The Whining Man Children Strike Again...
6 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Never really offer my thoughts here but for this series, especially the final episode - which some have rated the worst of the 6 I feel the need to.

All the negativity and not one comment I've seen here seems to convey understanding of what Filoni has done here. Look at the chapters headings - The Path of Fear - The Path of Hatred - The Path of Anger - Devotion - Realization - The Way Out -

This is a series of two stories woven together with ONE MESSAGE - We all know what happens to Morgan, her hatred destroys her. With Barris, pay close attention to the Wasteland she walks through in the episode - Realization - this is a Metaphor for the destructing and desolation - the same desolation Moran brought upon her environment due to Hatred in the final episode of her arch - that Barris' existence has become. She sees it for what it is and turns away from it. Finally, to be redeemed through selflessness and forgiveness. Firstly, of herself and then of another, Lyn.

I understand that Disney uses Diabolical Marketing Methodology - and ramps up expectations, only for people's expectations to be dashed when the projections of their own wants and needs onto it do not materialize, I'll fault Disney for that. But I implore you, rewatch all of it with open eyes and see it for what it Truly Is! This is a Masterclass in allegorical story telling. The only others to do this through animation is Studio Ghibli. It is THAT GOOD!

It is shocking to me, that so many find this series, lacking. I personally think this is an absolutely outstanding addition to the canon. And I am specifically referring to the episodes dealing with Barris Offee.

Lucas' principles, that are explicitly laid down as the core of the story of Star Wars and its allegorical message, is one of redemption. Through love, compassion, self-acceptance, selflessness, self-sacrifice, forgiveness and reconciliation. And with Barris', Filoni, one of the few that adhere to the principles the Star Wars saga is founded upon, that is continuing this saga, has stayed the course and held true.

I honestly welled up in episode 6. Barris' story is dealt with such tenderness. It is beautiful.

Do not be swayed by the disgruntled whining of those that only see and want to see Star Wars as 'spectacle'. That are so intellectually lazy that all they can do is complain that they didn't get what they want.

9/10. Filoni IS the 'Heir to the Empire'
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