Review of The X-Files

The X-Files (1993–2018)
"Every story needs a hero, our story has two..."
5 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
"Every story needs a hero, our story has two...". This appears on the opening screen of one of my favourite music videos based on the X Files saga.

I agree!

I started watching the X Files when I was 10 (I am 17.5 at the moment). My first episode was Home and my mum was there when I saw it. BAD way to start my experience! She freaked a bit (make that a lot) and of course never let me see another episode. But, in December 2000, I got to the video club and guess what I found! X Files tapes! I was thrilled! I took and watched each one of them. Luckily the show was still on t.v. so I became an instant addict. I already knew the plot backbone, so it was easier for me to follow all the plot-twists. I came to love the Mulder-Scully dynamic but I must admit that all the dynamics were great. (May I remind Mulder-CSM or Mulder-Krycek, or Scully-Skinner, or Bill Scully-Mulder). As most fans, I was anxiously waiting for that kiss in the movie, but that #$%@ bee ruined it. But anyway, the kiss came in triangle (even if not "real") and the romance found its way. However, the reason for watching the show was never the "relationship". I think I watched the show, because simply, it was superb. The actors, the director, the writers, the visual effects, the creepy Mark Snow music, the innovative ideas, the "mutant of the week", the Morley cigarettes, the story itself and its implications. That is what I loved in this show and that is what made me an avid X-phile!

The X Files has become my personal addiction. If I am tired or need an energy boost, then I know that my tapes (71 of them!) always wait for me and the VCR is ready. When I press "play" my world is gone in an instant and the wonderful world of Mulder and Scully sneaks in and takes me completely.

Now that the show is over and I have seen every episode (except some of s9 -that I don't have the courage or the wish to see), I seek my X Files drug in collecting music videos, creating videos, downloading X stuff, playing the X Files games in Playstation (Resist or Serve was amazing!!!), reading lots of fan-fiction, watching the episodes (of course), and generally trying to compensate for what is lost.

I am looking forward to the next movie. I feel like I am in withdrawal and it isn't a nice feeling! I am amazed at myself for being so needy. Everyday I catch myself thinking about the show, the plot and its characters. And it is never enough. I wish I didn't need to sleep to keep doing this for as long as I can, until I get completely repelled by the idea itself. I honestly believe it, that until something happens and I hate the show, I will continue to adore it and treasure it to the extreme until the day I am gone. My love will never fade, if it has to end, then it will end abruptly.

Favourite episodes of all times, include all the Mytharc ones, and especially Duane Barry, Ascension and One Breath of s.2, Anasazi, Blessing Way and Paperclip of s.3, Tunguska and Terma of s.4, the Redux trilogy, the movie, Triangle and the Sixth Extinction trilogy.

The last episode had a non-happy end! I don't believe any of the X-Philes was truly surprised at that since no one expected closure. On the contrary everybody secretly wished for reasons to keep the show going. The Truth leaves untouched questions, answers some of the existing ones and creates more! A true X Files episode. As David Duchovny said once in an interview, "Mulder can never find happiness, he is a questing hero". After 9 years (12 now!)I am sure that this applies to Scully too and that we all want the heroic quest continued!

Nicole XXX
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