14 January 2021
This movie shows that despite failure, despite your fears, despite your enemies, you can be a hero. you can use all three of those things to your advantage and become something better than you were before you encountered them. it masterfully shows and tells that ANYONE can be a hero.

obviously on a technical level this film is perfect. almost the entirety of the third act is shot in beautiful imax, that's sadly only in 16:9 on 4K. just like with the previous transfers, sound and picture are great, but this is probably the best looking film to me.

it may not seem like it at first, but just like ra's and joker, bane is the opposite side of the same coin for batman. tom hardy perfectly embodies bane and the darkness, and obviously he's a downgrade from joker, but that doesn't mean he's not the perfect villain for a finale.

hans zimmer delivers probably my third favorite score from him, with an incredible theme for bane as well as many extensions of previous themes.

this is such an underrated finale. all three films mesh together so well, they feel like one. they mean so much to me, and i'll forever thank nolan for making these films.
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