Rumble (2021) Poster


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It's fine..... at best.
deothor17 December 2021
I'll be honest here. I was slightly hyped up when i heard of Rumble in 2020. It felt like great concept. Obviously I didn't know anything about the plot, beyond it being your basic "zero to hero" stuff.

Well, the story of Rumble is... Not what i expected. I mean it still follows the formula of loser turning into champion, but.. Eh.

About animation: You can clearly see a great divide of "proper animation" made on main characters and their closest environment. Everything else feels REALLY cheap, on a thin budget. And that wouldn't be a bad thing, if movie wasn't zooming in on bad stuff as often as it did. For example big monsters you get to see. 2 of them are obvious copy-paste to save money. I mean.. Come on.. Characters are bland and average, but that's fine.

Comedic part, the jokes.. Are average and sparse at best. And that's fine.

What kind of annoyed me in the show was how movie suddenly lost its "realism" at certain point. Well "realism" is a big word here, but what i'm trying to say is that one moment you watch giant monsters beating each other, while in next a slapstick comedy of no consequence funny faces, silly grunts and poses... Just a farse. I mean kids would like it, but it was just lame to watch for me.

A 6/10 score sounds about right, maybe event tad too high. I hope Paramount will do 2 things in their future upcoming animated projects: Invest in MUCH better story/plot ans Invest in MUCH better animation.
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Really fun and entertaing monster movie.
Vivekmaru4519 December 2021
Rumble is a monster fighting C. G. I. Animated film.

The story is about a town whose only source of income, a monster fighting stadium is about to be closed down. Winnie whose father was a monster trainer must track down and find a worthy monster to train in order to save the town.

The movie has plenty of good humor and it's suitable for people of all ages. I would call this a family movie.

The voice-acting, script, direction is very decent for a film of this type and I would recommend this one.
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You know the drill..
EvanoOruvan16 December 2021
Its an underdog story about a monster whose father was greatest wrestler of all time and a coach whose father handled the greatest monster.. So, two underdogs pair up together and you know what happens next..

Shades of "Real Steel" and many other wrestling movies.. My 7 years old enjoyed the movie while I could predict what's going to happen next at least 15 mins in advance..

Watch it when you are bored..
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Calm down y'all
rickothan28 December 2021
It's fun. It's not a pixar masterpiece, it's not an emoji movie level disappointment. It's a fun time, it's a well made movie, and it has the creativity behind its monsters to boot. Didn't disappoint for me. Sure, it has some corny moments and some moments that do not make sense, but it's a fun time. Check it out, it could be for you.
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Pretty Good Family Movie, Funny and Good Animation.
bolomark3 January 2022
Funny, Witty, Entertaining and Well done. There were a few things that they could of done without such as the tattoo dude in his underwear. There are a few instances of innuendo that kids won't get but is funny for the adults. This was really well done for the most part and has a pretty good message of being yourself and using what you enjoy to become great as well as making your own destiny rather than trying to live other's destinies. This does have gambling and the underground in it, it also has tattooing and tattoo removal in it regarding a super-fan in his underwear, so if that's a big deal for you then don't watch. However, this is a good and clean family movie that was well done. It was funny, cute, heartwarming and entertaining. This is wrestling at its finest without the language and other obscenities as with "Real" wrestling. It was a surprise that we all enjoyed.
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Cool concept with mostly decent animation :-)
stevebondi27 December 2021
Movie was enjoyable (Kaiju WWE with a innovative Salsa dancing fight technique), but animation was not top tier, especially with simplistic human designs and animation, and inferior fur :-(. Nevetheless, there were some funny pop references to LeBron/Cleveland and Creed/Rocky, among others :-)
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It wasn't that bad but
margineanvladdaniel20 January 2022
It lacked something, seemed rushed, boring, monotone, predictable. It was a interesting idea though, I liked the last fight, pretty fun and innovative, but that was about it. I hope they will make a sequel, a better one.
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"Monster Wrestling isn't about fun"
daisukereds1 March 2022
When the movie starts, you see a TV commercial for Monster Wrestling mash-up with beautiful animation and some incredible drawings and artistic style! It's a great introduction.. but it seems like budget and creativity ran out right there.

Almost every line feels "too chatty" and forgettable, at times annoying and excessive. The animation and (human) models feel and look too generic, as if this was made in 2010. The story is too simplistic, and happenings coincidental. The progress rushed and the ending unearned. Personally, I consider this the worse kind of script, the one that feels underwritten with uncharismatic and barely developed characters. Worst of all, for a dance-centric plot, there's basically no music accompanying or elevating the matches. It would have been so easy to try and pump the audience with good sound mixing/editing and tune choices.

As it is, feels like a cheap product with no effort and love put into it.. though I can imagine it might be decent enough to watch with kids.
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There was an attempt
djurrepower18 December 2021
I can see somewhat of a good story in this film. But honestly, the script could have gone through some extra drafts. Most plotpoints are loosely connected at best, and this comes at the expense of investment in the film. So all in all, it was decently made and executed. But the foundation was quite lacking.

6/10: not that much to write home about.
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Monster wrestling
MB-reviewer18516 December 2021
I don't really know what to say about this Paramount animated movie, other than saying the trailers didn't give me any hopes for it being good.

After watching I found it at least a bit better then what I thought it was going to be. It had pretty good animation, the voice acting was good, and it can be funny at times.

I did like Will Arnett as the main monster and found him funny when given funny lines to say, there were funny scenes and I did lightly laugh at them even if some of the jokes were bad.

The monster fighting was cool seeing and how the monster fights effect the people of the town. But even the entertaining parts don't save the whole movie.

The jokes and scenes are hit and miss and I couldn't see myself liking some characters when they are shown. But That's just what I think

I'm not going to say see it immediately, but I am going to say check it out when you have the free time.
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Good family fun
steveg748928 December 2021
My kids like monsters and wrestling, so this was a great mash up. I did find it somewhat funny that they did incorporate some WWE names in this not only as voice actors but for the wrestling venues and matches as well. Nice touch

Monsters look like monsters and the people are tiny in comparison, they did a decent job artistically with the designs and the story was a good underdog story. Voice actors solid and music throughout was good. Wife and I enjoyed watching this with the kids and would def recommend.
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it could have been much better
elenaphysics20 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The storyline is quite simple but it was fun to watch.

But nothing special. Three things annoyed me a lot and I could not enjoy it.

The voice of the girl -coach was really annoying. It annoyed me so much I could not listen to the dialogue anymore. This also happened to me in the sorcerer's apprentice (I could not listen to the apprentice) and in how to train your own dragon( I could not listen to the main protagonist). Yes for me sound is also important not just the visuals Then we move to the visuals. They could have made better looking monsters. The only monster that looked ok was Tentacular. All the others came out from a horror movie ot a very vivid nightmare AND last but not least ,for god's sake what is with the REPETITION.

Everything was repeated again and again as if I was living the groundhog's day.

Dance your way to the fight/the guy getting tattooed over and over and over again/ save the stadium/ you make your own history etc etc etc It was painful to watch sometimes.

I have seen worse of course but it is still a very average movie.
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A by the numbers sports story with good animation, but little character resonance or substance.
IonicBreezeMachine17 December 2021
Set in a world where mankind and giant monsters live peacefully side by side, the entire world follows the competitive sport of Monster Wrestling wherein a town's monster alongside a human coach engage in matches with monsters from other towns. The town of Stoker-on-Avon was once home to the greatest monster and coach team of Rayburn and Jimbo Coyle before they were tragically lost at sea and presumed dead. Sometime later Avon's new monster, Tentacular (Terry Crews), becomes the world champion only to announce immediately afterwards he's abandoning Avon for a lucrative deal with the town of Slitherpoole. With no monster to justify the upkeep and maintenance of the Jimbo Coyle Stadium the town reluctantly decides to sell the stadium to be demolished for a parking lot which doesn't sit well with monster wrestling fan and Jimbo Coyle's daughter, Winnie (Geraldine Viswanathan), who sets out to find an unknown she can coach in the hopes of saving her father's stadium. Following many rejections, Winnie eventually stumbles across childhood friend and Rayburn's son Rayburn Jr.(Will Arnett) who is now taking dives for low rent matches under the name Steve the Stupendous. With Rayburn Jr./Steve now in debt for a large sum of money for winning a fight he was supposed to lose, he reluctantly goes to Avon with Winnie to train as a serious monster wrestler with a massive uphill journey for the both of them.

Loosely based on the graphic novel Monster on the Hill by Rob Harrell, Rumble comes from Paramount Animation, Reel FX Animation, and WWE Entertainment who've for the past 10 years have tried to branch out to younger skewing audiences with endeavors like the short lived TV show Saturday Morning Slam, and several animated direct-to-video productions usually involving Hanna-Barbera characters like The Flintstones, Jetsons, or Scooby-Doo. Originally intended as a major film for the 2020 Summer movie season, Rumble like many other films found itself pushed around the release calendar until much like Paramount actioneer Infinite, the film's theatrical release was cancelled and instead the film was repositioned as an exclusive for Paramount+. The end result is certainly a colorful and energetic animated film and is probably Reel FX's best looking feature to date, but it also has a very banal by the numbers story and doesn't have the charm, humor, or creativity necessary to overcome its familiarity.

The movie's worldbuilding is virtually non-existent with an ESPN style info dump opening that sets up monsters appeared and then they started wrestling for sport. That's basically all the info we get in regards to this world and aside from the wrestlers being monsters, they pretty much behave and are treated like everyday people except bigger. The world more or less looks and feels like our world but there's no effort giving as to how this society of humans and monsters operates with us never seeing where the monsters live when they're outside of the ring, if the monsters are involved in activities outside of monster wrestling, or even what and how they eat. When you compare this movie to something like How to Train Your Dragon or Zootopia, the amount of thought and creativity that goes into making those worlds feel like tangible living places really puts Rumble to even greater shame because the movie doesn't have even a tenth the creativity you saw in those films. Some of the monster designs do occasionally look a little interesting, but they also often feel like leftover assets from How to Train Your Dragon or Monsters vs. Aliens not surprising given the director, Hamish Grieve here making his feature debut, is primarily known as an animator on several Dreamworks films.

The story is pretty much your standard underdog sports story, down to the fact the characters of Winnie and Steve will often call attention to tropes of the genre often providing commentary on montage workout songs or "rousing coach speeches" in what basically amounts to "this is cliché, but we're winking while doing the cliches which excuses them". As Rocky and Bullwinkle the movie proved, just because you acknowledge something is awkward or corny doesn't make it funny in the movie. Geraldine Viswanathan as Winnie is your typical "high energy, big heart" protagonist who's basically just there to serve as an audience proxy through which the audience can project themselves, and Will Arnett as Steve feels like he's trying to resonate with Steve's core of "not living up to his father's image", but the fact Steve loved his father and looked like he had a fairly happy childhood doesn't really make us understand how he got to the point where he's now a cynical lay about who's now content to lose for a living, and it feels like there's a missing transition from how Steve got from Point A to Point B.

The movie is well animated I supposed. It's a bright colorful film with smoothly rendered movement and character models and there are a few visual references and easter eggs to wrestlers like Hulk Hogan and Jerry Lawler, and I'm sure there are probably others but as I'm not as entrenched in the wrestling world as others it's highly likely I missed them.

Rumble has a nugget of a good idea being a mixture of professional wrestling and giant monsters, but a lack of creativity or interesting characters coupled with a clichéd story that is self-aware of its own cliches and uses them anyway just left me feeling like the film was rather cynical. It is well made and if you have young children who love wrestling and/or monsters they'll probably be reasonably entertained by the film, but by that measure there's really not much here that elevates the film above one of WWE's direct-to-video Hanna-Barbera crossovers aside from a bigger animation budget.
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Good Fury Fun
damianphelps24 February 2022
Rumble is a pretty good film that appeals to kids and adults alike.

Sure you can be cynical and watch it as a piece of marketing to children from the WWE but the film does provide a good story, some nice animation and a couple of really funny moments.

Give it a go, its worth the time :)
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not much new ...
ops-5253517 December 2021
To learn for a wrestling fan, all the tricks has been done before( i guess ), and i do have a struggle getting familiar with the main caracters, so a really generic classic animation shower for all of you who like monsters and fake resling.

The caracter animation doesnt stand out more than usual, its colourfilled and dandy in a colour blinds eyes, what i do admire and want to highlight to all of you is the extraordinary background animation and the magic glow theyve managed to pinpoint right in the center of the bulls eye, its static and boring you might say, but go ahead and drown yourself in the depth of the abyssmal fairytale land. I just love it.

Voiceover are pretty dandy and timed very well, the score though doesnt stand out much, i do miss a signature song from this movie. But for the grumpy old monsterman its allright, i give 6 sturdy stars outta 10 with a ''should see''- recommend.
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Not likable
Gordon-1118 December 2021
The animation not likable in many ways. The monsters all look very ugly, and I can imagine going children crying when they see these characters. The human characters are not charming either, and it is unlikely that children or their parents will bond with the human characters. The story is boring and uninspiring.
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He's not that bad
strazhvad3 January 2022
Maybe the beginning is not clear, maybe? In the beginning it is boring and then more interesting. The animation is good, the plot and humor are good. The cartoon is worth watching to the end.

He's not that good, but not so bad.
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A film about big fighting monsters who are unaware of of the problems with their surroundings
ddempseylewis16 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This film is okay but I feel like it should have done better. While I do like the monster designs and the fights and the acting from both Will Arnet and Terry Crews, these are all overshadowed by one dimensional characters, poorly explained motivations, and a heavily cliched plot. The movie tries too hard to make Tentacular despicable and unlikable but that fails for many reasons. I suggest to the writers that if they want to make a character unlikable, they should NOT make him bioluminescent. Tentacular's character is also poorly adapted from the source material. The plot and the pacing also feels rushed, especially around the middle of the film. It also teaches some bad morals to kids that the film is hypocritical over such as pursuing your own dreams and passions is wrong because it makes you selfish. The animation is okay but it does get rough at times, especially around the human characters as their mouths have poorer resolution than the rest of their bodies. Should the studio ever decide to make a sequel to this film I suggest that they use better animation, a slower paced story, and give Tentacular more sympathetic traits.
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Enjoyable for all. Extra enjoyable for wrestling fans of cameos.
Badmovieboy12311 March 2022
Acknowledge him. The tribal chief has a cameo. Lol nah but forreal an original idea and a usual delightful performance from will Arnett..solid animated film which entertained me and 7 year old for an hour and a half.
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Utterly charmless
leapoirier-6532616 December 2021
Don't really know what happened there. I remember watching the trailer in 2020 and thinking it had potential. I discovered not then minutes into the movie how wrong I was : something is lacking in that movie, whether it be the charmless animation style, the boring and predictable character development or the fact that half of the jokes fell flat... Fact is I stopped watching at the half hour mark.
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Quite Fun
ozorjustin21 December 2021
I appreciate the fact that it didn't take itself too serious but instead went about it's business of simply entertaining. And it achieved that cos I laughed.

Believe me, I have a high sense of humor. Making me laugh isn't an easy feat.

So for it's efforts, I give it an Eight.
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samdutoit20 February 2022
A fun movie for the whole family.

Some reviews are harsh and I bet it's because the reviewers are light-hearted enough to enjoy this type of movie.

Its an enjoyable mix of inspiration, fun and sillyness.

Decent animated movie.
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marginal animated movie
SnoopyStyle26 December 2021
In a world where monster wrestling is a popular global spectator sport, major cities have their own monster stars. The small town of Stoker has their champion Tentacular until he decides to take his talent elsewhere. In fact, the big city wants to turn Stoker's stadium into a satellite parking lot for its own stadium. Winnie Coyle wants to follow her manager father's footstep and find a new star monster. She finds Rayburn, son of a champ, throwing matches in underground fights.

I get it. I get what the movie is trying to reference. It's mildly humorous at times. It's almost there but it keeps missing the mark. I want to love the characters but they aren't compelling enough. This is the first full length film directing for Hamish Grieve. It's technically sound and it looks like many other animated movie. As a story teller, there is some work to do. This is very much a marginal case. It has an idea but not a great movie.
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Big brawls and proper entertainment...
paul_haakonsen24 October 2022
Stumbling upon the 2021 animated movie "Rumble" here late in 2022, I opted to sit down and watch it with my son. Neither of us had actually heard about this animated movie prior to watching it. Needless to say that I didn't know what to expect, aside from this being an animated movie about monster wrestling.

Writer Matt Lieberman definitely managed to put together a wholesome script, plot and storyline for "Rumble". And this is certainly an animated movie that will appeal to the younger fans of WWE. And no wonder, as the WWE was behind this Paramount animated movie.

With "Rumble" being an animated movie, of course a good voice cast ensemble is necessary, and I will say that they had that here. With the likes of Geraldine Viswanathan, Will Arnett, Terry Crews, Tony Shalhoub, Tony Danza and others, then you will find yourself in the company of talented voice performers.

Visually then "Rumble" was a treat. The art style and animation was great, it looked and felt natural, and you can't help but take a liking to the huge monster wrestlers with all the colors, quirks and unique personalities.

"Rumble" was a nice and entertaining animated movie for both my son and I. So this is definitely something I can recommend to viewers that enjoy animated movies.

My rating of "Rumble", from director Hamish Grieve, lands on a six out of ten stars.
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RosanaBotafogo25 February 2024
In a world where monster wrestling is a global sport and monsters are superstar athletes, teenage Winnie seeks to follow in her father's footsteps by training a loving, disadvantaged monster to be champion.

In a world where monster wrestling is a global sport and these are superstar athletes, young Winnie seeks to follow in her father's footsteps and train an adorable, unknown monster to become a champion.

I thought it would be part of Monsters, Inc. Or something related to it, however, despite appearances, they are different films and also have some cuteness, like in the past... A simple, cute and delightful animation... Interesting, although not so original , manages to please and entertain us... Cute...
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