Dude, Where's My Car? (2000) Poster

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SO stupid,but SO funny!
MaxBorg8910 August 2005
I have to admit it,the plot (2 guys not remembering what they did the night before and ending up in an intergalactic crisis)is every bit as ridiculous as it sounds,but the truth is, for some twisted reason , I like this movie. If people don't like this kind of stuff,why did they choose to watch it in the first place?

Whatever this movie lacks in intelligence is compensated by the talent of its two stars:Seann William Scott is as entertaining as in American Pie and Road Trip,and as for Ashton Kutcher...Well,That 70's Show aside,he's never really managed to be this funny again. Those two guys know they're not doing a masterpiece such as Some Like It Hot, but they manage to make us giggle with the material they've been given. They know this movie will never appear in any Top 10 or 50 (except maybe Stupidest Movies Ever), and they're fine with that. And so should the audience.

So,if you want to watch something that's funny but intelligent,watch a Woody Allen movie,or Wes Anderson's films,or The Simpsons,but if you want to watch something that just makes you laugh without having you focus on the story,I strongly recommend Dude,Where's My Car?.
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A sweeeeet movie, dude an' "thhhheeeeeeeeeen" some more
didrikm9 September 2005
About two dumb-wits who cannot recall anything from the night before. As they retrace their steps from the night before, they realize that it must have been a very wild night indeed! Involving strippers, aliens, a year supply of pudding, more chicks, dodging killer ostriches,nerds and the continuum transfunctioner.

Not a very serious movie, but great for the guys to sit down and have a few cold beers before going to the party. It's funny, very funny The protectors of the continuum transfunctioner will have you rolling on the floor, particularly if you are of Scandinavian origin.

But frankly, this is a movie that you will either love or Hate. Hopefully you belong to the first group!
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Before the Hangover series, there was Dude; funny but crude
inkblot1127 October 2017
Jesse (Ashton Kutcher) and Chester (Seann William Scott) are stoner roommates with a huge problem. Unhappily, they cannot remember what happened the night before and their sorry-state-of-a-car is gone. As they go through the day, they try to piece together what happened. First, they know there was a party at their twin girlfriends' (Jennifer Garner and Marla Sokoloff) house, something which has ticked off the gals mightily as the abode is trashed. J and C realize they must make it up to these ladies, as it is their anniversary and the girls have promised a "sweet reward" if they come bearing gifts. But, other events in their "lost" day include a trip to a strip club, a major theft of funds by the lads, an encounter with a weird group waiting for aliens, and more. In fact, the nutsy group believes Jesse and Chester have stolen a magic device from the aliens that they would like back. There are others trailing the dudes, very angry about matters the lads can't remember. Can these two airheads get things squared away with everyone and move on? Can they find their car? This funny but crude film will make some laugh, others cringe. But, in truth, the Hangover owes a huge debt to the basic premise of the movie; weird events go down when you are too "out of it" to know what you are doing. Kutcher and Scott are terrific as the intelligence-challenged dudes and the rest of the cast if great, too. The script delivers some bonafide guffaws while the direction is lively. If you want mindless entertainment, Dude certainly bestows it.
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Why, Oh Why Do I Like This Movie??
JacFlash30 November 2003
I appreciate a good film, I dig Citizen Kane, Kubrick, David Lynch..etc. There should be no feasable reason that I find this movie appealing, yet I do! I'm not a moron, but this dumb, dumb, movie is so watchable it's a crime not to grab a tub of popcorn, a couple beers and dumb out for an hour and a half and see this one. You'll lose a few IQ points on the way, but it's worth it.
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This proves that movies can be stupid and funny at the same time
lee_eisenberg25 November 2005
My 5/10 rating is because, like any Bill & Ted movie, "Dude, Where's My Car?" is only targeted at a certain audience (in this case all the world's slackers). The plot - or whatever it is - of course has goof-ball stoners Jesse Montgomery III (Ashton Kutcher) and Chester Greenburg (Seann William Scott) searching for their car and having a most unusual adventure in the process. The point is that you shouldn't try to take this movie seriously; just accept it as nice stupid fun and you're sure to have a good time. Not a movie that you'll ever forget. If I remember right, Michael Moore even suggested that we should show it to Kim Jong Il in order to make peace between the two Koreas.
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Funnier than it had a right to be
mhalvorson8 January 2003
What a stupid, mindless, cliche'd, juvenile film!

It worked though. Laughed out loud a lot and it didn't rely on bodily functions as much as many other cheap laugh films that have come out recently. The funniest bits were actually the sight gags or the stoner dialogue.

Solid seven for mindless enjoyment.
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It's enjoyably dumb
mitsubishizero29 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This isn't fine art. What did you expect from this stoner comedy? It's enjoyably dumb. Two dimwits (Ashton Kutcher and Sean William Scott) wake up forgetting what they did yesterday. To do this they retrace their steps. This sets them on a bizarre adventure. From dealing with aliens, their girlfriends, a cult and an annoying Chinese woman who only ask "and then"?

As dumb as this movie is, there're some memorable things such as the alien chicks. I found it funny how in one scene, a blind kid gropes their leader before being caught by one of the camp counselors (Jennifer Garner). There's one scene where the leader basically swallows Chester's popsicle whole.

Their adventure leads them to a kids entertainment center similar to Chuck E. Cheese where they find an alien globe that can destroy the earth. After saving the world, they are chased by the aliens that new fuse into a giantess. The two save the world and it ends there.

There's not much to say other than it's harmless fun. If you want a movie that doesn't make you think hard this's for you. Hop on in dude!
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Definitely better than I expected
Quinoa198418 December 2000
This film to me is like Dumb and Dumber with as teen mix. It is complete dumb, silly fun and like most dumb, silly fun, I found it funny. This film could've turned really dumb though and not turned funny, but it is. The story (as smart as a cork) has 2 teens who need to find the one kids car (Ashton Kutcher as the one and the other one is Seann William Scott) with their girlfriend's and alien existence in the balance. A funny comedy, one of the best ones of the year, even if there are a few flaws. Favorite scene: a guy is working at a blind kids camp where he gets repeatedly hit in the genitals. B+
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Dude, Where's The Humor?
mswoosh131 August 2001
I know there are movies that are "so stupid they're funny", but I dont think this one qualifies. I knew that by seeing this I wasnt going to enjoy it, but I have to say I at least expected some funny things to be in it. It was really corny and stupid, nothing humorous about it. It comes in 2nd to Joe Dirt being one of the worst movies I've ever seen.
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Dude where's my car?
Terryfan1 July 2015
This movie is not meant to be a masterpiece or a classic but it is one of the funniest films I have seen.

If you watched Beavis And Butt-Head then you will get the feeling this is what it would be like if they had a live action film.

Dude, Where's My Car? is just one of those stone comedy films that is so ridiculous that it's too funny

It characters are Jesse (Ashton Kutcher) and Chester (Seann William Scott) as they try to remember where their car was as well as trying to make up to their girlfriends Wanda (Jennifer Garner) Wilma (Marla Sokoloff) who are twins.

Don't expect this movie to be full of plot twist, masterpiece writing or top performance because this movie is not that but what it is for is that the movie is down right funny. Sure there are some scenes that make you go what were they thinking but that's part of it being a stoner movie you can expect nothing less of movements like that.

Also some of the characters are just far out there that it makes you go well well well plus they throw a lot of things at you in terms of a plot but they really center more on the comedy which will make you laugh with your sides hurting also you'll find yourself quoting this movie later on

I give Dude Where's My Car? an 7 out of 10
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Waste of Time
andyb23004 January 2001
For those of you out there that enjoy comedy, this movie is not for you. What can I say other than that I want my money back? This movie was incredibly stupid, and not the least bit funny (remember the tattoo scene in the trailer? even that got old after the first minute, and was certainly did not need to be repeated). I enjoy a good movie as much as the next guy (i.e. - Cheech & Chong), but this movie was just stupid. For anyone wanting to see a good comedy this winter go see any other comedy before this one.
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Stupid, yet entertaining...
dr_hollygoodhead15 December 2000
I love stupid movies... I live for them, in fact, and this was definitely stupid. Spend the $5, go see it for yourself! If you weren't interested in it, you probably wouldn't be looking at reviews in the first place unless you're a concerned parent (let your kids see it, it's not too bad), or if you hated it and wanted to see if anyone actually enjoyed it. I did, and I recommend it to anyone who just wants to laugh at the antics of two total stoners. Personally, I think a different ending could have made this movie a lot more enjoyable, but I don't want to give it away, so see it for yourself. This one won't win any awards (with a name like "Dude, Where's My Car?" one wouldn't expect it to be a contender, anyway), but for all of us who have had a "night to remember" that we forgot, it's damn funny.
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This was a very funny movie
plu408527 May 2007
I have to agree with those who don't understand why this movie has such a poor IMDb rating. I just watched it and thought it was really funny... very stupid, but funny. The thing that can sink this type of stoned, suburban, Jeff Spicoli style movie, is if it starts going into places where it doesn't belong. Like getting too serious, or introducing a different type of humor. "Dude, Where's My Car" sticks to its aesthetics -- stupid as they are -- throughout, and never sells itself out. Therefore I think it works, and is in fact a well-made teenage comedy. I think this will only appeal to a very specific audience, but you can say the same thing about a Kieslowski movie.

So... if Jeff Spicoli, Bluto & Stifler are your heroes, you're going to enjoy this movie a lot. I sure did, and cracked up several times.

PS nice to see David Herman in a small part. He's a brilliant comedian, best seen as "Michael Bolton" in Office Space. People need to
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Awful, simply awful!
momama8 October 2001
Sophomoric humor with a lack of humor. The plot (what little there was of it) was incredibly thin, and it just seemed to get worse the more I watched. I think Ashton Kutcher and Seann William Scott are both talented young actors, but in this movie they just looked stupid.
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Please, people!
Roze-219 January 2001
OK, I've read a lot of the reviews, and I'm somewhat disappointed by the negative ones. Of COURSE this isn't gonna be the best movie you ever saw! Of COURSE it's gonna be mindlessly stupid! What, you were actually expecting something like a cinematic masterpiece? My friends and I went to see this movie after taking some major tests, and we wanted to laugh and relax. By watching DWMC we succeeded! As soon as it comes out on video, it's going straight to my "stupidly funny movie" collection, along with Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure and American Pie. Look, if you're willing to lower your IQ to that of the average stoner and-G*d forbid-have a good time at the movies, go see Dude, Where's my Car? As long as you know what you're gonna get out of it, it's not a waste of money. And hey, if you do get totally bored, go buy a large popcorn with lots of butter and amuse yourself by seeing how many popped kernels you can get on people's heads without them noticing. (I warned you, you won't like the movie if you can't be stupidly immature-think blink-182's What's My Age Again?-for a couple of hours)
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This is not quite Citizen Kane...
Pedro_H13 October 2002
Two deadbeats wake up from a hard night and wonder what they are did with their car.

Completely bonkers comedy that plays like a low budget version of Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure. The jokes that follow are so desperate that you laugh at the idea of someone actually writing them down and demanding money for them: Blind kids playing baseball - what could happen now? Looking up the skirts of women! Funny homosexuals! Running oral sex references! Cults in bubble wrap clothing!

Too many jokes for them all to be bad, my favourite "woow - morphing is cool!"

The best joke is that they are going to make a sequel - probably using some of the comedy that didn't quite make the grade this time around!
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Stupid, but funny
rbverhoef16 August 2003
I can understand when you think this movie is total crap. I can also understand when you think this movie is pretty darn funny. I agree with the last opinion. With this movie, they don't make them more stupid than this, I had a great time. There are some really good laughs and the stupid things are so stupid I just had to smile.

Again, there are probably more people who will not enjoy this at all, especially when you have reached a certain age, but if you allow yourself to not think too much you can enjoy it very much. Seann William Scott (Stiftler from 'American Pie') and Ashton Kutcher (Punk'd) are hilarious.
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Dude, where's my refund?
VerbalKint-217 December 2000
Warning: Spoilers
I wish I'd walked out of this stinker. Every single "joke" was telegraphed, and really not funny to begin with. I can stand obvious jokes when they're funny (i.e. "I knew that was gonna happen! Hahahaha!"). When they're not funny? I get the urge to leave.

I expected an interesting story, one that would make sense, and one that slowly revealed the events of Jesse and Chester's adventures the previous night. Instead, I got a "plot" that revolved around a transsexual stripper, a Heaven's Gate-like cult, some aliens, and a bunch of stereotypical jock types (anti-stoners, really...how original).

I kept telling my friend, "Let's hang around. Something funny is bound to happen." Man, was I ever wrong. Not even the outtakes over the end credits could save this stinker. From start to finish, "Dude" is a waste of celluloid.

Avoid "Dude" like the plague. Don't waste 90 minutes of your life like I did.
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adamjohns-4257511 March 2022
Dude Where's My Car? (2000) -

When I first watched this film I absolutely loved it. Back then it seemed to be much funnier, but now I find it a little bit silly in places. There are still some great moments and the humour is generally good, harmless fun that is easy to watch. Even your Granny would enjoy some of the bits in this film.

Some people might be offended by some of the attitudes that could come across as slightly phobic in places, but there is a 'Family Guy' vibe to it in the respect that they insult everyone and celebrate everyone equally.

There is no one that stands out for their performance, but Seann William Scott is kind of adorable.

I would say that it could be considered a cult film for those of us that watched it back in the day, but I worry that it might not resonate for much longer.

There really are some classic film moments in this one that will probably be referenced for many years to come, certainly in my family - "And then??" Or "Dude, but what does mine say?". It definitely gets in your head.

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Never seen worse
lefevrebert11 August 2005
I saw this movie and have to tell it: this is the worst movie I've ever seen in my entire life.

I don't understand that this still gets a 4.7 / 10 rate.

Even if you like movies in this genre like Dumb & Dumber, you still get annoyed by the bad, boring 'jokes'. It's not funny at all, never! The whole movie is pointless, extremely boring and frustrating. I don't understand what the director was thinking when he made this awful movie.

Is it funny to hear 2 friends say: *"dude where's my car?" -"dude where's your car?" *"where's my car dude?" -"dude, where your car?" *...

..For about 10 minutes long?? No it isn't

Avoid at all cost.
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Good as other stupid movies...
d4rk3v1L1 June 2005
Dude... Where's My Car? I like each other a good movie, stupid but good, I don't believe that it deserves so many merits but with the stupid thing that it is the I have found quite amusing as to enjoy a good while. Here you see a stoned dog, space girls super sexy, some people all stranger, in short, Ashton and Seann acted well, they have left the paper well of stupid, and take out this way more movies, I don't believe that the $5 are lost completely...

It is necessary to keep in mind that in the production of comic movies, there are them good and bad, some terrible ones, but they should not be enraged so much with this, OK, Jennifer Garner leaves me openmouthed with that suit that uses of alien supersexy (well, before transformation to real big-one), she is hot.
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"Stupidity has a certain charm - ignorance does not."
Hotoil8 July 2001
Well, Dude Where's My Car might be at least a novelty as one of few Hollywood films that seems to have been written, cast, filmed & edited in less than a day. I honestly can't believe this got made (or that I allowed my friends to make me sit through the entire thing). The jokes are too stupid and predictable to be "dumb-funny", and the actors involved don't seem like they would be capable of pulling off any kind of funny had the script actually provided it. Oddly enough, unlike most mindless slapstick comedies, this movie actually has TOO MUCH plot - every scene seems to introduce a new moronic and uninteresting subplot. Of course, they were obviously going for moronic, but it doesn't work on any level whatsoever...There is only one aspect of this film I enjoyed: Donkeylips from the old Nickalodean show "Salute Your Shorts" has a very small role. This is the role that will turn him into the next Richard Gere though, you just watch...
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Shibby-est Movie Ever!!!
sweet_angelhugs17 October 2006
Of all the stupid (yet funny) movies out there, "Dude, Where's My Car?" is definitely one of the funniest.

Nowadays, so many stupid/funny stoner movies are out, but none can really compare to the hilariousness that Chester and Jesse bring out of each other. Reminiscent to Beavis and Butthead, they cruise around as two aimless stoners with no real purpose in life but to shibby, shibby, and shibby. (Shibby, which could stand for ANYthing, really.) Being the first to fully implement the words "Dude" and "Sweet", Jesse and Chester deserve two thumbs-up for this stoner movie. Teenagers of any generation would definitely enjoy it. I've seen it a hundred times and still love it to this day.

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pretty funny, actually
cherold9 April 2004
In spite of the low rating here I figured I'd watch this, since I remember liking the trailer, and it's a funny, amiable, purposely dumb movie that, while not quite as funny as dumb movies Bill & Ted or Wayne's World is still quite amusing. It's got a good idea in which two very dumb guys trying to reconstruct the previous drunken evening discover clues to increasingly bizarre incidents. It's hit more than miss, and while it begins a bit slowly it gets up to speed reasonably fast. What keeps it from being a great dumb movie is that the various elements introduced don't really build on each other. Ideally each new revelation should have upped the wackiness level and felt like it had an insane sort of insane logic behind it, but it's more like you say, ah, that's a cute idea, without getting a sense of any real momentum. The movie feels like a shaggy dog tale, but that's fine, I really enjoyed it.
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Dude, where's my refund?
mark.a.jurado29 December 2000
Warning: Spoilers
allright. I know anyone who reads this, if there is anyone, is used to me talking about my feelings all the time. But this i have to tell.

Tonight, December 16, 2000, I sit here in my chair in Maryville, Missouri convinced that civilization is on the brink of collapse. Humanity is destined to destroy itself and every living thing on this planet, and I have the evidence. I went to see "Dude, Where's My Car".

I would just come right out and say this is, bar none, the worst film ever made. But it's much more complex than that.

My friends and I (who are about the same age as the characters) are college students who occasionally end up wasted and forget what we did, as is the premise of the movie. I even talked about making a movie about all of it. However, someone got to my idea first. Now my dream of making that film is crushed because I will never believe anyone will see it because of this movie.

It's not just horrible, it's horrible on every level.

It's not funny at all. The commercials made it look like it would be full of laughs, a 'american pie' or 'something about mary' kind of thing. I didn't laugh a single time, and I'll laugh at anything.

There is no plot. I constantly felt as one does when you run into something, and spin about wildly, bewildered for a few seconds. Characters pop in and out of the screenplay with no ryhme or reason. Each scene is built around one or two jokes, which aren't funny to begin with.

I can't relate to this at all. I thought the film would be two people waking up with hangovers, retracing what they did the night before. Well, I'm convinced they were getting to that part- just as you find out that the entire chain of events was triggered by extra terrestrials with a sinister plot to destroy the universe. No, I'm not kidding.

You can't even laugh at how bad it is. I enjoy watching bad movies occasionally. It's funny to laugh at their badness, and sometimes you have to wonder if they intentionally made it bad. But not this one. You can't even watch it on that level. There are absolutely no redeeming qualities in this film, and those who produced it should be drawn and quatered.

To sum it all up, this film made my ears bleed. It has set the science of cinematography back 50 years. I do not think that I will ever be able to sit down in a theatre seat again without a chilling running down my spine. This film was so horrible that I will never forget it. I only hope someone is there to hold me when the nightmares come.
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