The Swimmer (2021) Poster


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watched at the 2021 MQFF
lyonsdavidc20 November 2021
I saw this film at the Melbourne Queer Film Festival 2021 and didn't always follow the story but did enjoy the final race and how that was presented.

Unfortunately, the screening was a focus of protests aimed at drawing attention to the Israeli-Palestinian crisis and a few points the screening had to be stopped while protestors were removed from the cinema.

As the film doesn't comment on the Israeli and Palestinian conflict, I was surprised it had drawn such attention. What the film does comment on is topics I have seen better covered in other films and TV, Topics like sport people finding their identity and coping with the pressures of elite competition, I think Barracuda (TV Mini Series 2016) has a lot of similarities to this film and having more time as a mini series covers the themes better.

I was confused by the view point of the "Adults" in this film and I am not sure why the coach, assistant coach, house supervisor and the parents are presented this way. This is an enjoyable watch if you want to see young adults in speedos and the last section resolves the storylines well and includes a run representation of the swim race.
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there's a lot of potential here, and a lot of it is wasted
lukasntz13 September 2022
I went in expecting a thriller, and I came out of the cinema confused about what I've gotten. This movie can't really decide what it wants to be and feels a bit all over the place while also being somehow unimaginative.

Aside from it's unquestioned obessision with muscular, trained bodies, nothing really gets followed through. It wants to be a character study, but the characters sadly don't have a lot of depth to them. And that's not the actor's fault, they're doing the most with what they're given. But most of the characters are just set dressing and the main characters motivations feel obscure rather than mysterious, the homophobia is turned up to a hundred while at the same time never really being understandable in its exaggaration and it all leads nowhere.

Also, the music is terrible. Almost everything sounds like a cheap porn-Soundtrack but apparently wants to be taken serious.

There are far better gay movies out there, go watch them instead. This isn't really interesting, romantic, or thrilling (in any sense). It feels like, 'Free Fall' (2013 by Stephan Lacant), but bad. It lacks anything that made that movie a classic, from the characters to the visual style. This just looks like any mediocre gay movie that is satisfied with being gay as it's selling point, all the while it could have been great because the potential was there. The initial setting is new and interesting, the team of characters could be explored way further, even the rawness of the location has a lot of visual potential. But alas, the movie just always takes the easiest road, leading to mediocrity.

There are three interesting scenes, and the rest you've probably already seen very similarly elsewhere.
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Although undeniably well made, I did not like this movie.
manuelasaez6 February 2022
Everything about this movie is done well, from the acting to the soundtrack, everything works to create a cohesive whole. That being said, I did not like a single minute of it. It draws you in, thinking that there might be something more going on between these swimmers, and in the end you are left wondering, "Why did I bother trying to figure it out?". You go in thinking it's gonna be about two boys that find love while training to be the sole competitor for the Israeli Olympic swim team, and instead you are given a story about a possibly psychologically damaged young man with identity issues and his experience in an all boys swim team. It's false advertising, is what it is.

As an Gay film, it doesn't work. As a sports film, it doesn't work. As a drama, comedy, romance? None of the above works. It only works as one of those movies where you hope things end up going well for the people and it doesn't. I don't know about any of you, but I just don't enjoy movies that have no one to root for. I didn't root for anyone in this movie, because no one was worth rooting for. That in itself ruined what could have been a decent film.

This movie was not good and I suggest you avoid it.
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Very disappointing (but for the speedo's)
johannes2000-117 September 2022
Sure, seeing a bunch of well-built athletes walk around in tiny speedo's (and occasionally without them) is absolutely pleasant (I admit, that's what attracted me in the first place), but it's by far not enough to make a decent movie. One also needs some sort of a solid story, one or two characters that you can relate to, and at least some adequate acting. This movie failed on all of the afore-mentioned accounts.

The story goes nowhere, it's evidently meant as some sort of coming-of-age thing, and to denounce homophobia, but apart from the occasional macho talk in the locker room and the questionable opinions of the coach, it all seems to be more in the head of main character Erez, who right from the start of his entrance in this training camp seems to do his utmost best to NOT fit in with the rest.

This already begins with him wearing a flaring orange speedo amid all other plain blue ones, but he also doesn't follow rules, smokes pot, behaves like an irritating and hormone-driven #me-too stalker towards his best buddy and eventually becomes more and more cranky and antagonizing in his behavior. He's not in the least sympathetic and his constant whining is not moving at all, only annoying. Oh, and suggesting that the apparently homophobic coach is a hidden homo himself is such a lame cliché and really way too easy!

As for the coming-of-age aspect: I have no idea what Erez in the end has learned about himself or about his place in the world; if there's meant to be any Werdegang or an emotional transition, then I didn't see it. So I give it 4 out of 10 points for the speedo's and the smooth bodies, but that's it.
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A Near Total Failure
jromanbaker11 April 2022
I expect better from Israeli ' Gay films ' than this. For a start it is full of gay cliches; shower scenes showing male nudity, and a lot of other imagery that falls into the cliches of gay cinema. Omar Perelman Striks as the lead can act, and so is his possible love competitor Asaf Josef a good second lead. They are competing for a swimming place in the Olympics. The first quarter of the film seemed endless with a lot of male posing and plunging into the relentlessly blue water of the training pool. Then a sort of flirtation on both sides slowly happens but real feeling does not. The relationship side becomes a dead duck in the water and that relationship could have been a positive situation that would have saved the film. Male hysteria and yes homophobia becomes close to the absurd and there is one scene of camp dancing instead of swimming which looks badly choreographed and made me cringe. A defiant scene against male dominated homophobia in sport ? Maybe but it did not work for me. It is otherwise well filmed if monotonously and the Striks lead looks gay enough at the end. Quotable line. I do not believe in God but I do believe in Madonna. We have a dearth of good Gay/Queer cinema from the West, and usually films from Israel are worth seeing. The world we live in is too busy with urgent problems to think of than male sex/love and yet the world desperately needs to tackle complex themes that has homosexuality at its core. Complex, not open to the relentless straight eye to tear apart. This film does not succeed except in showing the male body and that is simply not enough. A real attack without the camp against straight dominance in sport would have been so much better with a real gay relationship at its core. A reluctant three for a goodish use of visuals and pacing.
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A meaningful art film, despite what others may say
nitzanfamilia11 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I saw the film last week at TLVFest in a theatre packed with people. It's an art film from start to finish, and it announces itself as such with its beautiful, dissolving opening credits. And it's not merely art with no substance (although that's fine, too), as some other reviewers have claimed, as the narrative deals with homophobia and gender and sexuality in meaningful, subtle, and unexpected ways. Not everything is said, but implied. It's also worth noting the more fantastical elements, which truly shine and provide deeply cinematic images of sound and movement in the stunningly directed dance sequences, and especially in the non-conventional ending, each accompanied by great pop songs.

The film essentially fuses the somewhat trite genres of sports drama and a queer coming-of-age story in a novel manner, with the latter emphasized over the former throughout. My only complaint is that, while dealing explicitly with the male body and celebrating its beauty, and while it does so at times by brief moments of full frontal male nudity (and always against the backdrop of implicit and internalized homophobia), the masturbation scene(s) seemed a little hesitant or surprisingly shy to me. The protagonist's silhouette is softened, and the result is somewhat evasive.
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Disappointing and incomplete
raphael183621 May 2023
So we have swimmers competing for one spot at the Olympics, driven by a hard-as-nails coach and all that seems pretty run-of-the-mill. What promised to be different was the story of the closeted swimmer attracted to a rival, but it fell apart. I wonder if scenes were cut that would have added texture and depth because I wondered why the coach suddenly turned against the swimmer he said was going all the way, and why being gay in Israel would disqualify anyone from being on an international team. Someone says the coach has never done anything in his life, but we don't know that or what his story really is. Likewise, we have very little understanding of the main character's life or why he's suddenly "kicked out of" the locker room. What happened? And then the ridiculous disco ending just made no sense. If you make it to the end you'll wonder why Erez seems to do what he does...anything else would be a spoiler. Better yet, don't waste your time. There are echoes here of a brilliant movie, Chariots of Fire, and invoking that film was a mistake because it makes this one seem puny.
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What was it about?
laduqesa20 January 2024
What a disappointment. I don't particularly care for Israeli films for a number of reasons, some of which were present here in this film but I'll leave these aside as I've dealt with them elsewhere.

The film didn't mean anything at all. It flirted with the idea of gay swimmers or athletes but skittles away from it every time. Worse, it seemed to have been edited and cut badly as scenarios were presented that had no basis in what had come before. Why did the other guys turn against Erez all of a sudden with slurs about him wrongly being in the men's showers? How come the coach got so negative with him after being sure he could go all the way?

There was no back story to anyone, except Paloma and this threw up more questions than answers about her life and motivations.

The final scenes were not believable what with all the shouting and yelling. As for the competition, the way it was conceptualised was cringeworthy.

I watched it all, not for the slickness of the story but in the hope that something interesting or explanatory would happen. It didn't.
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Kirpianuscus13 October 2023
Nice intentions. Without being a bad film , it seems a collection of sketches. And each of them offers the impression to be abbandoned for other , then, the return to the first. It is a good film for details and suggestions, for fair image of life of a sportif , for few scenes and , not last, for acting.

But it offers not exactly a story . Only few frontal naked , a presumed romance in crumbs and a bizarre , but not wrong, dance scene.

Expecting to see it, I was not dessapointed . Only surprised for the apparently chaotic developement of film , with few sentimental moments, more in Russian style and with a story of comradery trying be more. The memory about it is centred around Omer Stricks , in happy and some bad manner.
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