Little Woods (2018)
A well-acted tense drama - best of its kind I've seen this year
16 December 2019
This doesn't have a lot of reviews and it's well worth watching, the best I've seen for a while. Tessa Thompson is a fine actor, outstanding in Thor: Ragnarok (a film I didn't much like) and here she does it again in a totally different part, carrying this film almost alone. All support acting is good too.

I'm not going to detail what happens, but some of the material is unusual and interesting - a different kind of drug-dealing. That interest is kept going well, Ollie, the main character, is very sympathetic (having to deal with her idiot-pain of a sister who definitely isn't) and there's plenty of tension. The simple plot is a mite depressing, but people do live like this and Ollie's practical determination gives the hope that problems can be overcome. The direction flagged a bit at times - I'm never a fan of lingering shots - but not too often and the script was fine. Some didn't like the ending, which came as a surprise, but after ten seconds' thought, it was great!

Some reviewers complain about casting a black person in this context, and it does bother me when, in the Thor film for example, not only a Valkyrie, but the god Heimdall are both black, which is ridiculous. I don't know this area of the USA but surely in this case it's not that unreasonable.

For a well-acted tense drama there hasn't been much around recently to beat this - watch it if you get the chance.
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