IMDb Polls

Poll: The Chemistry of "Breaking Bad"

Despite its last episode airing two years ago, "Breaking Bad" is still one of the most watched and influential television series: It routinely is near the top on Netflix and OnDemand, is near the top of IMDb's Top 250, and is still one of the most widely discussed series of all time. In many ways, it has become the gold standard for many; the chemistry between the series and its audience has perhaps become almost as iconic as Walter White himself and the show he anchors. What do you think most accounts for the gravity towards "Breaking Bad?"

Discuss here

Results of 1,849 votes:

  1. 1.

    Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul in Breaking Bad (2008)

    The unique and complex relationship between Walter and Jesse, and the chemistry between the two actors.
  2. 2.

    Bryan Cranston in Breaking Bad (2008)

    The transformation of mild-mannered Walter White into "Heisenberg"
  3. 3.

    Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul in Breaking Bad (2008)

    The unconventional, cutting edge humor

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