I Woke Up a Vampire (TV Series 2023– ) Poster

(2023– )

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The Story vs The Acting
meaganhdodes20 October 2023
The actors and script are pretty terrible. However, I watched the whole series because the story itself is interesting. I like the idea of Blendeds and Mythics. I was interested to see where they go with it. Unfortunately, not that far. The script and acting leave a lot to be desired. Some of the choices for the actors were laughable as well. The comic store owner is awful, as is the main villain. And don't even get me started on the twins. I do like the main kids, though. I think they have potential. I don't know if we'll get another season, but the story was interesting enough to warrant it, if they can improve the writing.
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inconsistent but gets better
bill_allison22 October 2023
The idea of waking up with superpowers on your birthday is not new, but still makes for some amusing moments. This is a light comedy-drama with scenes in home-school-urban settings.

The episodes are short, so it is easy to finish Season 1 in an evening. My first thought about this is "inconsistent." Some moments are funny, some stupid. Some sweet, some lame. Some action is good, some is juvenile. The musical rehearsals look embarrassing, but the final show is okay.

The story begins like it does not know where it is going, but it seems to gain some purpose around episode 3. The character definitions and dramatic elements become stronger as the show progresses.

The young lead actors are appealing and seem capable of doing more if given a stronger script. The target audience of young viewers should enjoy this. Adults will recognize the many cliches and have higher expectations. After all, a cliche was something new the first time you saw it.
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Ain't really the demographic for it i guess but...
destroyerwod9 February 2024
I enjoy vampire stuff, but i am not a young teen. So i don't know how fair my review can be as its surely aim at younger teens in the 10-15 bracket at best. That said i do watch movies aimed more at kids or "for the familly" on ocasions and they can always be fun even for me. My Babysitter is a Vampire for instance, both the show and movie, wich i watched a couple years ago, i enjoyed. The teens are a bit older but still.

The idea of this show is totally fine, but as someone put it, it would had worked better as a movie. The episodes are kinda short and its only 8 episodes, but you get the feeling that there is a lot of padding and by the time i finished the season, i had the impression of finishing episode 1 or 2 at most of a "regular show".

There was also a lot of inconsistencies in the characters, and in the first few episodes i found Carmie to.be quite unsufferable, but it got better later on.

Overall what else can i say? Its on Netflix, it does not take long to watch. If you have young kids or teens they may enjoy it fairly. Apparently a Season 2 is confirmed, so ill probably watch it even tough im not overly exited for it. But again, i am not the demographic for it so i really don't want to be too harsh on this.

Oh i almost forgot. There is a musical at some point. I don't know if the actress sang herself, but if she did, it was actually pretty good. I can praise this for sure.
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What is happening
hanymuchova20 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, i never write reviews but my god what was that? The acting is so terrible that even i coundn't finish it and i don't mind bad acting in shows that are meant for children. I found it kinda funny how the "bully" girl that is supposed to be the best at dancing is actually worst, she is dancing for 10 years and looks sooo uninterested when she is doing it. Like girl put more energy in the performance. For their defence i did watch only like 4-5 episodes so maybe it get better???

There is no plot line, the costumes are pretty terrible. The main character is one of those selfish main characters that doesn't think about consequences. I mean how does so not understand that it is prebbably not the best idea to use her powers so publicaly. I was really annoyed with her. I also hated the wolf girl so much after the theatre scene and i actually liked he very much at the beginning.
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$3 more on Netflix for this?
stevengoodjr20 October 2023
It's just bad... the idea of each characters is interesting and the story here could have been something.. but the execution is disastrous... the plot is extremely shallow even for a kids show...

It's almost like if the B-Movie genre were a tv show for kids.. was that the plan?!?

The best thing about this was probably the actual play (actually the script for that play sounds interesting)... they did get an good chuckle out of me at the end!

Netflix just announce they are increasing their pricing model again and it really makes you question what they are doing.. I suppose not everything they work on can be a winner..
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We made it to episode 3, I think
hmb-5177819 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly, I wonder how many episodes we actually watched.

I do remember that we quit when they were doing the video game war, battle, whatever, it was just stupid. Not that the show hadn't gone off the rail several times by that point anyway.

Like so many of these shows, the main character is actually the antagonist.

She starts her own issues and makes her own problems. She is unappealing in every way. The so-called bad guys, a snooty girl who falls down when she walks, and the others are blandly and poorly acted.

Her little friend, who is coded as LGBT, is pretty well done. But he has nothing to do except go around fixing messes that the main character creates and actually trying to solve the issue of how his friend became a vampire.

In truth, a show just about him, would be a lot more interesting.

Is the new best friend also one of these halflings, who knows? Worse yet, who cares.

The actress playing the parents of the main character do nice enough job, but my word the kids that play the twins. Yikes.

The one thing I will give the show credit for, is that they do have characters say poor things about characters that are acting poorly. But there is no actual retribution or control.

Avoid at all costs, unless you're 7 years old.
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It's a Kiddie Show, People
searchersd9 November 2023
Seems like there are quite a few complaints here about this series, probably by adults who've forgotten that it was designed to be viewed by children. My 9 year old grandson enjoyed it and never complained once about the acting or anything else. I watched along with him and the only thing I didn't like was that the second series isn't there to find out what happens next.

Acting-wise I think all did the best they could with what they had to work with, and the story does hold your interest. Granted, it's a grade B production overall, but the idea here was to make a series with likable vampires, werewolves, etc., where "bad" people actually turn out to be good. Where your assumed enemies are later transformed into friends. Lots of good lessons to learn here.
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Trash... so glad Netflix increased their charges for this
mpcsbkmqqq4 November 2023
This show is absolute trash. The main character is horrible and just creates all her own problems. She's really just an awful person. When are writers going to stop with this tired trope?

I mean, if you can relate to and cheer for a narcissistic 13 year old, this may be for you.

If you like watching a sweet hearted boy constantly try to clean up his narcissistic friend's messes, you may like it.

The main character would have been a really good villain!

I didn't finish the show, so maybe it gets better

The story itself would have been interesting, but it was poorly executed.

Try again, Netflix.
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[5.9] Gracing voice with sharp fangs
cjonesas17 April 2024
A wonderful show for kids having lots of good acting, storyline plots, great music and enough fantasy mystery to keep them interested.

What struck me most was how unbelievably good Kaileen Angelic Chang (Carmie) was able to sing, act and move. She has so much grace and charisma at such a young age and the right choice as the lead.

At 26-27 minutes runtime per episode, it still packs enough punch, momentum and vibe to keep you interested, crave for more and to see what's next.

  • Screenplay/storyline/plots: 4.5
  • Production value/impact: 5
  • Development: 6.5
  • Realism: 5.5
  • Entertainment: 5.5
  • Acting: 7
  • Filming/photography/cinematography: 6.5
  • VFX: 7
  • Music/score/sound: 8.5
  • Depth: 4.5
  • Logic: 1.5
  • Flow: 7
  • Comedy/family/fantasy: 7
  • Ending: 6.5.
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This show, is, terrible....
bride-869379 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Hear me out, when I first started to watch this it actually started to get good. The girl was some what selfish. But she was energetic, what happened to the series I have no clue. It started to get worse and worse AND worse, it's fine if she had powers but she could at least have wings! Next thing, she had a crush on this brat kid it's like bruh, all she could think about was him really and he was a bad influence on her, I was getting sick of her attitude in season 2 it had gotten TERRIBLE. And they had the perfect opportunity to make her mother evil but she came out to be really good and I think that really messed up the plot because i was rooting for her mother to try to take her away. But no they did this....

I should have known it was too good to be true, this show is trash...
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It's TV G folks
mvvsquared10 November 2023
My 8 year old loves this show. That's the audience. That's all you need to know about the show. It's a good quality show for younger kids who aren't ready for something more intense. As a parent it's fun to follow along and talk about. Just enjoy it for what it is.

I know the most disappointing part for my son is the idea that there is only 1 season. He's gonna be wanting to know what happens next.

One thing too it's nice to have a show that my 13 year old can watch with my 8 year old and though it's not her favorite she can enjoy it with him. So often he feels left out now that she's watching older kid shows.
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closeteddemoninyourcloset22 October 2023
It's so hard to watch, all the characters are unlikable especially the main girl and the main guy is like batman but really bad. The dialogue also never makes sense and the costuming and stuff like the dudes goggles are so baaad. I don't know how it got to the top charts on netflix for a bit cuz it's actually that bad. The story also doesn't make a lot of sense. The whole musical is just random and the bully girl is written so bad she's almost the best character. It's also so obvious that the main girl is a vampire so it like hurts when everyone is so stupid. Kev is like fine though and the dog talking is just unnecessary.
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It Would Have Made an OK 90 Minute Movie
Sperry2323 October 2023
I Woke Up a Vampire had a chance to be an enjoyable series. The concept of a young teen becoming discovering she's a vampling - half human, half vampire - had potential much along the lines of Sabrina. Unfortunately, it falls prey (pun intended) to the worst tropes of teen TV. It has the nice but somewhat oblivious parents, the annoying yet clever siblings, the best friend who knows the secret and is the source of esoteric knowledge, a self-centered mean girl, the uber-evil villain with the somewhat moronic and put-upon henchman, and more.

The cast is diverse and the young actors are good. The cartoon-like antagonists, however, tend to munch the scenery a bit. The writing is really predicable and gives away almost every "twist" or surprise well before they happen. The writers don't seem to be able to decide whether it's a comedy, a dramedy, or a teen-drama. The effects are fairly mediocre. And, yes, the vampires glow.

As I said above Ultimately, if you miss this series, you won't miss much. It is pretty ignorable.
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Netflix made a Disney
lfedvard4 November 2023
Strong female characters, check. Weak male characters, check. Incredibly weak story, check. But actually, this series goes one step further. The acting at Disney is bad. But here the acting is consistantly on another level of super-bad. Do I expext more than one season? Please, please no!

Is there more to say? No, not really. It's a series about vampires. An incredibly weak story surrounding that based on a school musical which the main characters are involved with in some way or another.

I don't know what more to write about this series. It's bad. Stay away! Keep clear! Run away! This is a flop.
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My Teeth Hurt!
zconkerite12 November 2023
Not a new storyline but nothing is! Nothing like the Teen Wolf starring Michael J. Fox's release of 1985. A remake? Not quite. The actors in this piece are directed so poorly and everything is so sacchariney, not a real word but I'll use it here, that my teeth hurt! The artificial smiles are over the top! Investors most likely put their money in this for a tax loss. It does not really deserve air time. The poor kids of today, even adults so deserve better than this. Oh my! The minimum word count required here, I find ridiculous because this piece is so bad that one word would have said it all! Crap!
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Missing Relationship
jazzybadger27 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
It's a good show, but with a horrible ending because at the end we see the Collector finds his daughter. Dylan clearly has a crush on her, Carmie & Dylan NEED to be together!

If in S3, Carmie has a crush on Dylan, but Dylan likes the Collector's daughter, then they end up together or something like that, I will give it a much better review.

Given the relationship dynamic between the three characters there certainly exists a lot of room for relationships to grow, but they need to be growing in the right direction that strengthens the overall plot of the show.

In order for this to happen I feel that Dylan & Carmie stand the best chance at gaining traction among the viewer base.
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I think this show is great!
kaliajade22 October 2023
I don't really get why people hate this show so much. I get that the actors weren't the best at acting, but most of them are just kids. I think it is a great show, I am thirteen years old and I think my friends would love this! I believe they should make more seasons. And for the adults who don't like this show, it's understandable because the actors are a bit awkward, but it's a very interesting and good show. Also it's made for children so you shouldn't give it such a harsh rate just because it wasn't up to your standards. I've watched all of the episodes that have came out so far, me and my mom really enjoyed it.
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I love and hate it
tocakhaleigheva7 May 2024
I know it meant for young teens ages 10 - 14 probably but it's not even fun to watch as someone who is in that age group. I like the idea of the show, the whole blendeds with mythics ect. But the acting is really bad. I honestly feel bad saying this because I'm sure all these people were just trying to start making a name for themselves which I totally get. But the acting is really bland with no emotion or super extra with to much movement no in between. I guess it better than having all the actors be bad with is one super amazing actor. All I can say is whoever wrote and cast this needs to do better and the actors need just a bit of help making whatever they're in enjoyable to watch.
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If you want fun and exciting, this is it!
calebtripleschmidt9 December 2023
I love this show and quite disagree with the bad reviews. People said the main character wasn't likable but in my opinion she was super awesome! She seemed so fun exciting and someone I would want to be friends with. A good main character makes a good series! Also the plots just so exciting with who the characters are and how they interact with each other and become friends. I also love to watch the main character hide and occasionally reveal her powers. It was super attention holding for me I accidentally binged all 8 episodes in a day! Also there are some funny scenes that made me laugh but I don't want to say anything more to not spoil anything.
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This is a KIDS show
orangey-471639 April 2024
I just started watching this and it's a pretty ok show. I like to watch shows and movies before I let my nieces and nephew watch something and so far, this is a show I'd be ok with them watching. It inspires imagination, embracing who you are, and the importance of friendship. I've read the critics of everyone saying how terrible this is and people need to remember 2 things: 1) this is a KIDS show made for KIDS and 2) not everyone is going to have the same opinion and like everything. There are way worse things kids COULD BE watching instead of this. I haven't read a review saying "my kid thinks" so leave this show alone. As adults, we are going to have a different view point. I loved "a land before time" as a child and let my nieces and nephew watched it and I only made it 5 mins into the movie before I was apologizing to my mom over how awful it is to an adult and couldn't watch it but it is a great KIDS movie. Yes the main character is over the top with energy and makes bad decisions and this show is super predictable but so what? I'm a daycare teacher and I see kids all the time with just as much or more energy. It's part of being a kid. And the bad decisions? Everyone needs to make them to grow and become who we are today. So as a KIDS show made for KIDS, this is a great show so far I wouldn't mind playing.
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Great show for kids
wuelchli7 April 2024
My daughter (8) loves the show. It's mysterious, with a bit of romance, friendship, everything kids like. Even for adults, the story is interesting and you want to know what happens next. The characters are not overdrawn, but pleasantly realistic. For adults, the creepy comic store salesman and the two gamer kids are particularly exciting. It's fun to watch with the whole family. Of course, it's not something I would watch on my own. It's for children. We hope that there will be more seasons. It's exciting to see what will happen, especially with the shapeshifter and whether Carmie will be lucky in love.
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A Good television series for Children.
fallenemo14 April 2024
A Good television series for Children.

Cosmic Adventures invites young viewers on an exhilarating journey through space!

It's disheartening to witness adults rating this so poorly; this tv series is meant for children, not adults seeking a complex Oscar Nominate storyline.

Let's appreciate it for what it truly offers: a delightful, imaginative escapade for the next generation. I can picture myself enjoying this show "I work up a Vampire" as a child.

This is a lighthearted television series, with minimal drama and violence, ideal for today's young audience amidst the intensity of cinematography.
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The show has a lot of potential but..
cloudrain-357215 April 2024
When I first watch this it had a lot of potential. I read the other reviews and the actors aren't the problem, it's the writing. This show had so much potential but it's like everyone is just causing problems for themselves. Especially the MC, and how everything is just playing out like a dora like adventure. I get this is a kid show but I've seen way better writing than this. The bad writing just makes the show seem trash and the dialoge for some situations seem fake. Like the wolf girl literally looks like a bad Halloween costume.

But overall, Once you get used to it, the show is pretty enjoyable. I found this show very interesting, it does seem like this should be a movie, with multiple movies or somthing. The MC is super annoying because she is like the type of character that doesn't want to be known but is literally doing eveything to be known. I personally don't like does type Mcs but it's bearable.

The show is pretty nice overall👌
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This is the funniest and most ridiculous kid's show
theusedax18 May 2024
I usually don't like kid's shows but this is something else. If you take it seriously, you're probably not going to like it but genuinely, this is one of the funniest TV shows I've seen in a while. The show never takes itself seriously and I don't think that the viewers should either, but honestly some of the jokes caught me completely off guard. If I saw this show as a kid I don't think I would've appreciated it for the comedic genius that this is. My whole household got hooked after a few episodes. It's very ridiculous and campy, and we unironically binged both seasons. The actors are also very talented, some of the scenes are comedy gold. I hope it gets renewed for the third season because the world needs more of this to heal itself.
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discordjunior12 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly When I first watched the episodes I noticed pretty bad editing. For example when carmie was flying the background and the characters are looking a bit let's say not that good. The editing disturbed me a lot specially when the background is blurred, it felt like the movie was not released in 202 it felt like it was released in the 2000's. Besides the bad editing on background and completely focusing it on characters I would say SOME transitions were okay. It gets better after ep 3 but there still some flaws that can be seen but it's all looking fine and it's not that deep since the target audience was made for childrens. Also before you watch a children show you must think like a child because they are the only ones who appreciate simple and not ultra effects movies. Also for the main character I could say her acting was fine but there are some a bit things I really don't like she sometimes overdo it, Butq besides that it's okay also the singing is fire. I would say it was a bit cringy and embarrassing I also agree to the other peeps who says the main character makes the problem and the best friend always have to clean her problems and find solutions BUT that's just how it goes sometimes they make the main characters always so "quirky" , "annoying" and so much more but you do have to understand this is a kids show.
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