Review of Firefly

Firefly (2002–2003)
Don't believe the hype
25 September 2015
I'm in a serious minority here, but I hated this show. I don't understand how it became such a cult phenomenon and here's why: First of all, it is a character-driven show, which is totally fine. The problem being: I hated the characters. I found all of them to be bland "copy-and-paste" archetypes that felt were rushedly ripped off from better pieces of sci-fi. You've got your bold captain, your ditsy tomboy, your mercenary type, well, you get the gist. Other issues I had with this show include a really lame (albeit painfully catchy) theme song; I know it's just nitpicking but it has a tendency to get into and stay in my head. I also didn't care for the vague threats the characters faced: there's the overarching corporate what-have-you that is just kinda there, and then there are the fearsome reavers which should be the coolest thing about this show, but of course nope, just kinda there. I could go on ad nauseum about the side characters (all bland) and the unengaging obstacles the characters face but I'll just summarize with this: Firefly is an uninspired, poorly-written show fraught with awful characters. It basically rips off the things that made Star Wars and Cowboy Bebop so great and does nothing new or interesting with those elements. If you're a sci-fi fan, there are infinitely better shows. The only thing I mourned when the final episode finished, was the time I spent watching. But hey, at least I gave it an honest try.
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