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At The Very Center Of It All
littlemartinarocena28 January 2017
We knew already that Mel Gibson is a filmmaker with a powerful vision and the craftsmanship to go with it. Extraordinary battle scenes. Violence, Gibson style, which means Peckinpah plus, because here there is such a personal intention that makes every frame, utterly compelling. The only drawback and I have to say it, Vince Vaughn. Why? In the moment he appears, this extraordinary film becomes a movie. It took me completely out of it. When you look at him you see an actor, acting. On the other hand, Andrew Garfield. Sublime. He makes totally believable a character that could be fictional. The humanity in Andrew Garfield's eyes makes everything real. It tells us, in no uncertain terms, that at the very center of it all, there is love. Love!
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Powerful - well acted piece
conan-222 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
As someone from Sydney, Australia I was proud at the way this was filmed. Using the Hollywood model, there would have been lots of sets but using actual buildings allowed a lot of warmth to come through in the natural light. Gibson is a fine director, I was impressed with his framing, he shoots very closely for the acting stuff (more head and shoulder) which is quite interesting on the eye. Using more natural light it is quite beautiful. I suspect Gibson will not yet have been forgiven for his personal life to get the recognition he deserves.

This movie could have been another Forest Gump, it could overly sentimental, instead, carries an appropriate amount of sincerity. The backstory is a major part of the movie. Doss is portrayed as uneasy with the girls who fell for the first pretty thing he saw. This could have been so Forest Gump-like but strikes a nice chord.

The cast was excellent. Hugo Weaving was perfection. He carried the first half of the movie as the battle-fatigued (PTSD) WW1 vet father. Some may complain that the women are poorly portrayed as are the Japanese, who are largely like ants coming from their mound or canon fodder.

As brutal as the second half is, I am sure it could not convey how truly gallant Doss was or brutal it was in reality.
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Back on the battlefield with Mel...
DukeEman9 October 2016
I was lucky enough to sneak into a cast & crew screening at the Newtown Dendy cinema. I thought 10.30AM on a Sunday was too early for a Mel Gibson movie, that I might be in for something along the lines of the heavy-handedness of THE PASSION OF THE Christ, and the adrenaline pumped brilliance of APOCALYPTO.

I was proved wrong because after the first thirty minutes I wasn't sure if this was a Mel Gibson film when I was placed into a comfort zone, with its melodrama set in a small Virginia town during the Forties, a schmaltzy romance, and the cliché violent drunken father who survived a brutal war. The performances were maybe a little let down by the clumsy dialogue, but all directed safely with a natural sense of storytelling.

By the 2nd act, I was put on high alert in the military training with our protagonist, Desmond Doss (Andrew Garfield who I at first felt was wrongly cast, but he really came through in the end). It was here when the true purpose of the story began to evolve, that of Doss' moral and internal conflict with using a gun! What he had to endure and stand-up for was a courage I greatly admired. It was also in this phase of the film that the dialogue and characters began to shine. Maybe it was the introduction of Vince Vaughn's character. We all know how Vaughn is notorious in ad-libbing, and it seemed to help because the other actors bounced off it well.

Now the story had me in their pocket because by the 3rd act I was with our protagonist and his platoon when they got to the battlefield graveyard of Hacksaw Ridge. You thought the horrific situation in WE WERE SOLDIERS was brutal, well this was captured so vividly that you felt you were there. It was almost on par with the brilliance of GAME OF THRONES; BATTLE OF THE BASTARDS.

Now I felt I was in a Mel Gibson film. As with Braveheart, the battle scenes in Hacksaw Ridge didn't hold back. Maybe a notch better because of today's CGI (and I didn't even notice the effects!). The scenes were unflinching, haunting and in your face. Possibly showing you the true horror of war. Definitely not for the squeamish.

The religious aspect of the film was relevant to the story, so as a non-believer I thought it was an integral part of the protagonist and had to be told, so it didn't bother me as much.

Overall the technical aspect of the film was brilliant, but then again I didn't really notice it because I was too distracted by the story and the characters, and when that occurs, I know the film has succeeded.
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Hacksaw Ridge
0U11 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Another WWII movie but instead of D-Day and the Battle of Dunkirk, it's the Battle of Okinawa in Japan. Which means, new branch of military and new settings. Usually I want war movies to focus on the historical accuracies and action rather than characters, but this movie changed my opinion. It tells the story of Desmond Doss and his life and how he joined the army, that was very interesting and well-acted. The beginning explained our main character and introduced all the others, who are also a good addition. BUT the rest of the movie is awesome. The battle scene is engaging, heart-wrenching, and epic. It is very gruesome, some may not like that, but that's how it actually happened - when you get hit with a bullet, there's going to be blood. The fight portrayed Desmond's goal and his heart to save others, which you have to respect. Not only does this movie provide adrenaline, but also a learning experience.
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War movie masterwork
Leofwine_draca10 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Mel Gibson is a director with two masterpieces behind him - the superlative BRAVEHEART and the even better APOCALYPTO. Sadly, due to his ridiculous pillorying in the press and subsequent ostracising in Hollywood, he hasn't directed a film for a decade, but now he's back with HACKSAW RIDGE, the true story of a pacifist who joined the US army and took part in the Battle of Okinawa as a medic. The good news? Gibson hasn't lost his touch (of course), and this is his third masterpiece.

The story is traditional but keeps you watching via perfectly mannered performances and heartfelt storytelling. There's childhood experience followed by romance, and then training in the army. The first half of the film is something like a courtroom drama and it keeps you watching, but things don't get amazing until we move to the battle. The second half of the film is among the best war movie experiences I've ever had; the battle scenes are fast, brutal, incredibly realistic and expertly choreographed. They blow Spielberg's SAVING PRIVATE RYAN out of the water and left me feeling exhausted at the end of them.

It says something about Gibson that he elicits such fine acting from his players. Andrew Garfield embodies the lead in every respect, Hugo Weaving convinces as his alcoholic father, and even Vince Vaughn is decent. Sam Worthington and Richard Roxburgh show up as superiors, but it's unknown actors like Luke Bracey who really shine. The film is gory and graphic and quite disturbing, and the build-up to the action frightened me in ways that few horror films do. There's sentiment here too, but it's never over the top or twee. Gibson should be proud of this exemplary achievement.
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Welcome back Mr Gibson
bartonj241025 September 2016
When thinking about war films, it's very hard not to go straight to the classics such as Apocalypse Now, Platoon or Saving Private Ryan. You have to make something very special to be mentioned in the same sentence as films like those and in Hacksaw Ridge, I think Mel Gibson has made one of the all time great war films.

Some war films use a particular war from history to tell a fictional story, all three of the above for example however, a war film for me becomes something else entirely when it tells a true story, especially one as remarkable as the story that Hacksaw Ridge is based on.

Desmond T. Doss (Andrew Garfield) became the first Conscientious Objector in American history to be awarded the Medal of Honour even though he refused to kill or even carry a rifle while serving as a medic during the Battle of Okinawa in World War II. Doss' phenomenal story of courage saw him single-handedly save the lives of over 75 of his comrades while under constant enemy fire.

Hacksaw Ridge is very much a film of two halves; the first introducing us to Doss, exploring both his personal life and his motivations for choosing to become a Conscientious Objector and serve as a medic, the second depicting the Battle of Okinawa at Hacksaw Ridge, the site of one of the bravest human feats in history. Both tell the story of the determined individual that Doss was and Mel Gibson does a wonderful job in directing the film.

Gibson has attracted a lot of bad press over the years but there is no denying that he is a good director, and in Hacksaw Ridge, he may just have made his best film yet. It's the emotional power of the story that Gibson taps into so successfully that makes Hacksaw Ridge such compelling viewing, whether it be Doss' arduous journey through combat training or the visceral war sequences. I was an emotional wreck as the credits started to roll.

Speaking of war sequences, Hacksaw Ridge possesses some of the most brutal and harrowing you'll ever see, reminiscent of the opening to Saving Private Ryan. Due to the fact that Doss served as a medic, there are parts where a strong stomach is needed as he obviously has to tend to a number of seriously wounded soldiers. The relentlessness of the sequences is admirable from Gibson and they're wonderfully shot by Simon Duggan.

Coming to the performances, Hacksaw Ridge features an amazing lead performance from Andrew Garfield, who wanted to move away from his days as Spider-Man with a chance to play such an inspiring real life hero. I thought Garfield was always one of the best things about the Amazing Spider-Man films but it's great to see him really grow as an actor. His performance as Doss is one of the best of the year and I would love to see him get some form of recognition come awards season.

The supporting cast threw me a little but they all play their part in excelling the film, expected from the likes of Hugo Weaving and Teresa Palmer but the film surprised me with how good some of the cast were. Sam Worthington and Luke Bracey were two that come to mind but the real surprise was Vince Vaughn, who I never thought I'd see play a part in a war film, particularly that of an Army Sergeant.

Few films this year have hit me emotionally as Hacksaw Ridge did and that's why I have to say it's a most welcome return to filmmaking from Mel Gibson. It's right up there as one of the best films of the year and definitely one to see on the big screen.
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Saviour Private Doss
Vladimir-142 November 2016
Just watched this movie at the pre-screening and feel like I owe it to the creators to write a review. Having read other reviews, it is hard to stay original, so first are few thoughts that I shared with the others. Great to have Mel Gibson back in the directors seat. I will be surprised if we don't see this film in a few Oscars categories. Now, few thoughts of my own. The movie depicts brutality of war in gory details, so much so, that I had to turn my eyes away from screen couple of times. However, I do understand why this was important to the story line. It was done so that we could truly appreciate Doss's act of bravery, feel it like we were there and witnessed it firsthand - nothing was left out. The story grabs you from beginning and does not let you off until very end - after the movie I turned back and half of the girls in the theater were still wiping tears. Bottom line - instant classic that will find it's place on the shelf next to the likes of Saving Private Ryan and Band of Brothers.
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Hacksaw Ridge: an emotional journey alongside the war-hero, Desmond Doss.
gregorysmith-825208 October 2016
Hacksaw Ridge is not a film for the feint-hearted. Right away the opening scenes portray the horror of war, and the emotional journey is only beginning as the audience is led through the story of war-hero Desmond Doss. One of the great feats of storytelling from Mel Gibson (director) and Andrew Garfield (leading role, Desmond Doss) is to lead the audience along Doss' journey with a feeling of having experienced the journey as Doss, and experiencing the wide range of emotions endured by this heroic character along his journey.

Neither war itself nor violence are glorified in the film, yet they also not derided. The elements of conflict that draw the storyteller – the heroism of overcoming adversity, the bonding of soldiers, and the brave resolve on which soldiers must rely to perform their duty amidst such chaos and terror – these elements are all present, but they placed alongside the horror, the madness and the terror of war, and used to draw in the audience for Doss' journey. The lasting psychological impact for those who survive conflict is well told by Hugo Weaving's portrayal of Doss' father, whose lines could serve as a mouthpiece for many veterans.

The supporting roles add depth, with both script and performance making very few, if any, of the supporting characters two dimensional. Vince Vaughn's excellent turn as Doss' training sergeant provides both humour and pathos to bring laughs and pause- for-thought at well scripted points of the tale, allowing the audience to gather their breath.

By the end of the film, audience members will leave the cinema feeling tired, worn out by having experienced Doss' journey of hope, innocence, love, confusion, anger, faith, and courage. Hacksaw Ridge is in no way a popcorn-lazy-Sunday-afternoon film; it is a journey.
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"Lord, please help me get one more."
classicsoncall5 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
"It was a scene straight out of hell. There is no other way to describe it." This quote from Higa Tomiko, a survivor of the Battle of Okinawa when she was seven years old, may be the best description one can take away from "Hacksaw Ridge", the most recent World War II film directed by Mel Gibson in a stunning return to prominence among his Hollywood peers. It tells the story of Private Desmond Doss, a conscientious objector who refused to handle a weapon, but felt it was his moral duty to serve his country in a time of war when many of his friends and neighbors opted to do the same. It's a story of perseverance, courage and sheer fortitude, and one bound to affect even the most hardened viewer.

In terms of battle imagery, this is probably the most relentless, bloody and vicious film yet, even more so than "Saving Private Ryan" or "Band of Brothers". The absolute carnage on display is not for the faint of heart, and there are more than one scene that come out of nowhere to jar the viewer upright in your seat. Director Gibson even utilizes the technique in a civilian scene when Desmond Doss and his brother wind up fighting each other as kids, and Desmond uses a brick to lay out his sibling in a frightening scene, one that establishes Doss's very first insights about the morality of taking a person's life.

I thought Andrew Garfield's portrayal of Desmond Doss was superb during the battle segment which dominated the latter part of the picture. Some of the boot camp scenes came across as somewhat unrealistic to me in as much as Doss seemed to defy his superiors with a smile on his face and sometimes without recrimination, although he did suffer the abuse of his fellow soldiers who thought he was a coward. Another element that seemed to defy logic was how the entire company of men from training wound up in Okinawa together, including the officers from boot camp. Not having been in the military, I don't know how that works, but it didn't seem that likely to me.

Generally, I have a problem with war films that introduce a romantic element, however Desmond's relationship with future wife Dorothy Schutte (Teresa Palmer) is handled with careful restraint. The interruption of Desmond's father (Hugo Weaving) at the military court martial proceedings was another one of those elements that seemed to defy credibility, so that's one I'll have to research.

Because of the film's central focus on Desmond Doss and his heroic actions at Hacksaw Ridge, one might be tempted to believe that this was the only battle he participated in. In fact, Doss also served in the Pacific Theater in the battle campaigns of Guam and Leyte Gulf, earning an entire host of citations for his bravery, including the Medal of Honor. Totally unexpected, but a very welcome conclusion to the picture had clips of the real life Desmond Doss speaking to his experience during the war prior to his death in 2006. Stills of the young Doss bear a remarkable likeness to the actor who portrayed him, thereby adding a further sense of realism to the story in retrospect. Over all, the movie is a remarkable tribute to a man who held a deep conviction and commitment to a higher power while stating "I figure I'll be savin' people, not killin'."
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one of the most violent sensory assaults that can be experienced in a cinema
CineMuseFilms18 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Good war-films can be very disturbing to watch. The dramatic realism of modern digital effects spares little and many audiences will find Hacksaw Ridge (2016) one of the most violent sensory assaults that can be experienced in a cinema. If it were not a true story that celebrates an unusual hero the film could have been accused of a gratuitous display of unrelenting carnage and military triumphalism.

The film plays in two halves: the early life and romance of Army Medic Desmond Doss (Andrew Garfield) and the actual Battle of Hacksaw Ridge. Raised in bible best Virginia, Doss had a troubled upbringing under an abusive father. A devout Seventh-day Adventist, he swore never to commit violence or even carry a weapon but felt duty-bound to enlist in the Army. Not long after meeting the one love of his life, nurse Dorothy Schutte (Teresa Palmer), he enlisted with the belief that he could serve his God unarmed and without killing enemy soldiers.

Branded a coward and bullied to leave, he was eventually granted conscientious objector status and became one of the troops sent to capture Hacksaw Ridge in the Battle of Okinawa of May 1945. While the assault was forced to retreat under overwhelming enemy fire, Doss remained behind and single-handedly evacuated 75 casualties, lowering them by rope from an escarpment over 100 metres high. The Ridge was eventually captured and Doss became one of the most decorated heroes of World War II.

The heroism depicted in this story is of such an extraordinary magnitude that it can easily overwhelm any consideration of the film's merits. With an uncomplicated and factual narrative arc, the story rests on two pillars: acting and filming. On both scores, this film deserves high praise. While the early life and romance chapter drifts towards melodrama, Garfield is cast to perfection as the wide-eyed and straight talking man of unshakeable principle and Palmer convincingly plays his adorable emotional anchor. Together with a strong support cast that includes several big-name stars, this is a powerful ensemble that carries the story convincingly.

The most outstanding element of this film, however, is its powerhouse hyper-realistic cinematography and spectacular set constructions that relentlessly convey the brutality of war. While it is an outstanding technical production, giving spectacle precedence over narrative is the film's Achilles Heel. One or maybe a few helmeted heads shredded or bodies bayonetted can convey much, but twenty deadens the senses. If ever there was a case where less could have been more, this is it. Otherwise this is a gripping film with forceful storytelling about a remarkable war hero.
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Enjoyable, but almost two different movies
ihanson727 February 2017
Hacksaw Ridge was a very enjoyable (based on) true story, but almost two different movies. The first half focused of family and love and the second half was a bloody war scene depicting true bravery by a determined idealist. I would recommend seeing it on the big screen for the sound and cinematography. It received nominations for Best Drama Picture, Best Actor in Drama and Director.
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A film that is as courageous as its subject and as violent as the war it portrays.
trublu21513 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Hacksaw Ridge is the latest film from the infamous Mel Gibson and it is as electrifying as one would come to expect. Telling the story of Desmond Doss, an Army medic that refused to carry a weapon through the hell fire of battle in Okinawa at the height of World War II. The untold story of Doss is one that is of the finer war hero stories that anyone could tell. Starring Andrew Garfield, Vince Vaughn, Sam Worthington and Teresa Palmer, Hacksaw Ridge is a beautifully acted and viciously portrayed war film that will stick with you from the minute the film starts until the second the end credits start. It will leave you clawing your seat, wiping away the sweat from your palms as we see Garfield's Doss save as many lives as he possibly can while dodging bullets and hand grenades. The film starts in the most somber of times in American history, the second world war. Desmond Doss, the son of a PTSD-riddled alcoholic Army man (Hugo Weaving) who served in World War I, is also as much as a devout Christian as he is a patriot, leading him to join the fight against the oppressive Japanese military. Doss is in love with a small town girl Dorothy Schutte (Teresa Palmer) who is scared that she'll never see Doss again, especially after the persecution he is sure to face. When in training camp, Doss refuses to touch a gun and is actually court marshaled for his refusal. This leads to a trial in which he is allowed by his superior officers to go into Okinawa with no fire arm to protect him. Much of the film is steeped in realism, something that Mel Gibson specializes in when it comes to violence. While the story and plot line may sound very traditional, the way it is portrayed is a fresh burst of life into a tired genre such as this. That, coupled with the amazing true-life story of Desmond Doss being portrayed on screen, makes Hacksaw Ridge a wild and brutal trip down the path to Christianity and the power that faith can give a man. Gibson, a devout Catholic himself, would be the director to bring this story to life. His religious views seep through his very being, especially through his films and this film is no exception. The film settles in the idea that God is literally protecting Doss, not only physically but spiritually as well. Doss is constantly tested throughout the film, almost needing to take a life (which is the ultimate sin to him) in many scenes. The fact that this man did not fire a single round and saved as many men as he did is astounding and the film really does an amazing job at showing the harsh realities of war but also showing the good that can be brought out in a man through his faith. The film itself, is one of Gibson's less preachy works which makes it more accessible. Even if faith-based films are not your thing, you can appreciate the craft that went into making this film. Hacksaw Ridge displays war as atrocious as it truly is. There is blood, there is gore and there are a couple wounds that will cut even the strongest of men down. This is an extremely violent film but it is extremely violent in the sense that there is enough going on around us to never make us truly settle in the violence which would take away a lot of the impact that Gibson is trying to portray. The film is paced very nicely and does feel more like a traditional war film without it really being the traditional World War II film. The filmmaking is traditional but the story is unique and is definitely the driving force to run out and see this film. The performance from Andrew Garfield is amazing. He sheds any sort of preconceived notion and really embodies the roll of Doss quite well. He is far from a revelation but he is on the right track in delivering a very fine performance. The screenplay is tight and taught. Like I said, there are scenes that are heart pounding in this film. Personally, I found myself holding my breath during some of the action sequences. It was THAT intense at parts. While I do have great things to say about this film, I will say, I was a bit disappointed in the performances all around. While I thought Garfield did an amazing job carrying a film that was not Spider-Man, I wish he was a little better. I felt the same way with the rest of the cast. The melodrama that is portrayed very early on in the film is something that does begin to corrode the realist efforts of everything else. However, once the action starts, so does the really great acting on everyone's parts. Gibson is an actor that revels in the moments of pure chaos and he expects the same thing from his actors. It makes for some intense scenes that are elevated by the pure realism that the actors portray. You actually feel as though you are watching these people go to war. It is a testament to Mel Gibson as a director. He really knows how to put you in the moment and Hacksaw Ridge just solidifies his talent. Overall, I felt Hacksaw Ridge was an extremely brutal and visceral war film that brings up questions of warfare, humanity and religion while displaying Gibson's excellent eye for technical accuracy and assaulting imagery. Say what you will about Gibson as a person but as a director he is sharp, gritty and a master at what he does.
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Incredible story but not an incredible
dlewis-382692 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Incredible story but not an incredible film by any stretch.

I had high hopes for this flick due to the Oscar nomination, even though knowing it would have heavy religious sup text from Mel Gibson.

However I felt it was a very corny love story at the beginning, Full Metal Jacket in the middle without any of the good stuff that made Full Metal so great, I thought that Vince Vaughn was badly cast, and I like him as an actor. (god knows what the Drill Sargent is doing going into battle either). Then it was the Vietnam scene out of Forest Gump at the end.

The religious stuff didn't bother me as it was an integral part of the story, but it was super cheesy making them all wait for his prayer before going into battle.

Overall it was an average movie with no stand out acting performances. 6/7 out of 10
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I am astonished by the reviews and score
ddragosa8 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I begin my review by saying that I respect the history and the events that took place in WW2 and I have the utmost respect for the guys who gave their life for that cause. Having said that, let me tell you my opinion about the movie. And only the movie.

Well, first of all I found it dull and uninteresting. The actors were fake. The scenes looked like rehearsals and uncut material. It was split in two half: the first was about nothing (well you could say stubbornness and stupidity because I was made to fell nothing for the main character except annoyed and uninterested) and the second about guts and gore. Did I said the actors looked FAKE? Oh, yeah. But man, oh man that was the main problem for me. The actors looked fake and the entire movie looked like a poorly made joke.

The plot was something like this: let's establish the motives, good. Now the cause... good and now the effects. Perfect. Now we can move on. The audience got it. And so on and so forth. Now lets slip in some romance. You can't have a movie without romance. Good, check! Now let's be jerks about it and make his life uncomfortable in the army, check! But hey, he got beliefs, check! ONE BIG CHECK LIST. No emotion, no heart, no nothing. A dead flat feeling.

Let me tell you few spoilers from the movie that I found to be really bad.

  • the scene where he meets the guys from the army in the barrack. Why in the hell should you put a naked guy (no brains, just muscles) to do pull-ups naked? Why? Because the target audience appreciate it? Little girls can't watch a movie that has no naked buff guys in it? I can only imagine the guys who made that crap scene: OK, guys I have an idea! We will introduce a stupid character that will do pull-ups naked in the barrack. But why? Doesn't matter, but it will be very funny and in that way we please the target audience. And check that out. We will make him run naked outside the barrack because the sergeant wouldn't let him get dressed and he will be forced to run naked during their exercises. Ha ha, so funny, NOT!.

  • the scene where they fight the Japanese. At some point the tough guy in the unit picks up a half dismembered body to use it as a shield and charged the battlefield killing 20 Japanese. WTF? At that point I was laughing and couldn't believe how bad this looks. Mel is becoming senile.

  • another scene when some doctor got wounded and Dodds wanted to give him plasma and the doctor says "No, give it to the other guy I don't know!". And he did. After several minutes we see a scene where Dodds asks about the doctor and another guy says "He didn't make it. He didn't have the plasma". And he makes a stupid face and we as the audience understand everything. WOW that was very educating. It was explained to us like we were some retards and didn't understand the sacrifice he made. Very poorly done. Cheap.

The battle looked like it was made by acrobats all jumping in spectacular ways, turning, twisting. All was about guts and gore. The more gore the better. Its as if the film was thought to get better with every gruesome scene over and over again. But it got worse. At some point after seeing so many body parts it became a joke. It began to fail and I was made to smile at how stupid this looks. Every scene made me think how the directors were scheming and constipating with ideas that were suppose to shock us until they run out of ideas and they just put more guts, gore and blood. That will shock them.

I can continue to rant about this movie as every scene has flaws and doesn't deliver. I wouldn't call this movie an Oscar or even a mention. Mel's only good movie was Braveheart and I stand by that. I cant believe how easy people fall for this violence nonsense mixed with religion and patriotism. Could it be that this a recipe for successful movies? Or we are ashamed to admit this is a crap movie because we are afraid that others will look upon us and accuse us we don't respect history and heroes? Wake up people!
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A Raw & Emotional Gut Punch
CalRhys28 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
With its late release over here in England, by the time the film was released, it had already come to prominence with overwhelming reviews and 6 Oscar nominations to its name, so I entered with relatively high expectations, which I generally find to be a bad call as you tend to be let down, however Gibson's first directorial effort in a decade, 'Hacksaw Ridge', is a raw and emotional gut punch.

With the history of cinema being littered with the production of World War II films, primarily in the form of over-the-top propaganda pictures such as 'Saving Private Ryan' (which nonetheless I still love), it's nice to see a movie that delves down the path of anti- war and focuses on the true-life tale of an uncaped superhero over fictional splendour, and 'Hacksaw Ridge' is just that. The film starts with rather over-sentimental, soap opera style tendencies which are occasionally funny to watch, but nonetheless they are perfect at delivering character development to our front-running hero Desmond Doss. I was initially expecting a 'Pearl Harbor' approach, with over an hour of lovey-dovey sentimental crap followed by under-accomplished action, but it was quite the opposite. The opening features the stated character development drama, but gives us an insight into Doss's personal reasons for his faith and religious approaches, then thrusts us into war.

Now, the war scenes... well, let's just say they're some scenes I doubt I'll be forgetting anytime soon. They're epic, they're visceral, they're emotional, they're gory, but above all else, they are executed perfectly. Upon reaching the top of the Maeda Escarpment, nicknamed "Hacksaw Ridge", the squad are instantly driven into the horrors of war, the loss of friends and hope. The raw and visceral images are maybe even a little too realistic. Dead bodies are strewn across the ground, innards and entrails litter the floor, smoke and fire choke the landscape. This is war.

'Hacksaw Ridge' is a hard-hitting film that if watched and truly understood, will be an unforgettable experience, and the concluding interviews with the real-life Doss add to the emotional core. The cinematography is stunning, the music is beautifully alluring and the performances, especially from Andrew Garfield, are beyond fantastic, Garfield completely embodies the persona of Doss with sheer accuracy. Further shoutouts to Hugo Weaving, Sam Worthington and the surprisingly brilliant Vince Vaughn. This is, in my opinion, one of the greatest films to have graced 2016... or 2017 here in the UK! We forgive you Gibson!
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Mel Gibson's near-triumphant come-back
TheLittleSongbird4 February 2017
Not one of my favourite war films, like 1930's 'All Quiet on the Western Front', 'Paths of Glory', 'The Thin Red Line' and 'Apocalypse Now', but exceptionally well made and incredibly powerful.

It has been said about 'Hacksaw Ridge' that the second half is better than the first half, something that is agreed with by me. Not that the family/character study stuff is bad, far from it, it's beautifully filmed, even better acted and paints Doss as a very fascinating character that it's easy from the get go to identify with his wants to succeed against all catastrophic odds.

Just that the first third does take time to get going with a pedestrian pace, the dialogue is corny (in fact, to me the dialogue is the least good thing about 'Hacksaw Ridge' in general and the element that rings true the least) and the sentimentality is laid too thick (this is also particularly true in the slightly underdeveloped romance).

However this is made up for by the entertaining yet hard-hitting training scenes and in particular the truly jaw-droppingly brutal war/battle scenes that soar in nerve-shredding intensity and raw emotion, giving the first 30 minutes of 'Saving Private Ryan' a run for its money and perhaps making it tame in comparison (high praise for a film with one of the most gut-wrenching first 30 minutes on film, though to me the rest of the film isn't quite as good).

Throughout 'Hacksaw Ridge' has exceptional production values, in particular the cinematography in the battle scenes, and Gibson directs like his life was depending on it. Rupert Gregson-Williams' score has the right amount of pulsating energy and nuance, and the sound effects in the war/battle scenes have a terrifying authenticity.

For a vast majority of the time, the story is very compelling and makes the most of mature and very easy to relate with themes. It has a wide range of emotional impact, being for the second half intensely powerful, much of the film being poignant, some of it sardonically amusing (without it being out of place) and also all of it inspirational. Rather than straying from the facts for dramatic license, Gibson is surprisingly respectful this time round.

Andrew Garfield has yet to give a better performance than his astonishing turn here (though he is splendid too in Martin Scorsese's 'Silence'), and Gibson similarly brings the best out of Sam Worthington (often a charisma-free actor but here doubts were cast aside) and Vince Vaughn (at his sardonic best while also touchingly subdued, proof that he can be good if the material serves him all which too often in his career it hasn't but it does brilliantly here). Hugo Weaving is terrific, also giving some of his best work in some time. Teresa Palmer makes the most of her role.

In conclusion, a near-triumphant come-back. 8/10 Bethany Cox
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Superbly crafted screenplay of the Doc
donprosseractor19 October 2016
I was fortunate enough to see an advanced screening of HACKSAW RIDGE in Hollywood and was impressed. The screenplay is authentically-driven to the last detail and portrays the horrors (and prejudices) of wartime conduct. I knew we were watching an epic film when at the conclusion, the audience was stunned so much so that the applause was delayed.

If you consider yourself a true patriot of America, this movie portrays YOUR values in a blessed light. For ONE gentlemen, amidst extremely adverse treatment by his own comrades and even more deadly hated by his enemy to have save SO many men... is simply epic.

I watched the advanced screening with members of the military and faith community alike. At no time did anyone retract from the horrors of war or add asinine political commentary. We all understood that soldiers fight for one another before they fight for a cause and that hatred of war is universal; even among soldiers.
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Autistic Reviewers Opinion Of This Movie.
autisticreviewers17 October 2016
War films can be a bit hard to sit through, with its graphic depictions of key battles in history, strong themes of power, brotherhood and the effect it has among the world but with Mel Gibson's latest war drama 'Hacksaw Ridge' it manages to be something more that we can grasp it.

The true life story of Desmond Doss is finally brought to the big screen, Doss was a US Army medic who served during WWII, but coming from a family with a strong religious beliefs and a father that struggled with the aftermath of WWI (a veteran himself) it lead him to be a Seventh-day Adventist, refusing to bare a firearm and the use of violence against another. His personal choice would affect his country's army and persuaded a court hearing to charge Doss for his personal beliefs and objection to bare arms but despite this, he is given the chance though to fight alongside his 'brothers' in the Battle of Okinawa, a battle which the American forces fought against the invading Japanese in an intense and brutal battle. It is here in this key battle that Doss was recognised as a true hero for his country, as he managed to rescue the lives of 75 soldiers wounded in battle.

Gibson returns to the director's chair to helm this true story, giving his touch of humanistic quality, anti-war themes and brutality to the horrors of war to much great detail. The direction is pretty much on point throughout and never goes dull or loses itself during the 2 ½ running time. The first half of the film is about character and what establishes Doss to become a legend that he is known for, while the 2nd half of the film focuses on his role during the Battle of Okinawa and the brutal battle itself. The violence here is given so much detail, not holding back on the horrors of war and the devastating effect it carried on both sides. The production design, sound mixing, editing and scale of the battle is as intense, horrifying and respectful to the details and real life experiences to what we've read in history books, but it is yet filmed with beautiful and yet brutal detailing that echoes much to Saving Private Ryan's D-Day battle sequence. The 2nd half of the film is much darker than the first half and people will need a strong stomach to handle the graphic depictions of violence and deaths we see throughout, but it does get emotional at times and in the last few minutes of the film, though overall the film is emotional with Doss's back-story, his personal lifestyle and the brotherhood that Doss and his army experience and share on the battlefield.

In terms of acting, the cast as a whole is incredible with Andrew Garfield, Hugo Weaving, Vince Vaughn, Luke Bracey and Teresa Palmer giving the best key performances of the film. Garfield has come a long way to prove himself as a worthy actor, breaking away from his well known role as Spider-Man prior to HR. To describe his role as Doss, he gives a quality that defines him as a simple man with values in his life while facing a few struggles that form his belief of not bearing violence or firearms. Garfield must have given much study and preparation for the role, as his character's journey from a wise simple man to a hero of his army is given so much heart, emotion and bravery to make the journey of Doss so believable.

Overall, Hacksaw Ridge is a film that will leave audiences in state of emotion that describes the horrors of war, the bravery of Doss and his army and a sense of thankfulness to our past ancestors who had lived in a time to fight for freedom and peace when the world was divided. An incredible film that will indeed earn its amount for Oscar nominations and wins in 2017 (possibly for Best Picture, Director, Actor, Production Design, Music Score, Sound Mixing & Editing and Script) alongside other film awards. A must see film if you have studied history at school, have an interest in history or if you love a solid war film that's true to its core. A masterpiece that will not be forgotten so quickly or never will, we both highly recommend it.

5/5 Autistic Reviewers
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mikeste-7076124 April 2021
Amazing story, brilliant film. One of the best movies I've seen in recent years.
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The 'using kind of religion'.
bkoganbing3 April 2017
I guess that Hacksaw Ridge could probably best be compared to the great Gary Cooper film Sergeant York which hewed pretty close to the truth about Alvin C. York, his background in Eastern Tennessee and his exploits in World War I.

Like our protagonist Desmond Doss here, York had a rural background and joined a pacifist religious sect. Unlike Doss, York grew up as a hunter and was a dead shot. He wasn't sure what he would do if a combat situation arose. But he did what he did and got every decoration imaginable including the Congressional Medal Of Honor.

Doss had a tougher row to hoe. He would not touch a weapon and the film will show you why. He felt it his patriotic duty to join, but as a combat medic, save lives rather than kill. With no weapon to defend his own person, this medic saved a lot of people at an engagement at a place dubbed Hacksaw Ridge in the Battle of Okinawa.

In Sergeant York, Walter Brennan's country preacher character says that Gary Cooper has the 'using kind of religion'. That might well be said of Andrew Garfield as Desmond Doss who got a Best Actor Oscar nomination as Doss. Cooper won one of his two Oscars for Sergeant York and Garfield really suggests his character in what he does with Doss.

The battle scenes are suggestive of Saving Private Ryan, director Mel Gibson staged them well. Hacksaw Ridge did win a pair of Oscars for its Sound. Gibson got nominated for Best Director and the film itself for Best Picture.

Hacksaw Ridge shows the horrors of war and from it the beauty of heroism when people have to summon their personal best and become more than themselves. The Doss story is one that deserves telling and retelling. Thanks to Mel Gibson it will be permanently retold.
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Best War Movie Ever
maydymtmc11 November 2021
Sorry for my bad English.

I always been a fan of war movie. One of my favourite one is Saving Private Ryan, Tears of the sun, and so much more ! But this, straight to top 1 of my favourite war movie list. Specially when I knew this is based on a true story and Desmond Doss are real existence. I watched this for 4 times, still makes me cry each time. Even sometimes just happened to watch some scene from YouTube also manage to put me in tears. Very very touching and still my Top 1.
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A lot of creative license was used
mfrostbusiness8 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I like Mel Gibson movies, and this was one of those movies friends were nagging me to see even shocked I had not seen it. So I watched it last night It was entertaining, well directed, acted, and photographed.

I realized very quickly that I knew the story My memory of the facts and details just came back to me instantly while watching. I think it was 2005 at the Angelika theater in Dallas I saw a documentary entitled, "the conscientious objector". It made an impression on me, so I started reading and studying for a few weeks or so. Oddly I never associated Desmond Doss with the story around the movie Hacksaw Ridge. Duh.

So I knew quite a bit about the history of this movie before watching it and that was my problem with it. The vast deviations from reality got to me and probably ruined what otherwise would've been a really entertaining wonderful movie.

Why Gibson felt compelled to unnecessarily deviate from reality so many times on so many things is a mystery to me? "Smitty" was a fictitious character that never existed in reality. Desmond did not enlist in the military, he was drafted. His wife wasn't a nurse when she met him, meaning he didn't meet her when he was giving blood, with the real life story much more noble - he heard about a car accident in town and walked 3 miles to give blood, and then walk there again the next day to give it again for a total of 12 miles of effort.

His father did occasionally drink too much, but he was not abusive. The drunken fight with the gun was with his father and his uncle, not his father and his mother.

He did marry his wife before he went to war, but he did not miss his wedding because he was denied a pass by the army. Speaking of his wife, she did become a nurse, but not until years after the war and because he was so damaged from the war it was difficult for him to work and maintain a job and she needed to care for him.

At Boot Camp, he was never beaten up, although he was unpopular and he was ridiculed, threatened, and harassed.

Although the army and his superiors absolutely did want to discharge him, things did not escalate nearly as dramatically as the movie portrayed.

His father never showed up in a World War I uniform demanding to talk to the general - that was total fiction- but his father did write a letter to the war services commission via his church asking for help which was granted quickly under constitutional grounds.

The war scenes section really bugged me, although they were filmed very well.

The movie completely left out perhaps the biggest act of heroism on his part - he volunteered to be one of the three people who initially climbed up the cliff and secured the netting so the rest of his unit could climb up - gaining the respect of his company right then and there, and of course even more so after he saved so many of their lives.

The Japanese trench/tunnel scene never happened. He never saved or treated a Japanese. In interviews he said he would have, but early on people in his platoon pulled guns on him once and threaten to kill him if he ever did, so he didn't and he learned that was something he just couldn't do and still be a functioning part of his unit.

The ending of the movie bugged me a lot with him being injured by a grenade as the battle was ending. That's not how it happened. He did indeed get injured by a grenade, with multiple fragment wounds. But he was later shot twice by a Japanese sniper, which shattered his entire leg bone and another his arm and shoulder.

Nevertheless he fashioned a splint with a rifle and a blanket, and then when he himself was being rescued, he gave up his stretcher, rolled over and gave treatment to a severely wounded man, then crawled 300 yards to safety. That would've been a really cool real heroic fact to put in the movie.

So although I enjoyed the movie, it deviated way too much from reality for me to truly love it.
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True colors
grawsas16 November 2016
Here are so many opinions about this movie, but we all agree - it is worth every minute of our time. This movie will be enlisted between classics such as Apocalypse Now, Platoon or Saving Private Ryan and will be remembered for long. Here we see true story of hero who don't kill others for good and this pacifistic idea is not very common in movies. But around this pacifistic idea we see such cruelty, that we don't see in other war movies. A.Garfield fits perfectly for his role and even comedian V.Vaughn looks in his place (strange). We see religion point very often, maybe - too often for some people, but we see it not in maniacal way. Just strong and clear opinion with defending of it. Must see!
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Good Movie, Although A Bit Uneven
denis88826 February 2017
Mel Gibson is a very good film director, and a very fine actor, although not without failures or errors on his way. His resume is fairly spectacular, and here he touches upon a very delicate and a very serious subject - the conflict between religious beliefs and military duties. Desmond Doss was a very famous Seventh Day Adventist who took part in Battle Of Okinawa and due to his belief never took up a rifle and never killed anyone, but he saved as many as 100 lives of wounded soldiers and officers. The film is about this modest and brave man, who spared no effort to save his comrades. Was the film a success? Well, with all the coming Oscar nods, and with Mel Gibson and a stellar cast behind, this is very tough to be very critical. Let's say this - the movie is good, but not awesome, good but not perfect. This is not Saving Private Ryan or The Longest Day, for sure. Why? Well, there are some almost cringe-worthy pathetic scenes, that awake all the worst clichés of Hollywood, the battle scenes are impressive but hardly anything but already many times repeated gruesome bloody things. The slower part of the movie is often boring and too slow, and the main actor, well he is OK, but sorry, not higher than just average. This is a good film that must be seen at least once.
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Comic book reality. They deserved better...
art-miller5 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Although we have only just nudged our way into February I nominate this as a contender for Worst Film of 2017. It might even win.

This is a film of two halves. In fact the transition between one and the other is so abrupt that you could be forgiven for thinking you are watching two different films. The first half is comprised of two acts.

Act 1 sees us in Disneyland with a saccharine sweet love story told as only the Americans can do with a plethora of sickly smiles, gleaming perfect white teeth, pretty pastel colours and every damn country boy and country girl cliché in the teenage book of dreamy heart fluttering romance.

Act 2 Army training camp. New wet behind the ears recruits and a sergeant major set on making men of them. Familiar territory. You know the score: the recruits will be wheeled out fully formed and ready labelled from the casting department.. The tough one. The farmer boy one. The handsome one. The oddly short one. The goofy one. And the evil one who from the off sets out to make our hero's life a misery. And the signpost also tells you that an hour down the line in this film they will be best buddies. The sergeant major now does what all sergeant majors do in every boot camp film you have ever seen he yells and screams bawls and bellows just half an inch from the face of every recruit. Of course he saves the best of his decibels for our hapless hero.

Turns out our hero doesn't want to carry a rifle he just wants to be a medic. So instead of congratulating him on this noble and potentially useful choice of army career he gets bawled out and they treat him like something the sergeant major scraped of the bottom of his size twelve boots.

But with the help of his demented dad and his pretty and expertly permed smiling gal our hero escapes a court martial. The gal gives her guy a bible. We saw that coming.

Part Two: Our hero and his buddies are gathered at the foot of a cliff. The only way up to Hacksaw Ridge is via a single wide rope ladder. Atop the ridge are approximately a quarter of a million Japanese soldiers. All is quiet. And you can't help wondering why those evil Nips (their term, not mine) haven't simply chopped down the rope ladder or why they are not massed along the top lobbing mortars and grenades down on the troops below.

But we have been assured at the start of this epic masterpiece that we are watching a true story so we have to accept that this is how it happened. But that rope ladder still bothers me.

However...the troops clamber up the ladder and they are on top of the cliff – and all hell breaks loose after a bombardment from some offshore guns.

Now let me state here that I have read about the battles against the Japanese for control of the Pacific islands and am fully aware of the terrible fighting that ensued. The Japanese fought with suicidal recklessness not seen since Medieval times. But in this film that fighting is presented in such an orgiastic way with almost pornographic detail of spilled entrails, pools of glistening blood, severed limbs, decapitated heads, mangled half torsos and spaghetti shredded legs that the suspicion is that the director and writers have intentionally set out to out-gore every war film that has gone before. Every time a soldier looks up a bullet neatly penetrates his helmet and skull. Every time there is an explosion three men are catapulted into the air by some clever hidden device. And then there is more blood and guts and half- men screaming for their moms.

The tidal wave of Japs overwhelms the US soldiers and miraculously they all escape down the one rope ladder. It's not shown how they get their wounded down there but hey ho... What of our hero...? Well he is still up top – now alone with the dead and wounded that have been left behind. A few Japs take some pot shots at him but then they all disappear back to their tunnels for some chow.

Leaving our hero free to drag the wounded to the cliff edge. This is an heroic task in itself but now he has to get them to safety. He proceeds to lower them down the two hundred feet sheer cliff face. Actually there are only two blokes down there, smoking and chewing the fat. But they do a sterling job sending the wounded back to camp. Oddly no-one thinks to send a soldier or two – or twenty – up the trusty rope ladder to help our hero. They just hang around below waiting for the next dangling hospital candidate.

And so it goes on. When our exhausted hero does eventually fling himself down with a rope there just happens to be scores of his buddies waiting for him. Shame they didn't have the balls to go up and help him. But they all line up cinematically so that our hero can be led away.

At the risk of upsetting the 'Special Relationship' we have with our pilgrim brothers and sisters on the other side of the pond – and I know my fellow countrymen will understand this – Hacksaw Ridge is just too American. A much better script and a British director would have delivered a subtle, more sympathetic film with less of your usual jingoism and more of the real drama and nuances of war.

This is a true story. A story of towering heroism. Real men fighting real battles. But in this mess of a film that story has been reduced to nothing more than a comic book reality. And all concerned deserved better than that.
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