Awful plot. People in this movie are sheep without character
21 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I don't get what all the 10's are about. I don't see how this movie is a 10, or rather even an 8. There are so many plot holes, the characters are so one dimensional, action sequences OK at best.

Where do I even begin. Banes voice. I admit, I didn't get what he was saying more than half the time, and even then I had to strain really hard. It was just awful. There were jokes about not understanding Bales growling, but this, this is something else. The movie would have been better without him talking.

Catwoman! Suddenly she feels remorse and becomes goody goody at the end, Oh the lord, this was about as predictable as rain in Seattle(very, if you're unsure).

Talia, what a big face-palm. Might as well have made a movie when the Batman woke up from a dream at that point. Can the plot get ANY more clichéd? Thanks for popping up the MAIN criminal at the end of the movie, who apparently had the hots for Batman.

Batman, his screen time is mostly groaning and screaming and getting beaten around in boxing by Bane. He becomes a superior fighter by jumping across the ledge? I think that's not how the body works. There isn't any Batman stuff at all. Just punching and kicking. Muhammad Ali would have been a better hero to fit that role (Yay, incoming dislikes from people who don't know who that is). Also, big copter no one can find, yea right.

Sheep followers wanting to get blown up. Ya, because getting evaporated by a nuclear bomb is so awesome that every "mercenary" wants to do it. Oh, but they didn't know that they'd be blown up.

All policemen going underground like a herd of cows because they want to scout out the underground operations and therefore getting caught. Sigh.

Big fight scenes. Police officers don't walk in formation with guns against a bunch of mercenaries on higher ground and they all don't start shooting at point blank range. No. That's not how police work. Or any modern force with guns. That ONLY works in Lord of the Rings, because they had SWORDS! Who wrote this script?

The other batman movies were good. The first one was great. The second was good too. This one is ridiculous. I don't know how people can be so blind to so many obvious flaws. Even with that, the best moments in this film are...unimpressive. Did I go into the theater with high hopes. Not at all. I expected average, I was disappointed to not find even that.

Will be ever get another Prestige from these guys? I hope so.
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