Cabrini (2024) Poster


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Liked it alot as a non religous person
mossfan1813 March 2024
I'm not religious in any way shape or form, but I really liked this movie.

The sets and the acting were all top notch...watching this made me wonder how Hollywood movies are so expensive, because this looked better than alot of 100 million dollar + movies that I have seen.

It's a great story about someone who simply wants to help other by any means. She's a bulldog and does what she needs to in order to get the job done.

The entire story has religious undertones but it is very much not in your face. She doesn't perform any miracles or anything like that, she just works hard for those she cares about.

Excellent movie from people of all backgrounds.
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Powerful and impactful movie!
dunforddavid7 March 2024
An incredible and inspirational true story of a truly amazing woman! This movie will impact lives. If you're looking for some inspiration on how to make a positive difference in this world, go see this movie.

Cabrini is very well done with superb acting and every detail attended to to put you right there with Cabrini on her journey. You feel the struggle and you rejoice in her triumphs.

I don't know how much the world knew about Cabrini before this movie, but I believe that the more that see it, the more will be inspired to do a little more and try a little harder to lift the burdens of our fellow men, women and children. She had a heart that was too great to be stopped!
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Did not expect to love this!
ypynbkvpk8 March 2024
Ok, I randomly stumbled on this movie and the ticket. So I just decided to go and watch it one Thursday night. I should also start this by saying that I do not care for religious films but I'm always a fan of a good female hero. THIS STORY WAS SO GREAT. And the quality of actors and backgrounds ... thank god. I could not sit through 2 hours of cheesy Hallmark style movie. Thank you to who ever funded this! I walked away feeling so inspired and in love with Cabrini and I adored seeing NYC as it once was. I appreciated that God was silently in the film. I recommend! It was an era & hero film that anyone would wnjoy.
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How Did I Not Know This Story!?
mcleanentertain7 March 2024
Mother Cabrini is a legend and I'm shocked that I had never heard her story before! This movie tells of her struggles and triumphs in such a beautiful, inspiring, and compelling way!

After watching I not only wanted to research more about what she did in her life, but also the area of Five Points in New York City. Historically I felt enriched, but also I felt an overwhelming empathy for my fellow man and the struggles people are going through. Cabrini helped orphans and immigrants with nothing more than faith, believing the resources would come. I felt so uplifted and inspired to do more, no matter how much I can offer, it is enough!

Total girl power with faith in God. Perfect pairing!
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A superior biopic about a real American hero and saint from Angel Studios
JohnDeSando8 March 2024
Although I avoid religious films that have a holy message to relay, I have become a cheerleader for Angel Studios because of the two films I have seen, the box-office-wonder Sound of Freedom and now the beautiful and engaging biopic, Cabrini. They have a production richness not only exemplified in the realistic and lush cinematography (shout out to Cabrini lenser Gorka Gomez Andreu), but also believable heroes such as the human trafficker hounds in the former and the canonized Mother Cabrini (Cristiana Dell'Anna) in the latter. Both films have the same director, Alejandro Monteverde.

The realism and the goodness of the characters helps make the two films memorable for putting us directly in the action (in Cabrini 1899 New York City) and only subtly sanctifying the heroes. The elements of first-rate filming are in Cabrini: original music by Gene Back that captures spirituality while exalting humanity, Alisha Silverstein's spot-on period costumes, and an equally-impressive Carlos-Lagunas production design. Over them all is a lean and effective story by Monteverde and Rod Barr aided immensely by the creative editing of Brian Scofield.

As always, the acting makes the difference: Besides Dell'Anna's award-worthy interpretation of the diminutive "entrepreneur," David Morse's archbishop is imperious and difficult, matched growl for growl by John Lithgow's intractable mayor. Senior to them is the impressive Giancarlo Giannini as Pope Leo XIII, who assigns the NYC slums to Cabrini's future as the eventual patron saint of immigrants.

Mother Cabrini, despite her failing health and being a woman in a paternalistic society, is a superlative example of the feminist Gloria Steinem could imagine: kind and ambitious, tough and savvy, in love with children who need her love. It would be next to impossible not to shed a tear watching her build an orphanage and then hospitals in the spirit of her selfless mission to help the disadvantaged.

But then that is what this film does as it portrays the uncomfortable world of early 20th-century poverty while encouraging us to clap for the heroism of Cabrini and her soldiers, including a Mary-Magdalene-type prostitute, Vittoria ( Romana Maggiora Vergano). The comparison to Christ's journey is never emphasized, all the better to realize the everyday heroism of our fellow humans.

I am impressed once again by the ability of director Monteverde and the Angel Studios to craft a biopic that reeks of reality while it spiritually transports to the worlds of authentic heroes. Cabrini is, like the current Oppenheimer, a true, albeit "inspired by," biopic with heart and grit.
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Absolutely incredible movie
jubal-card9 March 2024
This movie is SO good!! It follows the life of Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini, an immigrant from Italy who came to America to do missions work. It's such a compelling story, you watch as she gets horrible racist and sexist remarks made against her, and she still overcomes. She is a strong woman who people should look up to. She opened an orphanage and faced so much adversity all along the way. We need young woman to have someone like this woman to look up to, she was able to take all the ridicule and hate she got and become greater than she ever had the right to become. That's amazing! But what's even more amazing to me is that it's a true story.
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Angel Studios hits a sweet spot, not faith based film, but about faith nonetheless
actaction8 March 2024
Angel Studios is doing something interesting here: they're making non-preachy value based films that are palatable by your average non-religious movie goer & yet they are using a "pay it forward" system of good doers to passionately promote it and literally pay for others to see it. What's more is this film, as well as Sound of Freedom, are extremely well made for the low budget independent movies they are. They're attracting top talent not because of religious guilt (like a Kirk Cameron Left Behind film might or religious dogma stuff God's Still Not Dead), no these actors are doing these roles because I think they see how strong of writing they have. David Morse, a vet actor, plays one of the best roles he's played in years & even a cameo style featured role of John Lithgow (the mayor) lets him seethe and breath slimy life into yet another wonderful villain role. Cristina Dell Anna in the title role is consistently strong & although it probably won't be treated with the same consideration for Oscar awards due to critics predisposition about the studio (supposedly run by Q'anon supporters I think the stories have said), her role and many roles in the film are no worse than Oscar bait roles are in similar movies like Little Women. The filmmaking, the same as Sound of Freedom Director & also the Cinematographer, is once again very beautiful and visually stunning. Even if a few critics are (I think unfairly) rallying against it, like it or not, it's well made inexpensive and efficient cinema... the exact mid-budget made-for-adult serious cinema that used to be the bread & butter of Hollywood. If the studios are unwilling to make it, I'm glad somebody is keeping up the tradition.

The film doesn't have a meta-self aware bone in its structure & that's refreshing. I'm creators race to reinvent the wheel of film theory, we forget these feel good tales until one comes along and reminds us how much we need a nice uplifting, not challenging society, story. The last film that had this kind of a feel, without religious guilt, was The Upside. I predict this might also do pretty well with the feel good crowd & their praise and money matters too!

I read one critic call it bland, but I disagree. I think it's the kind of film that unabashedly appeals to your emotions over intellect, which some today call manipulative, but if done for a non-dogma cause is just called filmmaking. If religious people used films like this more, uplifting & non preachy, non-cliched and about more reality than biblical theory, I think more from outside the flock would see their perspective. It's only when you're sitting in a movie (like I've seen a thousand times) where a cruel and uncaring god seems to be behind every misery in a very present way, when idiots like Kirk Cameron are acting "holier than thou" and spouting off hateful things supposedly in an effort to convert you that the average person rejects it. So often films have no pretense of entertainment and are really stupidly written only for those who are used to religious cliche & redundancy.

Here, by contrast, we have some intelligent writing, a worthwhile true story about somebody extremely interesting and good who led an inspiring life... that's how to bring 'em in. Maybe some might be inspired to go to church more or like me, while I won't be becoming any more religious, still enjoyed seeing a woman who had faith fight for something good and decent... without strings... just like both Angel Studio movies I've seen. Smart play. Well done. Like Sound if Freedom we have a movie about faithful people, but I would go so far as to say this isn't a "faith movie". Just like a movie may have a serial killer in it and not be a horror movie. I think they've found a good middle ground & i'd see a third movie.
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They don't make them like this anymore
reyesnorton-777167 March 2024
My husband and I were able to see a sneak preview of this movie not knowing anything about it, not even the title. It is an old style epic you can watch with grandma and will have you whooping at the end (there is a conversation they show half of in the preview that a woman literally cheered at in the audience.) It is a piece of history that I knew very little about. The Italians are the newest immigrants in New York as the Irish immigrants are beginning to gain acceptance. There is modern feel in the way it reminds us that everyone has been the poor immigrant at some point and calls on us to remember that in the way we treat the newcomers or anyone else who is currently on the bottom of the pile. Yet rings modern. Unlike most modern epics today, there was no sense of preaching, just truth telling and a plain good movie. We plan on seeing it again soon with our family.
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Well Done, Great Production Values!!
Moovimn6710 March 2024
Unaware of the story of Mother Cabrini until watching in the theatre last night. Greatly enjoyed the story and production merits as well as solid acting from the cast. Angel Studios seem to thus far invest in worthwhile features that appeal to mass crowds, while avoiding being too preachy or overly sentimental regarding faith. The theatre was only a little full but the front section clapped at the end and folks stuck around to the end, including me, as I greatly enjoyed the end title song featured as well. I watched this as part of my AMC A-List membership but felt compelled to do at least one ticket on the pay it forward solicitation. Great film, well worth the 2.5 hours spent watching.
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Well-made, great acting, and best of all, a true story!
tresadawn10 March 2024
I love true stories of people accomplishing great things, especially when they must overcome the odds against them. This was the case in the movie "Cabrini," an inspiring, motivating, suspenseful movie about a real woman and the good she accomplished through determination, persistence, and faith. It made me feel like I should be doing more with my life, but in a good way, not a way that made me feel small. We need to focus more on people who have overcome much in order to improve the lives of others and find happiness and satisfaction doing so. We need more movies like this, and fewer movies like the ones often produced.
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Often pedestrian tell, but Dell'Anna makes it quite worthwhile.
RMurray84720 March 2024
There is no doubt that the story of Mother Francis Xavier Cabrini is fascinating, and absolutely worthy of being remembered and told. I do wish it had been told more compellingly than in CABRINI, as by-the-book as a historical biography could be.

Cabrini was a nun, running an orphanage in Lombard, Italy near the end of the 19th century. But she aspired to lead a mission in China, with the goal of bringing hospitals, schools and (of course) Catholicism to those people, and then spreading her mission from there. Pope Leo XIII had different ideas and sent her to the US (NYC in particular) to help downtrodden Italian immigrants there. Cabrini and a handful of sisters travelled there, and managed to establish a truly impressive mission that eventually spread throughout the world. The movie primarily hones in on the time when Cabrini arrives in America and overcame the rather daunting obstacles that faced her in establishing a school/orphanage and then a hospital. The rest of her life is only summarized briefly in text before the closing credits. She faces predictable obstacles: no one wants to spend resources on those awful Italians. The mayor is utterly unsympathetic and the local archbishop, while clearly feeling the pull of the feelings that my first have drawn him to the priesthood, is still guided by his desire to keep his church prosperous by maintaining his relationships with local officials. But our title character uses determination, smarts and some well-placed deceptions to "do what is right." In particular, she gets the press on her side.

It's all interesting stuff, and certainly it's easy to feel outrage at the treatment of the immigrants living in squalor in Five Points. But the archbishop (David Morse) and mayor (John Lithgow), among others, are such cardboard villains, the movie just becomes less and less subtle. (And to a large degree, the good guys are pretty cardboard too...the prostitute with the heart of gold, the children who admire Mother Cabrini so much, the kindly doctor, etc. Etc.). Most nuance is missing here.

Thank goodness, though, for the subtle performance of Cristiana Dell'Anna in the title role. I've never heard of this Italian actress. She's a fairly mesmerizing presence. Cabrini dealt with serious health issues and thus was slight and a bit frail. Yet she had a will of steel, driven by her faith and her own ambition. Dell'Anna conveys all of this with seemingly little effort; she really inhabits this role and her performance elevates this otherwise pedestrian film.

And thank goodness she is so good. This IS a story worth telling (and one I didn't know at all); Dell'Anna makes it worthwhile. So while I wish more elements were handled with more finesse (and I wish the CGI was not so bargain-basement), I can still comfortably recommend the film.
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msshe-264609 March 2024
Wonderful, wonderful film! The writing, and acting was absolutely Outstanding!

I'm glad I went to see this movie. Thank GOD for this woman, her heart, drive, and courage! It is AMAZING and I am speechless at how far a reach Mother Cabrini has. She truly DID build an empire. I knew nothing about her before this film, although I heard her name years ago from the television show Good Times (Cabrini-Green). That name has stuck with me through the years, why?, I never knew. I know now. Cabrini sticks, she sticks with you. I feel honored to have "met" her.

I applaud the writers and director for creating such a masterpiece! Thank you so, so much for this film! We need more films like this one, and people like you to make them happen.

Thanks for that beautiful ending. It brought on more tears at the theater, and it's bringing on tears now as I think about it.

WELL DONE! To all involved.

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AhatN18 March 2024
Artfully filmed & beautifully acted but the screenplay is missing an essential element. It emphasizes that Cabrini succeeded mostly by her grit and self-determination. As Mother Cabrini herself taught her Sisters, "We must pray without tiring, for the salvation of mankind does not depend on material success; ... but on Jesus alone." Her faith was only vaguely hinted. I only recall 1 scene that showed even minimal prayer. What a shame that the writer & director could not have thrown in even occasional evidence that the source of her survival even as a young girl was her devotion and faith in God. Shame on Angel Studios.
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Too much missing
jweinmann-1509110 March 2024
Mother Cabrini was a Catholic saint. Probably to ensure commercial success they had to leave out the very essence of her devotion and motivation -Our Lord and God. There was too much missing in this film..God for one, and the fact that she taught catechism. She likely baptized, she must have worked with priests who administered the Sacraments, but the priest was portrayed as a fool. And she prayed. I saw no representation of her prayers or her Catholic teaching or her devotion to Jesus Christ. Maybe we were supposed to figure she was praying during the shots of her stoically sitting in church. Odd. No kneeling, no hands pressed together in prayer. When I viewed the scene of her chugging a drink, I was done. This is a movie about "Cabrini." Not about Mother Cabrini, the saint. They forgot to mention the miracles that occurred in her name which brought her to sainthood. Such a shame to see this obvious anti Catholic bias. It could have been great.
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The story of an amazing woman
tm-sheehan8 March 2024
My Review - Cabrini My Rating 8/10 In Cinemas now I was a little surprised at how much I enjoyed Cabrini I was thinking it might be full of Catholic dogma but it's not.

In fact some of the greatest obstacles that Frances Cabrini the first United States citizen to have been canonized a saint by the Catholic Church came from the male dominated church hierarchy from the Cardinals to the Pope.

It's an amazing story of an Italian woman's strength and faith to help orphan children while battling ethnic and gender discrimination .

These hungry Italian orphan children whose parents have died of disease live less of a life than the rats that infest The Five Points a 19th century neighbourhood in Lower Manhattan New York .

They are forced to seek warmth and shelter in the underground steam pipes at night.

Maria Francesca Cabrini and the Italian nuns that have followed her to New York eventually open an orphanage much to the displeasure of New York Mayor Gould played by John Lithgow .

Archbishop Corrigan of New York played by David Morse place obstacles in the nuns way not wanting to anger the Mayor or the affluent citizens that see the Italians as scum or wops as they called them.

The Archbishop eventually helps Cabrini find a home for her charges when she and the orphans are evicted from the fashionable district they rent premises in an effort to keep her quiet.

However as Cabrin's health and strength decline due to a post TB condition she meets more obstacles when attempting to open a desperately needed hospital after a devastating factory explosion kills many immigrant adults and children.

Cabrini is skilfully directed by Mexican director Alejandro Gomez Monteverde who also directed the superb 2023 docu drama Sound of Freedom.

Cristiana Dell'Anna is an Italian actress who I haven't seen before she is wonderful in the role of Sister Cabrini . This is one of those demanding emotional performances that takes a very talented actress to excel in.

Of course there are other impressive supporting performances I mentioned John Lithgow and David Morse another standout is Romana Maggiora Vergano who plays Vittoria a young prostitute Cabrini brings into her fold who turns out to be her greatest supporter when the nun is at her lowest ebb.

I can recommend Cabrini it tells a little known inspirational story of a woman who despite chronic ill health and broken English uses her entrepreneurial mind to build an empire of hope unlike anything the world had ever seen.

I did think the film score was a bit over the top and over sentimental at times written by Gene Back there were moments which reminded me of Wagner's orchestral fantasies but it's effective and doesn't intrude on the movie.

There's a treat for opera fans also in Cabrini with Rolando Villazón cast as a famous opera singer in Cabrini's orbit plus a brand new song titled Dare to Be from Andrea Bocelli, sung with his daughter Virginia.

Amazingly the real Frances Xavier Cabrini lived till she was 67 years old despite being told she had 3 years to live in her late thirties she was canonised as a Saint in the Catholic church in July 1946 becoming the first American citizen to be proclaimed a Saint.
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Stunning, stoic, strong woman!
worthyaton8 March 2024
Cabrini is the finest movie ever made about a 19th Century stunning, stoic, strong Italian immigrant woman who wasn't afraid to stand up to a male-dominated world, both within the Catholic church and within the powerful government of New York City. She fought for the orphaned children who were living in squalor in the sewers & slums of NYC. The rats were even living better than the children. Disease was rampant & no one was listening to her pleas for assistance. She was tenacious, determined, and refused to give up, even while living with a lung condition that often weakened her. She also wanted to open hospitals because the local ones refused to take immigrants who were too poor to pay their medical bills. I had never heard about her until this movie. Now, after seeing it, she has become one of my all time heroes!
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Fantastically inspirational Story
patlav318 March 2024
My wife and I saw Cabrini and to know the story of Frances Xavier Cabrini is awesome, the work that she did relentless in her pursuit to make things better for all people.

I wholeheartedly recommend this film to everybody wanting to understand the plight of what life was about as an immigrant to this country . Her life is an absolute inspiration to all and especially to the young women of this country, never give up .

God Bless Angel Studio for the incredibly outstanding film beautiful actors and their skillful art to tell such a magnificent story of such an iconic figure, that i have read about but never really know all about what she was able to accomplish.
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Cabrini is a beautiful and inspiring biopic!
tuespetruscarter4 April 2024
Cabrini is a beautiful and inspiring biopic! It is exactly the kind of movie that we need more of in the cinema. It was not perfect by any means but is better than 90% of the movies that are made today. In terms of the story, I think it could have been better crafted and engaging since it dragged at times, but this is a common problem in biopics since there is usually a lot of ground to cover. Overall, I would recommend it to anyone interested in viewing an inspiring story of this less-than-familiar saint whose selfless determination helped thousands of people and who made the world a better and more beautiful place.
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A pleasure to watch
joecow-160607 March 2024
The cinematography of this film is executed so well. The angles, leading lines, contrasts, and grand vistas all come together and deliver an exceptional experience. A time period piece is always something that seems rather difficult to take on and it was done here flawlessly. I am a professional photographer and spend lots of time creating me scenes with toys and telling a story with characters and I loved the way this film delivered on all the check boxes. For me the marvel superhero movies are a dime a dozen with flashy speed death of the eye scenes so full of going-ons that no one really knows what is going on. Cabrini delivers on visuals while also telling a beautiful story pertinent to our times as much as historical significance. Cabrini is a movie worth seeing again and again on the big screen!
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It should've been a three-part miniseries...
rbreath9 March 2024
As an extra in the Senate scene and after spending a day filming and learning what the scene was supposed to be, when it arrived on the big screen it was chopped up in the different direction than what they had originally chose, making it seem thrown together. Knowing that, and watching the entire movie I feel it should've been a three-part miniseries. It seemed that most of the scenes in the movie were chopped together and if there were more time, then more could be told about Mother Cabrini and how she got to where she was.

As an editor and producer for several podcasts I would break it down like this, the production and editing left a lot to be desired and the director could have done a better job.
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A gripping and powerful true story
amlcart0y9 March 2024
Cabrini is an inspiring beautifully filmed and acted movie, based on the real life accomplishments of Mother Cabrini. I am not a Catholic, so I was not familiar with this story. It was emotional and thought provoking and hits the very essence of service and love for all humanity. It promotes the powerful love and compassion that a a true feminist would find inspiring, while simultaneously teaching what all man and woman of every race and background are capable of. It describes what a loving world we could have if we just thought more about serving others and instead of worrying about, "what's in it for us". An absolute gem that needed to be made. It's what a film should be.
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Great cinematography and acting yet story meanders in 1st act
filmtravel10113 March 2024
This is a fantastic true story that I was excited to see another film from Sound of Freedom director Alejandro Monteverde. The cinematography is truly epic almost looking like a Rembrandt painting with so many fantastic shots it was breathtaking and the acting superb with incredible set designs and costumes.

The story of Cabrini is unfortunately built up too slowly in the 1st act with pointless scenes that drag the pacing of the story almost completely focused on her business/ politics that it feels almost one dimensional -focused on New York only versus the impressive Cabrini Empire of Hope and Church, Hospitals and Universities across the entire world and her Miracles and famous catechism are barely covered in this miopic film.

It's still an impressive feat that most will enjoy yet it could have been a masterpiece considering what Saint Cabrini accomplished in her lifetime instead of reading highlights in the footnotes at the end of the film.

Make sure to stay for the Biocelli sing at the end

A solid 7 stars but could have been a 10 Looking forward to this directors next film.
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Powerful and unknown bit of history
anitaeli-4513210 March 2024
True and amazing story that not many of us know. Powerful example of the impact that one woman can have against all odds by leading with passion, moral courage, perseverance, intelligence and heart. Mother Cabrini is my new favorite female leader.

The actors were well cast and the scenery in NY and Italy were real and beautiful and also very sad as they captured the life and times of the unhoused of that period. Sadly, the discrimination and greed at the turn of the century between the haves and the havenots resemble much of the challenges that exist in today's world just with different players.

Don't miss this excellent and timely film.
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Mother Cabrini confronts American racism
steiner-sam15 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
It's a partial biopic of an Italian-American Catholic saint set primarily in New York City from about 1887 to 1892. Mother Francesca Saverio Cabrini (Cristiana Dell'Anna) is a Catholic sister who founds the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. She has frail health but an indomitable spirit of service. She is the headmistress of an orphanage in Northern Italy but feels called to establish orphanages in China. After great difficulty, Pope Leo XIII (Giancarlo Giannini) persuades her to launch her mission in New York City, which is amid massive Italian immigration that faces racist reactions from New Yorkers.

The film follows, in dramatic scenes, Mother Cabrini's efforts, against all odds and with the help of a former sex worker, Vittoria (Romana Maggiora Vergano), and five other mostly nameless sisters, to rescue poor and orphaned Italian children from the sewers of New York City. Archbishop Corrigan (David Morse) resists her at every turn, as does Mayor Gould (John Lithgow). Finally, in 1890, Mother Cabrini establishes the Sacred Heart Orphan Asylum north of the city on 15 acres formerly occupied by Jesuit priests. In 1892, again against opposition, she establishes Columbus Hospital, which is open to all ethnicities, including Italian.

The film is so focused on Mother Cabrini that we only learn the names of two other sisters in her group. It also emphasizes her many pre-feminist clashes with racist, arrogant men, both secular and religious. The cinematography is oddly beautiful in depicting grim circumstances, underlining that this movie is about a saint. Other than Dell'Anna, only a young boy named Paolo (Frederico Ielapi) demonstrates any real personality.

One always wonders about these "based on a true story" movies and how much has been created or exaggerated. Indeed, the mayor is fictional. Mother Cabrini seems like a significant person; I would have wished for a less sanctified interpretation.
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Not what I expected
holyface-3186512 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The film portrays St. Cabrini as merely a woman who accomplishes everything simply through sheer determination and her own selfish will. She is in conflict with the Archbishop, the Cardinals in Rome, the Holy Father Pope Leo XIII and even Holy Mother Church herself. The movie portrays the church as some sort of Good ol' boys club that is against her and sets her up to fail because she is a woman. Of course, this modern-day Gloria Steinem/Angela Davis super woman out foxes all of the boys and gets the upper hand because she is smarter than them.

The film shows nothing of St. Cabrini's sanctity or her devotion to the Sacred Heart. It makes no mention at all that the religious order she founded is named The Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. It leads the viewer to think she accomplished everything through some natural talent and not through supernatural grace.

The film comes to a climax when Cabrini goes head-to-head with the New York City Mayor, played by John Lithgow of all people. The mayor does everything in his power to prevent Cabrini from accomplishing her good works, but Cabrini gets the upper hand again through blackmail as she threatens to expose the burning of her new hospital project as arson with the mayor at the head of the crime. Cabrini seals her deal with the devil with a toast as he says to her "It's a shame you were born a woman, you would have made a great man" to which Cabrini answers "Men can't do what women do".

The only thing missing was the 1960's slogan "You've come a long way baby".
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