Doctor Who (2005–2022)
Ruined By Series 11
24 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I came to the Doctor Who universe as a newbie when the series returned with Eccleston and Piper. Originally unsure as to what to make of it, the show grew on me more and more, and with the reveal of the Bad Wolf story arc, I was hooked.

When Tennant took over the role, my love for the show was set in stone. He played the Doctor so well, and even though his companion changed three times, he acted as a continuity sewing everything together.

Yes, there were a few dud episodes, but all in all seasons one through four were a joy. And I still can't watch the end of seasons two and four without getting emotional. Donna was also a surprise. Originally thinking I could never see beyond Catherine Tate's comedy characters, Donna became perhaps my favourite companion even over Rose.

When Tennant left and Smith took over, things went downbank for me, not for Smith but because Amy Pond was, for me, one of the most annoying companions ever. She took over the whole show to the point that the opening scenes used to play out as though the show were about her, and the Doctor was her companion. I was glad when she went.

Thereafter, through into Clara, Smith into Capaldi, and Nardole and Bill, whilst never matching the glory days for me, were still entertaining in their own ways.

And then Whittaker and Chibnall happened. And it all went wrong.

I have no issue at all with a female Doctor. I was looking forward to seeing what the show could do with that, and thought it would bring an overdue injection of new life into the format, but the opposite appears to have happened.

I found all of the new series to be dull as ditch water. There's nothing to like about it.

The music for one thing is flat. Each previous series had a theme, often linked to the companions. Series 11 has nothing of the sort. The music is almost like one constant drone from start to finish. It's actually painful to ensure.

The companions are dreadful. There are too many of them and so none of them have enough development time to care about them, and Ryan in particular has more wood than Noah's Ark. He can't act. He just reads out works in a monotone voice.

None of them seem fazed or impressed by anything they see. They're as excited about being on another planet as they are for putting the bins out for collection.

And Whittaker makes for a dreadful Doctor. She never commands the attention of anyone. She doesn't know what to do. She's always wide-eyed and astonished. And what's with making futuristic things like a sonic probe or a Dalek out of bits of old tat found lying around?

I actually think it's an insult that they gave us a female Doctor and then made her inept. A male Doctor didn't need a gang of "fam" to get anything done, why does a female one?

I recently rewatched all the Nu-Who and without a doubt the latest series is a total abject failure. Personally I believe Chibnall should quit and see what Whittaker can do with a better script. And a new musical score is much needed, too.

Such a shame that they've effectively ruined what was a great show.
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