Treasure Island (TV Movie 1990) Poster

(1990 TV Movie)

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35 years in the making
bkoganbing26 January 2015
In a commentary to the DVD of Treasure Island director Fraser Heston said that the genesis of this film was as a lad he heard Charlton Heston read the story to him. Robert Louis Stevenson's classic is an adventure story that has appealed to know about 15 generations and Fraser got to hear his father read the story playing all the parts with different accents. I'm betting this was the genesis of Charlton Heston's interpretation of Long John Silver. If so this film was about 35 years in the making.

Not to dismiss the Wallace Beery/Jackie Cooper version or the Walt Disney version with Robert Newton and Bobby Driscoll, but Fraser Heston's version is a darker version. The other two concentrated on the relationship that develops between Silver and the lad Jim Hawkins with Silver as rogue and surrogate father figure to straight arrow Hawkins. This version emphasizes a very ruthless Silver and a much older Hawkins than either Driscoll or Cooper were played by Christian Bale. Young Bale is no kid the adults have to protect, he aids in the fighting and is if not mature very capable.

The other parts of the legendary adventure are filled most capably with seasoned veterans like Oliver Reed as Captain Billy Bones, Richard Johnson as Squire Trelawney, Julian Glover as Dr. Livesey, and Isla Blair as the widow Hawkins. Most important and unforgettable is Christopher Lee as Blind Pew. Most of these people worked with Charlton Heston before so it was a family shoot in every sense of the word.

Charlton Heston's interpretation of Long John Silver is unique and maybe closer to what Robert Louis Stevenson had in mind. But what a treat young Fraser Heston had to see that one man show of Treasure Island his father put on. If only cameras had been rolling.
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Mostly accurate adaptation from the novel
Sage-c42 June 2013
This is probably the closest adaptation from the novel, slightly marred by a tendency to linger over scenes inspired by iconic illustrations of NC Wyeth and others. The pacing when establishing characters is like a too-slow striptease, especially Billy Bones (Oliver Reed), Blind Pew (Christopher Lee), and John Silver (Charleton Heston). Heston's delivery, like Christian Bale's (as Jack Hawkins) is understated, which removes a little of the fun and all of the mercurial affection established by Robert Newton and Bobby Driscoll in th e1950 version. Both Bale and Heston are just a bit too cold to perform the Tango of a sonless rogue and a fatherless boy, so their path to grudging admiration plays out more like a chess game. I'd rather have Reed and Heston exchange roles, but what's done is done. Lee's vocalizations, usually so plummy, are disappointingly squeaky, a surprising choice for such a sinister role, but his physical acting superb. Julian Glover as Dr Livesey, Richard Johnson as Squire Trelawny and Clive Wood as Captain Smollet all capture their characters, though again, Glover's expressiveness is a tad subtle. The Chieftains...well, certainly there are many points in the film where the strident fiddling is extremely appropriate, but but what's missing is a few melancholy bars and some strains of sober suspense. Surely the Chieftains had a plaintive flute or something that could have done the trick. A bit of thumping drums delightfully prefigures "the Battle" music from Master & Commander, but the gunnery work in the assault on the blockhouse is unconvincing visually, especially the recoil effects and explosions. This is a film that could benefit from a little CGI tinkering, since the special pyrotechnics budget was apparently so frugal. The locations are really quite good, and the Hispaniola looks good on the outside, sometimes appearing to be actually sailing. The interior scenes are a bit too stable and a bit roomier than they should be.
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The only other quality film rendition of Treasure Island besides the 1950 original
SimonJack6 August 2020
Robert Louis Stevenson's 1883 tale of adventure, piracy, treasure and treachery has been filmed four times by 2020. While the original of 1950 surely serves as a benchmark, this 1990 TV movie stands out among all those made. The 1950 Disney film was very good with a good cast that was mostly unknown outside of England. But this 1990 film has a much wider known cast of actors from around the UK, and American actor Charlton Heston as Long John Silver.

A young Christian Bale, at the start of his huge career, plays Jim Hawkins. And a well-recognized supporting cast performs superbly. Among them are Oliver Reed as Capt. Billy Bones, Christopher Lee as Blind Pew, Richard Johnson as Squire Trelawney, Julian Glover as Dr. Livesey and Pete Postlethwaite as George Merry. .

The filming in Jamaica, at Cornwall and elsewhere around England provides a sense of reality to the story, as though it were taking place then and there. And these 30 years later, here and now. I have now watched this film three times, and the original Disney film four times - with Robert Newton as Silver and Bobby Driscoll as Hawkins.

In the 40-year leap between those two films, I don't think the producers lost any sense of reality. The costumes, makeup, presentation of characters and all aspects of the story seemed authentic for the period. The 1972 adaptation seemed to modernize the story some. That British film that starred Orson Welles and Kim Burfield seemed to be made in the early to mid-20th century by the clothing, hair styles and other aspects. The costuming seemed too clean, neat and Hollywoodish. Nor was the acting nearly as good as the original.

The 2012 TV movie appears to try to appease the modern culture in the characters. The costumes in it look as though they were just made from new material, and the setting has the obvious CGI aura about it. The modern acting in these roles loses the sense of dark mystery, suspense, fright and thrill of adventure that Stevenson wrote. The 1950 and 1990 films worked to capture that.

Modern audiences and those in the future who want to educate children about the classics, should read the books. After that - and for those who don't or won't read classical literature, a good grasp of the story, with its culture of the time and place can be had by watching the 1950 film or this 1990 film.
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The current benchmark
rrichr17 August 2002
In Fraser Heston's production of Robert Louis Stevenson's masterpiece, an obvious labor of love by all involved, the classic tale sidesteps another excessively kid-friendly incarnation to live and breathe as Stevenson meant it to. Although its made-for-TV scale pokes through now and then, it does so only momentarily in each case. These little blinks aside, this heartfelt reading of the classic adventure is a worthy piece of work. It's still family-safe but this time there's real menace interwoven with the book's more genteel sensibilities.

How a film begins is often crucial and this `Treasure Island' begins so beautifully, and correctly. A mournful pennywhistle solo ushers in an opening credit sequence that could have been filmed by the painter N.C. Wyeth, whose vision infuses many of the film's frames. I replay this sequence several times whenever I screen this film because it is so evocative. It also perfectly sets the tone for the entire movie; beautifully done. But if they had just held the rousing, though excellent, music back a bit longer and let the sequence walk through on its own legs, it would have been one of the most perfect opening sequences ever filmed.

Charlton Heston as Long John Silver? Don't laugh. His now-familiar voice occasionally surfaces through his 18th century pirate patois, but never detracts. Heston's portrayal is completely effective and is handled with restraint and relish, a fact that is evident the moment his Silver first appears. Silver emerges from the back room of his waterfront Bristol grog shop to confront Christian Bale's uneasy Jim Hawkins who, having walked into Silver's lair, is realizing that he may, quite possibly, not be walking out. Assessing Hawkins through a world-weary expression that has seen it all several times, Silver weighs his options: hear the boy out or drag him into the kitchen and slice him into the salt pork stew, at least.

Heston's Silver is no buffoon. Instead, he is a dangerous man, not unlike the Deke Thornton character in Sam Peckinpah's `The Wild Bunch'; an intelligent person who is forced to endure, and make use of, the human dregs of his time, the best of whom can hold only a dim candle to him. Cunning, quietly remorseless, always several moves ahead of everyone in sight, yet patient in the face of relentless idiocy, this Silver is also a man whose soul has not been completely flogged out of him, by circumstance or the whip. His sincere respect for the innocent courage of Jim Hawkins gives this `Treasure Island' much of its humanity. If you don't feel a pang as Heston's Long John gazes chagrined at the loot, which, for the lack of more far-sighted colleagues, would have been his, you may have the proverbial hole in your soul. `Ah bucko', says Silver to Jim Hawkins near the film's end, after Jim rebuffs Silver's last gentle attempt to manipulate him, `what a pair we would have made'. Oh yeah, absolutely.

All of the book's heroes are portrayed with heartfelt competence; the blustering Squire Trelawney (Richard Johnson), the tack-sharp, impeccably-mannered Doctor Livesey (Julian Glover), the unflinching Captain Smollet (Clive Wood), and Jim Hawkins' arch-boy (Christian Bale in his mid-teens, filled out a bit post `Empire of the Sun', bearing no resemblance to his homicidal yuppie in `American Psycho'). Arrayed against them are the scurviest sea dogs who ever weighed anchor, complete with terrifying teeth and fierce, implied body odor: Oliver Reed's tragic Billy Bones, Christopher Lee's festering Blind Pew, Israel Hands (what a great name), Silver's murderous, cobra-like shipmate, (Michael Halsey), who provides a taste of what Silver himself may have been like in his younger days, and a most convincing Ben Gunn (Nicholas Amer). Peter Postlethwaite, the super-cool big-game hunter in the first sequel to `Jurassic Park', plays the bewildered George Merry, a man who should always flee from even the slightest ambition; someone who makes you happy to still be you, even if your 401K was riding entirely on Enron.

When the time comes for action, it's delivered with conviction. Early on, the tense, hateful confrontation in the Admiral Benbow inn, between the rum-soaked Billy Bones and his scary former shipmate, Black Dog (John Benfield), is beautifully rendered, as is the berserk fight at the island stockade later in the film. To its great credit, the film never tries to be funny, or even light-hearted. It simply forges ahead, telling Stevenson's great story. But near the end comes a scene in which Squire Trelawney confronts Silver, whose schemes are now hopelessly foiled, and attempts to call the old pirate to account. What briefly transpires is the film's only real yuk, but it's a peach.

It's easy to over-romanticize the period in which `Treasure Island' is set; swashbuckling as it may now seem, it was a time before widespread bathing (the future George III's German fiancé had to be told to please take a bath after arriving in England), flush toilets, anesthesia, toothpaste, germ theory, and any notion of social justice. But it was also a time when unbroken forests still covered most of North America, when Pittsburgh was just a rough-hewn, barely defensible French fort in the midst of a trackless wilderness (near the present site of the Pirates baseball stadium; Pirates?, hmmm), a time when, given the courage, adventurous spirits still had real room to move. The slate was still largely clean. Many irreversible mistakes had yet to be made. Anyone with a taste for history and, perhaps, a discernible distaste for certain aspects of our own `advanced' age will relate well to this forthright `Treasure Island'. If you've appreciated Charlton Heston as a movie star, you'll appreciate him even more as an actor. This `Treasure Island' is probably the best that will ever be made. A more `updated' version could certainly be produced; one that spurts more blood and exchanges more bodily fluids, with much of the book's period style and manner stripped out, but it would no longer be Stevenson, just Hollywood.
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The most faithful adaptation ever done and the best Long John Silver!!!
elo-equipamentos3 November 2019
I really love Robert Louis Stevenson's novel, l have almost all movies already made and adapted from this book, this one sounds great to me, because it has my movie hero on leading role, yeah, Charlton Heston, the screenplay is too faithful on book, will be redundant talk about the plot, then I will focuse on technical aspects, how the casting were misused, both Oliver Reed and mainly Christopher Lee in around thirty minutes or something no make sense at all, as credibilty they provide the Galion Hispaniola was a true highlight, a perfect replica, all scenes on sea and on the island are gorgeous, also see Christian Bale so young in a fine performance as well, the old Chuck delivers everything as Long John Silver, a priceless and delightful moment to share with their fans, l just had this picture on VHS properly stored on Heston's spot at my bookshelf as all others hundred movies from him!!


First watch: 1 / How many: 3 / Source: VHS-DVD / Rating: 7.5
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Good 90's movie fun
allstarrunner22 September 2018
I had just finished reading the book and so I went out and found this movie to watch. Without question, the movie stays very faithful to the book, even using a lot of the dialog and the voice over narration from the main character. If you've read the book and want to see an almost 1:1 copy into the visual format than this is the movie for you. It is great fun and its cool seeing Bale as a young kid and Heston turns in a great performance as Long John Silver! I definitely recommend watching this movie if you're in the mood for some nostalgia and a pirate adventure on a Friday night.
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Ye olde Jolly Roger flies again
helpless_dancer9 June 2002
In many ways this was a slicker version than the 1950 film; the acting and many of the props and settings were superior. Given all this I still prefer the old picture: it had a grittier feel to it, more like a crusty old buckaneer. I especially appreciated the big ship in the earlier version: this one was simply too clean and tidy. The 2 movies followed closely to each other, even to using a bit of the same dialogue. Heston gave a nice performance as the rogue Silver but couldn't surpass that done by Robert Newton 40 years earlier.
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Shiver-me-timbers, this is the best version of the Stevenson classic!
GulyJimson11 February 2004
Shiver-me-timbers, this is the best version of the Robert Louis Stevenson classic! In fact it is a model of cinematic adaptation. Closely following the book, with whole scenes and dialogue taken straight from its pages, the film never bogs down into the kind of stuffy lifelessness that sometimes afflicts adaptations attempting to be faithful to their literary source. Indeed Frazier Heston's screenplay and direction capture the brisk, page turning pleasure of the book nicely. Add to his sure direction, wonderful locations, a picture-perfect cast and a rousing music score by the Chieftains and you have one of the best pirate movies ever made. And for once they really are pirates and not watered down, sentimentalized versions of them. They're cut-throats all, a scurvy lot of thieves, superstitious and dirty. You can just smell their stench under the hot tropic sun and lush vegetation of Skeleton Island.

Oliver Reed as Billy Bones gets the movie going smartly. We first see him with his granite visage at the head of the skiff, an old sea dog home from the sea. With his great hulk and whiskey whisper purr he exudes danger from every rum soaked pore of his being. Of course his old shipmates, the remnants of the crew of the now dead Captain Flint, are pursuing him. Christopher Lee, almost completely unrecognizable, is Blind Pew, a spectral, skeletal figure of death, whose fury, fueled by blindness is like some great ravaging bird of prey. He is wonderful and like Reed he creates a vivid, memorable characterization. A young Christian Bale is the definitive Jim Hawkins. He narrates the proceedings and is at turns appealing, capable and wily. He is a boy on the verge of young manhood who is about to have his mettle tested with the adventure of a lifetime. There is not a trace of the Jackie Cooper mawkishness about him. Richard Johnson as Squire Trelawney, Julian Glover as Dr. Livesey, and Clive Wood as Captain Smollet are all perfect in their roles. They beautifully capture the essence of quiet courage. Heroes without phony heroics, they are solid men of character sure of themselves and quite capable of dealing with Silver and his scurvy crew.

This brings us to Charlton Heston as Long John Silver. Ultimately for any version of this work to succeed it rests on the shoulder of the actor portraying the Sea Cook. Happy to say, Heston gives one of the best performances of his long career. Turning his stalwart, forthright screen persona on its head, he creates a monster that is complex, charismatic, and bloodthirsty. There is no Wallace Beery, Robert Newton sentimentality here. This is a natural leader of men who can dazzle with his bigger than life personality and tales of treasure, and the next moment plunge his cutlass into the bowels of his victim without even missing a beat. Never has he used his toothy smile to better effect. It is the smile of a vicious carnivore-a shark. On a lighter note Nicholas Amer brings the right balance of levity and pathos as Ben Gunn, the poor maroon. He is amusing without becoming a caricature, and his scene with Jim when describes his yearning for a piece of toasted cheese is wonderful. Both Pete Postlewaite as George Merry and Michael Halsey as Israel Hands are perfectly nasty.

Finally the music score by the Chieftains is superb. It captures by turns the lilting Celtic love of the sea, the grace and sweep of a great sailing ship setting out for adventure and the exotic dangers of buried treasure, pirates, flashing cutlasses, and midnight rendezvous on a far away island in the balmy tropics. Avast, me hearties, this is a film to treasure!
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Overflowing With Treasures
boblipton5 October 2023
I think I'm safe in not giving you a precis of the story. If you haven't read it, or at least the Classics Illustrated Comic, it's good odds you've seen at least one of screen versions.

It's stunningly cast, with Charlton Heston assuming a West Country accent a la Robert Newton, and overplaying Long John Silver to the hilt. Christian Bale plays Jim Hawkins, and the cast is filled out with Oliver Reed, Christopher Lee, Julian Glover, and Pete Postlethwaite.

The real star of the movie is, for me, Robert Steadman, whose lighting and compositions -- he's the cinematographer, you see -- do a fine job of replicating N. C. Wyeth's illustrations for the Harper Edition. True, his blues are not a cobalt as Wyeth's, but the occasional shot made me stare, like the sequence where they find the treasure. Unhappily, the film makers are too much in love with the book, and insist on leaving in sequences that might have made a tighter and better movie. They are, however, handled so lovingly you can understand why director Fraser Heston and editors Eric Boyd-Perkins and Tom Gunn left them in.
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A Treasure of a Treasure Island!
sherlock-3421 November 2000
One of the great literary classics is brought to life in this wonderful made for television version. An incredible cast, headed by Charlton Heston as Long John Silver, beautiful location footage and a great soundtrack from Paddy Maloney performed by the Chieftains, makes this one of the liveliest productions ever filmed. Cleverly scripted and directed by Fraser Heston, the viewer is treated to a wonderfully faithful adaptation of R. L. Stevenson's classic adventure tale.

Christopher Lee is near unrecognizable in the ghastly make-up of Blind Pew. Add to that the most incredible voice-work and you have one of Mr. Lee's most fascinating characterizations. Although on-screen for a relatively short time, Pew is instrumental to the plot, and Mr. Lee certainly makes the most of his limited time, effectively creating one of the most frightening and memorable characters. Never before, or since, has Blind Pew been quite so well played. His interaction with the late great Oliver Reed as Billy Bones at the Benbow Inn is a wonderful moment, particularly for Hammer fans.

The cast includes a phenomenal assortment of remarkable actors. While Charlton Heston is less than perfectly cast, he does turn in a commendable performance and in no way detracts from the production. It is evident that he is enjoying his role. Young Christian Bale in an early performance is excellent and well cast, as Jim Hawkins. Isla Blair does a great job as young Jim's protective mother. Along for the ride we also have Julian Glover in a standout performance as Dr. Livesey. His confrontation with the swaggering Oliver Reed as Billy Bones is a high point in this film. Richard Johnson as Squire Trelawney and Clive Wood as Capt. Smollet round out the cast, with Nicolas Amer (whom I thought was actually Jasper Carrot) as a suitably deranged Ben Gunn. An exceptional cast, which fits together beautifully, results in my favorite version of this oft-filmed classic. While at times reminiscent of some of Hammer's adventure films, it certainly benefits from modern film technique, and rightly exceeds even the best of Hammer's pirate yarns.

Even if you are just checking this out for Christopher Lee's or Oliver Reed's performance, you'll find yourself engrossed in a wonderful family film and wondering why more classics aren't given such great treatment. Highly recommended!
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I don't think it's so good
ishmael-1819 July 2006
In the same way as Kevin Costner played Robin Hood in the movie with the money, while Patrick Bergin did a far better job in the other Robin movie of the same year (1991), and in the same way that Carrol Read's Oliver! (1968) was a film of Lionel Bart's musical (1960), itself a treatment of David Lean's film Oliver Twist (1948), this Treasure Island fails to match up to the BBC version of 1977, which seems to have inspired it.

Imagine the scene; the Hestons viewing the 1977 tape, not a star to be seen, and Charlton lamenting his never yet having played the Sea Cook; surely Junior could write the script - and direct it, no point in letting someone else stick their oar in - and with Charlton's name involved, surely they could get some real stars, and make a much better movie; after all, they'd have more money.

And there's the first rub, Oliver Reed never quite gets beyond Oliver Reed (and who decided Billy Bones was a Scot?), Christopher Lee is a shade gratuitous as Pew (did we have to be shown the true horror behind the mask?), and Julian Glover (Livesey), so accomplished as a villain, is a little too much like a villain with nothing bad to do today, than a truly good man. There's lots of star quality, but not much depth.

As to the script, it's not bad, though the BBC influence is definitely there, the trouble is that while the BBC adaptor, John Lucarotti had a fine grasp of RLS's pirate idiom, Fraser Heston hasn't.

It's forgivable for an American writing UK English to make the mistake, but 'Bugger', Bloody Hell' and 'Bastard' were not common C18 nautical curses, and 'Blighter' is definitely Victorian; Heston's pirates slip into 1940s far too often, and it jars. (And Trelawney habitually drinking tea; where did that come from? Is it just to underline that this story happens in England not America?)

Having said all that, Christian Bale is extremely good as Jim, and Heston's Silver is all it should be (the pity is that we just don't see enough of him), Michael Halsey is splendidly nasty as Israel, Stephen Mackintosh does a highly effective cameo as Dick, and John Benfield is a really scary and violent Black Dog.

It's not a bad film by any means, just not nearly as good as it should have been.
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Very good movie for all ages and great performance by Heston
gfender12 August 2006
Although this was a made for TV movie, Ted Turner wanted, and got, a great movie from an old story that has been shot on the screen many times. But none, in my opinion, as good as this.

Charelton Heston's performance was magnificent. Had the movie been produced for theatrical release, I believe that Heston would have gotten nominated for yet another Academy award, as probably would have the cinematography as well.

I highly recommend this movie for a delightful evening that the whole family can and will enjoy. Go ahead, pop some popcorn and find out. And for you true Charleton Heston fans, I'd also recommend another obscure title, "Mother Load."
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Treasure Island
jboothmillard16 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I have heard of many versions of this famous book by Robert Louis Stevenson turned into a film, the only other one I have seen is the Muppet version. But this only other version I have seen is actually pretty good for action, adventure and actors playing memorable characters. I think you know the story, but I'll explain it anyway. Jim Hawkins (young Christian Bale) finds a treasure map and he gets the help of Dr. Livesey (Julian Glover), Squire Trelawney (Richard Johnson, and of course, Captain Smollet (Clive Wood) to take them to the island of treasure. Only the one problem is that one member wants the treasure for himself, one leg short Long John Silver (Charlton Heston). Also starring Oliver Reed as Captain Billy Bones, Christopher Lee as Blind Pew and Pete Postlethwaite as George Merry. Good!
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It's a faithful adaptation, but nothing more.
czarina-yelena13 January 2018
I'm not sure where all the 10/10 and 9/10 reviews are coming from. This is a faithful adaptation of the book - so much so that you may as well be watching a dramatic reading, but that's the only good thing about it.

Christian Bale's Jim Hawkins sounds perpetually bored, worst of all when he's narrating behind the scenes like he's reading aloud in class. The settings are Hollywood-sanitized and look like the backdrop of a play, none of the grit of the 2012 British version.

A good adaptation has heart and adds something of its own to the story. This version does neither.
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Beyond any shadow of a doubt, the single greatest adaptation available!
eringobragh-110 November 2004
I read the book about 20 times a week as a kid. I saw every adaptation for the screen. Disney's was crap! Muppet was a joke. Every animated version was dumbed down. Only this one was faithful to the book. Even better, the actors were perfectly cast across the board. Each and every pirate was terrifying. Each and every good guy seemed nice enough until the fights started, at which they were badass!

This movie made me investigate the actors and I was so disappointed that they were all so wonderful in this, but they never had any better roles afterwards.

All actors were great, but the standouts were Julian Glover as Dr. Livesey, Richard Johnson as Squire Trelawney, Clive Wood as Capt. Smollet, and Nicholas Amer as Ben Gunn. Christian Bale, Charlton Heston, and Christopher Lee were fantastic and perfectly cast (surprise, surprise!)

For any kid, whether an actual kid or a kid at heart, let them watch this, rather than every other one (they are, to a one, crappy).
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Blood and Guts!!
post-9811018 October 2018
This was an exciting film - lots of action, blood, fighting and swearing! I didn't like the Disney version as much. As good as it was, I wouldn't want to watch it again.
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A Solid Retelling of an All-Time Classic
mchl8816 December 2023
This was the 1990 made-for-TV film adaptation. It was pretty good. Not spectacular but a solid retelling of a classic story. Best part may have been watching Christian Bale, all of 16 years old, holding his own in scenes with Charlton Heston and Oliver Reed.

Speaking of Heston, as Long John Silver (#Title) he's got the best lines ("What's the matter with you lubbers? Ye'd think ye'd never seen a man with his throat cut before!") and he delivers them with a stereotypical Pirate "grrrrl."

Similar to when I read Dracula this year, it amazes me that one man's wild imagination (in this case Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson) can spawn so many film adaptations and sequels. Just as Stoker didn't create the vampire myth, Stevenson wasn't the first author to romanticize pirates. But his book certainly helped propel them into popular culture and our fascination at the adventures to be found at sea have never waned.
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poe42612 August 2002
Along with George C. Scott's performance as Scrooge in A CHRISTMAS CAROL, Charlton Heston's performance as Long John Silver will go down as one of the highlights of 20th century television. In an utterly amazing turn, Heston metamorphosizes chameleon-like into one of literature's most enduring villains. This is the kind of performance that needs to be seen to be believed- and believe it you will! Had Heston chosen, he could very well have become one of The Silver Screen's leading villains. (THE THREE MUSKETEERS and THE FOUR MUSKETEERS are also offered in evidence.) Superb writing and direction by Fraser Heston in aid of must also be noted. Must-see telemovie.
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Vote for a DVD release at TCM
blackhawk6612 January 2006
More superlatives from me are not necessary. I will only say that I agree with the other commenters who consider this the best version of Treasure Island made so far. What would make a difference is for it to be released on DVD. If you would like to see this version of Treasure Island released on DVD, as I do, then please go to this link:

and vote for it (on the right hand side of the screen).

If the link does not work or you don't care to use it, then do a Google search for Turner Classic Movies, then search on the site for Treasure Island (1990). Maybe if enough people vote for it, it will actually be released on DVD. It can't hurt.
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An awesome version of a Classic!!! WHERE'S THE DVD?!?!?!?
steve-perry22 October 2005
(it would be 10 for 10 if this were released in WIDESCREEN DTS !!!) This TNT backed (probably made for TV) version had me hooked from the first minute. Faithfully following the tale of pirates treasure, we follow young Jim Hawkins from his fascination with Captain "Billy Bones" (a picture perfect performance by the late Oliver Reed) to his adventures aboard the Hispaniola and eventually Treasure Island. The casting is magnificent. Charlton Heston plays his Long John Silver with an air of jaded humanity that we almost empathize with him. The "good guys" are also humanized and show some of their "darker" sides in the course of the telling of the tale. I just wish this would be released on DVD. It is truly an effort of love and a tribute to the great Robert Louis Stevenson. Truly wonderful, Mateys!
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Don't expect too much from this film.
mcleanmuir17 October 2018
As an adaptation of the book it is very good. As a remake of the 50s film it is also good. However if your looking for anything extra it's not there. I like anything to do with Treasure Island and have watched all the films and TV series so I enjoyed this film but can't rank it any higher than a five.
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Fond memories
André-73 August 2001
Cudoes to all those involved. The Hestons (father and son) for daring to risk a lot (in terms of reputation) on so well known a project. A superb and faithfull re-telling that still manages to surprise (the cannon scene was a beautiful coup de theatre).

This loving adaptation is the only one I remember that includes the haunting image of Israel Hands slowly sinking out of sight in the water... A description I will always remember from the novel and echoed at the very end of Benchley's JAWS.

This television version of Stevenson's book brought back fond memories of a teen-age summer on Prince edward Island, reading the adventures of Jim Hawkins striding the razor's edge between the honest Captain Smolett, and that band of ruffians that follow Long John Silver.
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The absolutely best version of Stevensons classic novel
kienberger28 November 2005
Although one of the commentaries states that he would have give 10 of 10 if the movie has been released widescreen in DTS I will give it nevertheless 10 points. This is based not on the technical side. Me as well would have greatly appreciated a Release on DVD in German Language in a Widescreen Apect Ratio but I'm afraid this Picture was shot in an 1.33 open gate Aspect Ratio due to the primary intense to broadcast it on TV (the Movie was produced by HBO). If so, a blow up to a 1.78 or wider would cut of heads or other important parts of the image.

HBO has proved a dozen times (The Last Outlaw) that it is even more able to produce absolutely high class movies than some studios or independents simply by using the essence for a good film in a way it has to be: the story.

Fraser Clarke Heston who did produce, wrote the screenplay and directed the movie did a really great Job. In his fussy stile (in the most positive tenor) he tried to take the story by Louis Stevenson in an image how it was intended. He meet the fantasy of thousand of readers and involve them in the movie. They are riveted on the picture from the very first minute.

This movie is perfect! The Screenplay, the arc of suspense, the Language as it was spoken at that time, the clothes as they were worn, the decoration, the dirt, the teeth, the properties, the ship, the location, the make-up, hair-dresser and even the continuity are perfect. The story is known by all. The Actors as well.

Therefore an extensive comment is needless except this one sentence:

It's perfect and a great enjoyment to view, watch it !!
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Remarkable version of this classic novel
joeisele24 May 2006
In my opinion, this movie is the best film rendition of Treasure Island to date. I must however preface that comment with the fact that I was eight years old when it came out and still watch it today from time to time. I fell in love with this film at a young age, without the wisdom to realize that this movie stands the test of time as a rich and well crafted rendition.

The story is of course of the famous the R.L Stevenson book and uses a somewhat older Jim Hawkins played by a young Christain Bale. Charlton Heston seems born for the role of Captain Hook and a host of other famous actors play great characters as well. Everything is tied in together with excellent scenery and a wonderful soundtrack by the Chieftans in the flavor of Irish folk music.

I watched the movie again at the age of 18, having been exposed to a wide array of films and upon seeing this again, I couldn't believe how much I still loved the film. When remakes are done of films, it's sometimes the first rendition one sees that sticks as the 'prototypical' version to which all others are compared. This film is such for me, that I cannot see another version of the story and find anything of value in it. Call it stubborness or simply childhood attachment, but one must see this movie to understand. Don't listen to the rants and raves of a grown up eight year old, rent it yourself and make your own decision.
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Rousing Adaptation Follows Novel Closely
hans1010679 December 2000
This version of Stevenson's masterpiece is probably the one that most closely follows the novel.It appears that they must have had a copy alongside when they were writing the script.Oh,we can certainly have criticisms,of inaccuracies,and diversions,but they're so small.Bale is some flat as Jim Hawkins,and he does appear a little dull-witted(which is NOT the same as being stupid)but what of it.He's the closest in age of any interpreter.I've heard people complain of Heston being cast against type as Silver,stating that he's not doing a hero.Nonsense!Silver happens to be an evil hero!Wood's Smollet is a little too young for the character,and Halsey and Coyle are both much too young for theirs(Hands and Morgan are described as rather elderly pirates)but what of it?They do a fine job.The fight at the stockade is much more elaborate than was described in the book,but can we have a Heston film that doesn't have an epic battle?Besides,it's so much fun.And Silver's escape is not as described in the novel,but it's so original,and so much in character,that we have to cheer the old blackguard in his resourcefulness.Get the video,stock up lots of beverages,make lots of popcorn,and settle back for a rousing,rollicking good time.
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