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A Useful Approach
JackCerf20 October 2005
The central characters in this movie are unpolitical teenagers who have no concern with the larger political issues of Naziism and simply want to enjoy themselves. Their only perspective is that Nazis are stuffy, conformist jerks and no fun at all. For this reason, a number of mainstream critics (among them Ebert and Berardinelli) trashed the picture for trivializing the crimes and horrors of the Third Reich. These critics, I think, miss the point.

The value of the movie is precisely that it is trivial. There is no hindsight. The audience, like the characters, is caught up in the everydayness of everyday life in a totalitarian state. The Nazis are the government, and as far as anyone can see in 1938-39 they are going to go on being the government forever. The war hasn't happened yet. The Swastika flag flying over every post office and courthouse doesn't give them a little shudder of horror; it's as normal as the Stars and Stripes is to us. All sensible, respectable people who aren't Nazis themselves go along with the Nazis, because they have no reason not to.

Auschwitz hasn't happened yet either. Sure, there are concentration camps out there somewhere, but that has nothing to do with normal, ordinary people who behave themselves. Unless you happen to know a Jew or a political dissident yourself, what the government is doing to people like that isn't your problem.

The teen-aged lead characters find themselves in opposition and in trouble, not because they have any principled objections to the government, but simply because they find respectable culture boring and want to amuse themselves. The first reaction of authority, in the person of Kenneth Branagh's kindly Gestapo man, is that all they need is a good talking to, a second chance, and a little constructive guidance in the Hitler Youth and they'll grow up to be good citizens. He's fifty percent right; Thomas does respond positively to the comradeship and healthy outdoor activity he finds there.

The ultimate choices made by the two boys are governed not by principle but by their personal situations. Thomas has been rebelling against his cold, pompous, wealthy father, whom he loathes, and he ultimately decides that being a dutiful Nazi and denouncing the old man to the Gestapo offers him much better revenge than dancing to illegal jazz records. Peter recoils from the Hitler Youth (and from his former friend) because his own father had disappeared, perhaps into the camps, after the Nazis took power several years earlier.

There's's no hindsight in the movie's perspective, and no heroism. Instead, it gives us ordinary, everyday people dealing with ordinary everyday life as they find it, from the viewpoint of a high school student. The movie leads the adolescents who are its target audience to ask themselves an unpleasant question -- would they be any different, any more politically aware, if they were in the same situation? Indeed, would they even realize it if they were actually in the same situation now?

The implicit answer is that they probably wouldn't be all that different from ordinary non-political German teenagers in 1938, minding their own business, going about their own lives, and at most trying to carve a little more personal space than the government wants to give them. That's disconcerting and not at all flattering, which is why Swing Kids is worth watching.
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Good moments, could have been better
silvergirl6067 April 2006
I really don't understand a lot of these reviewers. The movie far from trivializes anything about the Nazis, it simply tries to portray a moment before the bloodiest war in history on a smallish scale.

Would it be better to just have a movie that says "Nazis are bad and they killed six million Jews."? No, because that wouldn't be a movie.

It's like when people complained that a mini-series about Hitler's life that was supposed to be shown on TV would "humanize Hitler". Well, news flash, he WAS a human. That's the worst part, a human could do that sort of thing. What good is it to call evil-doers monsters and then leave it at that? When "Swing Kids" succeeds is when it's portraying the conflicts of youth as their country goes mad. Can anyone honestly say they feel NO sympathy for those who were forced to join the Hitler youth? It's easy to say you would have done different.

And the idea that the music being key somehow trivializes the events of WWII, um, it's based on an ACTUAL subculture, swing kids. There were lots of them and at first they were fairly lacking in politics, but later in the 40s when they were cracked down on more so by the Nazis some were more active.

It's not like the movie makers pulled the concept of kids, Nazis and swing out of their asses, which is what people seem to think.

And at least it was something, at least it wasn't giving in totally. Remember these were young kids, high-school age, nobody can expect them all to be Sophie Scholl.

Where "Swing Kids" lacks is its occasional excessive heavy-handedness. The ending is a bit excessive, something more subtle would have been better.

But as I say, the conflicts between the three main leads are fantastic and bring up questions of what you would do in such circumstances. I think the boys's indifference in respect to the Jew being beat up in the beginning of the movie is a good touch. This is NOT about the holocaust, because it was just starting and was largely unknown at the time. I hate when people can't lose what they know to watch a movie.

I recommend everyone to read some swing kids history, just look them up, it makes the movie much better and more interesting to know the facts.

This is a fairly good movie with very good acting, great great music and costumes, a great story that was influenced by deeply interesting history, and too much heavy handedness.

But seriously, who can resist a movie put out by Disney that includes the line of dialog "You're turning into a f*cking Nazi!"?
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Why only a 6.1? This was a pretty good movie.
Smells_Like_Cheese12 October 2006
I remember watching some of this movie in high school(way back when, 2001 I think) when we were learning about World War II. Many of us students kept asking the teacher what it was like to live in Germany at the time and wondered if everyone in Germany was a Nazi? So, they started this movie, but I had something else that day to do, so I only saw a part of this movie. I'm glad though that my mom picked it up recently because this movie had been stuck in my head for so long.

It's about the "Swing Kids", a group of teenagers and young adults who refused to join the Nazi's, yet they lived in Germany while watching American films and danced to swing music. They also wore their hair long and didn't agree with the rest of Germany on Hitler's views. There is a group of friends, Peter, Arvid, and Thomas, Peter is forced to join the Nazi school, Thomas joins with just to keep him company. Day by day they are drilled and slammed in the head with German propaganda. Peter and Arvid try to stay strong, but Thomas is starting to loose it and becomes a Nazi himself.

Swing Kids has a great story of morals and ethics, what happens when something so strong can split a friendship, but something so wonderful as music, swing to be exact, can bring them together. It's a beautifully acted and heart breaking story. I wish the rating was a little higher, yeah, it's not a perfect film, but it was a lot better than a 6.1.

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entertaining and poignant, a great film
pipgirl29 November 2004
I'm a History teacher and we use Swing Kids as an introduction to the topic of alternative youth groups in Nazi Germany. I'm not saying that the film is 100% accurate, obviously some dramatic licence has to be taken, but its not far off. Many people on this site have questioned the accuracy, and validity of the film, especially mentioning the lack of consideration of the treatment of the Jews. However that is not what this film is about (if that is what you want see The Pianist or Schindler's List - also excellent films).

This film is looking at how some German youths avoided the Hitler Youth and the nazi regime insofar as they could, and what they spent their time doing (dancing, listening to swing music and being with their friends).It does show some useful aspects about how the Hitler Youth were expected to behave and the propaganda they were exposed to, as well as about swing youth and their attitude to the regime.It is an entertaining and poignant film which explores friendship,romance and growing up against the backdrop of one of the most vilified periods in modern history

Basically Swing Kids does what it does well. Maybe it isn't a Schindler's List, but it does have its merits.Watch it and you'll find them!

BTW - could I just point out, many people on here have referred to the Holocaust, as though it is interchangeable with the Nazi regime, and have used the phrase in their reviews. Just to clear up this: the holocaust specifically refers to the gassing of Jews at extermination camps from 1942 onwards, essentially the Final Solution. As this film is set in 1939 it is prior to this.
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A Subset of a Much Bigger Subject That Made a Good Story
D_Burke17 May 2010
"Swing Kids" underperformed at the box office, received bad reviews, but today maintains a cult following. Reading the reviews from the film's 1993 release, critics seemed to be ticked off mostly by the fact that the film depicted a seemingly trivial demographic in a horrific time and place. Their argument was understandable: if such mass genocide and political corruption was taking place, why would we want to know about German teenagers who were obsessed with American swing music? My question is, why would we NOT want to know about them?

Had "Swing Kids" been released some time after Steven Spielberg's epic "Schindler's List", critics may not have been quick to bring up that point. However, "Cabaret" (1972) was also about Berlin counterculture amidst the rise of the Nazi party, and no one seemed to have a problem with that film.

"Swing Kids" is by no means a perfect film, but it also shouldn't be dismissed specifically because it doesn't take place in a concentration camp, and no one can be seen being tortured or killed. It's a small footnote, but by no means an uninteresting story.

The movie centers around Peter Muller (Robert Sean Leonard, who I couldn't help but think bore a striking resemblance to Jim Carrey in this movie), a German student barely out of his teens who, along with his friends Thomas (Christian Bale) and Arvid (Frank Whaley), love to stay out late and dance to big band swing music. They wear their hair long, own zoot suits, and are rebellious against the Nazis at first for rebellion's sake. They don't seem to be phased by the Nazi's propaganda against the Jews and other ethnicities until later in the film, although that point is not clarified well in the beginning.

Peter reluctantly joins the Nazis when his mother's significant other, Herr Major Knopp (Kenneth Branagh), pulls some strings after Peter's arrest involving a stolen radio. His other option is to be sent to jail, or perhaps even a concentration camp. Thomas enlists as well just to join Peter, but they ultimately don't give up their night life of Benny Goodman and Glenn Miller. However, the more Peter learns about the Nazis, the more he hates them. Thomas, on the other hand, falls into the Nazi propaganda over time.

The overall story is told pretty well here. Robert Sean Leonard is good as the moral compass of the story. Nowadays, I'm used to seeing Christian Bale in either villainous roles ("American Psycho" (2000), "The Prestige" (2006)), or as heroes with a noticeable dark side ("The Dark Knight" (2008), "Terminator: Salvation" (2009)). However, here Bale plays a guy who is a genuinely good friend at first, and his good acting made me forget about his later roles. At the same time, when his character becomes entrenched in the Nazi life, Bale somehow made this dramatic transition smoothly without seeming contrived.

Frank Whaley is also effective as the crippled friend Arvid, who can't join the Nazi army even if he wanted to because of his condition. Arvid plays jazz guitar, and knows a lot about American jazz. He is frequently bullied and beaten by Nazi soldiers his age, but still has energy to rebel. Whereas Leonard is the moral compass here, Whaley is the heart. I can't give away what happens to Arvid in this movie, but you really do feel for him as the movie progresses.

"Swing Kids" has a very good story, and characters good and bad that you really care about. Among the major weaknesses in this movie is the fact that it takes place entirely in Germany, yet none of the characters actually speak German. Normally that fact would not be a problem, but my issue was that the good guys here spoke with either American or British accents, whereas the villains (such as Branaugh) spoke with a heavy German accent. It's as if Hollywood hasn't gotten over the idea that German or Russian accents sound evil, even long after World War II and the Cold War ended. In this story, it goes without saying that accents shouldn't matter.

This is why I think the movie would have worked better as a foreign film made by Germans, rather than an American film made by the Disney company. If everyone was speaking German, allegedly evil accents wouldn't be an issue. On the other hand, "Cabaret" had good guys in it that had German accents. Why couldn't this film?

Also, perhaps I'm asking too much here, but the written epilogue at the end wasn't enough for me. Of course, as I mentioned earlier, not every film that takes place during World War II has to be dark and depressing, but it would have been nice to have received a glimpse of what these swing kids went through in concentration camps, how they coped, and whether they got out alive or not. Maybe such a broad subject could still be the basis for another movie, but just two written sentences before the credits broke the Golden Rule of Storytelling: Show, Don't Tell.

This film would have benefited from being shelved for at least a year, and perhaps being released a little while after "Schindler's List" made its run. Compared to concentration camps, young men in Germany who loved American music seems insignificant in comparison, but by no means does it discredit the alternative history lesson from being told. Critics could have been more open-minded to the movie, but the good thing is that the film now has a cult following. It still nags me that the film wasn't in German, though. At least it has historical accuracy on its side.
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Swing Heil: A Revolution
Lackluster-Me1 August 2021
Teens have been rebellious for all of time, apparently. The "swing kids" in the movie are German teens between the ages of 14-18 who grow their hair out long and go out dancing all night in swing clubs and live by their motto: "Swing Heil". Obviously teens being rebellious is dangerous enough but the swing kids are engaging in the celebration of American culture, even much of the music they listen to being recorded by African-American and Jewish artists. You understand where I'm going with this. It is very dangerous but they're teenagers and have to have what they're told they can't. So let's get into this:

Our two leads, friends Thomas (a young Christian Bale) and Peter (a young Robert Sean Leonard), are members of the swing kid group and are later forced to join the Hitler-Jungen ("Hitler's Youth" or "Hitler's Boys" in English) and being teenagers they comply but at night still continue to sneak out to go dancing. Let's just say this doesn't turn out well, for anyone. Thomas begins to enjoy the feeling of the swastika on his arm and Peter begins to question his own morals as well as his friends. There's a quite incredible scene shared by the two toward the climax of the film where they get into a heated argument over those said morals. It's really interesting to me to really see what that program did to kids. Thomas was only there because he had to be and was getting into fights and mocking the Nazis early in the film, only to become one in the end.

The friendship between is probably the strongest part of the movie. The second being the gorgeous choreography. I don't know, maybe it's the musical theatre nerd in me but I'm just a sucker for a good dance sequence. And this movie has plenty! Now here comes the part of the show where I address all the problems and in all honesty, I was surprised at the amount of hate this film received. It even made it on legendary critic Roger Ebert's most hated movies list. Let me say it right now, this movie is not bad. Maybe it's not the best, maybe you don't like it, but I'm still quite confused as to why it's hated as much as it is. The biggest problem I hear with it (besides the lackluster script) was that it was too tame. It does feature characters getting beaten up badly (you do see blood for those scenes) and characters dying, one character must even deliver the cremated ashes of those who were considered enemies of the state door to door! It is PG-13 and would've received an R rating had it been as gruesome as many critic's wanted. But it's not really about the Holocaust. It's a story about expression and trying to survive and stay true in a world where that's virtually impossible to do. And that is one of the strengths of the movie

Usually missed opportunity films leave me feeling cheated out of my money or just plain miserable or frustrated. Some even make me wonder why I ever watched movies and make me ashamed that I watch/review them in my spare time. This one is interesting. Question of the day that usually determines how I rank movies: will I watch it again? I...don't know. Knowing myself, I probably would, mostly for the swing sequences. Verdict: I don't think this movie was very bad, nor was it very good. I liked it unironically which should mean it's good, right? I actually don't really know. Ah, well, I thought it was all right. It's still a riveting and interesting story that I'm glad I've seen. It earns itself a solid seven out of ten. Think I might as well give it that.
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This film deserves A LOT more attention
shneur16 July 2005
This was a real eye-opener! Even to old fogies like me, "Swing" is associated with being the music of our PARENTS. In "Swing Kids" we see it being very much the Rock'n'Roll of the 30's, with all the attendant counter-culture and generational rebellion elements that implies. When you add to that the setting of the film in the ascendant days of Nazism in Germany, the contrast is both amplified and rendered a much more serous business than just adolescent highjinks. I suppose when you strip away everything else, this is a "loss of innocence" movie, but that doesn't do justice to its meticulous production values, uniformly excellent acting, or tight scripting and direction. If the theme is old, the angle is new and very apropos: I was enrapt from beginning to end. (Look for Noah Wyle just before he became a medical student on ER!)
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An insightful movie told from a refreshing perspective; the realistic and less than perfect characters are the film's strong suit.
Panterken11 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Robert Sean Leonard, Christian Bale and Frank Whaley give stature to the "Swing Kids", a movement of German teenagers who rebelled against the Nazi-ideology by playing an dancing to swing music in clubs( forbidden for being 'black and Jewish music'). The threesome comes from substantially different standing and differ as night and day in personality as well. Bale brings to life another extrovert character(Thomas), dancing tightrope on that slim line between self-confidence and arrogance. Whaley's character (Arvid) is intelligent and musically gifted, yet bruises like a peach, his emotional fragility a result of a crippled leg which condemns the artist from ever dancing to the music he loves and plays (the tragedy of the deaf composer and the blind painter all over again). These two characters occupy two ends the scale, and are both dangerously unstable, unlike our third and main 'kid': Robert Sean Leanord's character (Peter), an ambitious and idealistic youngster, a type commonly referred to as a 'golden boy', the whole world awaiting to be conquered by him. Yet he also has an Achilles' Heel: his father's death early in his childhood.

As often the bond between the gang seems stronger than it is, everyone gets along great when there isn't a care in the world, theirs only consists of smoking cigarettes, guzzling drinks and dancing with girls in hip clubs. When they try to lift a radio in another one of their mischievous antics, Peter gets captured and his hand is forced into joining the 'Hitler Jugend', Thomas happily tags along stating 'we can have the best of both worlds, HJ by day, Swing Kids by night'. Arvid, the most insightful of the gang, warns them of the dangers of getting brainwashed by Hitler's foul propaganda but it could not be helped, soon Thomas takes a turn for the worse and tension in the once so close-knit group mounts. Playful remarks regarding Arvid's handicap turn into insults of impurity, Thomas is so caught up in the world of cool HJ gadgets and perks that he neglects to notice he's being manipulated.

The thriller elements don't form the core of the movie, they're useful as a means to an end, to keep the viewer focused so he doesn't miss a second of the interesting characters, the interactions and dialog are really what matters the most. The lack of attention for politics makes 'Swing Kids' special in the war-drama genre. It's a bold yet smart choice. This approach (and the soothing swing club intervals) made it easier to watch than most in the genre, which I think keeps the movie from alienating young audiences. It's pleasant to watch the history of pre-war Germany through the eyes of rebellious young citizens and subsequently (as a young man) being able to identify more with and relate to the characters. The government in place at that time was accepted, just like we accept the supreme command now, it's highly plausible kids could see more light in standing up for a sort of symbolic value namely 'Swing Music' (rather than forming political movements), which of course is connected with freedom of arts...and so forth with freedom of expression.

'Swing Kids', though certainly engrossing and accomplished, is fairly uneven and at times loses the audience's attention with gratuitous melodramatic scenes. Near the end the focus strays from intelligent dialog and interactions towards silent melodrama. Paired with Robert Sean Leonard's underwhelming performance (yet again), it's a small blemish on an otherwise highly recommendable film.
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Excellent portrayal of swing and moral struggle
nbj24 December 2003
Anyone who has stepped on to the dance floor with a live swing band playing knows just how well Swing Kids captures the electricity of a night of swing. Anyone who has strapped on their best duds an hour earlier knows knows the romance and anticipation captured perfectly as Peter Muller (Robert Sean Leonard) dresses for his last night of swing. This movie was in no small measure part of the impetus for the swing revival in the mid 90's, and I personally get "in the mood" for a night of cuttin' rug with Janis Siegel's incredible rendition of "Bei Mir Bist Du Schon" from the film. But what makes this film truly superlative is its honest dealings with ordinary Germans' motivations for complacency towards or participation in Nazism. In Nazi Germany it was in everybody's best interest (save the Jews) to play along. From Peter's mother who just wants her to children live happily and avoid the terrible fate of their father to Thomas Berger (Christian Bale) who finds acceptance and encouragement for the first time, they do so for the reasons that would tempt each of us sorely. The horrible truth of the Holocaust is that, like the Germans, very few of us possess the selflessness and moral courage it would have required to oppose the evil tide of Nazism. Swing Kids is almost alone in its portrayal of this chilling truth among Holocaust and World War II films. Robert Sean Leonard's portrayal of this moral struggle for understanding and courage is very moving. (Of course, there's noone better at playing angst-ridden. c.f. Dead Poet's Society.) As he dances his last dance, with the weight of the world on his shoulders, the world spinning around him, he finds a rare kind of release that is perhaps found only on the dance floor. And yes, his brother's cries, "Swing Heil! Swing Heil!", in the final scene give me a lump in the throat every time. For all these reasons and more, Swing Kids is an excellent film.
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Strong Performances And Great Music Spoiled By Lazy Direction and Wandering Script
Dan1863Sickles15 April 2017
I remember seeing the trailer for this movie in 1993 and sitting in the theater slack-jawed. As another reviewer said, it looked like "GREASE With Swastikas." Or more accurately, it's HOGAN'S HEROES meets THE BREAKFAST CLUB, with Kenneth Branagh as Colonel Klink. In any case, watching the trailer, I was shocked by the sheer tastelessness of the whole concept, and I avoided the film like the plague.

Many years later, I rented the film from the library, and was surprised to find that it's . . . really not that bad. The music is amazing, the dancing is great, and a lot of the teen friendships and heartbreak are surprisingly touching.

What sinks the movie is that the director Thomas Carter can't edit and never settles on a single story line to follow. There's too much going on, and moments of danger and terror are buried under endless scenes of squabbling and teenage silliness.

Some performances are brilliant. Christian Bales steals every scene he's in, going from being a great guy and the ideal best friend to being a terrifying Nazi informer. He's playing the same part Marcus Boyd played in BEN HUR, only he's much, much, better at it. The only problem is, Robert Sean Leonard is no Charlton Heston! He just looks weak through most of the movie, and when he hits the dance floor alone in the epic finale he just looks like a boy on the verge of an epileptic fit. You can't jitterbug your way out of Germany, son!

On the far side of brilliant, Kenneth Branagh is unquestionably the world's least menacing Nazi. What's next, Hugh Grant as Heinrich Himmler? Branagh's flabby face and tired physique give the impression of a guy nursing a pint in some pub, not a brutal killer and master manipulator. It's really pathetic that Christian Bales is half his age and ten times more deadly!

One final note: Tushka Bergen was perfectly cast and stunning as Evie. The trailer makes it look like she's a major love interest in the film, but you only see about five minutes of her in the movie.

Did I mention that Thomas Carter doesn't know how to edit?
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sincere subject, weak execution
SnoopyStyle5 March 2016
It's the late 30's Hamburg, Germany. Peter Müller (Robert Sean Leonard), Arvid (Frank Whaley), and Thomas Berger (Christian Bale) are Swing Kids who dress differently with long hair and listen to American music. They speak American slang, swing dance and abstain from the Hitler Youth. Peter's mother Frau Müller (Barbara Hershey) is under pressure since his violinist father was killed after being imprisoned. Their friend Emil Lutz (Noah Wyle) switches to become a Nazi. Peter is arrested for stealing a radio and Gestapo officer Herr Knopp (Kenneth Branagh) pressures him to join the Hitler Youth. Thomas joins him. The disable Arvid refuses to compromise.

This is a sincere subject but the execution is lacking. The story lacks tension despite taking place in one of the most intense places in history. The movie could still be interesting but it decides to descend down a cheesy path. It also ends too soon. The big fear is the consequence of standing up against the oppression. It needs to show what happens after that. There are some solid young actors but the movie fails to live up to the serious subject matter.
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Following: The Greatest Evil
Boodikka16 August 2001
In reading the reviews, there appears to be some disbelief that the Nazis saw the "Swing" movement as any real threat. In Peter Profield's excellent 1991 Himmler biography, he makes it quite clear that the official party line was that "Swing" was a subversive evil, as much as any White Rose activity. As for inconsistencies in Bale's character, understand that he is merely a "joiner". When the Swing Kids seem like the trend, he's into them. When the Jugeund seem like the better trend, that's what he wants to do.....typically adolescent.
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LeRoyMarko20 April 2001
I liked that movie. It shows us another face of Germany during WWII. The Swing Kids, just like the Zazous in France, were dancing to the rhythm of jazz. And the music is pretty good in this movie, so is the dancing. The acting is not that bad neither.

Out of 100, I gave it 81.
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Dreadful B no D Grade Acting
hothelen28 November 2016
DO NOT BOTHER! Horrible acting and average dancing. Forget it I just couldn't get into it when Germany was starving like my home country England. Rotten as I said besides your toenails need clipping don't waste the 90 minutes or so of your life!

Furthermore, the story-line was thin and all over the place and the acting did not make me like any of the characters - The acting was over the top and it felt like Happy Days or the movie Greese with swastikas!

Sad as the director Thomas Carter, tried but the cast choice was very strange. Willie is there and as Peter is driven away by the police he loudly screams "Swing Heil!" over and over again, which is very silly and pathetic. Evey - she was the worst actor and very wooden. SAY NO!
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Connected with me on two levels: Swing and Judiasm
BruceUllm6 October 2004
I have always been a very big fan of swing music and am a "Hollywood Jew". I.e., not very religious or observant of the ancient traditions, but still a Jew in humor and emotions. So this movie never fails to make my tear up. To imagine a time and place where not only your seeming friends turn on you, but you can't even listen to your kind of music is a special kind of hell on earth.

The dance and music sequences are wonderful and I can't see or hear them enough. Solid sounds, daddio! However, the film wisely preempts the reverie and jerks you back to the Nazi repression each time. It suggests how those poor "Swingkleine" must have felt. The sweet and sorrowful blend here.

Someone criticized this picture for not showing enough death. I think the boxes of human ashes and the random Brownshirt raids show enough of that! This picture isn't about the Holocaust -- it's about trying to survive when your society goes seriously wrong.

I will always think of "Swing Kids" when I hear the truism: "It don' mean a thing if it ain't got that SWING. Do-wah do-wha do-wah do-wah do-wha do-wha do-wha do-WHAAAAA".
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Worthy Effort
damianphelps3 February 2021
This a nice film that covers some pretty heavy moral and ethical questions regarding loyalty, family, country, personal safety and integrity.

All to the back drop of swing music.

As a drama some of the dance sequences go on a little too long but that's a minor complaint. The cast do a pretty good job and they must be congratulated for the time and effort they obviously put in to deliver some fairly complex dance moves.

Its a good food for thought movie.

Bon Appetit!
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It don't mean a thing...
radiofreechristy1 November 2005
It's hard to find a film that accurately depicts how the youth of Germany reacted to the Nazi movement during World War II. While this particular movie may not be the best at portraying the way things were, it does a wildly entertaining, bang-up job of showing what one sector of that world may have looked like: the swing kids. With their controversial music and underground dance parties, the kids felt as if they could rebel without really rebelling. Here, we focus on three young boys with unkempt hair and an initial inability to conform: Thomas (Christian Bale), Peter (Robert Sean Leonard), and Arvid (Frank Whaley, who tragically has obtained perhaps one or two roles worth of noting since). Thomas and Peter are coerced into joining the Hitler Youth, while Arvid lags behind, finding himself torn between supporting his friends and sticking to the music. Conflicts of interest arise, violence and hatred becomes more and more widespread, and friends and family alike are split up over the issue of who's right and who's safe. Although the narrative and editing styles are fairly average, and no real new ground is broken, this is a genuinely fine film in teaching diversity, individuality, and holding to one's scruples. The performances turned in by the three leads, Kenneth Branagh, and Noah Wyle are remarkable, and it is worth a watch, perhaps a few.
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Poignant and Thought Provoking
deanne7928 March 2004
I don't know how anyone can watch this movie and say it's not a good film. There are so many elements that make it great. I fell in love with this movie in 1993 when I was only 13 years old and it has been one of my all time favorites ever since. I think all actors (especially Robert Sean Leonard)did an amazing acting job. I think it is important to see different aspects of WWII and this is a unique perspective--showing how many Germans were not all of Hitlers mentality but even if they weren't in the beginning it is important to see how his brainwashing tactics eventually affected even the youngest of Germans. Anyway, I think this is an under rated film.
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Edit this film to PG and then use it as a late grade school lesson
movie-viking7 July 2008
The music is fabulous, the dance scenes won awards, and kids can identify with these teens --or at least sense the joy their own grandparents (or more likely, their great grandparents) felt when dancing or playing 1930's Swing music.


With minor editing of swear words, vulgar sexual comments about young women, (including the teen boys' discussion of hiring women in the red light district) and a few of the PG 13-to almost R dance shots of young womens' undergarments replaced with milder shots of women in the otherwise joyful dance segments...

SWING KIDS could be used to SHOW KIDS how the Nazis COULD QUICKLY transform the innocent ................into the guilty.

Teachers could use clips from this film to ALSO teach persons about the almost FORGOTTEN Holocaust against the disabled...

"Arvid was a cripple. He didn't belong..." says one TEENAGER.

Everyone KNOWS the Nazis persecuted the Jews.

But the Nazis also persecuted - the DISABLED, like the character Arvid, (a great SWING musician) who is driven to extreme action - in part maybe because he was disabled.

One senses these teen boys - and their fellow teen companions - love their music and dance as much as teens do today. They deal with the steady, sometimes seductive, sometimes violent, advance of Nazis into their world...partly thru dance. (PS this film is based on actual German teens who loved swing music)
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Swing Heil!
voltumna13 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers

I can honestly say that no movie has ever moved me in the same way that this one has. We watched it in history class, and at the beginning my friends and I, who didn't know what swing kids were, thought that the title sounded somewhat jazzy and lighthearted.

How wrong we were. As the movie changed from the story of three teenage friends to the story of the choices every person in the nation had to make, we were all utterly captivated. True, I go to an all-girls school, and so the presence of Christian Bale probably didn't hurt our liking of the movie. But it wasn't just that.

The story, set in the late 1930's, is about the "Swing Kids" movement in the youth at the time that Hitler was gaining power and Germany was becoming more and more fascist. Fascism was all about conformity, being the same everyone else and putting the state in front of yourself. Swing dancing was and still is clearly about being an individual, and as a result, the swing clubs were slowly being banned. The swing kids remained defiant, even making up their own mockery of the Nazi salute: "Swing Heil!"


Each progressive scene at the Cafe Bismarck gets worse. The first shows a happy evening, the second a close call, the third the official closing of the club, and the last is the end of the movie.


The movie focuses on three teenage guys, Peter, Thomas, and Arvid. As the movie progresses, it's clear that the three are all searching for something. Thomas, who has a cold relationship with his father, is looking for acceptance. Peter, whose father mysteriously disappeared, returned home, and died, is looking for answers. And Arvid, a cripple who plays the guitar, is looking for a way out of a society that is beginning to sicken him.

The rest of the movie is about the choices that each one makes as the fascist society progresses around them and forces them to decide what stance they want to take.


When Peter attempts to steal a radio for his friend Arvid, he is given an unofficial ultimatum--join the HJ (Hitler Youth) or your mother and younger brother will be in danger. When Peter joins, Thomas joins too, saying that he did it because of his friendship with Peter and says that they can be HJ by day and swing kids by night.


Throughout the movie, it is clear that the three friends are drawing apart, and in the end, each makes a different choice, finding in that choice what they were looking for in the beginning.

The entire movie, while maybe not entirely historically accurate, is still an amazing film. The swing music played in it is not just an element of the background, it sends its own message. The acting is mostly flawless--my only minor point is that Emil, the HJ leader, is not very convincing. But what makes the movie really work is the powerful emotions drawn out of the viewer--happiness, despair, horror, hope, betrayal. It's the only movie that has ever made me cry.

As my history teacher said, "In many ways, the movie is somewhat cushioned. It only shows a small part of the time period and in some ways isn't incredibly historically accurate. But it's incredibly personal, and that's what gets you." An excellent movie, 10 out of 10. Words simply fail me.
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Ending and general overview
red_pepper_gal24 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This film was definitely not the most amazing movie to come out of WW2, but it has its merits in how it displays the Hitler Youth movement. I think that the script could have been more carefully put together, as I found the ending especially weak.

One thing that I found rather confusing was that the characters of both Thomas and Peter looked so similar that at times, I got them confused. While I can understand the choice to make them both blonde and as Germanic looking as possible, it would have kept me less confused had one had brown hair.

Other than that, I must say that the movie was fairly well done, especially the choreography.
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Bafflingly stupid, self-absorbed, and pathetic.
cionex26 December 2001
Words can't describe how horrendous this film is. There is absolutely nothing in this film worth anyone's time or money, except perhaps some of the music. The acting's flat, with a bunch of talentless pretty boys trying to instill drama into script more lifeless than a slab of formica.

Swing Heil, indeed. This film is hideously awful.
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Just one thing...
italiansrfrgirl29 January 2006
Say what you will about this film - say it's boring, say it's the greatest film of all time, say it was mediocre, say it was awful - i mean it, say WHATEVER you want (after all, we are, every last one one of us, entitled to our opinions); But know this one absolute fact: the very last scene in this film makes this movie great. If you couldn't stand the movie, when you get to the end, you're thinking, "I wasn't gypped". & if you loved it, when you get to the end, you're thinking,"Just when I thought it couldn't get any better...". Perhaps you find me silly or melodramatic, but it would be morally wrong for me not to send out this information into the universe. So, Robert Sean Leonard's "last dance", so to speak, is cinematic genius, film history, an honor to watch. Thank God beauty still exists in our menial lives.
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Not as Bad as Some Say, but.......
Hitchcoc4 January 2015
There is one heroic figure in this film, but it's not the main character. The center of this are a group of young Germans, who at the outset of events leading to World War II, like to immerse themselves in Swing. They admire Benny Goodman and Django Reinhardt and Duke Ellington. They go to dances and gyrate around in quite remarkable ways. The dancing is fun to watch, but the backdrop of the era is too much to have a great appreciation for their passions. To begin with, they are German. Their lives are pretty much what they want them to be. At the most, the closing of their dance hall is an inconvenience. They can still listen to the music and hang out with their friends. Arvid is the only one who sees the handwriting on the wall and he is crippled. The other guys play tricks and carry out their juvenile agenda. Because of a failed attempt to steal a radio, one gets forced to join the German Youth. His friend follows to keep him company and because was largely responsible for his predicament. There is a sanitized view of this group; they are all fine fellows. Even Noah Wyle, late of ER, who has become the bad ass, ends up developing a friendship with them. Obviously, they face difficulties, and there is growing up to be done and realizations that these Nazis mean business, but it just doesn't wash very well. There is, of course, they woman whose connection to Judaism makes her life in the town dangerous. There are realizations about fathers who were courageous but singled out. But the bottom line is that these guys, had they played it safe, would never have been in much danger (of course, as the German army became decimated, it would have changed, but the silly connection to dancing and the throwing away of life for it...give me a break.
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Excellent insight on the youth in Germany...
Burgundy17 January 2000
This movie does a great job of showing a different angle on the WW2 time period. The struggles the youth of Germany went through during that time were portrayed very well. People complain that this movie doesn't show the horror of the holocaust and the awful persecution the Jews faced, but that is not what it's trying to do! We all read or hear about what the Nazis did to the Jews (& other minorities) and think that the Germans must have been horrible people to have even gone along with this. But this shows how the propaganda they were constantly fed--as well as the activities & sense of belonging the HJ (Hitler Jungen) experienced--could slowly twist their minds to the Nazi way of thinking. One of the excellent things about this movie is how it shows how the main characters change. The changes in Peter & Thomas come very slow and natural, and only when you get to the end (and maybe re-watch it) do you realize how drastically they have changed their views. (Thomas especially)

There were some not-so-great things about the movie, like some characters or scenes which, when you think back, seem to have been included for an unknown reason. But the good points of the movie out-weigh the minor nit-picks. The swing music and dancing in the movie was awesome, and I thought all the characters were acted very well by the actors. They did a good job of showing the confusion that the young Germans must have felt, not knowing who was right. All in all, I really enjoyed this movie, and I think it makes you think as well.
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