies are made just to sell toys, and this is one of them. Underdeveloped characters, underdeveloped relationships, gaping plot holes, and a movie in a bad need of a good rewrite, plague DC Comics first cinematic foray outside the Batman-Superman franchises, making Green Lantern possibly the last DC movie other than Batman or Superman we will see for a while.

The Green Lanterns are intergalactic police officers, and Earthling Hal Jordan just so happens to be the first human chosen to join their ranks, but alas an evil is brewing in the farthest reaches of space, and Hal must learn how to master his newfound powers, or else... You probably know what will happen next.

Green Lantern wants to adhere to the superhero movie formula, but it does so with little charm, little wit, and not a lot in terms of flow from one scene to the other. Not to mention, characters come and go with no sense of where they came from or where they went when not on screen. Should we care about Peter Sarsgaard's villain, Hector Hammond? His character is not even introduced till the second act and by then it is like, "Who is this guy, and why should I care when he becomes the psychotic villain?" Then there is star, Ryan Reynolds, who obviously cared about the source material, giving Hal Jordan his all, but when you're in a movie that simply wants to try and get to the next action set piece as fast as possible so that they can satisfy the seven-year-old who is going to buy the toys, it is hard to have much to toy with (like that pun?). The action is impressive, but when the story is just a bullet point, cliff note version of the larger, more expansive mythology that this comic book character boasts, one can see why Green Lantern suffers in translation.

I give Green Lantern a 4 out of 10!
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I listened to the critics...
rmquinones6 September 2021
I listened to the critics, and what a mistake! Ten years after the movie came out, watched it and liked it!
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Green Lantern Review (may contain spoilers)
jeffreydearman16 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
For a superhero that can create anything he can imagine with his mind, the Green Lantern's creative team failed to create good characters, villains, special effects, or an overall enjoyable experience worth 11 dollars.

The movie starts off well enough with exciting action in space, where we meet a villain capable of absorbing entire planets (which comes across as a space version of the kraken used in Pirates of the Caribbean 2- not a good thing). Upon being injured, the greatest of all the Lanterns crash lands on Earth to begin the search for his successor. After searching what seems to be 4 square miles, the ring chooses the cocky and brash Hal Jordan. He's sucked up in a manner similar to the game Super Monkey Ball, and finds himself on the other side of town, and there before him is a spaceship. After an interaction of less than 30 seconds, the alien Abin Sur dies, leaving Hal wondering what to do next, and unfortunately much of the fun dies after this point.

After a bar brawl, Hal is whisked away to the beautiful planet Oa. For how much detail, design and money they put into this planet that holds all of the Lanterns, they spend all of 16 minutes on it. And of those 16 minutes, 10 is spent talking to knock-off Yodas about pointless stories and how they don't feel fear.

In a segment that feels very much like a video game intro to a game where they ask "is it OK the way you look up and down?" he learns to fly by simply falling off a ledge and just knowing how to, and why wouldn't he know how to fly? Considering he's had these powers all his life… except he hasn't.

At this moment the film feels like it's finally going to pick up, but it doesn't. He learns to "imagine" by getting the crap kicked out of him by a Lantern voiced by Michael Clark Duncan. After all of two minutes he has mastered the art of creating indestructible things with his mind. And after all of this build up he quits and goes back to earth after his feelings are hurt. I wish I was kidding.

Here, a character enters the movie for no reason whatsoever. A scientist named Hector Hamond- or what you will eventually know him as: that guy who shrieks and screams every time he so much as stubs his toe- is charged with examining Abin Sur's dead alien body by a secret government organization. After examining the alien body he begins to change into a "mad scientist". All the large head make up and special effects in the world couldn't make him either scary or believable as a villain. After this point every time someone so much as forgets the ranch he ordered with his fries he makes bad things happen to people. They even go as far as giving him the disappointed-in-his-son father-figure. Even though his dad got him the job to examine the alien and a promotion, he still hates him.

Enter Hals love interest, or what I like to call her, "attractive girl who stands around and looks pretty." Clearly taking acting notes from Natalie Portman's character in Thor, she is there and looks nice but doesn't really do anything important to the plot or to the movie itself. She and Hal have one good scene of chemistry, but other than that it's just scene after scene of her in tighter and tighter dresses.

Hals "best friend character" does nothing more than pick him up one time and then say "cool" when Hal shows him the Lantern suit. That's literally all he does. There isn't that helping the hero out as best he can in the end, or anything else to add. All of these distractions and pointless characters begin to add up in an origin story of a superhero with a running time of an hour and forty five minutes.

The music… I found myself feeling that much of the music could easily have been lifted from any episode of 7th Heaven at times. During the action there wasn't any swell of excitement that music should add to a film. In fact it goes unnoticed for much of the movie, never creating a Green Lantern theme; no anthem for the DC hero. Just the most stock music you will hear this summer. The one bright spot in this otherwise dim movie was the character Sinestro played by actor Mark Strong. His scenes were the more enjoyable to watch, and yet in the end his character stays in the wings for the entire movie.

Bottom line The Green Lantern is a movie that starts off promising, but ends leaving the viewer with very little interest in a sequel, or in the hero in general. With poor characters, video game-like special effects, and a very anti-climactic finale, the Green Lantern offers very little compared to the already great movies released this summer. Throughout the movie the Lanterns stress the fact that they do not feel fear, but unless this movie has a monster opening weekend, the execs that green-lit this 300 million dollar movie might just be fearing for their jobs.
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tiagoabreu200728 March 2018
Not the best superhero movie of all time but this was a lot of fun. Ryan Reynolds is hilarious and a lot of the action is great. You can also tell that the people who made this film were actual fans of the character and his history, staying relatively faithful (for a movie) to the source material and comics. I wish they had done another one.
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" There is a great power which fears only the Power of my Ring "
thinker169120 December 2012
In 1938, comic Imigination arrived at Dectective Comics with the Introducted of the Dark Knight also called The Batman. Before long a plethora of others soon followed, among them was the mysterious " Green Lantern. " Hal Jordan AKA Green Lantern are both played by Ryan Reynold. The story reaches back to the 20th century and the space age. Here we find our hero and his special selection by a celestial being who reaches into his chosen's human heart to learn that he possesses true Courage and no fear. That, then is the primary ingredient for his selection and the gist of the legend. Once you enter the myth of the Green Lantern, you also enter the vast din of the Universe and it's mystical powers, where beings from other planets are collected to fight their Nemesis, . . . Fear. This film does it's best to take our Hero and the audience to their world and the battlefield of the Universe. It's a fabulous journey and one which is responsible for the enjoyment of the cinema, A great slice of DC comics transformed into the stuff of imagination and the world of Entertainment. Recommended to all. ****
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Are you kidding me???
sunnykanagi-82-38858720 June 2011
This is one of the worst superhero movie I've ever seen...

I had enough of the bad-a$$ attitude of the hero, the sad love story between the hero and his lover, experiencing the awesomeness after getting the power... haven't we all seen this in Spiderman or Superman??

The villain was shown like an idiot who is defeated by our hero in what was like a 2 minute climax(when all the experienced and smart Green Lanterns of the Universe fail to) And these Green Lanterns arrive after the hero defeats the villain, just like the Police in any Hollywood movie.

The Special Effects was so stupid and childish, even a 3 year old would mock this movie.

Acting wise Peter Sarsgaard was good. Blake Lively was pretty. Ryan Reynolds carried one expression on his face in the entire movie, he almost made Twilight actors look Oscar worthy. Tim Robins was wasted in the movie. The other Green Lanterns were hardly present.

If you want to save yourself from anger and frustration, then please avoid this movie. The critics were right to mock this movie..

this movie maybe for hardcore comic fans.. Rest all watch Kung Fu Panda 2 or Hangover 2 again....
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