not only a refreshing comedy, but a game-changer for adult animation.
18 November 2021
Straight up, this show was a random find on netflix for me. The concept sounded interesting, so I wasn't sure what to expect...and thank god for that.

Going in blind for this show is honestly an amazing experience because to be honest? There isn't really many adult cartoons, or animated shows in general that flow the way this one does. Think of quite literally watching animated prose; it's not gonna be for everyone, but it does what does well and uses it to the fullest extent. That fact that most of the show is voiced by the same individual as well makes it more enticing to watch as well, and drew me in more than I'd expected. The show in general has a lot of charm and it's quite witty not just in its comedy-but what it discusses as well.

It's comedic, yet it also balances this sort of humanity with us, touching upon topics that are quite heavy, and the show has this lingering philosophy that's quite thoughtful as well. There we're even a few scenes, particularly one in the final episode, that had me tearing up; even had to take a minute and pause at one point simply because of it's impact (if you're curious, I watched the original Italian with English subtitles).

It's a strange, yet delightful mix of Bojack Horseman and the Midnight Gospel and it's spectacular. If you're someone who's constantly pondering about your purpose in life, or struggle with some form of anxiety disorder or mental illness like me, this show is gonna hut you in ways you don't expect. It's funny, and delightfully, painfully real. Don't sleep on this one, I'M BEGGING Y'ALL.
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