It's 2018 and I still watch this show
10 February 2018
I grew up with this show and I can't imagine my life without it. It truly is not only the best cartoon series, but also one of the best series out there. With an incredible story, beautiful animation, amazing characters, great villains and awesome action sequences, it's simply flawless in every way possible.

Season 1 starts off slowly but only because of the terrific character introductions and world building, introducing the lovable team of protagonists, Aang, Katara and Sokka, being chased by the angsty Prince Zuko, accompanied by his adorable and wise uncle.

Season 2 is probably the best of the three, and introduces an awesome new character, Toph, and a perfect new villain, Azula. The animation also improves and is packed with action, emotion and epicness.

The Final Season is also magnificent and the characters are at their best at this point, and so is the animation quality.

Overall this show is a must! I've shown it to several kids and adults alike and they always end up getting hooked.
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