Idle Hands (1999) Poster


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A horror spoof that doesn't forget the horror
EpeeBill28 September 2005
Usually, when you watch a movie that sends up the horror genre, the movie sacrifices the scares in favor of the laughs. But, in Idle Hands, the movie makers remembered to keep all the creepy touches and startling frights that make a horror movie when they mixed in all the humor.

Not nearly as heavy handed as, say, the Scary Movie franchise, Idle Hands has all the normal trappings of a good teen horror flick: The unstoppable killing evil that has come back, the buddies of the main character who don't understand the danger until it's too late, the horny girl who main character must protect and a brave hero who is a bastion of all that is good in the world to defend us...

OK, so I was lying about that last one. And that is one of the best twists of the film, the main character is a screw-up and doesn't act very heroically until very, very late in the film. In addition to really revving up the laughs, this feature is also what kind of makes this movie stand out from the usual horror fare.

Now, here's the key: While Anton struggles with the evil in his bumbling way, egged on by the wise-cracks of Mick and Pnub, the film delivers actual horror. We get shocks, we get creeps, we get gore and we don't get the "ha-ha got ya!" joke right afterward that you get in most parodies. The scares are real, the deaths are real, the danger are real. And, surprisingly, so are the laughs.
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Idle Hands Do Devilishly Good Work!
mattymatt4ever25 April 2001
Watching "Idle Hands" is like watching an R-rated rendition of "Beetlejuice." It has the same tone as the Tim Burton classic. Though it is basically a dark comedy--emphasize the word "dark" as much as you can--there are some moments of graphic violence that the casual moviegoer might not expect out of a comedy. But not all comedies are meant to be like Mel Brooks movies. Peter Berg explained it perfectly on the David Letterman show when he was talking about "Very Bad Things," which he wrote and directed. He said, "Just like how some people, like me, like our food spicy--some people also want their comedy spicy." Just like "Very Bad Things," "Idle Hands" is a grotesque, slightly off-putting comedy that won't be taken easily, but that's part of its appeal. It gives you that "dark comic rush." And there are moments where you can't help but laugh hysterically.

Seth Green and the other boy--I don't know his name--have some extremely funny moments. Most of the jokes have to do with scatological and drug-related elements, but they work perfectly. This is not for the prudish, not tailor-made for the sick and twisted (though they would probably take delight), but makes intelligent use of gruesome and coarse gags. I know that doesn't sound appealing on paper, but you'll see what I mean. See for yourself.

"Idle Hands" is not for all tastes, it's not sophisticated and I would call it a popcorn movie...but you'd probably throw up your popcorn if you were to watch this flick. As for eye candy (for the guys) we have the stunningly beautiful Jessica Alba, who never gets naked (Dammit!) but struts around in a revealing blue nightie with her beautiful cleavage on display. She's just one of those extremely cute babes that you just want to cuddle like a teddy bear.

Idle Hands may do the Devil's work, but it makes heavenly entertainment!

My score: 7 (out of 10)
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"The touching story of a boy and his right hand"
Bored_Dragon31 July 2020
The teenager wakes up on Halloween and discovers that his right hand is possessed and murderous. After unsuccessful efforts to control it, he decides to cut it off, but the hand continues its killing spree on its own. A premise that is irresistibly reminiscent of "The Evil Dead" and the hand is the same one used for "The Addams Family". The film was shot in the area we remember from "Halloween", and the gym where the school dance is held is the one from "Buffy the Vampire Slayer". Everything in this film is obviously "secondhand", but it works great. It is classified as a horror-comedy, but I would rather call it a silly horror that is both a homage and a parody of B horrors and teenage comedies from the end of the last century. Plenty of violence, gore, and disgusting scenes, dull stoned teenagers, a few zombies, a bit of nudity, good music and, like icing on the cake, seventeen-year-old Jessica Alba. The film is somewhat in the style of the series "Ash vs. Evil Dead", but it mostly reminded me of "Todd and the Book of Pure Evil". I really enjoyed it.

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"Go! Go! Buffalo!"
Mash-the-stampede26 July 2010
"Idle Hands" is a classic 90's comedy/horror flick which although swooped a little under the radar - it is still a must-see film for fans of horrors such as the "Evil Dead" series (especially army of darkness) and/or teen comedies like "American Pie".

"Idle Hands" works well by striking the perfect balance between comedy and horror and this works extremely well. The cast are brilliant especially Seth Green who is always great to watch in comedic roles. Reletavely unknown actor Devon Sawa plays the lead character 'Anton', who's hand gets possessed by an evil entity and goes on a murderous rampage! Though I have never seen Devon Sawa in any films prior or since "Idle Hands" - he is excellent in his role and the way he makes his hand move wildly and mis-behave really makes it look like it is not controlled by himself! In fact, one of the funniest scenes is a make-out scene between 'Anton' and 'Molly' (Alba) in when his hand keeps trying to strangle her! It's hilarious!!!

American skate-punk band, 'The Offspring' also make an amusing cameo in the film and also play a tune "off with her head" from their debut self-titled album which was a bonus! I won't give away what happens to singer Dexter Holland but it is pretty amusing!

In conclusion, "Idle hands" is a great late 90's comedy/horror flick which should have been bigger than it was.

Most definitely worth a watch!
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Jessica Alba is HOT!
Vomitron_G27 July 2009
There. I've always wanted to say that, but I figured myself too distinguished to do so.

Anyway, what we have here is another horror-comedy, and a damned fine one too, if you ask me. Things become pretty insane and outrageous when stoner/loser Anton's hands become possessed by some undefinable evil. It must be the devil's work. People die gory deaths. Some of them come back as ghosts. A kick-ass goth-chick shows her admirable breasts. Seth Green is funny. IDLE HANDS sort of is in the same horror-vein as Peter Jackson's THE FRIGHTENERS. Only, at no point it becomes equally frightening and the target-audience are mainly teenagers. Either way, I think I mentioned enough reasons for you to go and have fun with this little film.
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The Devil's Playthings. . .
great_sphinx_429 June 1999
I'm a girl, I'm young, I like "smart movies," (2001 is a masterpiece!) I don't like horror movies or "teenager-oriented" movies (God, that cursed term!)and rarely like "stupid-fun" flicks. But let me tell you, I laughed like madness when I went and saw this movie. Is it a particularly good movie? Well, no. Is it a funny movie? Hell, yes! Lots of people hated this movie, and guess what? Those of us who dug it were laughing at you, too! The whole point was not just to take movies too seriously, but to not take movies seriously at all. It was gory and silly and filled with inane dialogue, but that was intentional. The beginning scene is so overdone (on purpose) that is was hilarious. The actors were all in on the joke, even if some of the audience wasn't. Every last one of them camps it up for all he or she is worth. If you liked the Evil Dead movies but don't hold them sacred, "Idle Hands" is that kind of movie. This movie is, in a way, review-proof. If you liked it, great! If you didn't, too bad, but it wasn't made for you anyway.
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Fun story, much blood and – oh yeah – a very yummy Jessica Alba
Coventry9 January 2005
"Idle Hands" isn't priority viewing for horror fans but it's a very entertaining little gem, nevertheless. Cast and crew were smart enough to put the whole horror genre into perspective a bit and therefore this feels a lot more like a light-headed spoof than a sickening gore flick. Ever since that dreadful "Scream", the teen-slasher flicks are going through a revival and "Idle Hands" picks into this in a funny way with a very exaggerated plot, eccentric characters and outrageous situations. Devon Sawa (Final Destination) stars as an offbeat teenager whose goal in life is too sleep late and smoke dope. It takes him quite some time to realize that his right hand is possessed by evil forces that force him to kill. With the help of his stoner-friends (killed as well, but too lazy to reach for the light at the end of the tunnel), he has got to prevent that the beautiful muse across the street gets killed by the bloodthirsty hand. The storyline is ultra-thin but don't let that keep you from having a good time watching the well-elaborated gore effects and funny one-liners. Very creative (but especially comic) butchering in this film, as it for example contains one of the potheads getting stabbed in the head with a beer bottle! That same bottle than remains embedded in his skull for the rest of the movie, which is a pretty cool sight. There are terrific tributes to horror titles that featured the same idea of a murderous hand earlier (like "Evil Dead 2" or Oliver Stone's "The Hand") and an excellent soundtrack with songs from Mötley Crüe, Rob Zombie and The Ramones. The best acting performance is given by Seth Green who has an undeniable talent for comedy roles. And then there's Jessica Alba who portrays one of the most gorgeous horror-heroines ever! I've seen a few episodes of her "Dark Angel" TV-show but she definitely didn't this good there! "Idle Hands" is an overall okay film...not good enough to be named among the better horror-comedies but surely a lot better than the so many other pretentious spoofs.
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A very pleasant surprise
zybch15 September 2005
As mentioned in the other comments, this movie is a awful lot better than it would first seem. Its still a rather brainless teen slasher flick, with the usual array of 2D characters ( the goofy friends, gorgeous love interest, aggressive hunk etc) and situations (school Halloween dance), but the great dialogue and great visual effects elevate it above the majority of other movies in the teen slasher style and doesn't do too much talking down to the audience. Where most other movies of this type give the audience 2 answers before a single question is answered Idle Hands has no fears about leaving things unanswered, where the viewer can make their own mind up (for once). Devon Sawa makes for a convincing and cute Anton, while Jessica Alba is all thats needed to keep the target audience of under 20's males glued to their seats. Don't get me wrong, this isn't up there with the likes of Lawrence of Arabia, but it never sets out to be; it's hilariously funny, satisfyingly gory and one hell of a lot better than you'd ever think. Go rent it, you'l be pleasantly surprised. Also, the soundtrack is great.
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90s Stoner Comedy that laughs its way through all the horror tropes
garrodot15 September 2017
A great 90s time capsule that is high energy, rather unconventional and filled with some performances that are so likable (Sawa, Alba, Seth Green and Foggy Nelson) that you forgive it for its silly plot and tonal weirdness. I was struck with how Sawa's possessed-hand-acting was on point and really elevates those scenes.
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Acceptable, but hardly great
Leofwine_draca1 April 2016
IDLE HANDS is a late-'90s comedy horror flick that comes across as a cross between the self-knowing humour of SCREAM and the bodily dismemberment of EVIL DEAD 2. Unsurprisingly it's nowhere near as good as either of those movies, although those with a penchant for '90s horror might get a chuckle or two from this one.

The worst thing about this, for me, was the main characters, who are a trio of the usual slacker/stoner types that I don't think much of. Devon Sawa, of FINAL DESTINATION fame, was never much of an actor and he struggles to bring any charisma to the part here, although Seth Green is always reliable. The idea of having the two buddies helping him out seems to have been borrowed from Peter Jackson's superior THE FRIGHTENERS.

The whole 'possessed hand' thing has been done before, and better, most notably by Bruce Campbell, so there's not a whole lot of entertainment value there. Still, there are plenty of splattery and gory moments which are handled nicely, and it's always amusing to see actors in pre-stardom roles (step forward, Jessica Alba). The final denouement is a bit silly but overall IDLE HANDS is an acceptable film for what it is, just not one I found particularly funny.
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Hand Killer Job
kosmasp5 August 2021
Now that may sound like innuendo and if you think so - well the movie gives you lots of reasons to feel there is even more innuendo. Be it our main character hiding in the bush(es) of his neighbor or proclaiming he isn't able to control his hand. Something boys may like to claim when they discover their sexuality I reckon.

But while this has a bit of nudity (literally) and some hot situations, it does focus more on the horror and comedy stuff it has. It does get violent and it does have blood in it - but it also is as funny as it gets. And one of the reasons is how Devon Sawa is able to do all the physical stuff himself. He says himself he was young and just threw himself in everything - have to admit very well done.

I liked the movie back when it came out and I still like it - it seems to had some issues when it was released because of a massive school schooting in America - Politicians blaming movies and games for that - which those involved sarcastically take apart in the commentary on the newly released Blu Ray.

There are so many funny and good moments in here ... but there are also questionable decisions. Jessica Alba being attracted to someone who has shows red flags than you can imagine. Do not watch this taking it apart for those reasons if you can - the movie does not tell us what we should do when it comes to the opposite sex. This after all is a movie - if you can't detach that from your moral views, you may have/take issues with the movie.
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It's a comedy, and it serves it's purpose, it made me laugh.
Agent78042 May 2006
I like this movie. It's not the best of the horror or comedy genre, but it has good elements from both. It's funny, and it's the kind of movie I can kick back with some friends, have a few beers and laugh at. It is not a complicated basically entails a pot smoking kid named Anton, (who is quite possibly the laziest lead character or laziest hero i've seen lately) Anton ends up discovering his hand is possessed by the devil and that it is trying to wreck mayhem on all other people within it's grasp. I originally saw this movie a few years ago, and then just last week I saw it again. A couple of familiar faces in it that you will also probably recognize stick out such as Seth Green, Jessica Alba, Fred Willard, Vivica A. Fox, and a couple others. Simply put, this movie is for laughs, it doesn't take itself just relax and enjoy.
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"Idle Hands" is a mediocre film that's oddly fun to watch.
vassiliskounelis18 September 2023
"Idle Hands" occupies an interesting space in the world of cinema. It resides in the realm of mediocrity, neither particularly impressive nor entirely forgettable. This film's biggest strength lies in its entertainment factor; it's undeniably fun to watch However, as you watch "Idle Hands," you can't help but wonder if it could have been more. With a larger budget, the filmmakers might have been able to take the concept to new heights, creating even wilder and more visually stunning scenes. There's a sense that the potential for greatness hovers just out of reach, leaving you with a feeling of unfulfilled promise.

In the end, "Idle Hands" is a mixed bag, a film that's easy to enjoy on a lazy evening but one that also leaves you pondering what might have been. If you appreciate quirky, low-budget comedies and don't mind a dose of silliness, it's worth a watch. However, if you're looking for a truly exceptional cinematic experience, you might find yourself wishing for a bigger budget and a more ambitious approach to the material.
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...and the best performance award for an actress wearing KISS make-up goes to...
Mr Parker22 August 2002
I don't care what anyone else says, I found this movie to be hysterical. For one, it's pretty violent. People get it in disturbing ways here. One comes to mind in particular where someone gets a knitting needle rammed straight into their ear. It's not nice stuff but it's so funny you can't help but laugh. A major question, first and foremost: just what the hell was Vivica A. Fox doing in this movie? I've never used the word slumming before in a sentence but I think it applies here. Devon Sawa is a cool cat. I liked him here and his brand of physical comedy is pretty impressive. Watch Final Destination after seeing this and I think you'll wonder why we haven't seen more of him. Seth Green is cool and so are Elden Henson and Jack Noseworthy. And for Jessica Alba fans, she's in here, in all her pre-Dark Angel glory. I've never used the word nubile but I think it definitely applies here. She looks so good in this movie that it hurts my chest. She's one of the finer points (literally) of the movie. There's a chick in this movie wearing Paul Stanley's KISS makeup that should email me so I can give her my home address. There's parts of the movie that kinda fall flat but that's to be expected. Check this movie out if non-pc humor and bad mojo violence is your thing. Especially if you liked Evil Dead 2: Dead by Dawn, I think you'll dig this picture. And if you appreciate Jessica Alba in any way. Rating: *** out of *****.
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Stupid and Gory and Highly Entertaining.
niteman12 February 2000
From a first-time director who has obviously seen Dead Alive, Evil Dead 1-3, and far too many Cheech & Chong movies comes Idle Hands, a movie that wears these and various other influences on its blood-soaked sleeve.

The lack of originality shouldn't stop a true horror fan, though. You could do a lot worse than this silly story about a boy and his demon-possessed right hand. There's a good deal of backhanded irony that make this a lot of fun to watch -- the main character, Anton, uses his asthma inhaler as a marijuana pipe, for example, and in one scene he meets the girl of his dreams, who fawns all over him even though he's covered in blood and twitching maniacally.

The hero of the movie, however, is the always-great Seth Green as a stoner-turned-zombie with a bottle stuck through his head. Stoner comedy can sometimes be hard to sit through, but the laughs come fast and furious here.

Don't expect this movie to make much sense in retrospect. Don't expect it to have a serious commentary on the fleeting aspect of modern life. Don't expect it to make you a better person.

DO expect a certain amount of visual style, some very bloody killings (comical in their excess, like Dead Alive), a cameo by The Offspring covering "I Wanna Be Sedated," and to laugh until you fall off the couch (especially if you've been smoking what everyone in this movie smokes). If that's your idea of a good time -- and why shouldn't it be? Enjoy. You can rent Citizen Kane some other time.
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The Offspring
CharmedChica6328 August 2005
If you're a fan of The Offspring...this movie is a must see. The scenes with them in it are totally worth renting this movie. The movie itself is mildly entertaining...but the bonus of Dexter Holland makes it really cool. Seriously...offspring this movie. Not only do they perform, but they act, well at least Dexter does, with his little line. The first song they do is an "I Wanna Be Sedated" cover from the Ramones and then they do Beheaded. Beheaded is a little shorter though because the time had to come when Dexter is scalped. Poor Dexter. Great scene though. Along with the Offspring, there are other great songs featured in this movie. Push it by Static X. Shout by Motley Crue. Its all good.
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Fairly good horror comedy.
Blinking_Fish9 March 2000
This movie was pretty good. Like Evil Dead 2 it's not for the person who wants to see a pure horror movie. It's for a person who would rather see a horror movie that's more for fun then scare factor. One of the things I really liked in this where Anton's friends before and especially after they were zombies. I also liked the hand yanking Anton around, or throwing sharp objects everywhere. If you liked the possessed hand scene in Evil Dead 2 you will probably at least like this movie. But everyone's tastes are different.

my review 7 out of 10
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Death to the Todd sisters!
EdRooney2 May 1999
"Idle Hands" Or should I say, "How Brian wished he was dead". This ultra assbackwards comedy horror flick should serve as a good example of the limits the human body has. One can only take so many poorly written jokes, one can only take so many unimaginative splatter shots, and one can only take Devon Sawa for more than 2 seconds. His raspy vocals coupled with his, probably, meth-enhanced performance is appalling. This coming so quickly after I was sure Jimmy Tuckett's "Clubland" performance was the worst of the year. This is the kind of film that believes more is more. I haven't seen a film that played at such an aggressive note in some time. It's assaultive to the senses. Using Dolby shocks more than you would like to believe, director Rodman Flender pretty much shows he has nothing up his sleeve. "Idle Hands" is supposed to be funny, but it's not. "Idle Hands" wants to scare you too, but it can't. Both are due to the laughably bad screenplay. It would be easy to accuse it of stealing - which it does in large amounts - but the screenwriters (this actually had two people's contributions) can't even make the elements that have worked before work for them. It's all just a big waste of film stock. Reliable talent like Seth Green just can't make this awful film any fun. And I love stoner humor too! Future Jennifer Love Hewitt, Jessica Alba, shows she nothing more than a pretty (real pretty) face. The rest of the actors are stuck just trying to scream above the soundtrack. While this isn't, this should be the last of the "Scream" type postmodern horror films. It's an idea that has run it's course, and an idea that didn't produce one good film.---------- 0
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Comedy & Horror Seem To Work Well Together
ccthemovieman-11 April 2006
I thought this was going to be just another dumb teen comedy. After watching the first 10 minutes, I was convinced it was, and was ready to try something else. Well, I am glad I stayed with it. It was very funny and a combination comedy and horror film. Yes, it's humor geared more for teens but people far older than 15 should still get a lot of laughs out of this.

Warning: some of the scenes are pretty gross, at least for a comedy, but that's what made those particularly scenes funny. Comedy and horror mix well together, anyway.

The film reminded me a bit of "American Werewolf in London" with the "undead" kids. Despite the absurdity of it, there are a couple of good message in here....but, generally, this is purely escapist fun and nothing else.
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spread out
cookie_monster8 February 2002
Idle Hands is perfectly balanced out. We have a plot full of horror, while not actually seeing the killings take place. This is balanced against the comedy genre. With a full hit of drug humor, Idle Hands is close on being a dude movie but with the horror, it rests firmly on the line.

With a cast of Seth Green, Devon Sawa and Jessica Alba, we are able to see the talent of future great films with these actors/actress'.

The Irony of a Bong killing the creature is very poor, but it's near enough a dude movie so its allowed...

I give this classic film 9/10. Its great on first viewing but second time round you may not stay to see the end of the film.
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Honestly, the worst movie I have ever seen
angel4l24 July 2000
This is a warning to all of you out there who might be tempted to see this movie.....DON'T!!!!! Please spare yourself!! Such a waste of money on the producer's part, such a waste of time on the actor's part. I have sympathy for anyone whose name is associated with this movie, they shall forever bury thier faces in shame. WHY!!?!??!!?!? WHY does this movie suck so much? Why can I not bare to see another soul spend $2.00 to rent it? Well, 1)plot: none. 2) charcters: they could have spent thier time making better movies (Austin Powers, Final Destination) 3) scripting: I haven't heard more nonsensical gibberish come out of anyone's mouth since the Nixon Admin. 4)Do I really need a four? Come on.... DONT SEE IT!!!!!!
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Great mix of horror and humor
dee.reid12 November 2000
For reasons unknown, I couldn't see Idle Hands when it was released into theatres last year in 1999. I didn't get a chance to see it until it came out on tape in August later of that year. The plot centers around Anton Tobias(Devon Sawa), he's 17, he hasn't been to school in 6 months, he's in love with Molly(Jessica Alba) a girl who has lived across the street from him for lord knows how long, and he smokes pot with his friends Mick(Seth Green) and Pnub(Elden Henson). Anyway, Anton wakes up one day to find that his parents have disappeared, (although it takes him about two days to realize this). This goes to show you should stop smoking pot all the time. It isn't long before Anton discovers his horribly mutilated parents and that his right hand has been possessed by Satan. His hand soon kills his best friends Mick and Pnub. With the help of a priestess Debi(Vivica A. Fox) and a local headbanger (Jack Noseworthy) Anton comes up with a few odd ways of keeping his hand occupied from its homicidal tendencies such as listening to heavy metal and needle point.

Let me just say that this movie is hilarious. I should also say that this movie is also one of the grossest and goriest movies I've ever seen. There are quite a few hilarious moments as well as a few shocking ones.

Vivica A. Fox's name says it all and Jessica Alba isn't bad to look at either.

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Better than expected
moviefan-351 May 1999
I enjoyed the film. It's not going to win any awards, but it was entertaining. The cast is talented and they did a good job. It is pretty gory though, so anyone with a weak stomach should probably steer clear.
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Waste of time for people over 13
jre98 February 2003
Just don't bother with this. How on earth do films as weak as this get funded and given the go ahead?

The only good thing was the good looking girl, but the rest of the film was about as interesting as watching a kettle boil.

The actors will probably be very very embarrassed about taking part in this mess in years to come, and so they should.
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