Trailblazing Look Into a Fiery Musical Scene
4 September 2022
Nothing in this world is going to make you think your personal is not valid. While many people will willfully put you down and say this about certain things, ultimately the individual has the final say on their preferences. The only real caveat to enjoying the things you enjoy, is how accepted is it in the mainstream society? We currently live in a world where bland pop singers are labeled as generational talents, even if their music is a focused grouped crime against humanity. So when hardcore and punk started becoming a thing in the mid to late 70s, it is easy to imagine the pristine ivory towers of music labels scratching their head when they first heard these assaults to the senses. It was not for the masses, and regardless of how hard many in today's nostalgic driven culture will try, punk and hardcore will always be their own thing.

What I especially liked was the brutal and no holds barred look into the lives of these rock pioneers. No lavish life styles to speak of, daily struggle with finances and definite addictions. While the people involved have a rather sad view of the world, they don't seem to have any direction in regards to fixing the issues. Nihilism is a hell of a drug, which is most likely what they are high off of.

I will say this. Watching this documentary gives you the perspective of how hard it is to go against the grain.
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