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(I) (2012)

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Kuriente14 July 2014
I am an aircraft mechanic, so admittedly I have trouble watching a movie which will undoubtedly abuse reality in terms of physics and aircraft design. I recall seeing previews for this and being stunned at the laughable scenario of an inverted passenger plane. That experience dropped my expectation to essentially zero.

When I watched this film I was surprised in two ways. Firstly, the scenario was more plausible than I had given it credit. Inverted flight is a problem for most planes because of aerodynamics. And while some aircraft are aerodynamically capable of inverted flight (even some passenger planes) it is additionally a problem because hydraulic and engine oil systems are often gravity fed. This means that if a plane is able to fly this way, most of them won't fly for long before systems begin to fail. The film did a reasonable job of portraying this as the plane was just barely able to sustain level flight with a full pitch down elevator position and displayed low engine oil press warnings which led to engine fire. I suspect the roll maneuver would require more altitude than the film suggests...but otherwise it's not far from what could happen in reality if this was actually attempted. Most engine fire T-handles are designed to instantly shut fuel and bleed air valves for an engine...which doesn't seem to happen here, but that was my biggest realism gripe.

My second surprise is that this movie has very little to do with aviation. Aviation seems to be the setting for the story, but the subject itself is substance abuse. The story could have just as easily been set around a bus driver or a ship captain. Given the fact that aviation was merely a setting for the story I have to give credit to the film makers for paying at least some attention to realism.

I thought the story was fascinating. It's the sort of film that requires something of the viewer. You can't watch this without making moral judgements and that process requires each viewer to evaluate how they feel about certain subjects. The story creates just enough moral dilemma to get people thinking and any story that can succeed in that gets a pass from me.
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Can a man be both hero and criminal?
atlasmb4 September 2014
Trailers might lead you to believe this is a film about flying. Or about an amazing flying feat. But it is all about the lead character, Captain "Whip" Whitaker (Denzel Washington), a man who is a pilot and an alcoholic. The flying and a terrible crash provide background for the story of this man, who has struggled with his illness for years.

In many ways the story is not that original. We have seen numerous stories about alcoholics and heard real-life testimonies of the behaviors that accompany alcoholism, and this film tracks with all of them.

It is worth seeing for the brilliant portrayal of Captain Whitaker and the performances of the other actors in the film. Some parts are difficult to watch because the acting is so engaging.

I also think the film raises some interesting questions that some viewers may not be willing to acknowledge. If one is an alcoholic, is the entire worth of that man nothing more than what his sickness drags him down to? Are we what we do? Can we rise above our neuroses or our worst behaviors? Often we see public figures condemned in media for indiscretions or harmful acts; is that, then, the measure of the man or woman?

The film, even if judged solely for its dramatic content, is worth seeing.
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Flight is an expert character study
cummingsjosh731 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Flight takes off with a pulse pounding opening that sets the tone for the movie. However, Flight is not an action movie but instead is an in-depth character study of an alcoholic. While the film itself is a good story and an interesting analysis of one man's addiction to alcohol, the real treasure of Flight is the superb performance from Denzel Washington.

In Flight, Denzel Washington plays a pilot who must crash land a commercial airliner to save the passengers on board. This may seem like a hero story since Washington was successful in saving the lives of the majority of the passengers. However, the results in Washington's toxicology report showed that he had a large amount of alcohol and cocaine in his system. Suddenly, this turns into a criminal investigation and Washington is faced with the difficult decision of either accepting he has a problem with drugs and alcohol or spend the rest of his life in prison.

Flight is a brilliant character study because throughout the movie you aren't quite sure whether you like Washington or not. The man is a hero but he cannot stop drinking which constantly puts himself and others in danger. The director of Flight, Robert Zemeckis (Cast Away, Forest Gump), successfully makes the audience care about a man that should go to prison. Even though Washington's character is constantly letting you down, you still find yourself rooting for him. A director that is able to accomplish that feeling within his audience is doing a great job at film making and character development.

It is clear that Denzel Washington devoted himself to this character. Every move that Washington made was true and you believed every action his character was doing because Washington was so convincing. This film could have been very boring. After the first half an hour there isn't much action and the story drifts from a plane crash to Washington's struggles with alcohol. This could have been disappointing but instead, the performance of Washington is mesmerizing to the point where you are completely drawn into the film. The film didn't need to continue having as much action as the first part of the film (the plane crash) because watching the development of Washington's character was so interesting.

Even though Washington steals the film, he is backed up with some very respectable supportive acting. Don Cheadle (Hotel Rwanda, Ocean's Eleven) plays Washington's attorney and delivers some powerful moments in the film. Although, no one would ever expect a poor performance from Cheadle. John Goodman (Argo, The Artist) plays the comic relief in Flight. Even though Goodman is only in the film for a short amount of time, he delivers some of the best scenes in the movie.

Flight may not be as exciting as some of Denzel Washington's recent movies but it is definitely worth the money. The film is a very accurate portrayal of the struggles and despairs of being an alcoholic. With a fine director and an expert lead role along with many great supporting roles, Flight is a film that shouldn't be missed. The only minor problem with Flight is that it's a little lengthy when it doesn't need to be. Other than that, Flight is a very well made drama. A-
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Only soars on Denzel Washington's fantastic performance
theredraylives21 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Flight is the kind of movie that studio marketing departments seem to hate. Watching the trailer, it gives the feeling of a lighter film, dramatic, with some suspense. It does not, however, indicate that this is an incredibly dark film about the depths and perils of addiction. The trailer gives a completely different idea of what this movie is going to be about, but with Denzel Washington's "Whip" Whitaker doing cocaine about thirty seconds into the runtime, one can safely throw away any thoughts they may have had about it.

Mr. Washington stars as Captain Whitaker, piloting a flight from Florida to Georgia; a relatively short flight, but when something goes wrong at 30,000 feet, the quick-thinking and talented Whip rolls the plane to pull it out of its dive and ends up crash-landing, saving the lives of all but six people on-board the plane. The namesake sequence of the film is probably its best, filled with amazing tension and some stellar effects.

Washington absolutely shines in this role, and being an actor of immeasurable talent, there is no question why he is up for an Academy Award for best actor. His acting is the kind of amazing that doesn't even require words- near the end of the film, his performance is absolutely heartbreaking, and Denzel Washington wears it in his face. Sadly, the rest of the film (outside of scene-stealing performances from John Goodman and James Badge Dale) isn't really up to par. The film follows Whip's self-destructive alcoholism as he is caught up in an investigation into the cause of the plane crash; friends try to help him and are spurned, he is alienated from his family, and he finds fleeting comfort in strangers such as Nicole (Kelly Reilly).

This is where the film runs into problems, however. It wastes far too much screen time developing Nicole's character only to drop her off the face of the Earth. She enters Whip's life as a common ally, someone battling her own demons and addictions, but she is seeking help. She then vanishes from it just as quickly. Her character isn't all that interesting to begin with, and the same can be said for most of the rest of the characters and the story in the film; they only serve as a backdrop, a mirror through which Whip's many, many demons are reflected.

Flight is, unfortunately, a film without much of a sense of direction. Robert Zemeckis seems to be all over the place, pouring multitudes of attention into Nicole's character, the plane crash, and Whip battling his demons, and it never seems to make up its mind as to what it's about. The film never, for a moment, questions whether Whip is actually at fault for the plane crash, and in fact it was his actions that saved many lives. Maybe it is Washington's poise and gravitas in the scene, but it never feels like Whip isn't in control. True that he is drunk and on drugs, and has many serious, serious problems, but saving the lives of ninety-six people (himself included) wasn't one of them. So while the plane crash story is certainly interesting, there's never any doubt about exactly how it is going to play out.

Flight could have been a better film if it had capitalized on the success of the tension it so well displayed early during the plane crash. Whip's story, his battles with his numerous demons- and ultimately, his freedom from them- are moving and wonderful to watch. If Zemeckis hadn't tried to shoehorn in this ridiculous investigation plot that never really merits any attention, it would have been that much better. Washington gives a five-star performance, but the rest of Flight lands at a dismal Three and a half out of Five Stars.

Check out my profile for links to my other reviews!
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Incredible Film
jlthornb5117 April 2015
Washington gives what is nothing less than a performance of a lifetime in this tension filled film dealing with a pilot wrestling with inner demons. The aviation sequences are stunning and the crash one of the most breathtaking ever filmed. The director is highly gifted and his skill and passion are clearly evident. The script is superb, with intelligent plotting and sharp dialog that captures reality. It is, once again, Washington who shines here above all else. His power as an actor is what truly gives this movies its fire. His portrayal of a substance abusing addict/alcoholic is painful to watch because of the humanity he brings to the part. It is a tremendous accomplishment and one of the finest studies of addiction ever filmed.
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The question this movie poses is what it's about
view_and_review20 January 2022
"Flight" hinges on one question, but before I get to the question we have to set the stage.

Captain William "Whip" Whitaker (Denzel Washington), a commercial pilot, spent a night of boozing, snorting, and sex with a flight attendant. The next morning he had a flight out of Florida to Atlanta with a manifest of 102 persons. The weather was extremely rough upon take off, but not enough to ground the flight. Whip deftly maneuvered through the storm then the flight was relatively smooth after that, so Whip slept. Somewhere over Georgia the plane experienced mechanical problems and went into a nose dive. With the utmost calmness Whip pulled yet one more set of maneuvers to land the plane with minimal loss of life. Six people did die, but it could've been so much worse.

Whip's lawyer, Hugh Lang (Don Cheadle), did some maneuvering of his own and had Whip's toxicology report suppressed. The NTSB, after an extensive investigation, found that Whip performed outstandingly. They attempted with simulators to have other experienced pilots land Flight 227 and they all failed. Whip was a hero. So then, here's the question:

Was Captain Whitaker's inebriated state a matter of importance with him flying that day?

Whip was an incorrigible drunk, but a functional one after a few lines of cocaine. His problem ruined his marriage, his relationship with his son, and was threatening his freedom. It was an unshakable factor throughout the movie and one that would cause you to shake your head in pity as well as embarrassment for him.

What makes "Flight" a good movie is the question I posed because how many people in society are functioning addicts or alcoholics? I just watched "Puncture" with Chris Evans who played an addict lawyer who was superb at his job as long as he was high. Such people exist.

Flight was a top tier production with awesome performances from the likes of Denzel (naturally), John Goodman, Don Cheadle, and Bruce Greenwood. The production and acting helped make the movie standout, but the plot itself and the central question it poses makes it what it is.
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An Emotional Tailspin
Bob_the_Hobo19 November 2012
Denzel Washington is William "Whip" Whitaker, an alcoholic pilot who, after a night of heavy drinking, remains drunk well into the morning he is to fly a plane into Georgia. When his flight goes into a sudden tail- spin, Whip manages to save all but six lives through his crash-landing. Whip is a hero until his toxicology report comes up positive for everything under the sun, leaving the airline, Whip's union, his friends, and Whip in a tailspin of their own.

I have often thought that Denzel Washington is one of the finest actors to ever grace the silver screen, and he proves that assertion with a film that is assured to receive him a sixth Academy Award nomination. Here is a man broken beyond measure, stumbling through his lost life until unprecedented new stress is placed upon him. Not even the intervention of those he holds close can stop his self-destructive nature - or can it?

Robert Zemeckis has been on a sturdy path with animated films recently, so it was with a bit of apprehension that I saw his most recent live- action offering since "Cast Away". But have no fear. The direction here is clean, crisp, and efficient as ever, producing a simple, but powerful script by John Gatins, chock-full of par-none supporting roles by the likes of John Goodman, Don Cheadle, and Bruce Greenwood.

Undoubtedly the best part of the film - besides the wonderful cast - was the soundtrack. Joe Cocker, Bill Withers, and more are used expertly to mold into every emotion, sometimes emotional roller coaster, Whip experiences. Each song (some used more than once) slips seamlessly into the background and keeps the audience following more than the script.

"Flight" is a powerful, dark, character study about a man who has fallen to his darkest depths, and finds out how to fall farther. It sees Denzel Washington in top form and Robert Zemeckis' triumphant return to the live screen.
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Recommended on the Basis of Denzel Washington's Performance Alone
evanston_dad19 March 2013
Based on the trailers for "Flight," I was expecting a investigative procedural film. Denzel Washington plays a pilot who manages to crash land a plane with a minimal loss of lives, a feat everyone agrees no other pilot could probably accomplish. But evidence that he was intoxicated while flying the plane emerges and instead of a hero who saved lives, he becomes a possible felon who caused the crash in the first place.

But the film isn't interested in the investigation. Instead, this is a film about an alcoholic and the rock-bottom journey he goes on that leads him to face his addictive demons. I've never been a huge Washington fan, but he does pretty tremendous work here. This also feels like surprisingly grown-up material for director Robert Zemeckis, who's most known for treacly stuff like "Forrest Gump." My major complaint about the film is that it's far too long. An entire subplot that gives Washington a nominal love interest in the form of a fellow addict could have been cut from the film entirely -- and a good half hour with it -- without any significant impact.

I don't know that I would heartily recommend this film for any reason other than the excellent performance of Washington.

Grade: B+
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This film has about the scariest 10 minutes I have ever seen in a movie!
planktonrules24 February 2022
"Flight" is a film that brought Denzel Washington an Oscar nomination...something his performance richly deserved. It's a terrific performance in a terrific, yet harrowing, film.

Whip Whitaker (Washington) is an absolute mess. Although he's an airline pilot, he's an addict and boards a plane under the influence of cocaine and alcohol. He's so badly impaired that during the flight, he managed to sneak MORE alcohol into his body! Now here's the amazing part....the plane literally begins to fall apart in midair and through VERY quick thinking, he manages to crash land the plane with only minimal loss of life. When Whip awakens at the hospital, he soon learns that the press is declaring that he's a hero! This film is about his actions and the airline's and the pilot union's following the crash.

The scene where the plane begins to fall apart and crashes is about the most harrowing and adrenaline-pumping scenes you'll ever see in a film. I could actually feel my chest pounding and STRONGLY recommend anyone with a fear of flying to avoid this film!!! It's well done...and it's shocking no Oscar nominations were given to the folks who created this scene!

I appreciate Denzel Washington in this film. Not only is he very good, but he really took a risk here playing such a screwed up and self-destructive guy. This was clearly a stretch for him...and it's nice to see him do something different.

Overall, this is a really amazing film...not just because of the crash but also because it really shows addiction in all its ugliness and with great realism. Among the best of 2012...though oddly apart from Washington and one minor award, the film wasn't nominated for Best Picture nor Best Director.

UPDATE: I recently found "The Pilot" on YouTube. It's a very, very similar story starring Cliff Robertson...so similar that I have to believe the writer of "Flight" was 'inspired' by it strongly. Because it's so similar, I am amending my score for "Flight" from 10 to 9....but it's still a terrific story.
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A Character Study That's Honest
Michael_Elliott20 November 2012
Flight (2012)

**** (out of 4)

Denzel Washington turns in one of the strongest performances of his career playing Walt Whitaker, a pilot who becomes an overnight hero after he saves the majority of the passengers on a doomed plane. Soon after becoming a hero Walt starts to get questioned on whether or not he was up all night partying and in fact was flying the plane drunk and soon he's forced to face himself and the events. Robert Zemeckis has certainly delivered a very entertaining, honest and depressing look at a man who seems to be good at just about everything except being honest with himself. Going into the picture I really wasn't sure what to expect but the film turned out to be great from start to finish and it's certainly one of the more honest looks at an alcoholic to come along in a while. The screenplay by John Gatins is extremely well-written and I think it deserves a lot of credit because I really appreciated the way we get to know this character. Because it's Denzel you're automatically going to want him to do good but the challenging aspects of the screenplay are so well handled by the actor and director that you really do feel like you're getting a complete character study. Zemeckis adds in some great song selections, the cinematography is top notch and there's no question that the film contains some excellent and tense drama. The Q&S session is perfectly handled and the crash sequence is one of the most chilling I've ever seen. Washington is excellent in the role of the troubled pilot as he contains that charm we all love but it also gives the actor a chance to give a full performance. He's so great at everything he does I think he often doesn't get the chance to do a role as complete as this one but he proves why he's one of the best out there. John Goodman, Don Cheadle and Kelly Reilly are all great in their supporting roles as well. You've also got to give everyone credit for not watering down the material and going for a safe and clean PG-13 rating. While there's nothing overly offensive here, the R-rating does allow for an honest and open look at this very flawed character. FLIGHT is certainly one of the years best films.
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Washington Carries this Film
nolandalla-447-6959303 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Imagine real-life hero pilot "Sulley" Sullenberger with a severe drug and alcohol problem and doing a few lines prior to taking controls in the cockpit, yet still managing to land his packed airplane with absolute precision on the Hudson River. Would he still be a hero? That's the dilemma of the new film, "Flight," which just hit theaters this week. This is a difficult movie to sit through. Yet it's tough to decide which is more gut-wrenching -- watching a doomed airliner packed full of passengers buckled down in a nosedive headed for near-certain death, or the central character played by Denzel Washington, whose personal life is just as out of control. While Washington's character nicknamed "Whip" manages to miraculously maneuver the aircraft towards a crash landing that undoubtedly saves lives, the captain comes under increasing scrutiny once the post-crash investigation begins. Conducted by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), the investigation begins to reveal some troubling revelations about Whip and his conduct. Every second of the pilot and crew's lives are scrutinized, which uncovers some ugly secrets about how Whip spends most of his free time. Most of the time his best friends are named Jim Beam and Jack Daniels, with a few lines of cocaine to add a little spice. The hero-addict dichotomy is a marvelous dramatic device which helps to sustain a longer-than-average 2.5 hour movie. The audience faces a real conflict here. We don't know whether to cheer for Whip to beat the rap and move on with his life (after all, he heroically saved lives), or be exposed as the fraud he is so the healing and recovery process can begin. Indeed, this film is not so much about the plane crash and aftermath as it is about addiction and realizing that one has a serious problem. While the crash scene is one of the most intense such moments ever recreated on film, the film's highest moments of drama actually occurs in hotel rooms and in front of refrigerators when Whip faces his toughest choice -- whether to drink or not. Most of the time, the bottle wins the war of the inner spirit, just as it tragically so often does with real life alcoholics. If there's any doubt about Denzel Washington being one of the finest actors of our generation, this should finally settle the issue. His is a resume filled with high moments -- his Academy Award winning over-the-top portrayal of a corrupt cop in "Training Day" perhaps being his best work. But this performance is every bit as strong for entirely different reasons. Washington shows great range in this film, flip-flopping between the boozing jet-setting playboy (played to perfection) and the sad and lonely loser that deep inside he know he has become. It's Washington when he's most vulnerable that carries this film. Just the right expression at the right time, a teardrop in a rare moment when he lets his guard down, or displaying a phony facade of going through the motions while being stoned and high on the inside -- these are the virtues that only a few actors working today could so successfully give to an audience. No doubt, Washington's role here will be remembered when Best Actor nominations come out for this year's Oscars. Robert Zemickis' direction is also near-perfect. This is often a dark and depressing movie, a sort of "Leaving Las Vegas" with an airline pilot in the central sympathetic role. Yet we never get too low, even watching a man hellbent on self-destruction. Zemickis, perhaps best known for his direction of "Forrest Gump," handles the material with great care, managing an excellent supporting cast -- led by two superb roles by Bruce Greenwood and Don Cheadle -- who serve to change the mood just when the film seems to become too dark. There are some scenes and story lines that I found unnecessary. Whip finds a romantic interest along the way, a fellow addict. I had a hard time buying the notion that a 20-year career airline pilot would find much in common with a very plain-looking heroin addict one step up from doing back alley tricks as someone to find comfort with . The girl simply lacks any appeal. To her credit, at least she's headed in the right direction in her recovery while Whip guzzles one beer after another. But I found her not only to be implausible partner but totally unnecessary to the story -- adding at least 30 minutes to a film that probably should have capped out at two hours. The film builds to a fulfilling climax that won't be revealed here. Some ends are tied up nicely, while others remain frayed. Which is all fine -- that's how real life works. In short, this is good film made much better by the wide range of talent displayed by one of Hollywood's finest actors. Denzel Washington's performance alone is reason enough to see the film.
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Denzel's Showcase
corrosion-221 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Flight will rank alongside The Lost Weekend, Leaving Las Vegas, etc as one of the classic films about alcoholism. It features, in my view, Denzel Washington's greatest performance to date. It is so easy to overplay a drunk but extremely difficult to get it right and Denzel is spot on and totally believable here as an alcoholic. Also, not many A list actors would play such an unsympathetic character.

Perhaps the biggest surprise is Robert Zemeckis's decision to do what is basically a character study. However, as shown in his previous films what he brings to the table here is to ensure that as well as studying this flawed character, we have a thoroughly gripping and entertaining movie. In addition to Denzel's standout performance, all the other performances are great. John Goodman balances the drama with the right dose of humour. Go and see it, but not on board a flight!
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The film's a 7, but Denzel Washington is a 10
bkoganbing13 March 2013
Denzel Washington's portrayal of a very flawed hero pilot which got him an Academy Award nomination in 2012 dominates the film Flight. All of his loved ones and all of his friends won't be able to help him with the jackpot he has himself in.

Denzel is an airline pilot who on a routine Flight from Tampa Bay to Atlanta encounters turbulence in the air and mechanical failure. He does a heroic job in bringing the plane in at all. Everyone agrees that most other pilots would have crashed with all on board dead. When he crash lands in a field only six fatalities occur. There are several injured however including our hero pilot.

But when he comes to in the hospital his toxic readings show traces of alcohol and cocaine. As we see later in the film he gets himself drunk and has developed a patented way of sobering up with a cocaine stimulant. Talk about living on the edge.

The whole airline industry from the pilots union to the airline to the FAA don't know what to do. Washington is a hero for what he did, but that addiction can't be hid. And he persists in his bad behavior.

This is one of the more complex portrayals of a character I've ever seen Washington do. In The Hurricane he's a hero who's been terribly unjustly wronged. In Training Day he gradually is revealed to be evil and corrupt. But here you don't know what to think. No doubt he's a hero, but he's also selfish and indulgent and can't even keep himself straight enough to get through a hearing on the crash. His own lawyer Don Cheadle is at his wit's end.

Melissa Leo has an interesting part as the hearing officer at the FAA, she's got a grain of toughness, but even she would like to give him the benefit of the doubt. But besides Washington, the one you will remember is John Goodman who has two memorable scenes as his drug connection for his cocaine cure.

The film Flight is a good one. But Denzel Washington might have picked up a third Oscar but for Daniel Day Lewis's Lincoln. He got more out of his role than most actors would have.
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Crashed but didn't burn
Snoody18 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Flight is one of those movies where the trailer makes you feel like you know what you're in for, only to find out the movie has nothing to do with a plane crash or planes in general.

Sure the plane does crash, and the premise of the film starts off with revolving around what actually happened with the plane. However, even the opening scene starts to fill you in on the main characters intentions and moral standing throughout the film. If it wasn't for Denzel playing Whip, his character would have gone nowhere, since by all accounts he is a very unlikeable guy. Denzel does bring some warmth and a friendly face to the uncomfortable crass moments of Whip. Finding out this screenplay sat around in Hollywood for awhile until Denzel sparked interest is not really a big surprise. Other than Denzel and a few moments of Goodman's always enjoyable on screen moments, this film is flat. It's about a drug/alcohol addict "hero" who never seems to really give us what we want as an audience (a moment to cheer for Whip).

This film is a by-the-book redemption film, but done better by Johnny Depp in "Blow". The cast sort of just deflates around the script, and a lot of unnecessary "Jesus" moments which start to feel like a hidden agenda for the writers. The female lead, a recovering drug/porn star?/lost her way, is also very boring. She offers little to no real connection to the audience, only aiding in predictable "my life is now saved" pictures on Whips jail wall at the end of the film.

The film itself is watchable, it's not a total failure in the technical aspect. There is a rise and fall and entertaining moments. But it is very boring, this is one to watch on Netflix when there is nothing else to do. I would really like to see Denzel in a much more compelling and interesting material. The guy is incredible, hence his nomination, but very obviously under utilized by this material.
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An engrossing character study
Gordon-115 February 2013
This film is about a brilliant but chronically intoxicated pilot who demonstrated exceptional brilliance when landing a plane after a nose dive.

"Flight" cuts to the chase right away, and shows an air disaster that looks so scary and real. After the disaster, "Flight" looks at how the pilot copes with the life change and his alcoholism. It is an interesting character study, detailing the psychological changes he goes through. The pace may be a bit slow, but we can see clearly how the pilot goes from one stage to another. The ending is a satisfying turn of events, showing how integrity rises above all. I liked watching "Flight", and with tighter editing it would have been even better.
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Not what it seemed
rgerber45 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Flight is not a movie about an airplane crash, it's a movie about a alcoholic / drug addict who needs to hit rock bottom, then sink even lower, before finding redemption. Though finely acted by Denzel Washington, his character has few redeeming qualities and it's flat out hard to root for him, even in the clichéd ending. I also have a big problem with the stereotyped co-pilot and his even more blatantly stereotyped wife. The co-pilot, a devout Christian, becomes worthless during the crash sequence, relying on prayer and basically panicking... meanwhile, totally wasted and fried Denzel Washington (drunk and high on coke) saves the day. Then, later in a hospital scene, the co-pilot's Stepfordwife-esque spouse stand by his side, never blinks, and her only dialog consists of her saying "Praise Jesus" in a loud monotone every time her husband says something. If minority or gay characters were portrayed as such blatant stereotypes, the critics and mainstream media would be up in arms. Other than that, Flight is a pretty good movie - well acted and directed, and hauntingly realistic. The entire crash sequence is extremely realistic, enough so that I guarantee you'll be thinking about it the next time you hit severe turbulence on a trip somewhere. But,before seeing it, you need to be aware that Flight is not the movie the commercials make you think it is, so go in with your eyes open. Oh, and another note: don't take your kids to see this movie unless exposing them to raunchy language (particularly one scene where a drunk and belligerent Washington tells off a recovering addict)and full frontal female nudity is OK with you.
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Flight brings Denzel back to greatness!
ClaytonDavis16 October 2012
Robert Zemeckis' latest film Flight starring Academy Award Winner Denzel Washington is not only thoroughly entertaining and terrifically structured, it encompasses a soul that Hollywood hasn't really delivered in quite some time. The film, that closed the New York Film Festival, is simply one of the best films of the year.

Flight tells the story of Whip Whitaker, an airline pilot that saves a plane and nearly all its passengers from a certain death. When an investigation is carried out to look into the details of the crash, Whip's troubling lifestyle begins to surface. Writer John Latins creates a dynamic and an internal narrative confrontation for viewers to become immersed in a story full of mental struggle. It's a unique and very engaging story that stands as one of season's best efforts.

Denzel Washington, and not to be taken lightly, is fully in the zone and portrays one of his finest screen moments in years. I haven't been this impressed with his abilities as an actor since The Hurricane (1999). He lands solidly in Whip, giving us his natural aggression, charisma, and flaws. Allowing us to travel with Whip on this journey, Mr. Washington proves once and for all, he is one of the great treasures of American cinema. Denzel gives an access root into the character for all intended purposes, a clear understanding of the inner resistance that will not only plague Whip, but the movie audience as well.

The story doesn't seem like an obvious choice for Robert Zemeckis, who has excelled in genres that have provided masterpieces like Forrest Gump (1994) and Cast Away (2000). As the film provides a more dark and jagged approach in his directorial style, Zemeckis executes with precision. It's a satisfactory effort from the director who makes his return to live action after a long string of motion-capture efforts. Assisting Washington's bravura performance is Oscar-nominee Don Cheadle, who teamed up with Denzel in the 90's classic film, Devil in a Blue Dress (1995). As the wise-cracking lawyer, whose own moral values may be tested in exchange for corporate and criminal immunity, Cheadle is a relieved presence. In a comedic and near-brilliant performance, John Goodman steals Flight from every actor including Washington in his short, two-scene appearances. Goodman continues to show an effortless range, even in poor film choices, and a confidence that makes him one of the great character actors working today. It's a performance that Oscar should consider on multiple levels. In a heartbreaking turn, Kelly Reilly as the drug-addicted Nicole, provides an emotional epicenter and boundary that stands as one of Latins' great writing achievements. Reilly is simply marvelous.

Continuing to beef up their acting resume, the great Bruce Greenwood shines while Brian Geraghty continues to prove he is one of Hollywood's best kept secrets.

Composer Alan Silvestri orchestrates an outstanding score that is both melodic and soothing. Cinematographer Don Burgess, once-nominated for Forrest Gump, gives clean, fresh camera lenses look into a shockingly dirty and gritty story. Zemeckis' handle of the astounding opening scenes, especially the plane crash, is one of the best visual and nail- biting moments of the year. Its Zemeckis at his best!

Flight is not only one of the best cinematic efforts of the New York Film Festival; it stands as a great surprise and entry into the 2012 Oscar season. Denzel Washington is completely Oscar-bound but the buck shouldn't stop there; a deserved consideration campaign should be given to John Goodman and Kelly Reilly along with screenwriter John Latins. Flight is a home-run!

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The higher you fly, the more disastrous the crash
dierregi9 March 2015
A good, solid story about the fall from glory of an arrogant pilot. It can be seen as a metaphor of addiction. Substance abuse makes you fly high, but you lose track of your limits and people around you start to dislike your self-centered attitude. Some of those people are lost forever; others may still be around to forgive you.

The plot itself is about cocky airline pilot Whip, who manages to save most of his passengers during a disastrous flight from Orlando to Atlanta. Despite (or because) being high on cocaine, Whip successfully performs a daredevil move and lands the plane on a field. There are six casualties though and legal actions to follow.

Whip is in full denial of his addiction to cocaine and alcohol and manages to alienate everybody around him. Linked to the main story is a rather unnecessary subplot involving a female addict. Satisfactory ending.
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Awesome Film. Blew away my expectations!
BigBudde4 November 2012
FLIGHT is a great film! In a day and age where almost all Hollywood movies try to thrill us with special effects and gore, FLIGHT 'soars' with extraordinary acting and a story that will change lives. I went not knowing really what to expect. A drama about a crashed airplane, right? Well this film is much much more. It is truth. Truth about life. Truth about addictions. Denzel Washington does an awesome, believable job as an alcoholic airplane captain, struggling with his addiction and accusations after the plane crash. John Goodman plays an interesting character and provides some laughs. Without giving too much away, I will say that if you like drama movies or Denzel, go see it. If you are, or know anyone who is struggling with an addiction of ANY KIND... go see it! It just might change your life. 9/10 A+
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Flight (2012)
cragsby_kellogs4 April 2013
Over twelve years since helming his last live-action film Cast Away, director Robert Zemeckis has decided to mark his comeback to film-making with a bang courtesy of his new drama Flight. Having dealt with Delorean time-machines, cartoon rabbits and autistic heroes in his previous productions, Zemeckis takes a dark turn with his latest effort as he teams up with two time Oscar-winning actor Denzil Washington to present a film about the temptation of alcohol and how it can affect the life of its central character. While it has been done before in other alcohol-related films like The Lost Weekend (1944) and Leaving Las Vegas (1995), you can't help but be intrigued when you know that Denzil has an Oscar nomination for it….

William "Whip" Whitaker (Washington) is a pilot who has an alcohol addiction. After spending a heavy night drinking and doing drugs, he takes charge of his latest flight despite still being in a drunken state. But when his flight starts to develop problems in the engineering department, he manages to prevent the plane from crashing thus saving the lives of nearly everyone on board. Although he is hailed a hero, the toxicology report reveals he had alcohol in his blood which leaves him in a tough predicament as he faces being investigated over the incident. As he continues to indulge himself to booze, those around him including lawyer Hugh Lang (Cheadle), close friend Harling Mays (Goodman) and former drug addict-turned-new love interest Nicole (Reilly) try to support him.

As soon as the film starts, you know straight away this isn't Zemeckis's usual territory as we see Whip surrounded by empty beer bottles, lines of cocaine and a sexy (and naked!) Latino woman which sets the tone for what the character's life is all about. This allows writer John Gatins (Oscar-nodded for his script) to create a narrative confrontation for viewers as they become immersed in a story of mental struggle. But for the first half-hour, the film is mostly dominated by the spectacular flight sequence which sees Whip having to handle landing the aircraft in its perilous situation. The director has always excelled when it comes to action scenes and here, it is no exception as the camera shakes uncontrollably and leaves us adrenaline-filled. It is edge-of-your-seat stuff for something so catastrophe and should only be experienced on the big-screen. But the film is not so much about the plane crash and aftermath but is more about Whip's addiction. The highest moments of drama actually occur when confronted by the bottle whether it be at his father's farm or a hotel room he stays at near the film's climax. The latter environment sees him face his toughest choice of whether to drink or not even when facing an important event the following day. Most of the time, the bottle wins the war, just as it unfortunately does so with real life alcoholics. Of course, there are those who try to help him throughout the film but his nasty personality overcomes him even to the point when he gains some new romance in his life by hooking up with former drug-user Nicole. Having spent several years starring in average action-flicks, Denzil Washington manages to reclaim responsibility as one of Hollywood's best actors with his stunning performance of a man whose addiction leaves him in a troubled state of mind. Washington is able to mix charisma, aggression and hidden trauma to his performance as he leaves his audience conflicted over whether they should support his battle to recover or loathe him for his selfish attitude. Don Cheadle and Bruce Greenwood lend effective support as the two authoritative men tasked with helping Whip in his situation but having to put up with his outrageous behaviour while John Goodman stumbles off the set of The Big Lebowski to chew scenery in his limited role as the mouthy but comical dealer. A pleasant surprise in the cast comes from British actress Kelly Reilly as she puts on an immaculate Southern accent in her role as Nicole and provides an emotional and wounded counterpoint to Denzil's Whip.

However Zemeckis does let his guard down with the characterisation and plot structure which is what almost ruined Cast Away in its finale. Though we become fascinated by Whip, we never really find out WHY he is an alcoholic even when we get given some brief details about his family history. When we do see him confronting his ex-wife and son, it comes across as predictable for a man in his state and is a plot cliché that has been done so many times in films and television shows. This also affects the Nicole character as she makes an important contribution to the film's first half only to disappear and then randomly pop up in a contrived manner. Audiences will also find it hard to root for Whip as he is presented as unlikeable for the majority of the film and even when we get to the important courtroom scenes, we struggle to really know whether to care about his fate.

VERDICT: Robert Zemeckis makes a worthy return to live-action films with this gritty but slightly underwhelming character study which is strengthened by an award-winning comeback from Denzil Washington and a mid-air sequence of thrilling proportions.
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Don't read too many reviews - experience it for yourself.
RavenZ6 December 2012
By now you know what the movie is about, so I won't rehash.

What you have here is the anti-Sully Sullenberg. Denzel is incredible as the best pilot you don't want flying your plane, or do you????? Tough questions and tough decisions as Denzel deals with, or doesn't deal with, the aftermath. You pull for him every step of the way, but the problem is which way do you pull? The visuals are very good, gripping, scary. I felt like I was hit hard in the chest while watching the plane.

Make sure the little kiddies stay home, but you need to see this movie. I hope the Academy hands Denzel the Oscar.
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Flight: New York Film Festival Review
jackbelisle17 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
"Flight" closed the 50th annual New York Film Festival on Sunday, October 14th, 2012. I was lucky enough to be at that premiere.

While this film is being marketed as a big action film, at heart, it is a deep character study that showcases Denzel Washington's best performance in years.

Washington stars as Whip Whitaker, a seasoned airline pilot.

On the morning of October 14th, 2011, Whip wakes up after a booze and sex infused night. In order to make his flight at 9am, he shoots a line of coke to get him in line. What follows is 20 minutes of pure filmmaking genius, which shows Whitakar making his way to the airport to prepare for his flight. Despite being drunk and high, Whip manages to pilot the plane through some bad weather. After falling asleep and letting his copilot (Brian Geraghty) take control, Whip wakes up just as the plane begins to go into a dive. After throughly freaking out the entire plane, Whip miraculously inverts the plane and lands it safely, saving most of the people on board.

The plane crash scene is done with scary accuracy, and you can't tell that special effects were employed. After the amazing first 45 minutes, a character drama develops that lasts the rest of the film.

Denzel- simply amazing, grounds his character and really makes you believe you are watching an alcoholic. He will most certainly be nominated for an Oscar. Other characters that shined were John Goodman as Harling Mays, Whitaker's Big Lebowski-esque drug dealer, and Brian Geraghty as the G-d loving co-pilot.

Onto direction, Zemeckis has not lost a step after his 12 years away from live-action filmmaking, the script is very solid, and the film is beautifully shot. On the downside, I thought the film could have been a bit shorter, while still getting across the same message.

Overall- 7/10

P.S. I attended the New York Film Festival as a reporter, and you can see some of the reports I put together from the red carpet here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dk-aUeF9DeE and here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmUNOe7ZAsU
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Excellent Character Study
jmillerdp3 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Excellent character study about a troubled individual. As an airline captain myself, it is very difficult to sympathize with someone who would put his passengers in constant danger by being a chronic substance abuser.

But, it is a very high credit to Denzel Washington to make you care regardless. His fearless performance is why Washington is one of the world's greatest actors! I am so very happy to see him take on a challenging part like this, after doing so many roles he could do in his sleep.

Robert Zemeckis turns in his least Zemeckis-like film ever, getting out of the way and allowing the script and the actors to do their parts. The film gets seriously sidetracked with the two appearances from John Goodman, but Goodman has spent his career just popping up and giving goofball performances, so no surprise there.

All in all, very good work on all counts, plus the ending works.

******** 8 Out of 10 Stars
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A solid examination of alcoholism.
Troy_Campbell30 January 2013
After the opening scene in which pilot Whip Whitaker (Denzel Washington) wakes up with a monster hangover yet drinks some more alcohol, smokes some weed and does a line of cocaine, it's clear the trailer for Flight was massively misleading. This is not a light-hearted movie with elements of mystery, trademark Denzel coolness or a hint of darkness; this is an intense drama about alcoholism that cuts deep at every turn. The plane crash isn't the focus here, it's merely an extraordinary situation which serves to push Whip's condition to the fore, allowing an examination of the addiction that can inflict itself even on people in positions of great importance. There's no doubting the nobility in attacking such a serious topic, but there's elements that don't work: Kelly Reilly's heroin addict doesn't convince, Don Cheadle is criminally underused as Whip's lawyer and the ending is, if not necessarily the easy route, definitely gift-wrapped a little too neatly. With a solid turn from Washington, a thankful resistance from director Robert Zemeckis to get melodramatic and a terrific soundtrack, Flight manages to stay on track about a man who goes way off it.
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A good film corrupted by Hollywood greed,,,
watcher528 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
It is easy to appreciate the high praise for one of Denzel's finest performances, the wonderful cast, and the quality of the narrative and storyline over the course of most of the film. This script had great potential to produce an often compelling story, with fine characters and direction. (I'm ignoring the fact that in everyday reality, a pilot like Denzel's character would be impossible, since professional pilots are subjected to regular drug and alcohol tests.) But, alas, virtually all the reviews and reviewers are blind to the film's fatal flaw.

What so terribly wrong here?? In nearly all action films and psychological dramas, the writers and director are offered several different--often competing--conclusions, the final "hook." I watched a film that deserved an 6/7 for its entire length, until the final 15 minutes, the scene where Denzel's character breaks down in a sudden fit of moral consternation in the official inquiry. At this point, the film suddenly is transformed from a serious drama into a sloppy, moralizing MELODRAMA. What a great loss. But Hollywood will out, destroying an intrinsically dark tale by providing a redemptive "happy ending" that is utterly incredible. Of course, 90% the audiences will love this, but it doesn't change the facts.

Think: When Denzel's character's interrogator asks the big question in the hearing, the real alcoholic he's been in every scene becomes a utterly different person. He can easily avoid blaming the innocent stewardess, AND save himself, with one answer: "I don't know." And then repeating it, over and over. Exactly what a binge drinker would have done--except for Hollywood and HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of dollars at stake at the box office!! Concluding the film with the broken pilot preaching the gospel of AA while gratefully serving his prison term is like stepping into an entirely different fantasy, one without credible linkage. Speaking as a professional writer, no one who has read great novels and fiction critically can come to any other conclusion. But this qualifier regarding familiarity with supreme fictions will exempt the vast majority of readers who usually appear on this site.
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