Survivor (TV Series 2000– ) Poster

(2000– )

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Big fan for 40 seasons, now I'm done
hannes-0901716 December 2021
Survivor was my favorite show for years for these reasons:

  • A clever social game: Vote people out and somehow still convince them to give you a million dollars, how do you do that.

  • The survival elements: How do modern-world people deal with lack of food and sleep deprivation, and hard physical labor.

  • The challenges: Throughout the years they introduced many great challenges that require a diverse skill set. Sometimes it's physical strength, sometimes it's ingenuity or remembrence, sometimes pure willpower. Among my favorites were when players had to build a shelter and a local juror decided which was best (Boston Rob won I think), or one time they had to build a raft that could float on water.

Also, it's family-friendly and my wife and I were looking forward to sharing the Survivor experience with our kids.

But now I'm watching season 41 and there's hardly anything left of the trademark elements that made Survivor this great show:

  • Challenges: All are now basically "some parcours with a puzzle at the end" (for teams) and "stand on a platform and balance stuff" (for individual immunity). No diversity, none of the great challenges from previous seasons. Extremely boring to the point where I just fast-forward to see who won.

  • Survival: You hardly see players search for food or build shelters anymore. They keep saying they're food-deprevated but somehow it doesn't show. Either the new players are all Bear Gryllz or it has gotten softer as compared with previous seasons where players lost dozens of pounds and sometimes quit because they couldn't take it.

  • Social game: It's still the same game but the original strategies that used to be played are now buried under a pile of advantages and idols and idol-nullifiers and super-idols and what not. On top of that, everything now centers around race and identity in Season 41 to the point where players cry about voting someone else out because they have the same racial background, really? It's the 21st century and we're going back to using race and ethnicity as the primal characteristic to judge people? I'm not from the US and I could relate to all sorts of players of different backgrounds throughout the years but this is the exact opposite of inclusiveness that we're seeing right now.

Such a shame that it came to this, they should have canceled after season 40 and be done with it. I won't watch season 42.
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Used to love it, but waning fast
tddv-7126129 April 2022
So last night's tribal council was ridiculous. Drea (who's black) shows up with her group at the 2nd tribal and sees 2 black players sitting in the jury box and she basically has a meltdown that turns into a big scene because she thinks that the first 2 people to be voted off being black was so racial. Only problem is, though they were the first 2 in the jury, they were NOT the first 2 to be voted off! The first ones to be voted off were as follows: voted off Survivor 42 in Week 6? - Lydia Meredith - White voted off Survivor 42 in Week 5? - -Daniel Strunk - White Week 4? - Swati Goel - Black?

Week 3 - Jenny Kim - Asian Week 2 - Marya Sherron - Brown Week 1 - Zach Wurtenberger - White

But once again Jeff wimps out and goes PC and says nothing about this, and neither does anyone else! Unbelievable!

'nuff said!
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Idea for a season of survivor
fragglejan1112 January 2022
I have an idea for a season of survivor. In today's world with everybody being so sensitive and entitled why don't we have a season where the "snowflakes" battle the "Karen's" ? Obviously it would have to have different titles because the snowflakes and the karens would be offended by this title but I believe this could be one of the greatest and funniest seasons ever produced.
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One of the best shows ever
Tito-824 August 2000
Even though I watch too much television, it's rare for me to become addicted to any show. This is a rare exception. Season one is now over, and I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it. It's already one of my favorite programs of all-time, and even though I have doubts about how much I will like the next "Survivor" season, I'll always remember the first season as genuinely entertaining (and at times, riveting) television.

Oh, and the right person won, too!
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I'm addicted
endura-15 May 2010
what can i say about this show that hasn't been already said? it is perfect. entertainment, fun, psychology, beautiful surroundings...there is one thing however that often puzzles me. i recently read an interview with jeff probst (the host of the show) and he said that contestants are not allowed any cosmetics etc. on the show. well, how come girls always have they eyebrows perfectly shaped, no sign of hair on their legs or intimate areas and head locks look washed and clean? it's been puzzling me for a while.castaways don't look the part. also why so many beautiful people? i understand the show must sell and probably whoever is responsible for casting must comply with that rule but at the same time the show seems less real because of that.i would really like to see normal people with cellulite and other flaws some time.other than that i wholeheartedly recommend it. hope the show will go on for as long as i'll be able to watch it.
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Downright fantastic show!
mrnotfakey30 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I have seen a lot of reviews stating that this is fake and that there's no way that the castaways are living by themselves. The fact that they don't realize is that most fans of the show are aware of this. We know that there's camera crew, and a medical team waiting for if anything were to happen. And as far as the show being scripted, that simply makes no sense. For one, it's illegal for a reality show to be scripted in the United States. In addition, numerous castaways (Russell Hantz, Rupert Boneham) have had early exits, despite being ratings magnets. Take Heroes vs. Villains for example. You would think that to boost the ratings, if it were scripted, one of the fan-favourite Heroes would win, to bring in the ratings and please the fans. What happened? Not a single hero made it into the top four. Take the numerous medical evacuations. Watch one and look at the other castaways' faces (Skupin's in particular). Tell me it's scripted. The only things close to the show being scripted was in Season 1 (It's at season 40 now, and no such thing has happened since) when Stacey Stillman claimed that Mark Burnett (Executive Producer) had asked several castaways to vote out Stacey instead of Rudy Boesch. The other situation was when in Fiji, only one castaway actually applied for the show. Other than that, nothing out of the ordinary has occured. In addition to Heroes vs. Villains, many seasons had non-favorable winners. Such seasons include Edge of Extinction, Game Changers, Kaoh Rong, Worlds Apart, San Juan Del Sur, South Pacific, Nicaragua, Samoa, Gabon, Panama, Guatemala, All-Stars, Pearl Islands, The Amazon, Thailand, and Marquesas had less than favorable winners. Hell, Jeff Probst almost quit the show after Gabon because he thought the show had reached it's end.

But, after all of that, what truly makes this show great? The suspense, survival aspect and sense of character really make this show something great and something to remember. I walk away from each episode either mad or happy, but I think about it for a while afterwards. It sticks in your mind. It's evolved so much since Borneo. This show is really, in all honesty, the saving grace for CBS reality shows. The Amazing Race's ratings have been poor for a while, and Big Brother is only around in the summertime. In addition, the format of Big Brother makes it more difficult to get into.

At the end of it all, Survivor is a fantastic show, and I highly recommend watching it. Most of the people writing the bad reviews have most likely not seen more than a couple of episodes, or are discussing Island of the Idols. Island of the Idols did have some political issues brought into it, but for me, that just shows how real it really is. Situations on Survivor match situations experienced in the real world. Just because they're on a remote island doesn't mean that they aren't affected by the world around us. I agree with some people that the show could've handled it better. But, at the end of it all, Dan was removed and served some time in jail. In addition, the castaways featuring in Winners at War were all informed of a strict new ruleset detailing new rules about inappropriate behavior. But, at the end of it all, it's a game. It's meant to entertain, and it suceeds tremendously at that. And that's what makes the show great.
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SnoopyStyle26 February 2014
This is simply one of the big landmarks of TV history for better or worst. The first season was addictive and insanely entertaining. It took awhile to figure it out but as one of the contestant soon realized, this is a simple game show at its core. Everything else is a matter of set dressing. It is however one of the most original game show ever. The best thing about the first few shows is that the contestants were still figuring out how to play the game. As the years have gone by, the contestants have settled on strategies and the game has become repetitive. No matter how many changes to the game, the shock of originality has been lost. But this show will always have its place in TV history. It signaled the start of a whole new genre and that doesn't happen every day.
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There aren't many modern American TV shows that I admire more than Survivor...
OSienna22 November 2006
I'm extremely critical when it comes to television and there aren't many shows around that I DON'T pan. Survivor happens to be one of them. I can't get enough of this show! For me, it's really more of a game show with a mix of reality, drama and characterisation thrown in. The best part is that fact that these are real everyday people and not actors, who are thrown into a fantasy situation and left to their own devices (most of the time). I also enjoy the way certain characters grow on you and others are repulsed as each season draws closer and closer to the end. For some strange reason I particularly find the contestants more attractive when they're in their natural state and in their element than when they're back in the studio, all "glammed up" and civilised. I wonder if I'm alone in this...

Survivor Cook Islands happens to be my all time favourite at the moment. I don't understand the controversy surrounding the division of teams by racial background. I'm of Asian decent and I loved it! People will always judge and stereotype others by the way they look and this was a perfect means of showing the world how race alone is an unreliable measure of an individual's character. Americans seem to be so sensitive about these issues sometimes. Political-correctness is so ho-hum in this day and age.
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Survivor... the best reality show ever!
sumitsangtani19 September 2009
Yup... that's right, Survivor is the best reality show i've seen till date, and i was quite surprised it didn't feature in this year's Emmy Awards Nominations. I read in one of the above comments that Survivor's odd numbered seasons are usually not that good, i wanna say that i don't agree at all! Coz, Survivor 17: Gabon, was simply awesome... and i'm just starting season 19, i.e. Samoan, and its looking cool as well. The best thing in Survivor is the picturisation, the natural scenery, the diverse cast, and last but not the least Emmy Award winner and this year's nominee for best host : Jeff Barrot...

Its a must watch for all reality show addicts..
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anonym005331 March 2022
The show that created reality television as we know it (and often loathe it) today premiered in 2000 on CBS, becoming a national sensation by the end of its inaugural run.

The earlier seasons are fun enough, with a little more emphasis put on the locations, whereas today they appear to be entirely Fiji-based.

The most cringemaking segments are when the contestants are made to play Peace Corps (as a reward? No thanks!) but even more so when Jeff shamelessly tries to get an emotional moment out of them, epitomized by those "heartwarming" visits from "loved ones," where they are briefly reunited with family or friends.

The first season is a little rough around the edges and is honestly better for it. The contestants still didn't really know what they had signed up for and some of the younger ones (Gen Xers, how time flies) are openly cynical and derisive of the show's ceremony and rules, such as the concept of voting people out.

The show never became the survival show it was envisioned as being. Alpha males and females are early targets and the strategy of an alliance has given way to cliques, turning the whole thing into Mean Girls: The Game Show. In more recent seasons, Jeff Probst (first host, now producer and apparently dictator for life) has grown fond of adding as many twists as possible, many of them utterly ludicrous. It has led fans to be covet a season according to the "classic" rules, some even wanting one without "Hidden Immunity Idols" (introduced in Survivor: Guatemala).

For all its faults, the show is reasonably entertaining and one could do a lot worse on network television (variations on the concept, such as the execrable Big Brother, already have). The show will never have the kind of cultural popularity and influence as it did with that initial season in Borneo, but what does these days?
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Ugh, again???
ExitStrategy14619 November 2021
I watched big brother and stomached through most of the season until all was left was the cookout. It was such a boring watch. I didn't care who won. I told myself that Survivor will make up for a disappointing Big Brother season. NOPE.

Survivor started out promising and then it turned into woke agenda again. Once the players started a black alliance, I was done. Survivor has had so many diverse winners and all stars that there is no need to create an alliance based on race.

CBS, you have now ruined two fun shows that were entertaining. Shows that you would look forward to and watch as a family. It's hard to watch a show where race is more important than the objective. This show was about turning on each other. There was alliances but they never lasted as the game progressed.

People want to be entertained. We want back stabbing and lying. We want to be a Monday morning quarterback and say what we would have done differently. Now it's so scripted that it's not about the viewers but to placate to an a specific audience that very few can relate.

The problem is, I love both of the shows. I will see what next season brings, but this year, I am just done.
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One of TV's best shows
JackSparrowBauer16 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Lots of people say that this show is getting really old. I have to disagree. I just love the concept of the show. Vote people out until there's only one person standing. I love it! I want to go on it, but I don't think it'll be around anymore by the time I turn 21. Still, it's a great show. Great competition, likable people (most of the time), and a 1 million dollar prize. This last season (Fiji) was really boring, but I know the show can still stay fresh. It's always really fun to watch, and I always get upset if I miss an episode.

Two of the best things that ever happened to the show were Stephenie LaGrossa and Rupert Boneham. Steph, was easily one of the most competitive people ever on the show, she was likable, and everyone was rooting for her to win in her first season. She also played a great game in her second season. She deserved a million dollars, even though she didn't win. Rupert, easily the most popular contestant the show has ever had, also played a great game both time, and everyone loved him.

Seasons from best to worst (I haven't seen seasons 3-6)

Guatemala- It was really great after the merge, had great players, and Steph and Danni were the best Final 2 ever (I wish they still did the Final 2).

Vanuatu- I don't know why everyone hated this one. It was really good. The whole Chris, Twila, Eliza, and Scout thing was really good. Once Chad got voted out it got a lot better. Although the whole "Twila swore on her son" crap was too much. I couldn't stand how they wouldn't stop talking about that. But I thought that it was really good once they switched up the tribes.

Exile Island- This would probably be ranked higher if Terry (barf) didn't do so well. I hate it when people say that if you win all the challenges then you should win. Survivor is not a physical game. I really liked Aras, Danielle (Red Sox fan!), Cirie, and Sally. Courtney and Shane were annoying, but entertaining.

Pearl Islands- Unpredictables with a capital U. I hated Jonny Fairplay, and Rupert was a little irritating (he was better in All-Stars), but Sandra was great, and Jonny Fairplay still put a great spin on the game.

All-Stars- I thought that the return of all the characters was really good and I hope they do that again. Although there were 2 pointless episodes when Jenna and Sue quit. Rob C should've been around longer. And the whole Boston Rob/Amber thing was really annoying. Raise your hand if you're NOT sick of them.

Cook Islands- from the time where Cao Boi and Cristina got out to where Jonathan got out was great! everything else was just boring. Come on, Ozzy winning everything! lame! Yul was the more deserving one cuz he played a better game. I wish Parvati stayed around longer.

Palau- Steph was awesome and she deserved better. Tom was annoying and so was Ian, and Caryn, and Gregg, and Jenn, and everyone else who wasn't Steph, so but since Tom won everything, it was boring.

Australia- Overrated. I liked Elisabeth, and Alicia looked like a man she was so buff. (not really). Colby was annoying and they had too much crap about "discovering your inner self." But the later seasons were better than the earlier ones.

Fiji- This season never really entranced me like the other ones did. And the Dreamz/Yau Man thing was annoying. After the merge was okay, but this season was really boring.

Borneo- BORING! BORING! BORING! nothing else to say

I LOVE this show, and I could write about it for hours. Every week I can't wait to watch it. I think it only has 2 seasons left, but I still love the show, and enjoy it while it lasts.
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Your mileage will vary
prestonwardcondra6 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of those shows where I wish IMDb would categorize every single season of Survivor in the database. Seriously there are over 20 seasons of Survivor and when it's good, it's REALLY good with 10/10 material. *cough* Amazon *cough*

Other times there are seasons that are just painful to watch. *cough* Thailand *cough*

This show has been on the air for close to fifteen years (since the show's inception in 2000) for a show to be on that long, in the prime time slot, every year no less on CBS, it has to be doing something right.
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All Talk/ No Action
hjsridge7 October 2021
Just watched Ep. 11 and recently this show is about people just talking about who they're going to vote off. Less than 10 minutes is devoted to an actual competitions. What are they 'surviving" ? They're certainly not alone on the island . There are film crews following them all over.

People who mess up physical challenges seem to stay while the more competent are voted off. Now, it's a political message.

The show continues to lose viewers, but they continue to concentrate on the contestants talking amongst themselves. Even the Tribal counsels are dragged out with extensive talking.

They do.t have to go to a far away island to make this show. They could just go to a any park in the U. S. that is near an ocean.

On Wednesday, CBS follows Survivor with their new show "Tough As Nails".

The new show is an actual completion show. Many of the coemptions look very difficult and even dangerous. The players stay with their team the entire season, even if they may fail in the individua completion. Its a fun and exciting show.

Survivor, however, has become both annoying and boring.

Now let's play: " Find A Sponsor"
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Fresh and Exciting..One of the best editions of Survivor Yet.
Jdc10231 October 2003
For some reason it seems that the odd numbered survivor seasons aren't as good (Except for Season 1 of course). Example: Africa- The scenery was boring and some of the cast was interesting but overall it wasn't anything great. Thailand- Probably the worst ever. The location was good but the cast was the worst yet. But FINALLY that curse has ended because PEARL ISLANDS is Great.

First off- the location is perfect. I really like the pirate theme, its one that hasn't been used yet and it works.

Secondly the cast is awesome. Rupert is one of my all-time favorite Survivors. He's Richard Hatch with a heart. Osten is something else, a lazy guy with a good personality. Jon is a pain-in-the-ass and probably the most annoying Survivor since Lindsey on Survivor 3. Jon is so smug, but he does make the game interesting, even though you want to strangle him.

Overall- This is the only really watchable Reality Show in my opinion and Mark Burnett is really talented. He changes things every week so people don't get sick of it. Can't wait for season 8!! ALL STARS!

Thanks For Reading-
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Snowflakes put a freeze on survivor.
fragglejan1111 January 2022
Season 41, I believe is the beginning of the end. The show used to be such a diverse social study on different classes, races, religions, etc. Living together, starving together, laughing, crying, competing, arguing, and celebrating together while trying to outwit, outplay, and Outlast your fellow competitor. Now you can't say the word "guys".

What used to be the greatest reality game show on the planet has been deluded by watered-down challenges and cancel culture. Survivor lost over a million viewers in just one season and I will be one of them. You're not truly surviving on this show anymore like you did in the first 15 years or so. Phrases that have infiltrated the lexicon of English language used in multiple versions of survivor around the world have been attacked and you can no longer address a large group of persons with a plural word like "guys"anymore . CBS and survivor have caved to cancel culture and snowflakes and what was once possibly the greatest game show ever created has just become a parody of what it used to be. I for one will truly miss survivor and I will continue to watch the first 40 seasons over and over.
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Was, Great..
tammra-8852822 July 2023
Hello and greetings to you all, including the wonderful Jeff. The show survivor was awesome and fantastic to watch. I took the opportunity to binge watch It and catch up with all the great competitors. Unfortunately some outside influences and opinions caused this great experience to change. Please don't let it. I ask that you revisit the seasons before 41 and keep what was the greatest phenomenon the same. There are sounds and moments that everyone who's ever watched expect to hear and love it when they do. I know and understand that this is my opinion but I just had to speak out. Again, I implore you to keep this awesome machine that is; Survivor(outlast) going..
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Survivor is the Cats pajamas
alxx02095 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Wow myself and this show go way back when Richard Hatch won. I am one of few people that can honestly claim to be an " Ultimate Fan ". Im such a fan that I even wrote about survivor in high school English for a paper / also a poem about survivor . The game has to do with your physical , mental , emotional and social abilities. Survivor is strategic - as there slogan goes you have to " outwitt outplay and outlast " . Life is like that to .

Players are so entertaining some examples would be Richard Hatch , Fabio , Yul , Ozzy , Terry Deitz , Tyson , Amber , Rob Mariano , Russell Hantz, Parvati , JT , Rupert , Malcolm and many more. Its honestly just like football when people scream for there team to win or curse when then lose thats how I am for my favorite players One of the things I love about Survivor is there willing to constantly shake things up for example

  • Hidden Immunity idols added so much more strategy to the game.

  • Redemption Island was so unique - changed things around

  • Returning Players I love seeing players play again its amazing !!!

  • Merge / Jury really tricky to vote them off and still get there vote

survivor every season make twists that keep me on the edge of my seat.

**** A SIDE NOTE HERE - Jeff Probst once said in an interview that he will admit somewhere around 50 to 70 % of contestants are " washed up" actors that appeared in 1 or 2 movies . But that makes sense because they want entertaining , good looking people it attracts more attention. Also I bet that helps them with not having to edit as much.

The show is fixed ? of Course JT , Yul , Fabio won but if it was fixed Ozzy and Rupert would have won , so there are plenty of instances were something unexpected and disappointing happened.

Jeff Probst is the best host ever !!!! he is so funny and he tries to encourage " BIG MOVES TO BE MADE " and QUESTIONS them on there logic.

Survivor is so amazing, Im in love with survivor the casting , the challenges , the location , the importance of being a combination of smart and strong , confidence , strategy , being likable , the host Jeff Probst and many more reasons.

February 13th cannot come quick enough !!!!!!!!!!!! hurry I want to see Survivor 26 - I hope survivor is on till I die - Survivor is my show.
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Best Reality Show on Television
cameron-616145 September 2017
Survivor is a show that is impossible to judge as a whole. There are 10/10 seasons, and there are 1/10 season's. This comes with having 34 season's. The thing that's great about Survivor is that it can never die. Each season is different, so even though many seasons might not be great, many others will be incredible! Yes, Survivor's early seasons were some of its greatest, but many later seasons have been amazing. Think 27, 28, 31, 33. The evolution of the show is what makes it intriguing. New strategies being developed right in front of your eyes. No other TV concept can stay the same, yet still be constantly changing and refreshed.
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emmahottovy9 October 2020
I'm hooked have seen almost every season 10/10 recommend
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Season 23 confirms Survivor is a flawed game
greekmuse19 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
When Russell Hantz lost what the jury vote the second time around a few seasons ago, he said the game was flawed. He's right, whenever the fan (Sprint) favorite differs significantly from the jury vote, it means the jury can't think objectively. It comes down to who played the best game--who outlasted, outwitted and outplayed everyone else--not some petty jealously because they were voted off themselves.

In this season that just ended (23), Coach should have easily won given that Ozzy didn't make it to the final three. Sophie did absolutely nothing, she just happened to be at the right place at the right time. Coach played the best game by far but people but some of the jury were offended because he lied to them. I was shocked when Sophie won; probably the least deserving winner in the history of Survivor. I guess crying prior to the jury vote helps.

My top 3 players of all time are: 1) Russell Hantz 2) Rob Mariano 3) Ozzy 4) Coach, who really played an excellent game this season.

I wish the producers of the show would switch locations, it looks like Season 24 will be at the same place as the last five. They must be in cost cutting mode.

Also wish Jeff Probst could come up with some new lines. For example, instead of saying "Once again, immunity is back up for grabs." he could say "Once again, this is an immunity challenge." Not so hard, is it?

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well, they had a good respectable run
gymoantwerpen3 October 2022
It's a shame the show changed this much. It's just no fun watching it anymore. Watched 41 seasons with the most excitement, but the last 2 were dire and season 43 seems to be even worse. Episode one i couldn't even sit through. I get the inclusion thing, although one of the reasons i always loved tis show was for it being so liberal and inclusive. It felt realistic and natural. I'm asian and never felt the need for more asians on the show as it just wouldn't be realistic. Hope the woke police will be satisfied at some point as every show is becoming super unrealistic. Seems the whole world is mostly gay now. As a gay dragqueen myself i'd say... Sure whatever.
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Best Reality Show of All Time
rianengelen29 July 2018
I started watching this show as a teenager; from season 1. Interestingly I find myself having evolved along with it. Season 1 the contestants and consequently the unseasoned viewer seemed to think it was more about surviving, being a hero in challenges, providing for your tribe and making people like you, etc than it was about social politics, strategy and the journey of self discovery that these people must go through as they battle the elements and literally starve for 39 days. It feels almost that in the earlier seasons, naivety in the human condition prevailed as contestants and viewers alike were trying to figure out how to balance their real life morals with the fact that they were in a game that ultimately required them to betray almost all of the values we applaud as a society. To me this is the beauty, real people with real emotions will inevitably form real connections and will ultimately need to betray those relationships... there is no way around that fact.

By season 36 I am witnessing a different game. The die-hard fans and contestants have evolved. Now we know it is a game and we know how to play it, but the human factor, the emotional side - the relationships they form, etc are still REAL. The strategy is on a "whole-nother" level. The savvy-ness and emotional manipulation required to be successful at this game is intriguing. The twists and advantages that the creators come up with are nothing short of brilliant; fueling this excitement and intrigue. Some of the Jury miss the point and sit there overwhelmed by the emotion or their feeling of being betrayed; instead of applauding the hand that dealt the blow, others "get it", they understand that this game needs to be played personally but never taken personally - even just this observation to me is interesting to witness.

In terms of exploring human psychology and realness, there isn't, nor has there yet been, any other reality competition show out there that is as brilliant, addictive and REAL as Survivor.

I'm a fan for life.
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Too much music
lewinnj18 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I've watched the show for quite a while but I'm about to give up. I understand because of the unions, you must have music. People out on the jungle Island do not have music. It's almost impossible to understand what is being said because the music is so loud. If you're going to have it, back off on the music so that the narrative could be heard the show would be much more enjoyable. If this is not accomplished I am gone. I'm sure many others feel the same way and have already quit. Want to name the show to an hour and a half also does not help. You always have a very interesting group and an interesting story but it is absolutely useless if it cannot be heard. Come on guys! Do something about the music. Make it a background thing not a feature. I am a long time observer.
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5 stars and fading
gchaika-2028415 June 2021
I gave it 5 out of 10 because of the years past. But this show has become way too woke. I don't need a lecture each week about gay pride, ME TOO, my pronouns, and other social issues. I'm sure if season 41 ever airs Critical RACE theory will creep into the cast. Bye bye Survivor you had a nice run.

I used to love this show because of the game play, now it seems each season has some big reveal about something. The season where the one woman complained about someone touching her was ridiculous. The whole show is nothing but people running around in underwear, sleeping huddle next to each other and grabbing each other during challenges constantly. But we had to be lectured on ME TOO nonsense while they constantly show people rubbing each others necks, doing yoga in underwear and even flirting with each other. How can you sign up for this show then act surprised when this happens?

Sorry but this show probably should hand it up at 40 seasons and enjoy the first 20 seasons as the golden years.
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