It's a brilliant Thriller.
22 September 2023
When you think of 90's thrillers, you will probably think of Heat, Pulp Fiction, Silence of The Lambs and many more, and whilst Goodfellas is perhaps my favourite of them, but close behind is The Usual Suspects.

It's a wonderful, clever thriller, it's full of twists and turns, with surprises galore, it's a film that makes you think. Just when you think you know all, they pull the rug from under you, and make you think again. Direction is taut, the script is impressive.

I would argue this is one of Spacey's best ever performances, if not the best of the lot, he is phenomenal here, and really does stand out in a crowd of immense talent, hopefully he'll get his career back on track.

Gabriel Byrne and Pete Postlethwaite shine, as does Stephen Baldwin, a time where that handsome brotherhood seemed to pop up everywhere, but he was excellent also.

It's a super slick production, with some pretty fine special effects, and good use of pyrotechnics, a polished production, one that's not overdone.

This is one of those movies that you can watch and watch again, it simply doesn't diminish or lose any of its intrigue. You know there's a twist coming, you'll sit there waiting for it, and the first time round your jaw may drop, it's a very well delivered moment. The ending of this film is fabulous.

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