Very Disappointing
28 October 2023
Killers Of The Flower Moon was a film that I have been looking forward to seeing for several months now. I have only just started going back to the cinema to watch films, but only really for films that I really want to see. Killers Of The Flower Moon fell into that category.

It ticked all the boxes, a Scorcese film starring Dicaprio and De Niro? Yes please. I was, however, massively disappointed. I think the cinematography is pretty good, and the acting was quite good too (especially the always great Dicaprio), but that was about it for me. I'm not one to see a films long run time and be put off by it, in fact there are some great films that over two and a half hours and sometimes even three or more hours.

Unlike Oppenheimer, I don't think Killers Of The Flower Moon warranted the three and a half hour runtime, could have easily cut forty-five minutes to an hour. The time wasn't really the reason why I didn't like it however. I just didn't feel like the film ever got going, its sort of the same monotonous pace throughout the entire thing. Ultimately, I don't like it when people say they don't like a film because it was 'boring', because more often than not that just means they didn't understand what was going on. Despite understanding the plot and what was going on, I have to say Killers Of The Flower Moon is pretty bland in truth.

All in all, I came away from the cinema feeling quite underwhelmed and disappointed, somehow Scorcese took a really interesting part of history and turned it into a pretty unengaging slog. Overall, its not bad, its just that you expect a bit more from Scorcese given his track record. Overall I'd give it an average score of 6/10.
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