Bucky Larson: Born to Be a Star (2011) Poster

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I blame the writers.
planktonrules17 March 2019
Currently, "Bucky Larson: Born to Be a Star" is number 59 on IMDB's infamous Bottom 100 List---the 100 lowest ranked major releases of all time. While I wouldn't consider this one of the worst in my opinion, I can see exactly why the film was hated by so many. The writing simply is awful....with not even a single laugh in the movie even though it's supposed to be a comedy. Instead of humor, the film resorts to crudeness. Crude CAN be funny....such as the cute film "Stepbrothers". But crude with no humor whatsoever is simply annoying and boorish....and this film has that in spades.

Bucky (Nick Swardson) is a guy from Iowa who is intensely stupid as well as possessing teeth like Bugs Bunny.....a joke that wears thin very quickly. After discovering that his parents used to be porn stars, instead of being repulsed or embarrassed, he thinks it's cool. So, his folks encourage him to trek to California to be a part of the porn industry. Hillarity SHOULD ensue...but it doesn't.

Unfunny, very crude and ample evidence that Adam Sandler (yes, THAT Adam Sandler) should not write films. Overall, an unfunny and disgusting film that held no interest at all to me as I tried to watch. I could mention all the various offensive things featured in the film...but I am pretty sure IMDB would not allow me to mention them.
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Bucky Larson: Born to Suck!
sethmlanders17 February 2016
I'm a huge fan of Adam Sandler's films and for the most part, I like Nick Swardson. However, this was very bad. I don't have anything against movies with sexual content or gross out stuff, it just has to be funny. After watching this, I know that Nick Swardson was NOT born to be a lead.

He gives us a semi creepy performance and all the jokes fall apart fast. For example, he says "Miles is getting an eight ball, I don't wanna play pool" or something like that. Just stuff that makes you cringe. The whole movie lacks an actual story, it's just a bunch of bad penis jokes and "point and laugh at the freak" jokes as well. A lot of great actors wasted (Christina Ricci, Mike O'Connell, Don Johnson) and the humor doesn't work here. It tries too hard to mix sentimental and mean-spirited stuff, which both fail. When Bucky gets a roommate, the dude (Kevin Nealon) is such a jerk that you wish he hung himself and left the poor guy alone.

The entire film is predictable and Stephen Dorff looks like Bret Michaels, which isn't a good thing. I smiled several times but didn't laugh at all. I don't understand why they couldn't put more effort into it. Making Bucky into a wimp who can't even perform correctly in these adult movies just shows you the thought that went into making it. Skip this one, you'll be glad you did!
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WOW...not much to say really. Kevin Nealon was great...and some nudity...um...yeah...just WOW. Not good at all. I say D+
cosmo_tiger4 January 2012
"I'm the son of two movie stars...that's like a super-duper movie star." Bucky Larson (Swardson) is working as a bagger at a grocery store when he gets into a fight with his manager. Depressed, he goes to his friends house to watch a "nude" movie. When he sees his parents on the screen he finds his destiny. Going in I saw the reviews for this (2.2 out of 10 on IMDb, 33 out of 100 on Rotten Tomatoes) and I am usually skeptical of bad reviews. Like most good ones they tend to exaggerate how good or bad a movie is. This is did not. This is awful. A few funny parts mixed in with the same joke over and over and over. The best part of this movie hands down is Kevin Nealon but he is not in it enough. I will say that I have seen worse, but this is a movie that people will watch out of curiosity and may regret it. Overall, not the worst comedy I have seen, but without Nealon it may have been. I give it a D+.
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A movie with absolutely no life whatsoever
keiichi7311 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
How does a movie like Bucky Larson get made? Here is a movie that appeals to no audience I can think of, and yet it is playing on thousands of screens. The only logical explanation I can come to for this movie's existence is that Mr. Sandler has some very incriminating photos of someone at Columbia Pictures.

Our title hero, Bucky (played by comedian Nick Swardson), is a dweeb. Not a funny one, or a likable one, but a pathetic dweeb who seems to live in his own world. Bucky hails from a small Midwest farm town, where he works as a bag boy at a grocery store, until he's fired about two minutes after the opening movie credits. He goes to a friend's house, where they decide to cheer him up by showing him a classic porno film starring a pair of legendary porn stars named Rosie Bush and Jim Spraysium. Seconds into watching the film, Bucky recognizes the stars as being his parents. Rather than be horrified, he is entranced by the idea that his parents were once in movies. It's at that moment he decides that it's his destiny to be a star as well, and decides to head to California and make it in "nude movies".

Bucky arrives in Hollywood with big dreams, but seemingly little common sense, as when he auditions for a mac and cheese commercial, and immediately drops his pants and starts jerking off in front of the horrified director and casting crew. Fortunately, the director on the commercial shoot used to work in the porn business, and directs Bucky to someone who can help him. The first person Bucky meets is the porn star Dick Shadow (Stephen Dorff), who is currently the biggest thing in the movies (in more ways than one), and immediately shuns him. He's later introduced to Miles Deep (Don Johnson, looking particularly embarrassed here), a down on his luck porn director who is so desperate to make a movie, he's even willing to give Bucky a shot. The audition does not go well, as when Bucky drops his pants, his "manhood" is revealed to be literally microscopic. He also has a tendency to start screeching like a monkey whenever he sees a woman take her shirt off, and starts shooting off blasts of his "man juice" like a shotgun all over the room and ceiling.

Let me stop this plot synopsis, and ask a simple question - Does this sound like a movie you would want to see? Does it even sound like a movie to begin with? I find myself returning to my original question, how does a movie like Bucky Larson get made? It holds absolutely no laughs, its lead character is an unlikable schmuck with an overbite and not a shred of knowledge of how to behave in social situations, and there's literally no plot to speak of. Just one situation after another for Bucky to humiliate himself. As the movie dragged on for nearly 100 interminable minutes, I came to realize that the entire screenplay revolves around three basic jokes. 1:) Bucky has buck teeth and talks funny. 2:) Bucky has a small dick. 3:) Bucky orgasms instantly every time he sees a woman take her shirt off. The movie repeats these same jokes many times, as if it thinks if it repeats them enough, it will wear down our defenses, and we'll eventually start laughing.

Back to the plot - Bucky's disastrous audition winds up on the Internet, and becomes a sensation. This inspires Miles Deep to give the guy another chance, and come up with a new form of porn that is non-threatening to guys (because they know they're better than Bucky), and is reassuring to women, since they know they are sleeping with a better guy than Bucky. Somehow, this idea takes off, and Bucky becomes a major star in the porn industry. He even sweeps the porn film awards, which is hosted by Pauly Shore, who plays himself in a cameo. It also means that this is probably the worst movie Pauly Shore has ever appeared in. (And no, I'm not forgetting BioDome.) While all this is happening, Bucky also strikes up a relationship with a sweet young waitress named Kathy (Christina Ricci). Kathy seems like a bright young woman, and Ricci plays her with charm. So, why is she hanging around Bucky to begin with?

Looking back over my review, I see that I have left very little out. This literally is all there is to the movie. There's no real conflict, other than a very halfhearted falling out between Bucky and Kathy that exists solely because the movie was nearly 90 minutes old, and nothing had really happened so far. This is nothing more than a story of an insufferable schmuck who goes to Hollywood, gets a job in porn, and falls in love with a nice girl. That's all. There's a hint of a subplot concerning the jealous porn star, Dick Shadow, trying to ruin Bucky's career. But this is so unmemorable, it could be cut from the film without anyone noticing. Why did it take three people to write a movie where virtually nothing happens? A movie that's quite clearly dead.

Yes, Bucky Larson is a dead movie. It shows no signs of life or inspiration. It doesn't even have the decency to be a lively or memorable bad movie. It just sort of lies there, not doing anything, and then asks us to leave 100 minutes later. Those who know me know that I never wish ill will upon anyone, but I seriously think that a movie like this could end careers. I hope that doesn't happen. I'm sure Nick Swardson is a nice and funny guy in real life. I'm also sure he'll be apologizing for this one for a long time to come.
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How did this piece of mammoth excrement ever get made?
stratusk125 September 2011
See that $20 bill in your wallet? Wipe your ass with it instead of paying to see this movie. You will receive more amusement watching a feces-stained Jackson swirl around the bowl than watching this gross-out piece of water buffalo diarrhea.

Not even an immature 13 year old will find this film amusing. It uses the same three jokes the entire movie: Bucky has buck teeth, he shoots semen at the mere sight of a naked girl, and he has a tiny penis covered with a bush of hair. Boom, that's it. That's the movie.

Game over man, game over.

If I could give this film zero stars, I would. Not even Stephen Dorff can save this penguin excrement.
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This should have NEVER been born.
twilliams7619 January 2012
There is very little to say about Bucky Larson: Born to Be a Star other than "I hated it ... I hated ALL of it!" The film is not funny and it is repellent.

I cannot criticize it for being about porn because Boogie Nights was exclusively about the world of porn and I think it was one of the BEST film of the 1990's. Boogie Nights treated its characters as flawed human beings searching for acceptance and a feeling of belonging -- Bucky Larson's characters are all supposed to be laughed at and there are just too many times throughout the movie which had me wanting to rush to the bathroom to vomit as 89% of the film is stomach-churning.

This should pretty-much END the career of anybody involved and I am actually surprised that Adam Sandler's name is attached as both a writer and a producer of this trash (Sandler also gave us Jack and Jill and Just Go With It this year -- the latter film is only saved b/c of the over-the-top performance of the unlikely physical comedienne Nicole Kidman -- so I question whether or not his days are numbered?).

An unfunny-to-me Nick Swardson (Just Go With It, 30 Minutes or Less, Blades of Glory) -- who's career is mostly stand-up comedy -- stars as the grotesquely buck-toothed Bucky Larson (who must've been born with buck-teeth?) who believes he is destined for a glorious career in porn after discovering his parents were au natural (meaning: unshaven, un-waxed, un-spray-tanned, un-fit etc) porn stars of the 1970's. Bucky leaves behind an insulting-to-mid-westerners existence in Iowa (only found in the movies -- he didn't attend high school because his town didn't have one ... whatever), the RIDICULOUSLY-accented Bucky (that is NOT an Iowa accent ... but let's throw-out another stupid laugh at the expense of the heartland) heads to LA where his dreams can come true.

Bucky luckily meets a nice, big-hearted waitress (Christina Ricci - Sleepy Hollow, Penelope, Monster ... and after this is it any wonder she seeked out employment on television as Pan-Am is Oscar-caliber compared to this!) at a random diner who befriends him, finds him a place to live (with crazy-jerk roommate Kevin Nealon - "SNL", "Weeds", Just Go With It) and sets him in the right direction of finding work. Don Johnson (Tin Cup, Machete ... who's short-lived career rebirth must be over) is porn director Miles Deep who sees something "special" in Bucky and decides to exploit the freak (it's explained in the film ... but I don't recommend watching this to figure out the "freak-tag" that has NOTHING to do with his teeth!) and Stephen Dorff (who's stellar "comeback" with the excellent film Somewhere must have been a fluke!!) plays a jealous porn-star rival.

As vulgar and repulsive as this film is, there is surprisingly little flesh on display. It would be difficult to pick-out the worst part of this film as that would pretty-much be the whole thing. Just as impossible would be finding "the best" part. This film isn't bad because it is offensive -- we've had Bridesmaids and two Hangover films -- it is just terrible bad. What works with those 3 films is that they are "equal-opportunity offenders" ... this one -- NOT so much. It is rank and rancid and beyond mere words for criticism. I NEVER want to see something like this again.
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Watching this movie literally made my jaw drop to the floor....
TheLittleSongbird16 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
...And not in a good way! I love movies, regardless of its age or genre. I love comedies and admire those with inspiration. When I saw Bucky Larson: Born to be a Star out of curiosity- though I did have reservations about seeing it starting with the trailer and Adam Sandler co-penning the script- online, I found next to nothing to love or admire about it.

The film looks cheap for starters, more in the slapdash editing and cinematography and dull lighting than the scenery. The soundtrack didn't have anything I'd deem memorable. Then there is the direction. Bucky Larson: Born to be a Star has some of the worst direction I have seen in a movie in quite a while, as all the basic tools of direction like camera placement and continuity Brady seems to be ignoring here.

Story-wise this just didn't engage. Some might say it is a predictable movie, in many ways yes it is. A movie that is predictable isn't bad as such, but for me it is when the film in question is not at all inspiring and just doesn't have any point to it. That for me is the case with Bucky Larson: Born to be a Star. Even worse is the writing, which is horrendous. It is not funny at all, just dumb, puerile and irritating, with no heart whatsoever.

When it comes to the pace, the film has no life to it, because the dialogue and jokes are so bad(seriously the penis that was so small you could use a straw for a condom idea was incredibly stupid) and no effort is made in regards to the characters, who are little more than stiff caricatures at best. The acting is really poor, Nicky Swardson is just annoying and abrasive while Christina Ricci who I like actually is cute but bland. In fact only Don Johnson actually tries to do anything fresh with his character. As for comic timing, in regard to this film, why bother really, most of it is basically saying a line and standing around aimlessly waiting for someone to say their bit.

Overall, irritating, woefully directed and pointless. Of a very hit-and-miss year so far, I think I now have my new contender for the worst of the bunch. 0/10 Bethany Cox
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Worst Movie Ever
J_M_Kiff14 September 2011
Awful. Dreadful. Total waste of time and film. Do not see this movie. I work in a movie theater so I get to (have to) watch EVERY movie that comes out, and this is without a doubt the absolute worst movie I have seen in a long long long time. I could not find even one redeeming quality in this movie. This film should be the death-knell of not only Nick Swardson's entire career, but Adam Sandler's "Happy Madison" production company should be banned from making any more movies until Sandler publicly apologizes for this horrible horrible waste of film. The dialogue sounds like it was written by three horny middle-school boys, the acting was strained and half-hearted, the plot was spoon-fed predictable. Some movies are "so bad they're good." This isn't one of those movies. This movie is just bad. Worse. Worst.
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One of the worst films I've ever seen.
yarden8351 October 2012
When I first went to see this movie I had rather low expectations, I thought this would be something fun to pass the time with, nothing fancy.

I have seen some bad movies in my life but I can safely say that this is one of the worst movies (if not the single worst one) I've ever seen. The jokes were really stale, and they somehow managed to move things really fast but in a long and boring way.

This was one and a half hour of pure torture and I do not recommend it, not one bit. I rarely make a review for a movie and even more rarely do I give only one star, but this film deserved it. Just don't waste your time on it.
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THIS Movie made me cry
emmanuelking198 January 2012
This movie was digusting and unfunny for most of the part. This movie is about a red neck,bucked tooth,goofy kid name Bucky who dreamed of being a pornstar in California after realizing his parents were famous pornstar during the 1970's.He soon became famous for his really small microscopic penis.

The worst part was that this movie had a lack of storyline.It had no climax.It wasn't exciting. It was goofy and it made my grandma cry also.She had only 2 hours left to live and she watch this movie leaving her only 25 minutes left of enjoying her life.

lease save your money for a better movie than this.
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goofy people are funny...
MLDinTN16 June 2012
that is what I got out of this film. Bucky Larson is about the goofiest character one could come up with. I also think some of these reviews are too negative. Sure, it wasn't great, but it also wasn't the worst film of the year. There's just something funny about watching messed up people in movies.

Bucky Larson has 2 bucked teeth, making him look like a rabbit. He also has a 70s hairstyle and bad accent. He gets the idea to be a porn star after finding out his parents made porno movies. So, he movies to LA, meets a cute waitress, and makes his dreams come true. The faces he makes while making his dreams come true are funny. It's so silly, you have to laugh.

FINAL VERDICT: A decent adult, crude comedy.
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They don't get it, recommended only for specialists
jose-cruz5311 March 2013
This is extremely heavy stuff, made for specialists in comedy. Most people will not get Tarkovsky's The Mirror and in the same way most people will not get Bucky Larson. There are few that get The Mirror and a few that get Bucky Larson and these two groups of people do not intersect easily. I rated The Mirror, 10/10, and Bucky Larson, I rate it 9/10, the same ratings I gave for Citizen Kane, The Godfather, Rear Window, Fanny and Alexander and Vertigo.

I personally think that Bucky Larson is vastly superior to most comedies. Take another random comedy, House Bunny, that was a plain bad movie but this is much more than that, if you are able to get it, of course. One needs to be able to fully master the art of watching crappy comedies before trying this kind of stuff which was made for the specialists. I have already watched hundreds of bad comedies and about 20 Adam Sandler movies and this operates on another league of greatness.

I would say that I got a lot of fun from watching this impressive work of art that defies convention and goes where no other movie has gone before. It was a "bad movie" done entirely on purpose by the director and writers. Just like the porn movies Bucky made in the movie, this is innovation and film critics, people who were brainwashed in film school to like 1940's stuff, cannot simply understand the genius of this film, as did the people on the porn business which were shown Bucky film's.

My ratings would be:

9/10 - Specialists 0/10 - Most people

I wouldn't recommend this movie for regular people. They will not understand it.
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Not As Bad As People Are Saying
Stu10275 January 2012
I really can't understand why there is so much animosity towards this movie and in particular, towards Adam Sandler. This film isn't art. It isn't subtle. It wraps it's humour around a brick and smashes you in the head with it repeatedly. But that's what I expected. I watched this film because I wanted a laugh. And I got that. There are some genuine laugh out loud moments in this movie IF it's your sense of humour. If it isn't, then why are you watching it? Sandler isn't exactly world renowned for his subtlety or his sensitive handling of subject matter. He has a team of friends around him who obviously get together over a few drinks and spin out some ideas that make them laugh. I like that about him. And I always get the impression that everybody making one of his movies has a real laugh doing it. And that's what I'm after when I'm watching one. Honestly, some people on here need to have a good look at themselves and wonder exactly why it is they are watching movies they know they aren't going to like. I for one hope he keeps churning them out because when I have a bit of time to kill, I can think of worse ways to do that than watching one of Adam Sandler's movies.
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tisk tisk Mr. Sandler
Ynotmod13 September 2011
Simply put not a good movie. Nick really put me back on this film, with bad writing and really bad acting this flick could not hold my attention. I believe this was a twenty minute short film that was drawn out. In some scenes it seemed as if they added pointless situations to pass time. Bucky's roommate wasn't funny and was a huge buzzkill. This movie had a lot of promotion which put my hopes higher than the result, a lot higher. If you cant tell already i didn't enjoy myself. Adam Sandler has made an excellent array of comedies in his career but lately it appears he has lost his touch. Maybe we'll truly know when his new film Jack & Jill premiers. Till then.
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One of the worst comedies ever released!!!
ManBehindTheMask6318 January 2012
I like Nick Swardson. His show "Pretend time" on Comedy Central is hilarious and he's usually good in supporting roles ("Grandma's boy" & "Just go with it"). But wow, did this movie suck. "Bucky Larson" is flat. The jokes aren't funny and the acting for the most part is uninspired. Don Johnson was the highlight of the film and Christina Ricci did what she could but there are no redeeming qualities in this film.

I went in with low expectations because of the bad reviews and word of mouth, and yet I was still disappointed. This film deserves to be in the bottom 250 on IMDb. With the talent that was involved in the project and the premise of a porn comedy, "Bucky Larson" should have been funny. But instead I found myself wishing it was never made. I feel sorry for the chumps who paid $10 to see this garbage in theaters.
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Bucky Larson was a bad movie that was funny
bahamutwing12 January 2012
This movie follows a simple formula with the premise of a love him or hate him actor cast as an unlikable hero. Perhaps you've noticed this formula in Borat, The Waterboy, or Joe Dirt. At it's heart the movie does a decent job portraying unbelievable characters in unbelievable situations. So much so that the movie has an absurd aura that ends up begging the audience to not take it seriously. With that aside I myself focused on the jokes and little things I did enjoy. I laughed several times (especially at Kevin Nealon) and found a few other things to be entertained by. At first glance the movie is garbage, however like the aforementioned titles, this movie is funny beyond that and will probably age well. Remember what people were saying when Joe Dirt first came out?
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Not to be taken as seriously, as others have done.
smirnofred15 January 2012
Reading all the bad reviews didn't really sway me from watching Bucky Larson... and in all honesty I'm glad I did watch it.

It may not have been the funniest film I've seen, but its certainly not the worst comedy I've seen either. To the people who thought it was 'so bad to rate a zero' (but still found the time to come and leave a review about it!), I'd say they must have lost their sense of humor momentarily... or maybe they just have an inner fear of laughing at something that's meant to be silly; and if so they really shouldn't be watching comedies in that case.

....anyway; In my opinion Bucky Larson does sit low on the Happy Madison scale, around the same mark as 'I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry', 'Paul Blart Mall Cop' and 'Dickie Roberts'... so expect some good laughs but nothing more.

So I give Bucky Larson a solid 5/10 (which is good these days on the IMDb!).
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Painfully unfunny an uncomfortable to watch
a-twetman2 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The IMDb guidelines for user review state that you should avoid "Profanity, obscenities, or spiteful remarks." No other movie has made me want to add all three as much as Bucky Larson: Born to Be a Star. It is un-f***ing-watchable! I have seen a bunch of bad movies lately but this one takes the cake. I had to take several breaks to be able to stomach this filth.

There are already a number of "comedies" out there about some poor, simple minded, good natured kid wanting to make it in the world who gets laughed at to begin with but succeeds in the end. More or less your typical Adam Sandler movie. This one is by far the worst of them. I felt genuinely uncomfortable watching it and it is painfully unfunny. Once you get passed the part where everybody laughs at the buck tooth guy with the small penis and he becomes successful, it turns into some kind of feel-good movie with a "profound" message about life and love as the end remark - this makes me sick.
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Worst Movie Ever Created
cconnors1925 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I guess I should begin by letting you know that I created an IMDb account just so I could warn people against watching this "movie". This is honestly the worst movie I have ever seen. It is one of those movies that you are embarrassed to watch even if you are alone as though it is partially your fault that it sucks so bad. I have tried to think of a movie that is equally awful to compare it to, but I honestly cannot think of one. Imagine waking up late for work, running out of gas on the side of the highway on your way to work, getting hit by a car on the highway as you wait for a tow, and then getting fired for not showing up to work because you were in the hospital. That would still be a better day than the day you watched this movie. If I could give this a "0" instead of a "1", I would. He screeches like a monkey for what is an uncomfortable amount of time when he ejaculates from simply seeing a naked woman. This happens many times throughout the movie. One was too many, but I guess Tom Brady likes to stab a dead horse. And please note that I am a 29 year old male, and I highly enjoy raunchy comedy so that is not why I did not like it. I was not offended by the material, it just was not funny in the least bit. I find myself wishing that I could meet Nick Swardson just so I could slap him across the face and ask him what the hell he was thinking when he made this movie.
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Don't even watch this movie to see how bad it is.
rcwatt28 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I look at the poster for this movie and I realize that sometimes you should judge a book by it's cover. This movie is amazingly awful even by the standard of Adam Sandler's Happy Madison production company. That's how you know ahead of time if a movie is crap: if Adam Sandler's name is in the credits as a co-writer or an executive producer, but Sandler himself doesn't star in it. The plot: Sandler protégé Nick Swardson (clearly the Rob Scheider of our time) plays Bucky Larson, a thirty-something, mentally retarded man-child living in Iowa with his conservative parents. He talks funny, has buck teeth, and has an awful haircut, and much of the movie's "humor" derives from that. One day after being fired from work, his friends try to cheer him up by watching "nude movies" only to find that Bucky's parents were once successful porn stars in the 70s. Bucky, who for some reason is not disturbed by seeing his parents in a porno, decides it is his destiny to become a porn star and heads for the San Frenando Valley.

Unfortunately his genitalia is so small, he can use a straw as a condom. At the sight of a naked woman, he screeches like a hyena and ejaculates all over the place. Lucky for him a porn director Miles Deep (whose character reminds me I could be watching "Boogie Nights" instead of this abortion of a movie) decides that he could star in a new type of porn, where men don't feel threatened by him and women could feel that they have a prize compared to him.

The movie has us root for the most unlikeable schmuck in recent memory. Consider a scene where Bucky auditions for a Mac and Cheese commercial and to the horror of the judges (and the people watching this movie) takes off his pants and starts jerking off and even sticks him thumb up his but. There are many gags like these and they all have no set up. What led Bucky to think that it was a porn audition? Does he think porn movies are the only movies out there? Take the dick drawings montage from "Superbad". That was funny precisely because it had a build up to it.

This movie was directed by Tom Brady, not the football quarterback although he probably could have made a better movie. He has previously directed the masterpiece "The Hot Chick" with Rob Schneider, also a horribly unfunny movie that relied only on it's one joke premise. People when you pay to see a movie, please do some research beforehand. Know who stars in it, know who wrote it, who directed it. Read some reviews If you do so, you may always avoid seeing garbage like is. As for Nick Swardson, in the words of Roger Ebert: Your movie sucks.
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Born to be a thought
StevePulaski19 January 2012
I admire Swardson's defense for this film because I imagine it was an unbelievable challenge to market. Here we have a character, unseen anywhere else, played by a second rate actor who hasn't quite made a household name yet. To market an unknown character with antics like the ones present in this movie isn't as much hard as it is devotion. To go through with a project of this magnitude means you must have a lot of faith in the material.

In Bucky Larson: Born to Be a Star, there is no faith, hope, wit, soul, or even a sign that this was taken to a remote extent of seriousness. All the actors seem to be laughing at their own joke shamelessly - nearly all of them equally unfunny and sad. Adam Sandler hit a landmark year in 2011. Not only did he work on four movies this whole year, he starred in two of them. Out of the four released, Just Go With It, Zookeeper, Bucky Larson, and Jack and Jill, three of them you can simply look at the film's poster and decide if you want to pay to see it. They're films that almost don't even care that they're bad.

I've seen four films where Nick Swardson plays one of the lead actors or a supporting actor. Three of them easily dismissible, and one that wouldn't be considered mediocre if he was carefully extracted from the film entirely. He simply is not funny. I think it's honestly the material that makes him unfunny. I've seen scattered clips of his standup and he is slightly funny. Maybe he works better when he writes his own lines. Yet, that can't be. This was co-written by Swardson himself, who I assume wrote most, if not, all of the dialog for his character. Maybe he works best with himself and himself only locked in a sound-proof room where he can be alone with his thoughts.

Adam Sandler and his Happy Madison Productions company have now just given me one of the least ambitious comedies I have ever seen. This movie doesn't even feel like it's trying to be funny. It seems to be a series of cheap shots taken at a character that was made for that one purpose. Why not make a character who has some likability? Nope. Go straight to the drawing board and come up with a desperately unfunny character with no shining qualities, give him a desperately unforgiving plot to work with where he can get himself into lame, uninspired situations, and to top him all off, make him the most gullible, pathetic title character in the last few decades of film.

The fact I'm using the phrase "least ambitious" for a comedy film reminds me of a group of films in the last years that have also stopped trying. Parody films. They have been drab, tiresome works of dreck, glazed with immaturity and held together by such a simple, lackluster plot it almost doesn't matter. It becomes a competition for how many pop culture references can we throw into one film.

The same thing sort of occurs in Bucky Larson. It's a competition to see how many unconvincing gags we can put this pathetically embarrassing protagonist in. The story centers around a misfit with an annoying overbite named Bucky Larson (Swardson). Upon discovering his parents are ex-porn star legends, he travels to Hollywood, hoping that since he is the son (hopefully) of two icons he can make a living as one as well.

Let me say there is nothing funny about a man-child who pulls down his pants in front of a camera, grunting, moaning, and screaming before ejaculating. Absolutely, positively nothing funny about that scenario. Yet the film does it three, if not four times within its ninety minute runtime. If it's not funny the first time, it definitely won't be the second, the third, or even the forth time around.

Bucky Larson: Born to Be a Star didn't upset me as much as some would think. It actually was rather typical of Happy Madison. We've seen this goofy, oddball style before. But that is no excuse for a terrible movie. The jokes are terribly flat, the lead character we are expected to sympathize with is wretched in his presentation, the setups are typical, the writing is labored, and we are offered nothing new in the terms of layout or formula. It's a movie experience of deplorable, unforgivable quality.

Starring: Nick Swardson, Christina Ricci, Don Johnson, and Stephen Dorff. Directed by: Tom Brady.
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The Wayward Fart.
Crazy_Gibberish10 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
There's a scene in Bucky Larson that kind of sums the whole thing up. In the trailer, there's a scene where Bucky catches bugs in his teeth while riding in a convertible. When that scene appears in the film, someone involved in the production said "hmm, that looks like a good place for a fart. Stick one in there if you can." So while the driver is smiling at Bucky's amazement over being able to stand in a car, there's an arbitrary "FLERNT!". You can't tell who farted or even where the fart came from. It sounds like it came from in between them in the back seat. Like Sandler was lying on the floor of the car with a whoopee cushion.

That's pretty much all there is to say about Bucky Larson. It's just painfully, tragically lazy. There aren't any real "jokes". Jokes have a setup and a payoff. They have to conform to even the loosest of rhythms or structure. Presenting Bucky's hick appearance, Fargo accent and tiny penis as "jokes" doesn't qualify. There just kind of there, pointed out endlessly to no real comic effect. His prosthetic teeth also look so cheap and fake you want to rip them out of his mouth, smack him on the back of the head and bellow "Swardson! Go to your room!"

That's really it. Don't bother picking this up even for Bad Movie Night. It's insufferably childish, lazy and boring. It marks a new low for Happy Madison, which I didn't think could be achieved. It was so depressing, I had to turn away after Bucky bursts in on Kevin Nealon when he's on the can. I had to try and find funny in the world again.
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karolinakid18 June 2021
This movie is amazing! There is nothing else to say.
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Bucky Larson: Born to Be a Star was funny and stupid all in one.
My_Opinion-245-9208015 January 2012
I thought Bucky Larson: Born to Be a Star was funny and stupid all in one. To clarify when I say stupid, I mean stupid funny. It is a rare feat when this combination in a comedy is pulled of but it worked well here. Yes, some of the humor was off or one could even say stupid without the funny, however for the most part this was a better then average comedy.This movie made you laugh because of the above mentioned absurdity of the subject matter. The acting was solid for a comedy and I really thought the jokes the writers inserted were spot on. Kudos to the director for keeping this a light subject it worked well in my opinion.
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Move along! Nothing funny to be seen here! Move along!
Netjer-y-khet2 January 2012
Someone wrote, "This is not one to miss."

Oh, yes it is. The bestial opening scene says it all. Give this drivel a wide berth. It's not even worth stealing from a warez site, let alone spending a penny on.

Someone else wrote, "if you don't know how to be goofy and fun then stay away." This movie is neither goofy nor funny. There is goofy and funny, and there's stupid and funny, but this load of bunkum is just stupid, period. Humour is scarcer than rocking-horse droppings. Watching the south end of a north-bound cow in motion is funnier.

Whoever chose to label this godforsaken trash as a comedy needs far more than a sense of humour transplant. I mean, really, what kind of self-respecting person would consider putting their name to this total wreck?

Don't answer that. Just know that P.T. Barnum was right; "There's a sucker born every minute." One or more suckers sank ten million bucks into this dogs' breakfast.

On the plus side, watching the movie is better than getting a slap in the face with a wet fish.

1/10 - Double fail. Not funny. Not goofy. Just downright pathetic.
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