Scavengers Reign (TV Mini Series 2023) Poster

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Unique ideas? In this day? Yes.
animals41 November 2023
This show is truly fascinating.

The world and ecosystem that they have created is beautiful, bewildering, scary, gross, ingenious, and most importantly the ideas are fresh.

The animation is top notch at times, but occasionally it seems like scenes were budgeted. (It's hard to tell these days, what some consider "style", others would consider "poor quality" or "lacking detail"). Overall though, the animation serves its purpose very well, and the world and creature design is some of the most creative I've ever seen.

Definitely a show worth checking out for any fans of the sci-fi genre. Truly a thought provoking, mesmerizing, unique piece of media.
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Wow, something original
gpglenpeters25 October 2023
It's absolutely fantastic to see something so bold and original.

This show is utterly compelling because it takes its concept seriously and follows through in exploring it without compromise.

The short Scavengers from 2016 was thrilling for its originality, flair and creativity and I think Scavengers Reign completely justifies expanding that original idea into this season (and hopefully more).

The animation reminds me a lot of Studio Ghibli.

My favourite thing about this show might be the ideas it stimulates for my imagination.

The story itself is fairly simple but is told in a very engaging manner.

Even after just three episodes this has instantly become one my favourites of the year if not potentially number one.

I wish I could watch the rest of it right now, and that is a great sign.
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Magnum Opus in Visuls and Uncharted storytelling method is the recipe for a masterclass in the making
Harun_Karali21 October 2023
I find my self at a loss for words, yet I will do my best to try to convince you to watch what could very well be the next groundbreaking Sci-Fi Epic. It has been a while since I'v been this impressed wih anything(animated or otherwise). Let's be honest creative media is a dying bread in modern entertainment. But I ran into the trailer and it looked promising enough. But what I witnessed was something like getting high in church and watching a man outside splitting the river in half with a wand(not religous, nor have I been high, just painting a picture). Breathtaking visuals, accompanied by a fantastic soundtrack makes this a must watch for any sci-fan fan. The voice cast is also excellent. This might be the silver-lining of this year.
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I rarely write a review, but this show is amazing
zsquared5 November 2023
This is literally the most imaginative and amazing show I have seen in the last 20 years. I imagine the people that made this grew up like I did watching shows like Alien Planet over and over and wishing they had made more episodes. I was always intrigued by what life could be like on other planets. This is one of the things that makes me like science fiction so much. The mystery of what could be. This show build a world that is many layers deep with plants and animals interacting in ways totally unique. I started it not expecting much as nothing worth watching is made these days. Well I guess I was wrong. This to me is THE BEST show to come out in regards to science fiction in a long time. It is what good alien sci fi should be. It is beautiful and scary and interconnected and just superb in so many aspects I wish more would add focus to. I imagine a show with the biggest budgets made this way but they would just ruin it. I hope they make 20 seasons of this and visit as many or more worlds. Helps you appreciate the wonder in the world. I feel like I don't even have the words this morning as it is early but if it says anything I haven't written a review in probably a year or more. Those are usually because something was so bad never because it was amazing.... this was amazing I wish I could give it 20 stars an oscar and every other award so many shows that don't deserve nothing get.
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If you love Sci Fi, this is the show for You :)
hoienh21 October 2023
I have seen the first 3 episodes. ( my first review ever)

The series creators understands "Show, don't tell", it doesn't hold your hand, and i love it for it, this show is not for everybody, but if you have a love for science fiction and miss the imagination of old school sci fi this is for you.

I have been looking for this for years, i thought this kind of space sci fi was dead... it has this old schools science fiction feel to it, the alien planet feels extraterrestrial, new and fresh. Not just the humanoids on a other planet, that so many other shows in this genre do.

You are joining the protagonists on their journey of survival, exploration and hardship, you learn about the people and planet as the story unfolds mostly visually, giving multiple viewings meaning. After watching 3 episodes i have so many questions, and that is a good thing.

Looking forward to seeing the rest of the show. Fleshing out characters and the world they now inhabit.

Art style is is beautiful and and super creative. You can tell there is put a lot of thought into the world, flora and fauna.

The first episodes have scratch my science fiction itch for now. There are a total of 12 episodes.

I gave it 10\10, not because it is perfect, nothing is, but because of what its traying to do, no other show is even close that i know of the last years.

My only hope is that the show does well and we get more ;)
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Incredible Thought-Provoking Show
gn-7914419 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The show has very interesting and unique concepts, they really take their time to make you feel like you're on an alien world. The plants, animals, and ecosystem all seem to interact with each other seamlessly. You can tell they put a lot of thought into how each part of the ecosystem would fit together ahead of time. Every interaction the characters have with the world makes you really think about the future consequences of them interacting with the environment, as it could backfire on them in the future, or help them later on. The show has Incredible detail in visuals as well, the animation seems very fluid and smooth. It's a great underrated show so far and based off the first episodes I would definitely recommend it.
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Just brilliant!
ulker-osman20 October 2023
Sometimes you may not know what to say. Expressing the experience you've had and the emotions it has stirred within you can be very difficult with words. If this experience is something metaphysical or profound, then there's nothing to be done, really. You simply surrender yourself to that experience (like being a pilgrim in Mecca or seeing Jesus in a dream). However, if this experience is created by human hands, that's when we call it art. And Scavenger Reign is a true work of art that has risen like a spring from the midst of the increasingly monotonous visual arts in recent years.

How do I describe it, where do I even begin? My journey with Scavengers began with watching Bennett and Huettner's mind-bending short film. Ever since the news came out that this incredible work would be turned into a series, I had been eagerly awaiting it. Finally, the wait is over, and we managed to watch the first episodes of the series. Oh my God, from the very first second, it promises to fulfill your expectations completely. Every second, every scene is a visual feast that makes you wonder if you'll miss anything and draws you into a different reality. The animation quality, the progression of the story, the music, sound effects... everything is wonderful. My only wish is for it to continue without losing its brilliance.

Movies, documentaries, animations, anime, comics, and other media about life on other planets are not an unfamiliar subject in science fiction. However, the way this subject matter is handled is as impressive as Tarkovsky's "Solaris." Firstly, the planet where the events take place has a mysterious yet entirely convincing ecosystem. The scientists who have to live there become a part of this ecosystem as they unravel its mysteries. This ecosystem is presented with a consistent design, reminiscent of Art Nouveau, with coherence in everything, from the planet's life forms to its plant life, geography, and climate. The colors, textures, sounds... this planet feels real enough to be possible.

The second important point is that in order to create such a world so successfully, you need to have a well-founded philosophical knowledge and perspective on existence and life, unless you're a deity. If it were not so, the creators of the series could easily have succumbed to popular exaggerations and inconsistent drawing games. But they don't. It's well thought out and minimalist all the way through. You can understand that nothing takes precedence over anything else. And it instills in you the belief that this ecosystem has existed on that planet for millions of years, just like on Earth. All that's left is to lean back and dream of being a part of that team while watching the series.

Actually, there are many more things I want to write, but as I mentioned at the beginning, this work of art makes me feel things far beyond what I can write. That's why I want to stop here. And I want to thank the people who brought this project to life and shared it with us. Enjoy watching.
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Gorgeous and Enchanting
daxtonmac23 October 2023
The world shown in this show is one of the most beautiful and enchanting places I've had the pleasure of witnessing. The creatures and their designs are endlessly unique and creative, and the environments they inhabit are just as breathtaking. While sometimes nonsensical in world-building terms, your disbelief is easily suspended while gazing at incredible landscapes and bafflingly interesting creatures. The characters are engaging and their writing is snappy and charming, making it very easy to anchor yourself to the story they are a part of. The phrase "style over substance" has been used a few times, but I wholeheartedly believe there is more than enough substance present to immerse yourself in this world. The plot so far is a very simple, motivators of "survive" and eventually "get to a place", but it is very easy to fall in love with this story and I am very excited for the future of this show. A very easy 9/10.
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This is absolute brilliance
codyleedeboer23 October 2023
The creativity is astounding, delivered in a way with just the right edits, cadence, and flow. Superb soundtrack, voice acting, writing. Everything is dialed in. It draws you right into the adventure.

There are some scenes that I am completely blown away by. The animation is absolutely superb. Another reviewer mentioned Fantastic Planet, and it does create that other worldly vibe, but in its own unique way.

This is the kind of story that sucks you in, and you can't help but want to know what happens next.

Where have the people who made this been hiding! Seriously! I am 100% amazed by this and I need this team to make more!

I love it!
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vinmcasey27 October 2023
Visuals, audio design, music, the actual media aspect of it is absolutely incredible. The intro alone is breathtaking.

First animated series I've seen in a long time with such an engaging story. Many aspects, all intertwining, haven't seen the whole series yet (for obvious reasons) but am looking forward to what comes next.

Not to mention the incredible world building, so unique, in such a good way. The features in this fictional world are all so different and alien, and to such an extent that I haven't really seen in other works in quite a while.

Highly recommend this show to anyone who enjoys science fiction, worldbuilding, or even just animation as a whole.
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Visually Breathtaking but Thin Storyline
jlynramm13 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was by far one of the most beautiful and visually unique shows I've seen. The world building and ecosystem were incredible, intricate, and captivating.

However, now that I've actually finished the show I can't help but feel disappointed.

There was no character development, no clear motives for the "villains" (Specifically Kamen). And a lot of the details in his character and Kris' character didn't really have a sense of purpose or reason? Not to mention there was no real resolution at the end of the show.

There were many aspects to the show that I loved. But most of its success I feel is tied to the visuals and world building - not the writing.
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Looks good but seems random
carniv0r10 November 2023
Scavenger Reign" dazzles with its stunning visuals and immersive atmosphere, making it a feast for the eyes. However, the series often feels haphazard, as if it's being written by children making up rules as they go along. This randomness can be disorienting, lacking a solid foundation or consistent logic to ground its narrative. While the aesthetic appeal is undeniable, the series struggles to establish a coherent structure, leaving viewers with a sense of unpredictability and detachment from its world. This unpredictability, while creative, can detract from a deeper engagement with the storyline.
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paper-screams18 March 2024
The visuals are stunning. The acting - superb. Each episode was gripping. The soundtrack supportive and strangely beautiful. The storylines weaved in and out of each other. The symbolism - just amazing. Moments near the end of the series moved me to tears. I haven't watched many dramatic cartoons but this will be one of my favorites for a long time. This world was enchanting and frightening. Truly imaginative and other worldly! Deserves to be watched several times through. I came to have strong opinions on each character. Hating the 'bad guys' and cheering on the 'good guys'. I would love to see a season 2 but don't know if the show was picked up for another season or not. Here's to hoping. Would love to see a more fleshed out storyline with Azi and Mia.
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Beautiful, Alien and Wondrous
scottmannen119 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I just had a very brief exposure some months back to a commercial on this American Anime and that was it. I thought at the time that it looked interesting and made a mental flag to check it out at some point.

That time is now and I just finished watching episode one and it was visually stunning. The alien life forms are so different from anything we could ever imagine and that alone is enough to capture the attention of a certain audience. The acting is decent enough so we will have to see how that pans out as it is hard to judge a show by one episode; as such, I will be updating this review once I have finished the entirety of season one; What is clear so far is that space workers have become stranded on an extremely strange alien planet. Its odd because it seems that a number of the survivors seem already comfortable and knowledgeable with the organic technology in the life forms on this planet. If indeed this is the case and not some continuity error then it would mean that the survivors have already been there for some time, or have experienced similar life forms on other planets in the past.

Its early, but the sound is good, the animation is better than I thought it would be after watching the show. At first I thought the animation was sub-par, but I was wrong. The animation is decent. I am going to watch the second episode now so stay tuned for a better review and a possible revised rating once I am complete on this show@! 8/10.
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Gorgeous, thoughful and so creative
amandalikesyou24 October 2023
I loved the short film that this was based on. The creativity of the design and development of the world is so unique and the emotional payoff of the short was huge and unexpected.

I watched all three episodes in a row and I am struck by how nuanced and well developed the characters are. The thinking behind the rules of the organic world and how they interact with human technology is really interesting. It's rare that you get to see so much wide world building. Also, the music is incredible. The casting is tasteful and understated.

Well done to Charles, Joe, Benjy and the team at Titmouse. It's a triumph. I can't wait to see the rest of the season and I hope MAX can find it in their slate to buy another season.
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Echoes of Miyazaki
cperrius1 June 2024
I kept being reminded of Nausicaa in the world building. So many amazing and interesting creatures, the variety and fecundity of life, and no silly romanticizing of nature - constant death, and death constantly giving life....and on top of that amazing world building, the parallel stories of the people marooned on the planet explore relationships and fear and regret and duty and more in subtle ways. The plot is edge of seat so you want to binge and find out what happens next, and, you want to rewind and see that incredible new creature or plant (or both in many cases) again. It's the kind of show you rewatch and recommend.
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For Fans of Love, Death + Robots, Scavengers Reign is an Amazing Experience
squarepitmike26 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I am posting for the first time on IMDB to tell you to watch this amazing show immediately. It's on Max now but Netflix will have it in a few days. Max cancelled it but of it does well on Netflix, they might bring it back for another season.

Scavengers Reign (2023, Max) Season 1, 12 episodes

"Nothing is safe out here."

The crew of a damaged deep space freighter are stranded on a beautiful but dangerous planet.

Created by Joseph Bennett & Charles Huettner

Scavengers Reign follows in the footsteps of amazing shows like Love, Death + Robots while forging its one path.

The world building is, well, out of this world. The way it's so fully realized with its topography and animals and how the narrative follows them almost as if the planet itself is a character itself.

With a clean, vibrant and distinct style, the animation is beautiful in every way from its wide atmospheric vistas to its incredibly unique and detailed creatures and animals. Which, while we're on the subject because the creators really deserve some praise for the detailed and unique designs. It reminds me of the Netflix show Alien Words the way it uses science and how different atmosphere and weather can create animals that seem similar to those we know on earth, yet so vastly different.

Danger around every turn showcases the difficult hardships of trying to survive a world you know nothing about.

It's all so surreal and wonderous, yet it balances that with a sense of danger while exploring the psyche of those just trying to survive.

The characters are highly developed, brimming with a strong sense of rich depth. I am so invested in each and every one of them.

Really dug Kamen's arc, who gets involved in a codependent symbiotic relationship with a creature, killing for it and feeding off it like a baby chick eating chewed up worms from its mom. All while the creature gets in his head which gives us flashbacks of his life and the ship before the crash.

And who would've thought that I'd be the most captivated by the robot, Levi? His (it's?) propensity for doing random things they can't fully understand, almost as if it's....learning to feel.

Final Verdict:

For fans of Love, Death + Robots, Scavengers Reign is a wondrous and rich experience. A captivating series brimming with creativity, highly developed characters and endless imagination.

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One of a kind masterpiece
chu1112 December 2023
I had to subscribe to a 9$ vpn and 19$ max both for a month to be able to watch this from the UAE. I loved this show sad that it isn't aired internationally if people could watch this is one of a kind master piece! I was going to compare the work to miyazakis work but it seems like everyone already has done that! It is that good of a show to be engaged and so much fun! Not many people might have the same opinion my husband didn't find appealing to watch as the story didn't get him from the start but for me it was more of a journey to watch and explore how this world is what it is I am waiting for season2.
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More animation like this !!
mothteto9 November 2023
I just finished the season 1 finale, and I have to say Scavengers Reign is probably in my Top 10 All Time Favorite Shows, maybe even Top 5 !!! Where do I even BEGIN to explain how much I love this show ??

The show feels very human to me. I love the style they chose for this show, and I was afraid I wouldn't like it at first, but I ended up loving it. The world building, this advanced puzzle-like alien ecosystem they created for this show is mesmerizing. The creatures and plants are so creative and captivating to my brain. Don't get me started on how much I love the concept of what's going on with the robot Levi, i'm a big fan of the direction they went with her.

As a queer person, I also really appreciate the authentic and casual queer representation with Azi and Mia.
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Absolutely stunning
wesdog-3581929 October 2023
This show is absolutely stunning, from amazing world building, to compelling characters, to the wildly smooth animation. I'm absolutely taken aback by the lack of buzz on this amazing show, because it is truly one of these new animated shows this year.

The world building of this show is truly where it stands out, the ways that each character interacts with this foreign environment really showcases the individual characters individual nature. Furthermore the story and style truly pushes the envelope on what western animation can be especially in 2023. With the way major studios have treated 2-d animated media as of late I was worried how the medium would survive but this show has really given me faith in the future for 2d animation in media.
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Very good until episode 5
benxyloto13 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The beginning of the show is amazing. Amazing world, good character dynamics, incredible creatures on the planet. After the black and white creature gets to Azi her story goes way downhill and doesn't improve from there. It's all Deus Ex Machina and sudden powers and bad decisions. As opposed to the beginning where everyone except Kamen was using their heads to handle a situation. It's also very strange how these people have been on the same planet for months and have a good understanding of their surroundings but somehow when we as the viewer show up the characters encounter all new creatures and plants. I would have given it a lower rating but as I said the world is incredible and imaginative.
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They try but mostly fail
maximumcool27 October 2023
Pros: they worked hard to make a visually alien world. Voice acting is solid and it's a good premise.

Cons: Just about everything else, but mostly the writing. The aliens act more like a magic system and its definitely "soft magic." Basically things work however the writers feel like they should work at that moment. There's no real logic, science, or consistency to the alien ecosystem. And generally speaking I can't believe any of these characters has lasted for more than a few days in this world with the stupid decisions they constantly make. We even have a character with the old "I've been bitten by a zombie/alien parasite but I'm going to hide it from the other characters because no reason." I spent most of the show wanting to slap people for being so stupid.

And then there's Camen. At no point will you feel anything other than contempt for his character. Which... I guess is what the writers were trying for? Either way, I could do without all of his scenes. He is a minor character who doesn't deserve the screen time he gets.

Overall, you can just skip this show. It's trying but it's failing.
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One of the best animated series of ALL TIME
JYHASH12 November 2023
Scavengers Reign is without a doubt one of the most beautiful, inspired, and competent animated series I've ever seen. I came across a post about it on a social network on a whim, and took a chance on it- and I am SO GLAD that I did. The worldbuilding is amazing, the story beats solid, and all of the art is particularly amazing. Imagine Möbieus mixed with Hayao Miyazki, and you'll have a close approximation. The care and dedication taken to make this story and world a reality is positively staggering. The surreal quality of the world is real, as are the characters and the situations. I certainly hope they get a season 2, because it is WELL deserved. WATCH THIS SERIES, it'll be well worth your time.
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A beautiful hellscape
terrapowers3 November 2023
The highlight of being sick on the couch yesterday is that I had time to binge watch the first nine episodes of this series. If you accept that plot and storyline (which begin to feel like they're slowing up a bit as the show progresses past the first few episodes) mainly serve as delivery vehicles for stunning otherworldly animation, then you'll probably enjoy it as much as I did. It's clear that a lot of care and thought went into creating this work - there's this sort of "National Geographic" feel to the way the viewer is shown the various habitats of this planet; someone clearly has an interest in biology and botany. I'm scared to see what's around the next bend, but I can't look away. It's gorgeous and terrifying.
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Beautiful animation, unexpected story
bigbarry-881306 November 2023
First time watching this, the first thing that brought back was "Fantastic Planet". Both movies & episodes have totally alien landscape, creatures that are explained as you watch them.

I think the hardest part of "Scavenger Reign" is to throw you in the middle of the situation that you never thought existed. Finding out the situation episode by episode was on both, you learned as the movie/episode was watched.

Let's not forget the strange animation Fantastic Planet was cutting edge for the time.

But what makes "Scavenger Reign" break away from the others is the story. You don't get a run of the mill Science Fiction story with a long explaining background story. You learn as they learn. How the creatures all have a purpose that can kill you or help you survive. You also see how the characters get smarter but also how they fall apart.

The animation is clean and they make sense how flying insects that blend into the trees and seems to be a reason for that. Once again, you learn as they learn. This show is Definitely NOT for little kids. Bizarre and beautiful, really incredibly thought out creatures, gorgeous landscape and beats any Disney movie, that's for sure.
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