Resident Alien (2021– )
They are ruining the show with constant fem__ talking points and little of the main story!
11 February 2022
Spoilers...This was a good show about a funny alien but now is all about the women complaining CONSTANTLY about fem____ talking points. Just a few in this one, wage gap, other women wage gap, the police women complaining about her wages, pay gap in this town, kids complaining about women shaving, boss keeps touching me, women only make 77% of men, we are forced to shave, we have to conform to the standards of men, men keep watching us, shut up and listen to women, obey women, men shouldn't talk... on and on and on. Then main character "women have right to be heard", "demand equal pay" posters, women dropping posters from a helicopter, they mayor fixing the "pay gap", every minute it seems!

They are ruining a show that was good in the first season but now has little of the main characters in it and is all about the women and their talking points.

I won't watch again if all the show is just a fem__ speech. The alien is barely in the show now.

UPDATE: I gave the show another chance and it just keeps getting worse, almost none of the star Alan Tudyk and it's 90% women talking about their family and dating problems with nothing to do with the story, it's just all soap opera filler that isn't funny or entertaining. The 2e11 episode The Weight, had maybe 8 -10 minutes of Alan, the Alien star, the only funny or interesting part of the show out of the entire 43 minutes. They need to get rid of all the soap opera talking that's ruining the show.
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