The X-Files (1993– )
After Two Episodes, General Thoughts...
25 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The X-Files is a benchmark in television. Any and every fictitious television series after '95 took some focus element from this show, big or small, from the format to the style, to the execution. But, that's not what made it great. It was that strange blend of a cop drama mixed with science fiction, horror and thrillers across what could be considered a wild epic of sorts, even with that horrid 9th season. Now, after a 14 year gap, The X-Files is back. What does that mean?

I'm a die-hard X-Files fan. I've been watching it since i was born, and while it isn't the best show of all time, it's one of them. With this pseudo-"revival" series, though, I couldn't help but think, what was Chris Carter thinking? The very first episode of this 6 episode event (if they stick with the story) made the entire 9 season, 2 movie series completely pointless. I've seen horrible writing and direction, and it's not that the episode "My Struggle" was poorly directed and written, but it's the fact that they took an entire series and said, "Let's make it so that the show millions watched, was meaningless. Retcon everything but the characters." Wow. Just, wow. As happy as I was seeing the gang back, I couldn't stop feeling angry and disappointed on a multitude of levels. Also, to address the people calling Duchovny's acting wooden, it was perfect (the guy was isolated from people, living in a rural locale away from general civilization; he's gonna come off as a bit distant). The second episode was slightly better than the first, but they're still with that plot device of pointlessness.

Unless they can pull off the impossible and have something Earth- shattering with the finale, I see this mini-series event as the biggest disgrace in television history. Thanks Chris Carter, for truly ruining your classic series. The show isn't for everyone, but anyone can see how horrible of a move that was to make, even if they wanted to appeal to a new generation (do something original then, dammit).
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