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Minny Don't Burn Chicken
ferguson-613 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Greetings again from the darkness. The film is based on the controversial best selling novel by Kathryn Stockett. It was controversial because it is the story of Jim Crow-era maids written by a white woman. Yes, the book is actually the fictionalized story of a white woman getting black maids to discuss their lives as maids for white folks. Rather than get into some politically correct dissertation on the book, movie or story, I will only comment on the film itself ... this very entertaining movie that also manages to deliver a timeless message.

Let me first start by saying that this movie is incredibly well acted. It is quite rare to have so many developed characters in one movie. There are some characters we immediately connect with, while others draw our ire each time their face appears. The script and these fine actresses utilize humor to point out the shameful behavior of those who saw themselves as superior. The humor doesn't soften the ignorance or abuse, but it does make the film infinitely more watchable and entertaining. Please know this is not a documentary.

Ms. Stockett's novel has a very loyal following in addition to the naysayers. A two hour film must, of course, take short cuts and trim story lines. Still the key elements are present. Based in Jackson, Mississippi during Governor Ross Barnett's term we see the social shark, Hilly Holbrook (Bryce Dallas Howard), in her full glory of ignorance, entitlement and superiority. We see her minions and followers emulating her moves while trying to gain her approval.

The story takes off when Skeeter (Emma Stone) graduates from Ole Miss and returns home and takes a job at the local newspaper. Possessing observation skills and humanity that her lifelong friends can't comprehend, Skeeter desperately wants to tell a story from the perspective of the maids. As expected, the maids are hesitant, but Aibileen (Viola Davis) does relent. The stories begin to flow and soon the robust Minny (Octavia Spencer) joins in. Others soon follow their lead and Skeeter's education goes to an entirely new level.

That's really all of the story I care to discuss. The brilliance of this one is actually in the details ... individual scenes and moments of acting genius by most of the cast. In addition to those mentioned above, Jessica Chastain plays Celia, the "white trash" outcast who so desperately wants to be allowed back into the girls' club. Ms. Chastain was seen a few weeks ago in the fabulous "Tree of Life" in quite a different role ... I would venture to say no actress will have two roles of such variance this year. Also, Allison Janney plays Skeeter's cancer-stricken mother, and Sissy Spacek is Hilly's mother who gets tossed aside before she is ready to go! The great Cicely Tyson makes a brief appearance as Constantine, Skeeter's childhood maid who was done so wrong after 29 years of service. Mary Steenburgen has a couple of scenes as a big NYC book publisher.

As a said, this is pure acting heaven, but I must single out Viola Davis and Octavia Spencer. Viola is so powerful at the beginning and end of the film, and Ms. Spencer is a force of nature during the middle. This movie is really their story and these two ladies make it fascinating, painful and a joy to behold. They both deserve recognition at Oscar time.

There are so many fantastic details to the film. At times, it is like watching a classic car show ... the late 50's and early 60's models are works of art. The wardrobe, hair and make-up are perfect in setting up the class differentials. The TV and radio segments provide context and timing with the deaths of Medger Evers and JFK. Even the books on Skeeter's shelf make a statement: To Kill a Mockingbird, Huck Finn, Native Son, and Gone With the Wind.

This story takes place 50 years ago and director Tate Taylor does an admirable job of bringing Stockett's novel to the big screen. Mr. Taylor is a longtime friend of Ms. Stockett's and was quite fortunate to get the directing rights. He doesn't disappoint. Sure the story is a bit glossy at times ... it is geared towards the masses. If you are looking for more depth, there are numerous documentaries available on the Civil Rights movement. If you are seeking a very entertaining movie that uses humor to tell a story and send a message, then this one's for you.
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ashleyyh7 July 2011
I just got back from a special-screening of "The Help" at my local movie theatre, so I thought that I might as well do a review for all of you who are wanting to see this movie when it comes out.

Now, first off, I must admit that I have only read a portion of the book, but I definitely do know a lot about it. After watching the trailer, I was intrigued, so of course, I visited the IMDb boards to learn more about it. At first glance, the casting caught my attention big-time. Emma Stone as 'Skeeter'? I bet most people were as shocked as I was to find out that she was cast as the main character -- but let me tell you what: the casting was superb! I could not have chosen a better cast than what was already chosen. There was amazing chemistry between both the antagonists and protagonists. I won't go into too much depth about the characters, but for me, Emma Stone, Jessica Chastain, Sissy Spacek, and Octavia Spencer were the shining stars of the movie.

Casting: 9.5/10 I know that there has been an on-going issue about this movie from a lot of people claiming that "the blacks had to be 'saved' by the whites" (pardon the language), or something along those lines. I have to agree that the trailer does give off that type of vibe -- Skeeter saving the colored-folks -- however, the movie tells and depicts otherwise - the colored-folks actually saved themselves. Minny and Aibileen, as well as the other colored-folks in the community, were the real "heroes" of the movie; they just needed someone to push them to their potential (Skeeter).

I can not remember the last time I saw a movie that inspired me, made me cry, made me laugh, and made me sad, angry, and hopeful, all at the same time -- this is what "The Help" strides and aims for, without making it "cheesy". Without a doubt in my mind, there are definitely Oscar-worthy performances in this movie. Not only does this movie depict just the colored-folks' side of the story, but it also equally shows the feelings of the white-folks, as well. So, you definitely get both sides of the story without it being more or less "mean" or "degrading" to any sides.

There are definitely a few awkward moments in the movie, but what movie doesn't have them? This movie started around 7:10 and ended around 9:20 -- about 2 hours and 10 minutes, give or take, if my calculations are correct. However, this movie only felt like it was an hour-long. It was so good that I didn't even know the two hours passed by until the theatre lights lid and the rolling credits began.

All in all, this is a DEFINITELY-MUST-SEE movie. I personally believe that it is one of the best movies of 2011. Go see it -- you will not regret it. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

Movie rating: 9/10
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A Must See, Oscar Worthy film
facebook-124-95584513 August 2011
Recently the other Dude and I were discussing that not many award worthy movies come out during the summer; then I see The Help. To say it is not a story that I am normally interested in would be an understatement. I wasn't around during the time of segregation to fully appreciate the depth of this story. Additionally, if there was ever a movie that screamed "chick flick" it would be this one. In spite of that, I've heard wonderful things about the book and decided to view the movie. I'm happy to say that I'm glad that I did. Virtually unknown director Tate Taylor put together a cast of relatively unknown actors and actresses that truly made the story go.

Taylor, whose last movie was the little seen Pretty Ugly People, grabbed a familiar actress to join him in making The Help, Allison Janney. Other than Janney the only other familiar actresses in the movie are Cicely Tyson and Sissy Spacek. The rather unknown cast has a fresh feeling on the story and there are no preconceived notions based on a past actor or actresses work. That being said Emma Stone (Easy A), and Viola Davis had a true coming out party in The Help. Both women played fantastic parts, which really made the cast mesh nicely together. Bryce Dallas Howard, Octavia Spencer and Jessica Chastain were all spectacular in supporting roles alongside Stone and Davis.

When a movie doesn't have the explosions, crazy action or crude humor that we've become accustomed to seeing in newer movies there has got to be a great story attached in order to maintain your interest; The Help had that great story. There aren't many movies that have you laughing, crying, or getting angry and end up still being fantastic and that is where this one had me. With my common rule of no movie should be over 2 hours unless it is special; this one is very special. I would be surprised if there aren't a number of nominations coming.

Children: If they can handle a lot of dialog it is age appropriate for 10+ Award Worthy: YES! Nominations for: Best Actress, Best Supporting Actress, Screenplay, Picture, Director Entertaining: Yes Summer Movie Grade: A+ Is it Worth the Price of a Movie ticket: Yes Would I watch It Again: Yes

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A beautiful film--and realistic
jwfuller13 September 2011
If this film were total fiction bearing no relation to reality, it would still be worth seeing for the fine acting and production values--even if some of the young white women approached "Southern Gothic."

But it wasn't fiction--at least, the depiction of Southern society wasn't. As I watched I kept drifting back to small-town South Carolina in the 1950s, where I grew up. It was moving and disturbing to be reminded how black people were treated then--loved and yet "kept down in their place." Our neighborhood was all middle-class and every family had a maid. There were plenty of boys my age, we visited in each other's homes, and called every maid by her first name. One even started a baseball team for the little white boys, for which her reward was a visit by the Klan.

Our maid helped my mother cook and clean. One of my parents picked her up and took her home every day--and she rode in the back seat. She ate her lunch in our kitchen--without being allowed to use our utensils. I remember her eating with her fingers. I do not remember ever seeing her use our bathrooms. I thought about that during the movie and truly cannot recall what she did, an embarrassing gap in memory.

I do remember when my father was out of work and our maid had to be cut back to three days a week. I actually cried; she was a member of our family. When talk about civil rights began in the late 1950s, my mother became annoyed at our maid for getting "uppity." And so it went. We moved to central Florida in 1961, where there were no maids.

Travel back in time with this film. It's quite real, and I highly recommend it.
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See this film
stevemcalevey9 June 2011
I just returned from seeing a special preview of "The Help," which is due out in theaters this summer.

Okay, so here's the truth: I'm a middle-aged, white male... I didn't read the book and I assumed, based on the fact that this is a virtually an all-female cast, that this was some sort of chick flick. Boy, was I wrong!

This is an incredible film that not only pays justice to the bestseller on which it's based (according to those who have read the book AND seen the film), but is phenomenally cast, with exceptional performances by Viola Davis, Emma Stone, Octavia Spencer, Bryce Dallas Howard and Allison Janney. Veteran actresses Sissy Spacek and Cicely Tyson also deliver incredible performances. While Tyson's character is central to the storyline, her role comprises what seems to be a few, precious minutes of the 2:20 running time, she delivers, in my opinion, one of the most powerful and moving moments in the in which she doesn't even utter a line (trust me, you'll know when you see it.)

The Help also delivers some very funny moments and will make you laugh. I'll go so far as to say that this film and a few of its cast members will draw some Oscar nominations. I certainly think this takes Stone into a whole new level.

The racial imbalances of 1963 are well illustrated in "The Help," and will, no doubt, underscore how far America has come, as well as how little progress we've made in the last 50 years. Either way, this is a powerful movie that needs to be seen on the big screen as soon as you can get a ticket.
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Powerful movie
muyoyeta3 September 2011
Look folks, I'm not the one to go watch a movie and then come and write a review. This is very rare, in fact this is the first time. First of all, I'm a black middle-aged male living in Australia. I'm not into that black-white-red-yellow affirmative action, divide or whatever you call it and I have not experienced that American slavery or racism history except seeing it presented one-sided or biased on TV.

Now having proclaimed my neutrality above, I will tell you this: this is one powerful movie that will sure touch and move you in one way or another whatever your political lining. The casting, directing and acting are top-of-the-shelf superb A+++. When my wife first told me about it, I said OK whatever. Man was I wrong! I cried and laughed at the same throughout the movie, and I'm a dude and where I come from men are not supposed to show their soft side. All I can say is go see the movie and it will be worth it.
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You is kind. You is smart. You is Important
joshfedderson17 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
My wife read this book for a college class and she loved it. The I told her my mom had the movie and she wanted to watch it after she read the book. She invited me to watch it with her, and I have to say I loved it from start to finish.

This is a story about prejudice, hate, anger, love, sadness, courage, and doing the right thing. It takes place in the south during 1960 a time of racism and violence, a time when Martin Luther King Jr did his famous march for African American rights. A time when blacks were still considered the lowest of the low. The story is about two African American women and a white writer, together they collect stories about how abusive, rude, and cruel the white society of the south really could be.

I am a big history buff, and I know of the times of the 1960's. This movie rings true to everything that went on in the south during this time. Having had parents that grew up during this time but not in the south they knew of this. The reason it is called the help is because it is about a group of African American house keepers the serve high white southern society, who basically raise their children for them because their mothers are to busy with social matters. As I watched the film it struck me hard, how could these mothers just abandon their children? These African American women basically raise them and these children look to them as mothers and caretakers, and when they leave or get fired these children miss them so much. The white writer who is played well by Emma Stone was basically raised by one, and is planning to write a book about these caretakers stories.

You will laugh, you will cry, and you will cheer when good things come about. I loved the character Minnie and her sassyness and attitude she was my favorite character, though I liked all of them, I didn't like Bryce Dallas Howard's character Hilly, she was a stuck up, rude, snobbish, evil character who disgusted me throughout the entire movie. You cheer inside when the good characters triumph over her.

This film also will open your eyes to what really went on during the south during the civil rights movement. For my generation I do believe this film needs to be watched and understood and after watching this movie I started asking my parents who were just barely teenagers at this time lots and lots of questions. And I also want to read the book. Racism still goes on today though not as big as it was back then. I invite you to watch this movie, your eyes will be opened and you will enjoy it too. You will get an appreciation that we are all people and that You is kind, You is smart, and You is important.

10/10 for The Help
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Well-acted, emotionally satisfying human drama
JamesHitchcock1 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
There have been a number of films about the Deep South during the Civil Rights era, mostly ("Mississippi Burning" and "Ghosts of Mississippi" being examples) concentrating on the political struggle for equality. "The Help" is a recent film which brings a slightly different approach to this period, concentrating on the relationship between well-to-do white Southerners and their black maids.

Eugenia "Skeeter" Phelan is a young white woman from a wealthy family in Jackson, Mississippi. She has ambitions to make a career in writing and journalism, and plans to write a book about the experiences of black maids (referred to as "the help") working for white families. Unlike most of her friends, Skeeter is a liberal on racial issues and is horrified by the bigoted views which she has heard other white women express, often quite openly in front of their black servants. She hopes that her book will help to expose this sort of prejudice, but finds that no maids are willing to be interviewed.

Eventually, however, two maids, Aibileen Clark and Minny Jackson, come forward. Both have good cause to be dissatisfied with their employers, especially Minny who has not only been sacked but also falsely accused of theft. Minny's employer Hilly is a particularly unpleasant individual, with an obsession with forcing black maids to use separate toilet facilities from the families they work for. The real reason for Minny's sacking was that she used the family's indoor bathroom rather than use an outside toilet during a thunderstorm. (One thing I have never understood why people like Hilly, who obviously has a poisonous dislike of all black people, did not simply employ a white maid; perhaps they could not find any white women willing to work for the low wages that black maids were paid).

Some films with a "civil rights" theme, "Mississippi Burning" being an example, have a male-dominated cast, but "The Help" is very much a "women's film" with all the main roles, both heroines and villains, being taken by women. There is an attempt to give Skeeter a boyfriend, but their brief friendship- it never really deserves the name "romance"- fizzles out when he disapproves of her book and of her views on the race question. With that exception, all the male actors play very minor roles.

With the exception of Bryce Dallas Howard from "The Village" and Viola Davis, who greatly impressed me in "Doubt", most of the leading actresses in the film were faces I had never seen before. (I must admit that I did not recognise Howard, here a brunette although normally a redhead). I understand that Jessica Chastain actually made seven feature films in 2011- a quite remarkable work-rate for a modern actress- but this is the only one I have yet seen. Chastain plays Celia Foote, Skeeter's only ally among Jackson's housewives. Although Celia's husband is from the city's wealthy elite, she herself is from a working-class background, which means that the likes of Hilly despise her as poor white trash who has got above herself. Although historically many poor whites were just as racist as rich ones, if not more so, Celia's experience of being on the receiving end of bigotry makes her a much more liberal employer. (Minny goes to work for her after being sacked by Hilly).

Chastain's is one of a number of excellent performances in this film; the others come from Emma Stone as Skeeter, Davis (even better here than she was in "Doubt") as Aibileen and Octavia Spencer as the sharp-tongued Minny, a woman determined to fight back against prejudice. (Spencer won a "Best Supporting Actress" Oscar).

I would have a couple of criticisms of the film. Howard as Hilly, like some of the other actresses playing the snooty society matrons, plays her character rather too much as a one-dimensional stereotype, the snobbish upper-class bitch. The sub-plot involving Minny's chocolate pie seemed out of place, the sort of vulgar humour which would be more at home in a Farrelly Brothers gross-out comedy than in a supposedly serious film. I would not, however, agree with the criticism some have made that the film demeans African-Americans by showing them as dependent upon whites for their emancipation. It is the black characters here who display real courage in bringing their working conditions to public notice, far more so than does Skeeter. She risks nothing worse than losing the friendship of a few people she never cared for in the first place; they risk the loss of their jobs and their livelihoods, and possibly also violence from white racists.

Despite my criticisms, I felt that overall "The Help" was an excellent film- a well-acted, emotionally satisfying human drama with some powerful acting performances, and one which shed an interesting light on this period of American history. 8/10
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Disney's Help
littlemartinarocena4 September 2011
Lovely performances makes this far too clean and neat story, not merely palatable but enjoyable. We know by now that the plight of the "colored" in the South wasn't that clean cut or gentle in any way or shape. Here we can sit and watch discovering the depth of he ordeal in the wonderful face of Viola Davis. But, it all remains in the mild margins of the real story. Entertaining yes but I couldn't forget documentaries of the period or "The Long Walk Home" with Whoopi Goldberg and Sissy Spacek. Sissy Spacek is in "The Help" too and she's very funny. It also shows Bryce Dallas Howard under a new light. The bitchy, almost evil light. She's better here than she's ever been. Emma Stone is lovely and the wonderful Allison Janney in a disturbingly recognizable character raises the film to unexpected levels. I felt the film was too long and too careful not to offend anybody and that's were its weaknesses lay. But, I do recommend it.
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Some really nice acting here....
planktonrules4 February 2012
While "The Help" has received TONS of great press and a ton of SAG and other awards, I am also aware that there is some controversy concerning the film. Some people have felt that the film was a bit paternalistic--as it might be interpreted as yet another story of a rich, enlightened white lady going out to help all the downtrodden black folk. I am just not sure if I could see this or not--especially as the black women in the film end up showing LOTS of strength during the course of the film. BUT, I am also a white guy--and it's not fair for me to automatically brand the film one way or another. Just be aware that there are a few who resent the idea of this film.

I could discuss the plot, but LOTS of other reviewers have discussed this. So instead, let's talk about what I liked and didn't like. I liked the acting. The problem, however, is that giving any of these actresses awards is tough as it's such an ensemble cast. I can truly understand why the Screen Actor's Guild chose to award ALL the cast a joint award. The direction was very nice and the movie was well filmed. The script was also very nice--and quite inspiring. My quibbles are VERY small---very, very small. I felt that a few characters were a bit one-dimensional (particularly the lead villainess). Also, the ending of the film seemed to drag out a bit and wrapping it up a bit sooner. It wasn't a bad ending--but tightening would have heightened the overall emotional impact.

So my advice for you is to see this film. While I still think "Hugo" is the best nominated film this year, I can see the merit in "The Help" winning and "The Artist" sure seems to have a lot of momentum. So, do yourself a favor and see all three--all three are terrific.
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Great Movie!
amgee-895512 January 2020
Very Underrated Movie! Great Acting and storytelling! I never get bored watching the Help. 7/10
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finallyajerseygirl23 June 2011
I saw a preview of this film a few weeks ago in Philadelphia. I am huge fan of the book and could not wait to see the movie. I was not disappointed. I LOVED this movie. I have not seen anything more moving or more real in such a long time.

The movie stays very close to the book. The book has a bit more details, but all the parts of the book that make it so great were in the movie. There was not a thing missed in the screenplay.

The characters come alive on the screen. There is no stretch of imagination. The casting is perfect.

Go see this, you will not be disappointed!
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Good but a missed opportunity
raywarrenva11 August 2011
I had eagerly awaited the movie as the book was an absolute masterpiece. I was rather disappointed.

My guess is that people who have not read the book will like the movie. It is well acted and makes for a good story -- just a different one from the story written in the book.

One semi major character is changed from a very complicated person -- sympathetic but hardly enlightened or heroic -- to something entirely different -- a converted true believer. Other characters simply become flatter and more "stock" than in the book -- though that may be inevitable when adapting a novel written in three first person voices into a movie.

The main problem with the movie is that it really does not attempt to capture the violence, brutality and fear of the period. In the book these things hang over the characters and there is a real sense of danger. In the movie "danger" is spoken of but hardly palpable. Segregationists (aside from the one villain, Hilly) appear more rude than brutal. As a (white) southern man who lived in that era I know it was a lot tougher than that.

Overall, it is a good movie. If the source material did not exist I'd rate it higher. But being adapted from a much more nuanced and stronger work, it suffers in comparison.

See it. But read the book. And especially take young people to see it who may not be willing to read the book first. Because even glossed over, it does show a side of American history that the younger generation may not fully appreciate. Maybe it will spark discussion and maybe some of them will read the book for a fuller understanding of how things used to be.
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Safe Fluff
twim2311 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers

I went and saw The Help last night.

I must say, I was pleasantly surprised. It wasn't as offensive as "The Blind Side" (ala the big overgrown, illiterate, strong as an ox, loyal, gullible, clown saved by a white Christian savior caricature) but the overall story was pretty watered down.

The acting is solid, but I was torn about this movie. It does elicit the "Great White Hope" character, in that the maids only come together through the unlikely liberalism and goodness of a young white character. Its message for the future is also disturbing. For example, toward the end, one maid is offered salvation by a white couple who offers her the security of being their maid for the REST OF HER LIFE...a deal that makes her eyes grow wide with happiness. Meanwhile, the main white character goes off to greener pastures outside the limitations of her town.

There are also some unsettling a "Mammy" figure who gets misty eyed when she talks about how frying chicken makes her feel good inside.

I think they were pretty spot on in the portrayal of the white "southern belles (given that I'm from Jackson myself)." They were mostly ridiculous, petty and cold...which, to my understanding, is how they really were. It makes for some good comedic moments.

This is a "safe" film...there's no violence, and the threat of violence doesn't feel very immediate or nearby. The racism of the day feels like an omniscient boogey-man...and the white men in the film are all portrayed in an indifferent "they could care less" light...which seems VERY unbelievable. And the Black men were either abusive, docile or messengers...I mean, not a single, strong Black man?

The real sad thing about this film is what it says about Black progress in Hollywood. I haven't seen "real" roles for black women this year...and it's telling that the project that employs the most black women at once is one where they all have to play maids. Even in a trailer shown before this film for "Tower Heist," Gabourey Sidibe (from "Precious") is playing a maid...complemented by Eddie Murphy playing a convict with expert knowledge on robberies. So, blacks are either subservient, criminals, comedic clowns...or the ever present "token black friend." The exception to this rule are the few Blacks that are seen as being "negro-lite"...e.g. Will Smith, Halle Berry and Beyonce.

Many whites don't understand why Blacks are sensitive to their portrayals on film...but whites have to have an abundance of images to choose from. However, we have very few. Imagine taking your children to the movies...and the people that look like them, on screen, are usually stupefied, marginalized, subservient or comedic to the point of buffoorney. That's not the reality whites EVER have to accept, adapt to or address. This is not playing the race there is no card to play when this is your life.

My grandmother was a maid, like these women in the film. She went to work every day for the local car dealer's family...doing housework, cooking their meals and taking care of their kids for $5/day. She supplemented her income ironing white people's clothes from town. She raised 10 kids and helped with the war effort at home. While a film like "The Help" gives her a voice, it also robs her of hope that things will get better. After all, one maid quits her job even though her options are extremely limited and she has jeopardized her own safety by helping Skeeter...the other maid accepts a position to be the lifetime maid of another couple and then leaves her abusive husband...and the third maid that we come to know is rotting in jail. The only people who make out with better futures are the white characters....Skeeter is off to New York. Celia learns how to cook and, through the "wisdom" of her maid, learns how to communicate with her husband and develops self worth. The young white child Viola was raising may get a "fighting chance" because Viola tells her mother to give her one. And Hilly may actually become a better person who's finally learned the error of her ways.

Finally, there is one part that really summarized this whole film to me. At one point, Skeeter is sitting at Viola Davis's table. She asks her if she ever wanted to do anything else rather than be a maid. Viola Davis nods...and Skeeter never follows up with her to ask her what she wanted to do. My feeling was she didn't ask because it was irrelevant...irrelevant to the story and to the reality of the time. Black women didn't have choices, so there was no reason to speak of dreams that they both knew were empty.

All in all, I think this film is a nice effort for what it was, and fluff for what it was not.

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A Film to Remember
taylor_king-890-81549110 August 2011
I took our 12 year old daughter to see this movie and we both loved it. She was not thrilled when I told her we were going to see a film that told a story from the civil rights era but when we left she said she loved it because of the women's courage, their humor and the power of their friendships. We had never seen most of the actors which was refreshing and the acting by the entire cast made it easy to get totally involved. I laughed out loud and shed quite a few tears in The Help, and will remember it and recommend it to my friends. It was wonderful to see so many scenes in which the actors related to each other so perfectly. Even the vilest characters showed moments of conflict within themselves as they played out poor behavior that had long been inbred in them. I am especially grateful to the team who provided a film that told an engaging story about human relationships with important lessons for my daughter. That is a rare occurrence in today's movies.
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Brilliant !
hermeoine1219 June 2014
This movie will hold a special glue to anyone who has been a Gone With The Wind fan , for the rest it just might simulate them to revisit those history lessons . The film is brilliantly cast , there being not a single dull moment. The film revolves around three very different women who form an unlikely friendship in their quest for a common goal. It is much more then just being about the state of events in the 1950s at the South .Its a portrayal of a waning tradition that still grips the peninsula even after a century of the Civil War which was fought to abolish the exact same custom. It raises serious issues - demarcation of people based on skin color , making another human being walk in incessant rain rather than allowing her(it?) to use one's own bathroom , makes us reflect that we still aren't very far along the vicious prejudice. The movie also touches upon how the untarnished mind of a child is capable to love the same person he would grow up to walk all over on, of how society can be a venomous influence in conditioning the brain on so much discrimination. In the end it also hints that even after being subjected to centuries of venom , the heart still has the capability to love, that there is still hope for all of us.
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Not what I expected.
xJags7 September 2011
The Help is set in the 1960's where colored people had little to no rights and mainly focuses on the colored maids working for the "white" people.I didn't really want to see the movie but it got great reviews so I decided to check it out. I must say this movie was quite touching and very well done.

The cast is excellent with award worthy performances from Viola Davis, Emma Stone and Octavia Spencer - the main cast. The acting was amazing and there was great chemistry among the respectful classes of people in the film ( the whites and the blacks).

The script was well written and I love the balance of comedy and drama. There are some intense scenes however the comedy makes the movie more enjoyable rather than just a movie to make you feel sad all the way through. There was a perfects balance there and I loved that. The film also took you on a roller-coaster of emotions. Sometimes you were sad, extremely happy, angry or laughing. Its also one of those movies that can hold your interest from beginning to end.

With great performances, a brilliant script and a film so touching and inspiring, The Help is definitely a must-see!
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A Nutshell Review: The Help
DICK STEEL23 October 2011
The Help is one of the many films that's set in the 60s that deals with themes like prejudice and racism involving segregation amongst the Whites and the African Americans in Jackson, Mississippi, but having the very same themes also being relevant in society today even here in Singapore especially, with recent talk and focus on the issue of domestic help and our attitudes toward household maids that many employ for various reasons, who assist in looking after the children and the elderly, as well as to keep home while the rest of the adults are neck deep in economic pursuits. While racism is generally kept under control here, there are niggling incidents that pop up every now and then, so clearly we're not off the hook and there will always be individuals who choose intolerance.

Granted that racism back then was more pronounced especially during that era put on film, the story's based on an international bestseller written by Kathryn Stockett, and over here we're bound to identify with the issues highlighted especially in the horror stories you'd hear with regards to the treatment of domestic help, with abuse cases that make you sit up and wonder why we are capable of such inhumane acts. And the worst of all involves being hypocritical, putting on a false front for society, while clearly behaving like the devil when behind closed doors. The bottom line is, we're all humans and we share similar hopes and dreams whatever our skin colour, language and where we're from, in desiring a comfortable life filled with love, with a roof over our heads, food and community, friends and family we can turn to in times of need.

Which is why this film has themes and a poignant, thought provoking narrative that screams relevance, especially for those closeted intolerant few who must watch this, and reflect. Emma Stone stars as Eugenia "Skeeter" Phelan, an aspiring journalist who has returned home only to find out that the group of peers she had grown up with, are leading a lifestyle of superficial leisure, saying a lot of things, but meaning nothing. And for all their cliquish behaviour in cruelly treating one of their own as a social outcast (Jessica Chastain from The Tree of Life), for an ulterior reason only Hilly (Bryce Dallas Howard) knows, what more their household maids who have to slog with the chores, be that surrogate mother to their kids, be at their beck and call, and being given attitude, stick, and threats of the sack?

Given the tension all round during the time, it's no wonder that Skeeter's plans to want to highlight The Help's predicament and provide them with a voice, no doubt also serving as a ticket for her journalistic ambitions to embark on a career in New York, all met with stone walled silence, until Aibileen Clark (Viola Davis) decided that enough is enough, and begin opening up to Skeeter as research material, becoming her insights and perspective on how the African American help get treated in White households. And besides Aibileen's point of view, her friend Minny Jackson (Octavia Spencer) also chipped in, and both represent the broad spectrum of heartfelt accounts both good and bad, though largely negative, with the tacit understanding with Skeeter that they are not to be referred to directly.

It's one of those powerful films that takes the ugly side of humanity and presents it to us face on, to confront how cruel some of us can be, and what the strong amongst us must do to act and help those who are weak or bullied. Director Tate Taylor, who also wrote the screenplay, focuses on the tales crafted around the households both Aibileen and Minny serve, from being treated like dirt to forming firm friendships with some of the people they know and serve, such as Celia Foote (Jessica Chastain), as a reminder on how we should never judge a book by its cover, being obviously relevant when one gets handed one's fate for being of a certain skin colour. You may think that this may be a heavy film with all its seriousness, but trust me there is enough light hearted, even heart warming moments scattered throughout, though counter-balanced with moments of fear that will make you worry for the characters since mob mentality can lead to anything.

Emma Stone normally plays kooky characters of late, so this was perfect opportunity for her to shine in more serious drama which she does adequately. But she got upstaged by both Viola Davis and Octavia Spencer, the former who brought a certain quiet dignity to her role which just calls for respect, and the latter being the comic relief as a really straight-talker, and whose story was probably the most touching in the film, with one of the funniest, running gag in the later half. Bryce Dallas Howard also owned her role as the antagonist Hilly in the film, and if you'd think she's only capable of goody two shoes roles, think again as she can convincingly play back-stabbers, with Sissy Spacek in a supporting role as Hilly's mom.

The Help reminds us of how one has to have Fear and Courage to addresses changes in community or the larger society we serve in, without which we would all be poorer for it. It may be almost 2 1/2 hours long, but it's every minute worth it just watching how an uphill battle was fought, and baby steps being taken each time to overcome obstacles placed in the characters' way. It's guaranteed that you'll laugh and you'll cry in the film thanks to its material, and it's firmly one of the contenders to be amongst my favourite films of this year. Highly recommended!
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How can two and a half hours pass by so quickly?
Sleepin_Dragon24 January 2021
This is one truly outstanding movie, highlighting the social injustices faced by women of colour in Mississippi in the 1960's, this is the story of life from the maids point of view.

You see the contrast of how life is for the Society women, the privileged life they lead, and just how awful life was for the African American maids, and the moronic racism they faced.

It baffles me just how stupid most of the so called society people are, Hayley in particular is just an idiot, thank goodness for progressive people such as Skeeter. Skeeter also fights against the expectations for her to follow the routine, husband, kids, no job etc. Thanks heavens for people like her.

Viola Davis, Octavia Spencer and Emma Stone dazzle the whole way through, their performances are impeccable, no wonder this film is so highly regarded. Stone is prolific, but I still regard this as her finest moment. Jessica Chastain manages to lift the mood a few times as Celia, and break your heart.

That pie was more about just a personal revenge. That's the best scene in the whole film.

Superb production values throughout, every single detail is on point, the costumes, sets, houses, cars etc

Skeeter's car, is that the most beautiful motor ever made! Wow.

One of the best films ever made, 10/10.
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Not as good as I'd heard
Treyroo24 November 2012
The film begins with Aibileen Clark (Viola Davis) giving a brief insight into the lives herself and her community who work, for the most part, as domestic staff for the white elite of Jackson, Mississippi. How she's spent most of her life raising white children and how she'd recently lost her own son. And Minnie, her friend, (played by Octavia Spencer) loses her job due to an inability to abide by unjust rules and hold her tongue as she's expected to.

Meanwhile, Eugenia "Skeeter" Phelan (played by Emma Stone) has returned home from college with a degree and plans to use it. An idea that is lost on her friends and family who saw college as a means to an end in their quest for suitable husbands who could support them and their future children in the manner they've become accustomed to thanks to their upbringing. And while Skeeter(Stone) finds a job writing a column about cooking and other matters she has little to no expertise on and a valuable resource for the column in Aibileen (Davis), she soon finds her real passion in chronicling the life, times, and injustices of African American domestic servants in Jackson.

I've heard the criticisms leveled on this film and, in all honesty, they're not wrong. It's depiction of racism is, for the most part watered down or rose-colored. And the film's main antagonist is a twitchy social butterfly whose only real power is her standing. That might make sense if her near-senile mother weren't heckling her in the background during those important social events. It is funny, the characters that are the actual focus of the film are endearing and the conclusion is satisfying enough without being too far-fetched to be believable.
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JCard2831 August 2011
After reading the book, I was anxious to see how well the actresses matched the characters. I absolutely LOVED Emma and Viola. They made the movie realistic and followed the characters from the book exactly. I don't think many actresses could have pulled it off. Also, it was a relief to see that Hilly was a lot less intimidating in the movie than in the book. What I like most about The Help is that it wouldn't be a huge deal to not have read the book; the movie would suffice (creating the same emotions in both film and book). Two side notes: (1) even after seeing the movie, read the end of the book regarding the author. (2) Emma is awesome--would love to work with her!
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Comparison of the book and the film
lerancho7 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
As a person who'd just finished reading the book on which "The Help" is based and who'd just watched the film, I'd like to say a few things about the differences between the book and the film and how that reflected on the story.

The film represents a much shorter version of the story than the book. The major differences, and the ones that I thought were NOT beneficial for the story, are as follows.

  • Constantine's daughter is black, not white, like in the book, and all her background story is missing. This is not OK, because Skeeter's mum's reaction to her sudden appearance in the house in this case is hardly clear.

  • Skeeter's mum tells Hilly off when she comes to her house, something that she didn't do in the book since she didn't even know about the book. The character of Skeeter's Mum, like it's done in the book, would have never understood the her daughter's book and would have never been proud of her daughter the way she is in the film.

  • Also in the book Skeeter decides not to write about her mother had done. In the film she does.

  • It's not also really clear that Skeeter's mum has cancer and that she's really ill.

  • Aibeleen doesn't get a job in the magazine, like she does in the book, which I think is a shame because it represents new beginnings for her in the book. In the film she is basically left with nothing.

  • Then there is Minny and Miss Celia. Minny actually saves her life when she calls a doctor when Celia has a miscarriage. In the film Mr. Johnny just says, "She got better after Minny appeared in the house", which in my opinion is sort of strange and doesn't explain at all why he says that she had saved her life and why he is so grateful to her and offers her the job for the rest of her life. It is therefore very unconvincing in the movie, when he does that.

  • Incidentally, Celia in the book also never ever learned how to cook.

  • Also, the whole ominous atmosphere in Celia's house, the air of mystery is absent from the film, which is a shame, as well as her frequent miscarriages (only one is shown and very briefly, without showing Minny's involvement, which is crucial) as well as Minny's constant fear of Johnny.

  • It is also not shown that Minny is actually really scared to lose her job when the book comes out.

  • Now, to Aibeeleen's son. In the movie he's "killed". By whom? For what? We don't know. In this case I think it would have been better to leave it the way it was in the book – that his death was an accident. I can see what the film creators were trying to do, but it didn't quite work.

  • Also, in the church when they congratulate Aibeleen on what she has done, they don't even lock the door – a small detail that would have shown, how much they are all still scared, which, I think, is important.

  • What I find is also quite important to the story and something that was hardly if at all shown in the film is Skeeter's social isolation after her fall-out with Hilly. That's the cost she paid for disagreeing with everyone else in town and for trying to do something about it.

  • Also, how Skeeter's mother constantly criticized her is not shown, which would have added comic value to the film but also explained why Skeeter was so attached to Constantine.

  • The story with Elisabeth, how she'd never really liked her child Mae Mobley and never treated her well is also omitted from the film. It would have been much more painful to watch Aibeleeen leave the family if we knew what she meant for little Mae Mobley.

What was also different from the book but what I DID like, was the cause of the conflict between Minny and Hilly, which was sort of unclear in the book: Hilly just started telling everyone else that Minny had stolen silver from her for no apparent reason rather than she wanted Minny to work for her. So I find that the thing with the bathrooms in the film actually works better.

What I also liked was the way the characters were cast, especially the character of Hilly, as well as Minny and Aibeeleen.

And the way love affair with Stuart was shown also worked well - it was much shorter than in the book, however the filmmakers managed to grip the essence of their relationship in a few scenes.

All in all, good effort. But the book is even better - more multi- layered and more powerful.
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I Couldn't Stop Crying
girlfriendshour16 March 2017
This was so wonderful showing both side black and white, I couldn't stop crying. Viola is my hero and love all her work. She takes you with her in whatever part she plays. The whole cast was awesome. I couldn't believe there are people still living like this. I would recommend this movie to see.
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A very nice film about a shameful subject
blrnani13 April 2019
We have seen and heard a lot about individual cases of terrible racial injustices. What makes this film different, and precious, is the way it shows the way good people were terribly hurt in a 1,001 little ways, every day of their lives - not only by a system designed to keep them as second-class citizens every bit as nasty as apartheid, but by the way others who considered themselves good people enforced that system and behaved towards fellow members of society who were making an important contribution to that society. I don't know how it is possible for white people in the USA not to watch films like this without squirming in their seats, not from guilt - for guilt is not something one inherits, nor is it automatically collective - but from the discomfort of seeing how badly people can treat one another, based entirely on the colour of their skin (or any of the myriad other silly little ways that are used to divide us as a society - how can any reasonable person believe such distinctions reflect a person's true worth?).
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A Disservice to Important History
mmukasa29 February 2012
This film uses every cliché in the book starting with the liberal minded white person who is the voice of conscience and the long suffering good hearted but somewhat simplistic black people.This film is emotionally manipulative and panders to a sentimental reduction of complex history. Its moves were predictable and uses every trick in the book, even the scene in the church is cliché. Both the white and the black characters are mostly reductive caricatures out of some story book world which doesn't do justice to the historical complexity of such situations. Why would you want to make a saccharine comic book out of profound historical situations-- other than to pander to audiences longing for a feel good experience for the sake of box office. I actually don't mean to disrespect to people who like it, and I don't want to attack the actors. They didn't write the film, but at the same time, I can't believe that so many people fell for this bag of tricks. Still, a bigger problem and disservice a movie like this does to our culture is that such bad history and simplistic human portrayals turns race dynamics into good guy bad guy stories which we can watch with a complacent feeling of how much better we are than those bad old days. Such complacency leads to a historical ignorance that retards honest critique and real progress. This movie would be better if it just didn't pretend to be about something. Let it be some sappy comic book. That wouldn't be the worse thing in the world. At least it would be more honest.
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