Well this is great
17 November 2021
It's definitely not easy to talk about this show without many spoilers about the main twists of the last two episodes but I'll try anyway, because I don't want to ruin the experience. This show was made by Zerocalcare (if you were wondering, his real name is Michele Rech) , an italian comic book writer with a pretty peculiar style. His narratives are autobiographical but surreal streams of consciousness full of irony, cyinism and self-pity, but also handling some very serious issues at times in a very deep and personal way. This show is exactly what you would imagine a show based on his comics would look like. It's funny, clever and full of detours that don't add anything to the plot but they get so hilarious you can let that slide. Zero dubs almost every character and that may sound ridiculous, but don't worry, it will make sense in the end. And then, in the last two episodes, you break down crying, when some great plot twists make you realize what Zero is really talking about. I won't get specific, but this is a story of regret, sense of guilt and of being scared of the future. Also trigger warning: there is talking of depression and suicide, so be warned if that disturbs you. I hope for the success of this show and that it could actually revitalize the almost dead industry of italian animation.
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