Fullmetal Alchemist the Movie: Conqueror of Shamballa (2005) Poster

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A great way to finish a excellent series
Ichiban_Sensei11 April 2006
First off, after watching all 51 episodes of Full Metal Alchemist, i was excited at the prospect of a Movie to conclude the series. All the cast are back, and slightly older than they were in the series.

Since the dramatic turn of events, we are brought up to speed with whats been going on in the time we were gone. All the favourite characters are back, and this movie takes a interesting spin on its location. The plot is a fast paced, actioned packed affair with even better fight sequences than the series.

So if you liked the series then this is the desert you deserve. It rounds things up nicely, and does it with style to boot.
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Pretty decent
matrix_guild25 December 2005
Now I won't spoil anything for anyone, only that "FMA - Conqueror of Shambala" is worth looking into. Thankfully the characters are pretty much the same. Anyway, it starts off with Ed and Al visiting this one scientist who has discovered Uranium (kinda sub-plot) and he ends up on the other side of the gate. The rest of the story picks up were the series left off; and takes place both our world and Ed's world. The overall plot was fairly good and and the director and writers did good job paying respect for the characters and the series. And the animation out does the actual show, there were some instances were they used CG (and looked bad) but that doesn't ruin the viewing qualities at all. I liked it, but don't take my word for it. Try it for yourself and be your own judge. I like said, it's worth taking a peek.^_^
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See what became of the Elric Brothers.
emasterslake7 April 2006
This movie continues right where we left off from the final episode of FullMetal Alchemist. 2 years afterwards to be correct.

It's 1923 in Germany. Edward has made friends the Alphonse of the Real World, who is 19, tall, and a rocket builder. They're heading to a carnival and met up with some Gypsies. One of the gypsies is named Noah who can sense that Edward isn't from this world.

While the other Alphonse has accomplished more of his alchemy training. And is wearing the same outfit as his brother.

Little does Edward know is that the secret society that his dad's been involved with for sometime is planning an invasion in the Alchemy World.

You're unable to use alchemy in the real world so they wait for someone from the Alchemy to perform a transmutation circle that'll be a gateway between each worlds.

And when that happens it'll be a battle to the finish. The fate of both worlds are in the hands of the Elric Bros.

This movie features a lot of familiar characters from the series, including alter egos in the real world. Those who like the TV series might like this movie. It has action, suspense, and it ties up all the loose ends that were left off in the last episode.

I really liked this movie. Most people dislike it, due to the idea of the story or for containing several CG elements on hard to do animation sequences. It has the same animation and it was done by the same people who did the TV series. I think it's worth checking out for the die hard FMA fans. Those who aren't familiar with the TV series won't like it when you're not sure what is going on.

Plus the English dub does do the movie justice, thanks to Funimation people, who succeeded in bringing the TV show to the US.
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Could have been better
dmk09211 July 2007
FMA is a great anime (on par with Cowboy Bebop), which made the movie all that more of a letdown.. It wasn't bad; the animation is good and the story was okay, however the plot was severely lacking. After I finished watching the movie, my first impression was that someone had made an excellent movie, removed a fifth of it, and replaced it with fan service. The plot simply does not flow; there are a number of instances where plot devices are randomly introduced and just as quickly dropped (e.g. the spear of longinus), where the story progression seems horribly contrived (Ed's conversations with Fritz Lang-especially the talk about parallel worlds), and where important scenes have simply been removed without compensation (most obvious in the opening subplot-why is Ed wearing that shiny helmet?). My other major gripe is the fan service. A little fan service is OK, but this is ridiculous. All of the popular characters from the anime had cameos, regardless of whether or not they offered any significant contribution to the story. Rather, they are just dropped in for a couple of scenes, did their trademark thing, and left. This wouldn't be nearly so bad except for the fact that important scenes were probably sacrificed so old favorites could have a minute of screen time.

That said, the movie is still entertaining. A lot of people disliked the ending, and while I don't think it was amazing, I believe it was consistent with the anime. My final recommendation: if you know nothing of FMA, watch the anime (which is far superior to the movie). If you've seen all 51 episodes, the movie is definitely worth watching, if for no other reason than that it significantly progresses the story.
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Very Entertaining
YGG100013 December 2006
As a devote fan to the series, I got very excited when hearing that there was going to be a movie made. Part of me was worried that it wouldn't be made with the same meticulous perfection that the series was created with...I shouldn't have worried.

The movie itself is absolutely awesome. I found it very enjoyable and (unlike a lot of anime movies) find myself able to watch it over and over again.

And to those who complain about the ending. If the end of the movie had been *any* different, it would not have been FMA's style. I thought the end was brilliant. So, check it out!
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Good Movie, But...
ultimatenexus22 February 2011
The ending was disappointing in my opinion. I won't say what happens, but I was really enjoying this movie being a fan of both TV series and the manga until this movie ended. I mean, really, the ending is everything to a movie. The greatness of both anime series is almost beyond words, and it's up there on the list with Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann and Gin Tama of top twenty anime series of all time.

So why did the ending of the movie leave me unsatisfied and somewhat depressed? Because it was unsatisfying, I wonder what the writers were thinking?

Well, I'm done complaining about the ending, now for the positive: the story is STILL good in my opinion (until the ending), and the animation is awesome and seems to improve from the first series (please note that this movie is a finale to the first animated series ONLY and is in no way associated with Brotherhood) animation. Seeing the characters grown up a bit was neat and the plot revolving around two alternate worlds is always good if it's done right (which it was, until the ending), without being too damn confusing to follow.

Now, for the basic outline of the story: Ed and an alternate world Al are now studying rocket science, since in that world alchemy doesn't exist. But then a certain 'nice' lady wants to open up the portal to Ed's original world where alchemy DOES exist to find the legendary Shangri-La, opening an opportunity for Ed to get back home.

Overall, 7/10. If it wasn't for the ending it would get another point added.
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Nice Addition to the Franchise.
partyearth21 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I'm all prepped to start FMA: Brotherhood on Hulu, but I have to get this review out of the way first. I wasn't expecting anything legendary when I started watching this movie, but I was relieved I didn't have to let the old series go right away. This movie is awesome! It has a bunch of things I liked about the FMA series (Mustang being awesome, Ed wisecracking during fight scenes, and HUGHES OMG), and combined it with new ideas (World War 2, for example). I would recommend it to EVERYONE who watched the FMA series. I realize people seemed to REALLY hate this movies's ending, but I was fine with it (I wasn't until Al came with him that I was really OK with it...). It gave me a sense of closure I didn't have before about the series. And I liked Noah a lot for some reason (am I the only one who noticed that she looked like rose??).

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disappointing....... :(
mersperling15 August 2009
I absolutely love the anime series! Everything about the series was awesome. I needed something to watch so I decided to pick it up one day and I love it. Its got a great story, excellent characters, character development, and the animation is awesome. I recommend it to anyone that likes anime or if you are just looking for something to watch.

Now....when I finished the series I just had to know what happened next! So I paid 5 extra bucks on shipping and handling to get the movie faster.....it wasn't worth the 5 extra bucks...

I don't really want to ruin anything for people that haven't seen it. The story line was only okay. it seemed like it was missing something though. Like some of the characters weren't right and the relationships didn't seem right or something. I guess I expected better reunions and stuff and like some stuff seemed like it was just thrown in there. I didn't like how Al stole Eds original look either. ANd they should have had more of Mustang, Winry, and some other the other characters. i don't know. And they also used CGI in with the drawing. I personally don't like when they use the computer stuff with the normal anime. If you know what I mean. I didn't like the ending either. Its not the way I would have ended it at least. Ed and Al should have ended up in their side of the gate. And Ed should have ended up with Winry.

Its not like super terrible though. There were some good fight scenes and still the good animation(except for the CGI stuff). Edwards look is cool and he looks older.

It was disappointing I guess is the way to sum it up. The series was just so awesome that I expected so much from the movie and it was just a letdown. Not the ending I wanted :( But you should see it and form your own opinion.
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A sastisfying epilogue for the original Full Metal Alchemist series
Rectangular_businessman14 February 2020
I remember this movie was widely criticized back then: The fans of the original manga which disliked the plot changes of the original "Full Metal Alchemist" anime considered this movie made the ending even "worse", and those who liked the ending of the original television series considered this movie "ruined" a perfectly satisfying conclusion.

I personally liked a lot the final episodes of the original Full Metal Alchemist show, to the point I prefer it to the super-happy conclusion of "Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood", but I liked this movie too.

Maybe the fans were expecting a "Happily-ever-after" perfect type of ending with Edward reuniting with Al and Winry, but such type of resolution would feel totally out of place in comparison with the rest of the series.

My only complaint is that the antagonist was a little bit underwhelming, and the final confrontation lacked the epic feel a story of this kind should have.

But other than that, this movie does a good job adding some closure to certain loose ends frm the original television series, not "ruining" it as some fans claimed, but fullfilling it instead.
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Worth A Watch
IPyaarCinema15 February 2021
Review By Kamal K

This movie is a direct continuation of where the first TV series leaves off and it's STRONGLY suggested you watch the TV series first in order to understand this movie, and to see this movie as a complete closure to it as well. A good portion charms I feel of what defines the TV series are still present, and the returning characters do have presence, but not to their fullest use in my opinion. Mustang does his thing, but I think in some way they could have still developed his character. But for general character development with Ed and Al as well as their relationship, it really does the job which I feel you have to see for yourself on how that pans out.

Yes, it does give closure, but some of the movie does have some unsolved questions. Such as it doesn't explain why Noah has the power to see somebody's life just by touching them. And outside of that, she really has no use to the story though her presence does symbolize that gypsies were scorned by the Germans just to make emphasize the history going on in Germany at that point. Another factor I didn't like was how little significance the opening becomes after that. It's supposed to be something important and you get an idea of what it's supposed to be (based on your knowledge of science and history), but after that, it really has no overall contribution of the story, nor did I felt it really established anything.

Take what I said about the TV series and times it by 2, and you perfectly get the quality of the art and animation of this movie. The moment that Ed's mechanical arm first appears, it's so detailed and rendered and yet syncs perfectly with the 2D art. The designs of the characters are simply for the sake of theatrical quality, but of course shows maturity to the features as well. Specifically, not just Ed by growing taller, but by placing his pony tail closer to the crown of his head to symbolize that he's an adult and to make him more scholarly looking. And my thoughts on the environments and action sequences still remain the same and the qualities are still there, but obviously better.

The voice acting in both English and Japanese is still a quality that I consider a standard to look up to. In addition to new characters, we got new seiyuus.

The music is just incredible. If you've already seen the first TV series, then it's a highly likely possibility you've watched this already. But if you haven't the TV series and have been meaning to watch it or currently watching it, then naturally you're going to watch this anyway. In the extras, it is revealed the original first draft was going to be between 2 to 3 hours long and I felt that a 95 minute movie was really too short to really give this installment of Fullmetal Alchemist a little too small of a conclusion.
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It's worth to watch ! Warning: Spoilers
First of all, I watched The Sacred Star of Milos and it was a wreck. Animation was bad. And the funny thing is there is a question on their web-site if we liked it or not. It was horrible. I bought a blu-ray in order to see details in The Sacred Star of Milos. I just liked the animation of background but Ed was weird. His hair was like a jelly. And I wonder the people whoever watch The Sacred Star of Milos and liked it if they can really see or not.

Anyway, The Sacred Star of Milos was bad. I couldn't feel the soul of FMA. I was thinking about this one. And I saw that everything was great. The story, quality of animation and the soul. I recommend everybody to watch. In terms of FMA's atmosphere,you can still feel what you felt before thanks to this the movie. It made me happy in brief.
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Good Movie, not the best, Horrible Ending
Chibichasechan1 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was good, but it wasn't the best to end up the amazing FMA series. This movie had many plot holes, and if you watch it throughly you will understand what I am talking about.

Good overall, animation was good, characters were good, and I absolutely LOVE the way they put it in our actual history and include the holocaust, and how they included an animated Hitler. It was a very good way to reference to the disaster.

But every good movie I believe must have some horrible or bad part and something to criticize it. LIke for example, read the name of this comment. The ending. A very cliff hanger ending, left you hanging there. Al was being stupid and went with Edward across the gate. What will the people think in the alchemist world of him? A plot hole occurs doing the ending, how they both mention about trying to destroy the gate, but they cant use alchemy in our world, so why bother? Just stay in your world and destroy the portal.

Many things like that did not make sense to me at all, and kinda left me at a angry state. The creators COULD of made this better, and could of made the story a little bit better, with fewer plot holes and more explaining.

But good movie overall. Dosen't deserve anything higher than a 7/10.
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Gekijô-ban hagane no renkinjutsushi Shanbara wo yuku mono: Not great
Platypuschow8 September 2018
This is a sequel to the 2003 anime Full Metal Alchemist but in movie form, it attempts to follow on from the events of the shows finale and perhaps answer a few unanswered questions.

Sadly truth be told it creates new ones and delivers a highly underwhelming story that utilizes the weakest points from the anime itself.

I won't break down the plot as it will cause spoilers for the anime for anybody who hasn't seen it. I will just say there are some inconsistencies, it's a pretty lame plot and it does absolutely nothing for the FMA universe.

Sure, it was nice to see the characters back and it was nice to see several get the finales the anime didn't give us but ultimately it should have been a lot better than this.

Not good, not bad, but considering it's a follow on it's sad to say I wouldn't even call this essential viewing for fans of the franchise.

The Good:

Some great social commentary

Wraps up some story arcs/characters nicely

Follows on from the anime relatively well

The Bad:

Some contradictions from the anime

Story is pretty weak

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

Science that doesn't benefit people isn't science at all
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Alchemy, Nazis, and Brotherhood
brandinscottlindsey19 July 2017
Fullmetal Alchemist the Movie: Conqueror of Shamballa is a 2005 Japanese anime based on the Fullmetal Alchemist series and manga. The movie is a direct follow-up of the series and gives resolution to many of the conflicts that remained at the end of the show. The story follows Edward Elric, a young alchemist, stuck in a parallel world and trying to find his way home. Driven to be reunited with his friends and family, Edward must face new adversaries who also want to travel to his home-world, but for much more nefarious reasons.

This movie is a fan feast, with characters brought back from the series along with answering a lot of the questions we were left with at the end of the show. Full of fun action scenes, great animation, some funny moments, and a story with a surprising amount of depth, Conqueror of Shamballa is a great movie to top off the series. The story ties into real-life history, making the story all the more enjoyable. The movie also ends strong with a very exciting climax.

Despite this, Conqueror of Shamballa suffers from a common problem with anime: melodrama. Over-the-top, obnoxious personalities occasionally contrast from the serious story line. Another problem with this movie is that it does not stand alone. You must watch the series, otherwise you're just seeing the last chapter to another story. This prevents outsiders from enjoying this anime. Also, while fun for the most part and having an exciting final act, the movie is boring and drags on through the second act.

Fullmetal Alchemist the Movie: Conqueror of Shamballa is a fun movie overall, and a must-watch for any who enjoyed the series. With a great story and plenty for the fans, watching this movie is a perfect way to finish the series. If you have not yet seen the show, come back to this anime later. You're meant to know the events from the series and this movie builds on that. The series is excellent and will be well worth your time.
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A good addition to a magnificent series
lawwellsy27 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I will say this now - I thoroughly enjoyed the Full Metal Alchemist series. This makes me biased, but I think my bias is because it was well written, acted and brought to life.

I enjoyed The Conqueror of Shamballa for many of the same reasons. The plot is believable (yes, there was a Thule Society, and yes, they were into the occult), and the characters have additions that would naturally occur over two years.

However, I felt that while this is the story of the Elric brothers, I did feel that Mustang, Armstrong, Winry et al could have been used a lot more. Eckhart was a decent bad girl (she had the prerequisite maniacal laugh when she shoots down Ed), and provides plenty of food for thought (methinks she and Yoda should have a talk about fear - watch it if you don't know what I mean).

The story could have also been explored in more detail. For a 100 minute movie though, it did quite well. A longer movie might have allowed more screen time for the minor characters too (you could count on two hands the number of lines some of the minor characters, including the military ones, actually got).

I did also like meeting the Earthly equivalent to King Bradley (he played a fairly big role, including a reflection on the pros and cons of science), along with cameos by Lyra, and we see how Hughes would have ended up if he had never married Gracia (they're getting set up by the end).

All in all, with good music (as always) and fairly good animation (apart from a few minor lapses), it was a very good show. If its the end, its a good one, and if its one of a series of movies they'll come out with (we can always hope :D), then its going to be a much better addition. Either way, we're all the better for it in my opinion.

PS - I have watched the English dubbed version; I'm not sure how the original Japanese looked, so any inaccuracies may be due to the translation.
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One World Too Many (💙, 🖥)
aberrsary21 February 2021
I didn't watch Fullmetal Alchemist, but I did watch Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. I watched this movie after finishing Brotherhood, just to get a sense for what the other series is like and... It's rough.

Comparing this to Brotherhood perhaps isn't fair; if I hadn't seen Brotherhood this series probably would've felt alright. If nothing else, seeing the Elric brothers fight and do alchemy is fun, but this movie felt convoluted, unfocused and unremarkable. It has airships though, which is cool
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Great Film, But Moviewatchers Should Watch the Show First
mrusty56 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
An excellent film ending to Fullmetal Alchemist, featuring the Elric Brothers trapped in different worlds trying to find a way to reunite after a two year separation. The older brother Edward is in Munich Germany in 1923, mixing with historic figures and Nazis, while the younger brother Alphonse is wandering around his world to find a way to reach Ed. Various characters, both old and new appear to either lend a hand, cause trouble or just be there to please fans.

However, I strongly recommend moviegoers who have not watched the television show to watch it first before watching this movie. Although the opening five minutes and the opening credits do explain the story of the show, later parts in the film may confuse viewers who have not watched the show beforehand. This film has excellent voice acting, animation and an awesome soundtrack!
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a decent end to the original series
WeAreLive30 July 2020
Edward Elric, the Fullmetal Alchemist, is on the other side of the gate. He has befriended someone who resembles his brother, Al, and has met a gypsy resembling Rose. He finds out that the Germans are planning on opening the gate, and attack the other side, which is Ed and Al's home. Although Al has learned a lot, he cannot stop all of them, and Ed cannot use Alchemy while in the other side. Ed tries to stop them, and Al just tries to be able to talk to his brother again, who everyone else thinks is gone.

I have already mention majority of the stuff on my review for the actual show. But other then the fact that it is a good finale of the original series.
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A Respectable Conclusion
Toire4 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
For those of you left unsatisfied with the ending to the 50 some odd run of The Fullmetal Alchemist. FA The Movie gives a believable, if not entirely desirable, conclusion to the Elric brothers alchemical journey. For those unfamiliar with Fullmetal Alchemist, knowledge of the series isn't necessary to enjoy the movie. Come see what happens when the Black Gate is thrown wide open and what the brothers will have to do shut it once and for all. This is very much a look through the dark side of the looking glass. The more everything seems the same, the more it differs from what the Elrics knew to be true. In the end, all may not be as it should be, but it is just and acceptable by the laws of alchemy.
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Not a bad conclusion to a great anime series.
TheOneManBoxOffice8 July 2017
Before the two anime adaptations, "Fullmetal Alchemist" was originally a manga (Japanese graphic novel) written by Hiromu Arakawa and published in Square Enix's monthly magazine "Shonen Gangan". It was the story of two brothers who used the ancient arts of alchemy to perform a risky taboo: to transmute their dead mother to bring her back to life. As a result, the younger brother lost his entire body, while the older lost his leg. At the last minute, the older brother bounded the younger brother's soul to a suit of armor, sacrificing his right arm. With the older brother outfitted with artificial limbs made of steel (called auto mail), they then set out on a journey to find the legendary Philosopher's Stone and use it to get their bodies back to normal.

While the manga was still being written, an anime series would be produced by Bones and Aniplex with Arakawa's approval. When it was released internationally (in my case, being a selection on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim block), the popularity of the franchise soared, and critics took notice, with one saying that it was a perfect blend of action, comedy, and hard-hitting drama. They weren't lying in that regard. When the series ended, it was not the end of the story, so a feature-length movie was produced. This is where "Fullmetal Alchemist - The Movie: Conqueror of Shamballa" comes in.

Directed by Seiji Mizushima, who also directed a majority of the episodes of the television show, the film takes place two years after the events of the last episode of the series. It's 1923 in Munich, Germany, and since his sacrifice leading to the separation from his younger brother Alphonse (Aaron Dismuke), Edward Elric (Vic Mignogna) has spent his time in our world studying rocketry with his friend Alphons Heiderich (E. Jason Liebrecht). One day, Ed saves a Gypsy girl who has the power to read minds, which throws Ed into a devious plot by the Thule Society and the Nazi party that could start a war between the world he's in and his home world, all while his brother Alphonse sets out on a journey to find his brother at the same time.

Going in blind, the average moviegoer would barely understand what the hell is going on in this movie, if at all. This is why I would say to people when discussing the series as a whole to watch all 51 episodes of the original series before watching this, despite being an original story derived from the show (according to anime critic Ryusuke Hikawa). As for the movie itself, story-aside, the film captures the action, comedy, and drama of the show just fine, and also includes the show's musical score blending with tracks made for the movie. As someone who is a fan of the franchise, I can say that it's a definite plus. The downside is that the film is geared toward a limited audience. Again, if you haven't watched the entire series (the original, not "Brotherhood"), pretty much all of the movie won't make a lick of sense.

While I do agree that "Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood" is a much better work with a superior ending, the original series and the movie itself is actually not too bad either. I kinda like it, and would give it a recommendation to fans of the series. Is it the best ending they could come up with? No. But it'll suffice.
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Full Metal Alchemist with the appeal of a Hollywood blockbuster
Ryu_Darkwood3 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is a direct sequel to the Full Metal Alchemist serial. It gives us an insight in what the open ending to the show meant. It does so by giving the entire franchise a nice twist. Instead of focusing on the fantasy world we started to love during the 51 episodes of the show, this movie is set in ''our'' world. To be precise: in the Germany around 1920, in which the ungraceful treaty of Versailles led to rising militarism and hatred towards ethnic minorities.

Ed - being amnesic about his previous live as a state alchemist - saves a gypsy girl from the Nazis. Her power to see inside his dreams leads to an understanding of why he is pondering about certain things. Why does he have such vivid dreams of another world? And why does he seem to recognize so many people, without knowing who they are? On the other side of the gate, everything is nice and peaceful. But of course this is about to change when Ed and Al find each other again, and they open up the gate to both worlds.

This movie does everything you might expect from it. Almost all the important characters give an acte de presence. The animation is stronger than it ever was. There is more action in it than you'd ever see before. The atmosphere of Europe is nice and ambient. And the charming humor still leads to chuckles from time to time.

The thing is that a movie just doesn't have the same depth as a show with 51 episodes. Especially the big villain just isn't that interesting. Unlike the Homunculi and Scar, her reasons to do what she's doing are a bit far-fetched and generic. I also had mixed feelings towards some of the important characters of the show just being side characters in this movie. They do things to enhance the story forcefully rather than being an active part of the movie as a whole.

Enough with the bitching; I still love the movie for being as adrenaline-driven as your average Hollywood blockbuster. It's worth to see it by every person who calls himself a fan of FMA. You certainly won't be disappointed. And I do hope that the open ending of this specific movie will lead to another installment of the franchise. I'd rather see a new show, but a new movie would be welcome too.
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I really wanted to like it...
SkullyD1 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Conquerer of Shamballa shows what happens when creators of an Anime fail to understand what their fans want. I as a fan did not want a 1920's Evil Nazi movie. What I would have liked to see is a real final showdown between Ed and Dante, as we don't REALLY know what became of her. I also would have liked to get Ed back to his world much sooner and have him stay there, to finally get a chance to be normal. You know, raise a family with a certain blonde mechanic, that sort of thing. No, instead I got a convoluted plot involving Nazi mystics, Fritz Lang and about ten minutes of Al, a joke of a Cameo by Roy Mustang and only one Armstrong joke, one short joke and no Winry hitting Ed with a wrench. Above all, it just didn't feel like Fullmetal Alchemist to me.
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!!!!Greatest anime movie ever!!!!
zainyzain30 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
It is 1923 in Munich. Two years have passed since Edward Elric's sacrifice ripped him out of his world and into ours, separating him from his younger brother, Alphonse. In that time, Ed's continued research into rocketry has allied him with Alphonse Heiderich, a fellow researcher who oddly resembles Ed's brother. Progress has been slow, however, Ed has become discouraged. But when he saves a quiet Gypsy girl with the power to read minds, Ed is quickly pulled into a plot by the Thule Society and the burgeoning Nazi Party that could drag both worlds into a terrible war.

Back in his own world, Al has been unlocking new secrets of alchemy and gaining incredible powers, all in the hopes of finding Ed.

Battling the occult, ideological extremists, and monstrous Homunculi lurking in the shadows, can the brothers find a way to reunite without causing chaos and bloodshed? What will happen when the world of alchemy and the world of modern science collide?

this movie is sooo good i don't know why its not on the top: 250!!!This is the best anime movie ever!
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great movie, annoying ending, STILL great movie!
vivIMOS9 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
absolutely loved it. watched it with my best friends on her big screen TV. OMG! the beginning was HILARIOUS, with Al, Ed, and (am i saying this right?) Hauskeson (sp?) HAHAHA! great action, and cute flashback. i think they developed Alphonse's character really well, for the time that they had him in the movie. one of my favorite parts of the movie (not talking about favorite scenes) was watching and finding all the characters in our world that were 'twins' of the ones in Amestris (or Lior, etc.). Hughes had a totally different attitude, but still seemed the same ol' Hughes ("nice and insane..." ;)) we could tell that from the beginning (sort of) or rather when we first met him, and the beer hall gang (thats what I'm calling them) were talking about paying their taxes in gold and Noa and Ed walk up. Hughes reaction in both worlds is undoubtedly throwing his arm around Ed (rather roughly), but his overall reaction went in a different direction. I was absolutely heart-broken when i first saw Mustang like that. i almost cried, it was so depressing. but when he came back near the end and the beginning of, may i say it, THE MOST AWESOME ACTION SEQUENCE OF ALL TIME, AND IN THE ENTIRE MOVIE, i nearly jumped for joy. Havocs reaction was priceless. 'he sure gives a lot of orders for an enlisted man...' "lieutenants Havoc and Breda!" 'SIR!' hehe. too funny. Havocs always been hilarious like that. and Riza's shot between the grille of the helmet...WA-W00T! GO HAWKEYE! my goodness, that was frickin awesome! Armstong was painfully enjoyable as usual, Al in Amestris was beyond cute, i was surprised to see Winry wearing her hair like Riza's, and was a little confused at first, but then i got used to it. i liked Wrath in this movie, because it seemed like he could possibly have a soul, and i was actually very sad when he died. the end was more than amazing - it leaves you aching for more in all the right ways. personally, when the credits started rolling and the song came on and the first thing i said was 'ok, we watched the first third, lets go download the rest of the episode!' ( i had watched all the episodes on youtube) and of course, my friends, being more practical than me, reassured me it was over. i was devastated there wasn't more. but the very end with lust and scar *giggle* PRICELESS! the looks on Ed and Al's faces! i don't think ill ever forget that! definitely a ten out of ten! great action, great plot, GREAT MOVIE! if you liked the episodes, you'll LOVE the movie!
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Entertaining and emotional, doesn't disappoint
artur-artborg11 March 2017
Both among devoted FmA fans and critics, "Conqueror of Shamballa" is often criticized, with some going so far as calling it an unworthy film in the franchise. Personally, I am having a hard time seeing why anyone would dislike it that much.

I consider it far superior to "The Sacred Star of Milos", as it manages to keep the feel of Fullmetal Alchemist despite mostly taking place in our world. It's not a perfect movie (for example, the antagonist leaves a lot to be desired, and the CGI is at times quite annoying), but highly entertaining. It also works very well on an emotional level, with the characters from the manga/anime undergoing both physical and spiritual journeys. The filmmakers weren't afraid of making difficult choices, and the end result is a gorgeous film that certainly satisfied my desire for further Elric adventures.

I'd recommend it to anyone who enjoyed either of the two anime series or the manga.
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