On the Line (2022) Poster

(II) (2022)

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I was really liking it, until it turned into...
DeepRest11 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
David Fincher's The Game. That movie came out over 25 years ago, and it seems like a lot of people have never seen it here. I read reviews praising the twist, and how clever it was. The Game had a premise that didn't fall apart, once you thought about it afterwards. I can't say the same for On The Line. It had to go with the double twist, which was predictable the moment the guy fell down the stairs. It was a decent movie, but I wish the ending had been better. It was basically a double joke ending in a movie that is advertised as being an intense thriller. Had it not turned into The Game (1997) meets April Fool's Day (1986) in the end, this could have been at least a 7. But the ending just left me empty.
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Great Fun
martimusross11 August 2023
On The Line

Overall this was all good fun, at best it was a TV movie with a few twists, the acting was firm and where it was clunky that was entirely deliberate as you will see as the plot unfolds.

Mel Gibson was good and I must say I really rather enjoyed it, some critics on here are overly harsh or picky this was never meant to be an Oscar contender lol. The direction was crisp the side actors delivered, the music was good and unobtrusive and there was a good deal of comic gags throughout despite this being a thriller

I'm gonna give this a firm 6 outta 10 for pure entertainment, for me it was a downloader to watch on the home cinema with ice cream midweek.
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drwhowizard8 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I was thoroughly enjoying this film. The jerk in the lead, the newbie. A great sinister baddie who loves it. All actors perfectly cast and well written. It had notes of Mel Gibson's previous film Ransom with a little added Liam Neeson's Non-Stop

But if any film can be killed by one scene, this is proof of that. This film was stone cold golden until about half way through I said "this is the kind of film that is going to try and make a twist that the whole thing is a prank and everyone is in on it. But a great film like this wouldn't go for the poorest ending possible, would it?"

And not only once, but twice! It tried to beat the stupidest ending possible by doing it again! How far can a great film fall. Such a shame.
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Decent start, horrible ending
jonathanmdummer28 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The movie's beginning pulls you in well enough and makes you guess at what will happen next. But it quickly turns into a cheap film with a never ending hunt for the "bad guy". Horrible acting all around, and script writing so bad that even Mel couldn't hold together a solid performance.

And to the end... this is quite possibly the worst ending to a movie that I've seen in years. It feels like the movie is slapping its viewers in the face with the idiocy of this plot. Like, did they expect anyone to be okay with that ending? The amount of plot holes is astounding. The ending makes you hate every single character with a burning passion. They all have 0 redeeming qualities. Just awful.
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Has an energy that makes it impossible to dislike
jtindahouse7 November 2022
I probably wasn't planning to watch 'On the Line', however the synopsis sounded like my kind of movie and I realised it had been a long time since I'd seen Mel Gibson in anything. So I gave it a shot. Man, the energy in this one was wild.

The film is clunky, I'll start by saying. Gibson's acting is a class above everyone else. He's so natural on screen that it sort of brings everyone else down a peg, simply by comparison.

The movie gets into the action fairly quickly. In fact that is something I have to give praise to, is that the overall pacing is very good. Once things kick into gear it doesn't really relent.

So I was having a good time with this movie, wondering where it was all headed, when suddenly I felt like I got hit by a sledge hammer. I haven't been that caught off guard by a plot twist in a long time. I thought surely not. But yes, sure enough they went with it.

I found it almost impossible to dislike this film. Is it perfectly made, no. Is it as polished as other films, perhaps not. But is it more entertaining and bold than your average film, absolutely. 7/10.
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Oh dear God walk away from this
luvireland-1125327 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This has got to be one of the worst things I've ever finished watching. I begrudgingly finished watching this mess. I can't believe it's rated over two stars on here. Mel Gibson looks clown-like as he searches the building for the "madman." The script was embarrassingly weak and idiotic. The premise started becoming clear as this waste of two hours was finally drawing to its agonizing end. Then the OBVIOUS and pathetic second "GOT CHA" was so predictable, my CAT knew what was coming. And OH MY GOD they went there...Gibson's character was Elvis, and the script ACTUALLY had "Elvis has left the building" included...as if the entire thing wasn't already just PREPOSTEROUS. Don't be like me...don't waste valuable time on this excruciatingly painful and ridiculous mess. And OH MY GOD I think it ended as if there may be a sequel. RUN, RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN.
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Well-made programmer with an inspired star turn
dima-127 November 2022
On the Line by Romuald Boulanger is a resourceful and well-acted Mel Gibson vehicle in which director smartly puts his star front and center for an hour and the half and charisma does the rest.

Mel Gibson's recent output - with the exception of extraordinary Father Stu - consists of so-called geezer teasers which featured him supporting roles simply distributed throughout the runtime in order to make him seem like an important character. However, unlike Bruce Willis whose late pre-retirement output was based around similar projects, Mel Gibson never phoned it in and always did his best even with low-grade material.

Thus giving Mel Gibson the actual spotlight and making the film that really relies on his star power in a leading role is a coup not just for this project but for Mel's fans as well. After a long while, maybe after Blood Father made by another Frenchman Jean-Francois Richet we see Mel actually running the proceedings with authority.

The first act of the picture feels not only genuinely inspired but loads of gallows humour and the genuine sense that Elvis Cooney is a real edgelord feels as if Mel was really hands on even when it comes to the script. In later developments which rely on the closed quarters thriller dynamics and feel slightly mechanical, Mel Gibson elevates the material.

Boulanger surrounds Gibson with an international cast with some great elements but their multiple accents do remind us that film is set in Los Angeles but shot in Paris. Maybe, some decisions could have been different when it comes to either setting or cast, but otherwise the production is resourceful and decently mounted.

In the end, the only element that could have been better is the thriller element. With more inventive set-up, something along the lines of good Blumhouse work and with Mel's performance which is already there this could have been a classic.

Anyhow it's a really good programmer with an inspired turn by Mel Gibson.
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Nice flick!
Withoutrage13 February 2023
Very enjoyable entertainment, good twists and a fabulous Mel Gibson. No masterpiece but a nice flick!

Don't understand the bad reviews.

In my book it's all about managing expectations. If you choose a movie because the plot line interests you, you like the cast and you're in for a relaxing few hours in front of the telly then you're rarely disappointed.

Although if you are a movie Connaisseur or critic, you might want to apply different criteria to pick your movies to avoid disappointment.

In this case it did what it said on the tin and provided very enjoyable light entertainment, a good portion of suspense and a good ending.
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You will hate yourself for having watched this at the end.
sevsevencom5 November 2022
Prepare to lose 1:44 Of your life watching this movie just to be enraged at the ending.. is that a spoiler? I don't think so.

I was waiting until the last minute for a big bus to come and run over everyone in this movie.

I'm surprised It took 30 executive producers to make this pathetic thing.

I was hoping for a talk radio type of movie but it's just an endless run around ending in complete and total frustration and disappointment for all audience members.. As usual with these lame movies, they put a big name at the top and awful actors and bad casting right under... You'll be asking for your money back if this even gets to a theatre.

I hope they lose money with this movie.

1000 thumbs down..
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A different take on an old subject
kevdexxx4 February 2023
I'm not sure why there are so many negative reviews of this, as my wife and I (and she is hard to please) both really enjoyed this film.

Yes, there are plenty of riffs from other films, as you'd expect with this kind of storyline, but that's not unusual in any film, and there are plenty of unexpected twists and turns to keep you interested and the film was ended very well.

Gibson fell out of favour with filmmakers for too long and is now rebuilding his career in later life, and while he is a little hammy at times in this, and certainly takes cues from his Ransom performance, he is still a fine actor and he steers this film along nicely. All of the supporting cast, many relatively unknown, give solid performances, nothing too outstanding, but nothing terrible either.

Overall then, an enjoyable thriller with some cool twists that might surprise you. A solid watch.
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Line of Crap!!!
zardoz-1310 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
You've got to be a hardcore Mel Gibson fan to endure writer & director Romuald Boulanger's low-budget "On the Line," a yacky-yak yarn about an abrasive, Los Angeles, radio talk show moderator who works the zombie shift at KLAT and struggles with a psychotic caller who issues several demands. Our hero learns to his chagrin that a lunatic has kidnapped his wife and young daughter and threatens to kill them if Elvis Cooney (Mel Gibson of "Lethal Weapon") doesn't to plunge to his death from the top floor terrace of the KLAT building. This disturbed caller, who claims to be a disgruntled bomb disposal expert, has an axe to grind with Elvis because the shock jock drove one of the caller's friends to commit suicide. Not surprisingly, Boulanger gave this grim thriller a trial run in a 25-minute short film entitled "Talk," where William Baldwyn played the protagonist. This short film picked up many awards, and this undoubtedly prompted Gibson to star in this loquacious nail-biter. Clocking in at 104 minutes, the R-rated "On The Line" springs one surprise after another, and it will keep you on your toes. However, it all adds up to nothing in the long run like a joke that doesn't make you laugh.
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Decent Mel Gibson flick
ykjdh5 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I read the bad reviews before checking it out and they all had one thing in common. Each one bashed Mel Gibson and not the actual movie. If you hate him that much why even watch his movie?? I mean, you do realize he got top billing before deciding to sit through this right??

Anyhow. I didn't fall for the hokey, cancel culture, I don't like this guy so everything is bad now crap. The trailer looked interesting and I actually saw the original movie this is based on with Michael Douglas in The Game.

While the movie isn't perfect, it's not bad either. In fact, for a movie not shown in American cinemas and more of a VOD release, it's better than some so called thrillers that have gotten theatrical releases. The "twist" everyone in prior reviews gripes about is either hit or miss.

Kevin Dillon does a decent supporting role in a not too shabby thriller. Mel Gibson still has it as a leading man who can pull off action thrillers. I'd say maybe sharper editing and 10 min knocked the running time to get rid of the slow parts, this would be a perfect 95 min movie.
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Regardless of the poor reviews this is is a fun ride.
illyasmith661 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I cannot believe the amount of negative reviews for this film. Jeez Louise! It was a fun ride, very much in the vein of Michael Douglas's The Game.

I honestly think people have way too much time and access to films that their ability to just sit back and enjoy a good film is weighed down by overstimulation and overly sensitive discernment. I guess their need for a bigger hit of that drug has desensitised them, making them elitist and snobbish.

The film is a one time watch, being that the ride would be spoiled by the ending , once you know it. But for first time viewers it offers a decent amount of twists and turns. Admittedly it wasn't too hard to spot some of the twists, and a few more red herrings and further twists may have elevated it slightly.

The acting was decent enough. Nobody is going home with an Oscar, but the performances were convincing enough to carry the story with a reasonable amount of believability.

Definitely worth a watch.
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Utter horse manure
iainlee-4327117 November 2022
Awful awful awful. It's hard to review this film without spoilers. I wis I could spoil it for you to save you all the misfortune of wasting your life watching this badly acted, limp 'thriller'.

Gibson growls his way through one of the worst plots I have ever been unlucky enough to sit through. It was doing OK until...well...if you've seen it, you know what I'm talking about.

Everyone (except Gibson) is better than this movie and should hang their heads for taking us on a rather long journey down the toilet bowl of poor poor plots. I'd give it a zero but for some reason IMDB won't allow that.
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teqphkg5 November 2022
Im not sure who's money went into this thing, but it may be one of the worst scripts of all time.

To say the acting was cringey doesn't quite sum it up for me, I tend to thing that would be a let off.

It kind of feels like I'm watching an acting class where a group is given a scenario to improvise. And I don't mean an acting class filled with people trying to be career actors. I mean just random people who took a free class for a little hobby on weeknights, and they go for a pizza together afterwards.

As far as Mel Gibson goes, I suppose if someone offered me a bunch of cash to do something embarrassing that nobody would ever remember.. I'd probably consider it too.
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Elvis Live On The Line
disnotbetty-101954 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
''Elvis Live On The Line!'' Elvis Clooney is a long time late night radio talk show host in LA. He has been on the air for 40 years and is well known for his ''old school'' but a bit edgy bad boy personality. He excels, and prides himself in on the air pranks.

Now this night, on his birthday some of those jokes may have caught up with him. A disgruntled former employee calls in threatening to kill Elvis's family and blow up the building, and gives him only 40 minutes to find them and save everyone... Live on air!

So the thriller begins. But this deadly game of cat and mouse is not all is as it seems.

Mel Gibson definitely carries this movie and it is not at all what I thought it would be. This is not a great movie but it's certainly worth seeing... especially if you like Mel Gibson.
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Not bad at all
sindizwane8 November 2022
I think the movie needed someone with a strong villain voice thats all .voices like keifer Sutherland (phone booth),James spader ( The blacklist) or maybe Michael Sheen (unthinkable). Besides that the movie was not bad at all .Mel Gibson played his part very good as a lead character.i mean its not a bad thing to select or give new coming actors and actresses a chance but sometimes its wise to select the best quality so that your movie can sell. I still have faith in you. I mean Quinton Tarantino invested/picked best characters in Django and took awards for that...I think you can also do better.
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Shockingly TERRIBLE!!
amanjourney-7882225 November 2022
I agree with one of the other (human) reviewers. Anything over a 2 is a bot or marketing. This was terrible! Awful!! Laughable!!!

Acting was bad, script was super cheezy. This was extremely disappointing. Shame on Mel Gibson. With his career history, he should have been able to take 1 look at this script and know it was awful! Instead, he played it out, collected his paycheck and took my money....

The story line could have made this a one-of-a-kind. But it fell so far short, the writers were the worst. Directing was ok, acting was poor, but the writing was like it came from a 10 year old. No offense to 10 year olds...

The worst movie we've seen, EVER!
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More Than Meets The Eye
pudjo-dewo4 December 2022
The Low rating doesn't do this movie justice. Granted it's not a masterpiece but it is very entertaining.

Mel Gibson always delivers, be in it a huge box office hits or a mediocre piece like this one. At the first half this movie reminds me of Ransom, with all the kidnapping mystery. Then I started to see few plot holes and dumb decisions that questions the quality of the written. And the ln by the final act I realized those plot holes and dumb decisions in the story was actually intended as part of the story, this turns out theu did a good job in writing the story, more than Meets the eye Don't judge this movie halfway.. you just gotta watch until the end and you'll understand. Granted it's not for everyone but they really put some thought into this.
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Gibson needed $
Ameliex8 November 2022
Oh my lord. Holy moly canoly.

I wish I could warn everyone about this movie. This movie is so bad. So bad. I am a huge fan of Mel Gibson and watch all his movies. But damn, this one went down, crashed and burned.

I feel so sorry for him that he had to do this. The only reason why he did this were the $$$. Why else would he do this movie?

Low budget, bad comedy, bad actors and actresses and nothing else is going on here. It isn't even a thriller. I would not count this as a thriller. It is a bad comedy movie.

This story and movie could have been so great, but I don't know why it felt like watching a kids theater play.

Please folks don't waste your time seeing this movie. But I assume actresses and actors can't always do amazing movie. It has to be some kind of balance. LOL.

But damn this wasn't good folks, not good at all. I am super disappointed.
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it had incredible potential
lukefletcher-3364912 May 2023
On the line was a very... interesting movie, the concept is fascinating and that was enough for me to give it a watch. Whilst the acting was decent for the most part, some parts that were intended to be serious made me laugh but that was only once or twice. However the ending was shallow- I get why its like that but I'm not sure why they actually went with it. Time absolutely flew whilst I was watching it though and it kept me on the edge of my seat and that's all I can really ask of a thriller. I'm not sure what but something just kept me watching, was it the concept? Was it the characters? I cant say for sure but what I can say is that its a hit or miss film.
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You destroyed my life
nogodnomasters14 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Elvis Clooney (Mel Gibson) is clearly a fictional name for an egotistical character. Elvis shows us he is a dedicated family man (when not eating a hamburger) and goes to work for the graveyard shift as a shock jock radio talk show host. It is soon to be his birthday, which everyone seems to have forgotten. The calls are mundane as there is nothing shocking about what he says. Soon a caller named Gary (Paul Spera) makes claims about getting revenge against Elvis by killing his family. Elvis and his staff spring into action and notify the police as the man is in his house and threatening his family.

The ending was good, although the second twist you saw coming. We really don't get to know any of the characters before we jump into things, although we get a little introduction on Elvis.

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
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Stupid Movie
kskmah7 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First I would of hanged up on him. Any threating or violence or crazy person would be cut off or not still be allowed on air. You know by now he's crazy, so why even talk to him more? You can't trust him because he's a liar. He can see where you are walking? He had a sign in the room? OMG. Really stupid. The bad guy knows where they are going? Also the bad guy planned this very well and Elvis thinks he would just be in the camera room? The bad guy kills random people so you can't trust him. The bad guy ultimately wants to listen and play with him so don't. When to cop came to the door, he had no idea what was going on? They already called the cops so they should all know what was happening. Stupid. And Elvis and the other guy didn't say there is a bomb on the door? And the twist ending was stupid and the 2nd twist ending was worst. You can fall down a flight of stairs and fake not getting hurt? Good acting, but dumb movie.
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The joke's on you
prolead12 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
That's how you will feel at end of the movie. There's nothing to take away at the end of it, it's all one big fake show. There i said it. A failing radio jockey tries to revive his show on the back of an Intern who joins the show by pranking him who in turn ends up pranking Mel Gibson who in turn ends up wasting everyone's time watching this nonsense. Nothing and I mean nothing good comes out of this movie. It's two hours down the drain. What were they thinking? I mean you can't go and tell anyone what you watched, it's that pointless. Imagine telling your friends, hey i watched this movie and your friend asks you, ok what was it about ? And your answer is NOTHING. Total waste of time. If you still want to watch it, go ahead, the joke's on you. I mean it literally...
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Solid classic Mel Gibsom
vnblu4 June 2023
A little Die Hard, some The Game, and some good old Mel Gibson fun. While On the Line isn't the greatest movie, it held my interest with non-stop suspense. It is a real nail-biter until you realize what is really happening. Mel does a great job of playing Elvis the Talk-show host, and delivers a good believable portrayal of a man on the edge. The story gets moving very early on and builds to a crescendo that might be a bit too predictable. But still very entertaining. It's good to see Mel Gibson in a decent role again, and while this movie wasn't a Lethal Weapon or a Braveheart it was a pretty decent movie.
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