Castlevania: Nocturne (TV Series 2023– ) Poster

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Dear Netflix: Let your writers do their job
cfinley-258012 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Castlevania Nocturne suffers from getting too "Netflixed", an issue the original Castlevania didn't suffer from too much. You can tell that with the original series the creators were given free reign (for the most part) to do what they desired and tell the story they wanted as Netflix likely didn't notice them too much until season 3. This series obviously had Netlix execs looking over their shoulders the whole time.

The series was hard to get through. I had to put it on 1.25x speed and it still made me cringe at parts. It wasn't horrible, but it wasn't great either.

The plot seems to lack any sort of focus and there are major flaws in character reasoning. We see the trope of "I killed your mother in front of you but I'm going to let you go even though I'm a 200+ year old vampire and should know better than to let a survivor go who will come back and kill me in 20 years" like 3 different times! If you're that old you should KNOW to kill the damn kid or they will hunt you down later. Hell, Olfrox essentially said he hunted down Richtors mom for the same reason.

Theres also the issue of having characters killed off and then revealing the character's backstory. Deaths lose meaning if we don't know who the character is or have any sort of emotional attachment to them as they've been on the screen all of 5 minutes and had 3 lines.

Too much personality and race swapping done to meet quotas. In the first series we see this done with Isaac, but it was MASTERFULLY done to the point that you didn't care. He had personality, motivations, and even though he was a villain, you rooted for him to at least not die. Here we see Annette being annoying and condescending and me hoping she goes away.

The characters themselves seem to be one dimensional and lack almost all depth. They are defined by the one or two bad things that happened to them in the past. That's it. That's their whole character. The villains all have a personality that can be summed up as "generic bad guy" (with one or two exceptions). In the first series we had goddamn dracula who for the first time in his life opened his heart only to have it crushed. He had to fight his son. We have the vampire sisters each having their own special views on the world and methods to see their view through. In nocturne we have random black vampire lady serving the "messiah" who kills guards because...she wants to do it? Or something? Her whole personality is "violent lackey".

If one piece live action taught us anything, its that Netflix letting people just do their jobs and make a good series without Netflix sticking their noses in it, the series that get released would be fantastic. The thing is, you can tell when Netflix shoved their noses in it. Its so tell tale.
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Misses the magic of the first one
derkholman329 September 2023
Compared to the first one this one disappoints due to the writing. The animation is beautiful, the characters are interesting, but the plot just feels... lacking. Things happen a little too conveniently. The story doesn't feel natural, but rather like some things were thrown in to 'solve' plot problems. Some of the themes and tropes are a little too much modern Hollywood for my taste. It's too much about trauma and empowerment and such. The atmosphere is still stellar though and the world is well built. Also, once it get's going towards the end, it really gets going.

The first one was 10/10. This one is still worth watching, but with lowered expectations.
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Top notch animation botched by subpar story
Sgl_129 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Still a fun watch, but much less likely to keep you as engaged. Mainly because of the story; the world building takes way too long and leaves less time for the story to actual progress, and when the characters do get some development, it's far too predictable. To top it off, the ending is not an ending at all - it feels like there is at least 1 episode to provide some closure, not even taking the deus ex machina in account. The entire season, as it is, could be condensed to 5 or 6 episodes' time and make use of the rest for a proper ending.

On the upside, the animation is SUPERB, detailed but flowing. And there are various prestigious voices to be heard throughout the seasons. It's such a pity that the story is so underwhelming in comparison.
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The Belmonts Are Back
rogier-867854 October 2023
After the highly unexpected and absolutely gobsmacking brilliant four seasons of Castlevania, we now get a sequel in Nocturne. We can rejoice with the Belmonts back at the wheel, so let's dive in.

Castlevania was a revelation. Instead of getting a bit of nice fan service that stayed close to its rather simple videogame narratives, we were treated with an emotional rollercoaster of a plot that was perfectly paced, dripping of incredible character development and jawdropping animation, that even touched on subjects like depression or life's bigger question. The slow, mysterious build up was just phenomenal, and the blood superb.

Now, although Nocturne does not disappoint, it lacks that surprise depth of its predecessor. The story is kinda cool, touching upon divine Gods and Godesses, and throwing in some ancient myths, but it doesn't have the same brilliant pacing and the build-up is just less interesting.

However, the animation still has the same sheen, and the music is very good, with sound effects being even better. And the characters do have good depth and development, and some really good twists, all helped by the new later setting of The French Revolution.

And that's why it still shines. The 'feel' is very much intact of the original, and the new setting gives it the freshness it needed to be a good follow up. It's just a lot quicker on the action.

So, in short, it's fun and looks great. Let the whip crack for the return of the Belmonts.
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Brilliancy in music top notch on voice casting
jeetavi-5207029 September 2023
Its the ride of peak and nostalgia for any castlevania fans. Waited for years and get some thing brutally amazing. Amazing moment surely caught up and season interval was adore dramatic and brutish... Some lacklustre here but ok there's lot of things should get enjoyable. And last moment surly it's a treat for who watched Castlevania previous... But missed blody tears and dead like theme.. But got some better music top notch quality... Some Opera music has to be goosebumps but there's lacking also available... Overal enjoyable good memorable a English anime with making stylization surely got japanese.. And voice cast is exceptional.
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oh my goodness; exceptional
brian_spence_ni28 September 2023
Right, I'm not a fan of animation, but I really enjoyed Castlevania. But this? What on earth did I just watch? The characterisation, the richness and depth of characters. The amount of grey areas when you don't know who is right and wrong. It's just such a joy to see such fully realised characters, and also shockingly relatable. This show didn't miss a beat; it just kept keeping it real

I've never seen anything like it. Everything about it just blew me away, and the final few scenes. Just perfection. I can highly, highly recommend this to anyone, even if you haven't seen the previous Castlevanias, it's strong enough to stand-alone.
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Beautiful, action packed, hampered by terrible writing.
atrociusfuture30 September 2023
I really loved the first series as far as adaptation goes, back when Nocturne got announced I was stoked to see how they could keep the plotlines fresh. In this case, Nocturne is a beatifully animated show, with a few hiccups which don't retract from the experience, the sound is good, however voice acting ranges from good to fine.

As for story, this is where I'm conflicted, on one hand the plot is good and Erzebeth Bathory is a good pick for a villain, but... what the actual hell is up with the writing? Dialogues seem stiff, leaving little depth, they get so bad at times that it just took me out of the experience. With that said, I like Nocturne despite these issues, I hope that they will improve when the second season comes out, there's still a chance for it going from good to great..
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Starts of slow but bare with it.
jvormer30 September 2023
Well as been said In other reviews it doesn't pop off the screen the way the first one did. To say the least it starts of sloooowww but it does have its charm going for it. This time around its seems that we are treated to much more of a character build in Castlevania with protagonist that will grow on you slowly. Not having it clear how powerful the antagonist is in the first episodes of the new series makes it all the more interesting. The story in true Castlevania style throws you curve balls when you least expect it. The artwork is absolutely breathtaking even better than the first one if you ask me. It's a thrill that again starts slowly but at the end of this first season, you might ask the same question "who is Dracula" !
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Great animation. Painful dialogue.
DaddyYam29 September 2023
This show LOOKS amazing, but the storytelling and dialogue fall short. It struggles to keep an interesting pace and the characters have little to no chemistry that doesn't feel extremely forced. When lines are delivered that are meant to be strong and impactful they instead fall flat and sound cliche. It doesn't help that sometimes this show seems to be preaching to its audience instead of letting them create their own opinions. The animation is still great in most places and the fight scenes are excellent, but the story drastically suffers from my before mentioned points. Some interesting concepts are sprinkled throughout, but they are too few and far between to keep some viewers interested.
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Divine Bloodine of fun and interest
liammcmanus-709164 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm went into this show with modest expectations. Despite the first series having a hell of a climax I didn't like a lot of the narratives and creative choices the showrunners made particularly in Season 3 and 4. The series had a lot of Game of Thrones envy like Witcher and seemed more interested in having a butt ton of characters (a lot of whom were original) talking about society and politics rather celebrating the monster slaying fun of the games.

Despite my bitterness I genuinely enjoyed this new series and liked the time shift into the Richer and Maria era and got invested in their arcs. I do hope they circle back around to Simon though, you can't ignore the poster boy Belmont.

Annette has a lot of controversy heat surrounding the changes done to her. I think in practice taking a minor damsel in distress and turning them into a real character who can kick ass is great, making her Magneto meets Black Panther meets Storm however is such a overhaul she might as well as be a different character and it's really not fair to say Grant who unlike Annette was a main character but thanks Mr Warren Cancelled Ellis gets thrown to wind. I loved it when adaptations can change something and make it work, when they waste the material or turn it into something lesser then I have problems.

Regardless I loved the animation, fights, voice acting (weird that Maria was British when her mom was Russian tho), loved seeing Juste (hope he comes back), the villains and the setting (even if they could've done more with it). And great to see Alucard as well. Excited to see what these guys will do with DMC.
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Beautiful animation; terrible modern political narrative.
gregbradley-765835 October 2023
What I heavily enjoyed about the first Castlevania and its characters was regardless of ethnicities, it didn't detract from the identity of the series. The dungeon crawling grimdark fantasy vibes focusing on a band of adventurers coming together to cleanse the world of greater evils. It was bleak, it was fun, it was action packed, and it never detracted from staying on target. All the characters, even the villains, had their roles to play in this setup and it was executed perfectly. Each season had substantial plot progression and action, from the main cast getting acquainted to raiding Dracula's castle all by the end of the first season. It was an incredibly fun watch, that only continued to build up with the following 2 seasons.

Meanwhile Nocturne has turned the series into your typical political drama, pulled straight from the news networks of the modern day. No longer is every episode about venturing into some new bleak unknown territory of a grimdark fantastical world; instead, it's about corrupt political figures, slavery and the complacency of white people, the ethics of conquest etc. Every episode seems to have sacrificed the adventurous dungeon crawling aspects instead for monologue about the ethics of the listed talking points above. I didn't mind it at first, but when it dragged on the entire season I'd long since grown tired of it. Especially when you consider how much plot was covered in the first season by comparison, from meeting in a village plagued with demonic undead to storming Dracula's castle. Let's just say, the main cast barely accomplished anything by the end of this first season, one could argue they didn't actually accomplish anything at all.

Overall, the animation was beautiful, but the plot in itself dragged and didn't seem to accomplish anything substantial. It's obvious the creators have a new vision in mind when it comes to what they want this story to accomplish. Less adventure and action, more political talking points and debates about religions, race, conquest etc. 80% of this series is them monologuing about these topics while remained secluded in the same village throughout. What little action there is feels like meaningless filler that doesn't really progress the plot in any form outside of the last 1min of the season for spoiler reasons. However, the rest is meaningless. Definitely in no rush for a Season 2 and I "may" check it out, but overall, this series has pretty much killed my interest in following the plotline of Castlevania.
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Weak villains
noloxtreme2 October 2023
I share some of the sentiments with regard to the other reviewers. The visuals are great but the story is lacking.

But seeing as I don't know the castlevania storyline from the game, I don't care if the show is true to the game storyline.

My biggest gripe with this show is just how weak the monsters are. Vampires and night creatures are star wars storm trooper levels of useless. They are just fodder for the heroes to kill, so they have no intimidation factor.

The second gripe is related to the writing, stuff like how when one of the characters goes on a spying mission how they immediately find what they are looking for and are within hearing distance of important conversations. All this while the Vampires which are supposed to have heightened senses cannot detect that someone is following them and listening in on their conversations. That's just hack writing.
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antisocialbuttafly29 September 2023
After finishing the initial Castlevania series Netflix debuted, I have been more than excited for the follow up! First thank every thing that they did not give us 4 episodes like the original series did for the first season. However, the inclusion and history, the old gods of so many different cultures... this is something that I would love to watch many seasons of! And let us pray Nintendo is included in future game releases.

My initial assumption was that this series would follow sypha and Trevor's child. That is not entirely true, as it is a direct descendant. The story is powerful and breathtaking. The animation does not disappoint at all. I finished it in a few hours; admittedly while at work and plan on rewatching.

Kudos and fingers crossed for a follow up season sooner rather than later.
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Season 1's ending gave me goosebumps 🤐
guiltyrisk3329 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I've been waiting till they announced it and I must say castlevania nocturn is amazing, Richter Belmont's orign story fascinated me and the way the tied things together with the bloodline was cool. I wish I took my time watching it ,but I couldn't help myself. Character development made you care and understanding the story was satisfying. As a fan I loved watching castlevania and it took me back in time watching it reminding of the hours I put in beating the castlevania games. Definitely gonna re-watch it. At the end as they where running your thinking all is lost and Alucard saves the day. In my mind I was thinking damn is Alucard gonna make a introduction. Wow . This season didn't skip a beat. Bravo.
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New story enforced with New issues
GryeD1 October 2023
The first seasons were masterfully crafted icons that convinced me to give a chance to all Netflix Animation originals. Upon discovery of a new season in a new setting, I was surprised it was in the works. Little did I know it did expectations.

There is nothing wrong with setting a sequel of any film or movie in a new setting. This is considered a completely natural move to explore new horizons in a fictional world.

Sadly it did not work for this series sequel, easily as it failed to meet the masterpiece of the first few seasons. The new cast of characters were literally just thrown in without any type of introductions to note. We were expected to be able to understand immediately what was the story and development. This didn't happen, I found myself questioning several parts as the episodes went on and on.

"Why did this happen, where did this happen, what is the point of this"

We all know asking too many basic questions in any film series is not a good sign.

Animation wise, Castlevania still has it down as its still one of the best points of this trilogy.

Maybe this sequel deviated too much from the original masterpiece or suffered from a lack of clarity that was needed for development.

The only reason why I am not giving a abysmally low rating is due to the possible redemption previewed at the last episode.

So let's continue to watch the next season or two of this sequel and make our judgements by then.
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Unexpected elements
npquynhdo30 September 2023
There are lots of surprising elements throughout the season. With characters inspired by real life historical people and each story linked perfectly together. There are differences between the ancestors vs the current characters in terms of power, skills and abilities. Some back stories are quite touching. There is not really a feeling that there was only 1 main character, and the story revolving this person only, but there were many. The season also brought a lot of moral and faith questions which make you realized there is light in darkness and there is darkness in light.

There is no doubt that this will be a success after the first Castlevania. If you're a huge fan, do watch this.
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Not bad but not great (Mild Spoilers)
Ericudo28 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Season 1 REVIEW: Ill try to keep things simple for this with as little spoilers as possible.

Writing/Plot: Overall, it was okay at best. There were moments where things seemed interesting enough, but the lackluster direction showed with questionable character decisions, constant surprise attacks, and conveniently running into "relevant" characters that served as a cripple to force the story along.

Characters: Most of the main protagonists were interesting, with goals and purpose that clearly guided their actions. Watching the characters interact was enjoyable, and one of the few actually great parts of the writing. However the show writers severely suffered when it came to the antagonists, who were bland and uninteresting at best. Their motives were relatively simple, which I feel like prevented me from actually properly getting to know and appreciate them. I didn't even know one of the main villains names until reading another review, as it felt so brushed over.

Dialogue: Unfortunately, I feel like there was a lot of "Marvel" type conversations. Things you wouldn't hear people really saying in real life, and a lot of unnecessary swearing for dramatic emphasis. Overall, it wasn't bad either than one or two awkward singing scenes and some cringy zingers/ one liners. I think character interaction redeemed the overall decent performances.

Animation: Absolutely stunning, there was not a scene of this show that wasn't beautiful. The character designs are fantastic, fight scenes are dynamic and impactful, and the movement is fluid and enjoyable. The art direction most certainly carried it.

Music/Audio: Loud at times, definitely dominated scenes at certain points, but overall the score was amazing and enjoyable throughout.
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A strong lead into a new series
MonochromeWinter29 September 2023
I'm writing this after finishing my rewatch of the original Castlevania and Nocturne. Let me say that anyone saying this isn't like the original is horrendously inaccurate. It's different from the last season of the original. That I will grant. But the first three seasons aren't too dissimilar from the first season of Nocturne. Personally I loved the series. I'm a huge fan of the original series and I love this introduction of a more nuanced world and characters. I genuinely can't describe the rollercoaster of emotions I felt in the last four episodes alone. It's beautiful and well done. All that being said, I will address a flaw that I personally would love to see amended. Simply put, a character gets a long backstory and perhaps a sharp turn into a romance with another character. I love the inclusion of a character's backstory but I think the whole story is over 15 minutes long for a resolution that didn't feel as satisfying as it should have. And technically the backstory is for two characters but the other character feels sidelined in my opinion. Which is a shame since they're shaping up to be my favorite character of the series. It just felt too long to me. And for 8 episodes that shape up roughly over three and a half just sticks out. But anyways, my only gripe is that a side story goes on for a little too long with, for now, a less than stellar resolution. This series is a great follow up to the original and I'd recommend it for anyone who loved the first series.

Also if this series is going to address the affects of colonialism, I want to see a specific vampire's backstory. Especially because of the small comment they make about it in one of the episodes.
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It's season 1. Good intro to the cast and the uphill battle they face
tristiantan29 September 2023
Overall great. Lacked the impact of the first I think due to the audience having to focus on multiple characters at the same time. It can't be helped though as it's the first season and they HAVE to be introduced. They all seem weak which is good for character progression down the line. I don't know what people are on about crying over this and that when they know for themselves they are still going to watch when the second season drops.

Great animation.

Great music.

Writing NEEDS improvement.

I'm hoping that on the 2nd season at least one protagonist dies so there's more focus on the others.
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I don't like the animation the first TV show is very better
sm-915894 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It is so ugly he's going in the anime Vibe I think but I don't like anime for real that is but the first show is better than animation he's going to like your action animation so fun to watch but this is not it's burning my eyes for real so ugly the eyes like demon Slayer I don't know why he do that but I don't like it at all. The character is so empty I don't feel in the character they don't understand why the girl is someone never about the mall where is come I don't like that magic for real it's no sense at all the show is ruined I don't like it it's so it's bad for real the animation is so bad so so bad it's very bad if he transform the animation Style like that old show is coming better I think.
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It's so disappointing.
Bibbz081 October 2023
Watching the first 2 seasons of Castlevania, where very clear motives of the characters are so well established, its so disappointing watching this. I don't need a backstory of Annette, Richter, or Eduard. Just like I didn't need to see Trevor chased out of the Belmont hold while his family is murdered. You can accomplish great feats of character development simply with good dialogue between characters. The best line of the entire first 4 seasons is in the Belmont hold, "I'm surprised to learn that I had more of a childhood than you." "Yeah and your dad is Dracula." That whole scene was a great way for characters to give a lens of history for Trevor, for the audience to connect with both Alucard and Trevor, and it did it without crawling up everyone's ass with useless time wasting. Maybe the writers felt it was a mistake to not show Trevor's past, but that meant that the show didn't waste time on it and was able to more thouroughly explain and show the actual conflict rather than just dancing around it. It's just bad. It looks beautiful, but the writing, pacing, and overall decisions have just made this whole endeavor a waste of time.
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I think the real Villian hasn't yet to show his face
illidian-668575 October 2023
Castlevania Season 1 wasn't that great. The season get better season 2 onwards. Season 3 was pure Art.

So despite a weak Season 1 of Nocturne,I am hopeful. Those who are complaining about slavery, come on you also get Belmonts who are white and the that ermmm you know the pale Vampire is also white. So why get sad cause of Slavery plotlines? We get to see fair share of Heroic white characters as well. Castlevania series do keep it balanced imo.

I think the real Villian hasn't shown up yet. I got a hunch due to season 4 of Castlevania and there were some indications in Nocture that a greater Evil is about to come in future.

Some of the emotional plotlines in Nocture are weak and felt more of a teen drama. Anyways ' complete with a Whip and verge of defeat' :D.
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Doesn't live up to the original
maxdon-043222 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I binged the whole season!

I have to say, that I quite like it and would watch season 2, but I can't help comparing it to the original and it doesn't live up to Castlevania.

Visuals (Animation and Choreography): The animation is quite good, better then an average animated show but comparing it to the original it is worse.

As I was watching I kept noticing all the cut corners, like when they just warp something instead of drawing it again or when they use CGI and it looks out of place, it doesn't look bad but just not as good as the original.

It does reach almost the same highs as the original but even at its best it doesn't quite do it.

(I even noticed a couple of animation errors while casually watching, and I wasn't even looking for them!)

The same sentiment applies for the action, it is less exciting, the choreography is way less interesting, and they use a lot of cuts and implied action. It is still good, but I feel that it could have been way better.

Writing: The ideas behind story are interesting, but the execution of them is sadly kind of weak... For example a couple of times characters showing up when needed even if there was no build up for that to happen.

Or character strength just flip flops depending on what the writers want to happen next.

And lots of little things that I feel should have been removed or improved upon on revision, it kind of feels that the writers were planning to come back and flesh out the moment but just never did.

Magic and Monsters: The magic system is worse, even tho it is a soft magic system so it should be hard to do so, additionally the use of it lacks creativity.

Using the main characters for the examples: 1) The MC looses his magic for no good reason and then gains it back at a key moment for no good reason as well. When he finally does use that magic it is only 2 elements and it isn't even done in creative ways, for fire he does a fire whip and flame-thrower and for ice he does an ice shield and ice gauntlets.

2) The Speaker Mom also does ice and fire, except for the ice gauntlets she does ice spikes.

3) The Speaker Daughter has a unique ability to summon minions to fight for her, and it seems that she can do that without any limits, but she just do that in most fights for some reason...

4) The Free Slave, she does metal and earth, but she barely does any magic and mainly uses her metal powers to make swords to fight with (she does control them to come back after she throws them, so there is that). She can also can access the spirit realm, to talk to her teacher and maybe eventually her ancestors.

As for the monsters changed the vampires and the night creatures, not sure why as it wasn't anything that would impact the story... 1) Now the vampires don't fade to dust after death.

2) The Night creatures are now not 100% loyal to their master and in one situation the soul of the deceased person stayed with the body which was kind of random, and what annoys me about this problem is that they could have solved this whole complaint by just mentioning that the machine made a different type of night creature or something.
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Some critics already said it...
steefan-922 October 2023
What made the first engaging to watch is villains. Or more precisely antagonist.

Then the cast, that clicked right away.

This... This is like recycle the world built in the first and try to pack in with action in compact format to composite for the lack of everything that made first good.

I am not talking about visuals, casting, cgi, animation and etc. That's all on par with first but about any meaningful substance to the characters.

You are thrown into boiling pot and by the end of the seasons it stills, and things get stitched together, no longer is about, why do you so randomly introduce this blank character be it on good, bad or neutral side. What's with the main plot drive, it's lamest.

With first you had Dracula, you had mob, you had his wife burned on stake, let the world burn.

In this one, they try to make more complex but all they do is sluggish build up that's really just convoluted, version of - > rich bad guys - > corruption - >dominate - > peasant equal lifestock.

Monster behind it all from Eastern Europe. God forbid it's from France where its all happening.

All in all really disappointing season and they are just milking on success of first.
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hakemsquad-911876 October 2023
I truly believe that Netflix did their thing with this series. The season was very suspenseful and kept me wanting to continue watching to see the outcome. What I love about this series, it's not like your traditional hero vs evil, where everything works out for the hero; but this series provides some defeat for the heroes. Truly, if you want a very well and engaging series, I would recommended this series. The final episode left me eager for the next season, to see how each characters faith outcome is. But I can't really have no complaints about this series. Netflix animes series might be one of their money makers imo. If you're a person that get attach to characters then prepare yourself because no one is safe.
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