16 October 2016
Death, Death, Death. No matter the moves you make, Death will, in time, have you in checkmate. The Seventh Seal is a rightfully highly regarded film. It is a unique film, and unlike any I have ever seen. I have just finished my second viewing of the film. I have watched several Bergman films since I first saw this, but this is the one that has always stuck out to me the most. I would describe it as a dark and powerful film. There is nothing lacking in this film, in my opinion. The soundtrack is perfectly subtle, acting is agreeable, cinematography fitting and well done, etc. My favorite aspect of this film is simply the premise. A game of chess that is a matter of life and death. If nothing else, that concept is enough to make an interesting film at the very least. Death is the most persistent theme throughout the film, and is often juxtaposed to stark scenes of life, often quickly and without warning. This film was one of the first I watched in my everlasting pursuit of classic cinema, and I would readily recommend it as a starting point for anyone interested in classic or foreign films. Bergman will not disappoint in this one or elsewhere in his filmography. This is probably his most famous and accessible films. This is a staple of classic cinema, watch it and find out why.
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