Shiny Happy People: Duggar Family Secrets (TV Mini Series 2023) Poster

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wish TLC was taken more to task as well
TristramShandy7 June 2023
The documentary fairly hammers the Duggar parents and this abominable ministry movement, but I wish TLC (which has as much to do with "learning" as MTV has to do with "music" in the 21st century) got ripped as much as well. Shame on them for looking the other way with the Duggar parents and eldest son until they couldn't anymore. I get that they aren't the focus of the documentary on the whole, but they are a morally liable entity in this sordid tale.

Meanwhile, those who are saying that this is anti-Christian . . . To think that any of the whistle blowers are "anti-Christian" is laughable. They are anti-cult, anti-predators. If you are equating Christianity to IBLP, I'm worried for you.
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Exposure Needed
DVK12344 June 2023
I started watching the Duggars when they started on TLC with their series. I was a young mom with two children, and a Christian. I found myself marvelling at how Michelle maintained her level of calm, never raising her voice nor a hand to her brood of children. Homeschooling them. The children being so well behaved, so sweet. It would make me feel substandard as a mom. I would lose my temper with my kids. My kids were not always well behaved. My husband would say, "There's something wrong with this family. Something is not right."

Well that was all before 2015. In 2015 viewers were enlightened that all was not shiny in the Duggar home. Josh had molested five underage girls when he was a young teenager. Then more issues with Josh. He was outed as an Ashley Madison patron. These last few years with the despicable finding of Josh having downloaded some of the worst images of babies and children being SAd, ultimately resulting in his incarceration, viewers see that all is not right in the Duggar home. And yet, Jim Bob continues to protest fiercely. I have never heard Jim Bob or Michelle apologize to their daughters, who were Josh's victims, to his wife Anna, who experienced the ultimate betrayal by his infidelity, nor to the children of his video downloads, who were victimized in the worst way, an unforgivable crime to which I believe his sentence is not long enough.

The docuseries sheds more light on Bill Gothard and IBLP. It's true that the set up is a perfect storm for women to be abused with zero accountability. Actually, for women to feel the burden and the cause of the harm that they endure, all while smiling and minimizing the crime.

IBLP is a cult. People follow blindly. I am glad that they have been exposed. My concern is that the Duggars have made IBLP seem like a wonderful extension of the Gospel, and that more unsuspecting believers have bought the lie and are now involved in it, and subsequently bringing harm to their families. This cult is shrouded in lies and hypocrisy. The first evidence of that is when JimBob is asked to be featured in Parent magazine, and he is not transparent as to the reason why Josh is not at home. He is at an IBLP work camp for molesting his sisters, and Jim Bob simply summons him to return.

What is hidden in darkness eventually comes to light. Unfortunately it came too late. Jim Bob has amassed millions (which he kept for himself, while exploiting children and putting them on tv, which by the way is satanic for the IBLP and verboten in their households), and many many of the vulnerable have been irreparably harmed in the name of religion.

As Jesus said, better to have a millstone hung around your neck than to cause harm to a precious little child.
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Good Lord
hazangel-8991010 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I am only on the second episode and I honestly have chills!!! These people are psychotic!!! One brainwashed "mother" is talking about spanking her child all day because he would not obey. She is smiling from ear to ear like a darn psychopath!!! Poor children. I know many people come from abusive homes but this is institutional abuse!!!

I am glad that they are speaking out although I think everyone should know by now that most cults are never in the best interest of children.

I see why Jinger ran as far away as possible from her family. I'm sure they are threatened about speaking poorly about their experience but I think everyone can read between the lines. Also that mother Michelle is the craziest of them all with that fake high pitched evil speaking voice. You are not fooling anyone devil lady!!!!
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This could have been about my family
Jonathan_Hammond11 June 2023
I'm still reeling after watching the whole series (accidentally, it just happened). I was raised very similarly to the Duggars and we were aware of their show, although ironically our family was so strict we didn't have access to the their show (no cable, only PBS and CBS). I'm the oldest of 8 and could have easily ended up like Josh. It was such a disservice to shelter us so completely and not explain "the birds and the bees". It was treated as the most taboo subject and anything remotely related was heavily censored and suppressed. Any abuse in our community was swept under the rug. My father was "the king if the house" and anything he ordered was on the level of God ordering it. His rules were absolute and could not be questioned. I'm now 31 and no longer in that belief system. I've carried guilt and trauma for many years and I'm very sad that this BS still goes on around the world. People use the Bible and Christianity as a cover or smokescreen to justify and hide a tremendous amount of evil.
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They nailed it!
heathwithaner12 June 2023
I've spent a lifetime trying to explain my life in IBLP/ATI and I was extremely nervous about how this docuseries would present it. The sense of relief and validation after watching Shiny Happy People (several times) is indescribable. I'm thrilled to be able to point people towards this now and not have to explain the abuse and horror over and over again. Thank you to each one who told their story. It's incredible to see other people who I've never met tell of such similar experiences. Trying to navigate the world around me after learning only what Bill Gothard wanted was nearly impossible, and this series pointed out so many of the deeply ingrained reasons why.
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Duggar Family secrets and lies.
TxMike3 June 2023
Like I suppose many people I only had heard of the Duggars, I knew they had lots of kids, I knew they had been on a reality show which I never saw, but I knew nothing about the core belief system that guided them. This docuseries, four parts on Amazon Prime, digs into all that. The main interview contributors are some of the Duggar children, now adults, and friends and relatives who know them well.

Jim Bob and his wife Michelle came to be Fundamental Christians on their own, but then were greatly influenced by the IBLP religion espoused by what many now call a cult leader, Bill Gothard. A basic tenet is the husband is the absolute head of the family and the wife submits to him. Plus children are home-schooled as a way to shield them from the many sins of society.

But a deeper and more sinister goal was for couples to have as many children as they could (19 for the Duggars, with at least one miscarriage) as an ultimate goal to have armies of followers to infiltrate government, and especially the Supreme Court, as a mechanism to converting, over a few generations, the country into a deeply Christian country embracing only fundamental Christian values.

The problem with a strong leader and his cult is that eventually a few, or many, will see the light and the truth and will break away. That is the source of this docuseries, former IBLP devotees who now are eager to expose the truth. Jim Bob and Michelle, as well as Gothard, all declined input into this series but now that it is out issued this statement, "The recent 'documentary' that talks about our family is sad because in it we see the media and those with ill intentions hurting people we love," and calling it "derogatory and sensationalized."

My wife and I found the series fascinating. In some ways it reminded me of a documentary a couple of years ago that revealed sexual abuse of minor girls in some cult-ish Amish communities, covered up and never reported to authorities.

Streaming on Amazom prime in four parts, roughly 3 hours total running time.
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Glad Cult Leader's Name is Not Richard
bmccarthy-411355 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I have never watched the TLC reality show on the Dugger family. I really have no interest in them or Reality TV- but this is an eye-opener and a reminder of the danger of cults. My lowish rating is because the doc is very repetitive. It could have easily been cut down to two episodes.

The real story here is the cult itself - their lust for political power, and of course the abuse of women and children all in the name of some God they dreamt up and of course monetary greed. Their homeschooling plan is a disgrace and another form of overt child abuse.

The former cult members that speak on camera seem saner now but I am not sure of their motives or how they got out. I have only seen three of the four episodes- so perhaps that is covered.

I am glad that Mike Huckerbee is exposed- or as I call him and his daughter HUCKSTERbee. Mike only a few years ago SOLD, via info-mercials his CURE for diabetes! Mike is a "pastor" who does not pray for people but PREYS on them. His equally deplorable daughter Sarah, now Gov of Arkansas recently weakened child labor laws, as have 9 other states.

The cult leader Bill Gothard (kicked out) is true evil. Not sure if Gothard is his true name- Got hard? Well he sure did- another child abuser.

Michele Duggar with her continual raised head gaze at her husband is vomit worthy.

The whole lot of them- crazed and dangerous.

Please dont watch this series just to gawk. Please VOTE.
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"Shiny Happy People" gets it right.
naomiwithlove4 June 2023
I did not grow up in IBLP and have never met the Duggars or Bill Gothard. However, I did grow up in a different cult, and I know people who have met Gothard and/or grew up under his teachings. Every issue that the show highlights-authority (especially patriarchal), the submission of women, instant obedience from children, spanking, the elevation of servant hood, child labor, the constant fear of breaking a rule or causing someone else to "stumble," etc-I have seen in the lives of those who experienced the teachings of IBLP. Even my family's watching of "19 Kids and Counting" impacted my parents' decisions toward my dating (sorry, courting) experience. The important thing about Gothard's influence, and the show does a fantastic job of highlighting it, is IBLP's influence on American society at large. People need to know that this isn't a freak occurrence: this is real, it's now, and it has lasting consequences on individuals and society as a whole. Well done to the creators of the show, and thanks to everyone who has the courage to be involved. Your voice makes a difference.
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Interesting but seemed a bit biased
moviewatcher7898 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I was interested to see this because I wondered what Jill Duggar Dillard would say about her childhood once she was out of the control of her parents. I wanted to know how close the reality show was, to the substance of what her childhood was like. That aspect of the documentary was very interesting.

She also spent some time talking, in a guarded way, about what it was like to have her victim experiences be exposed to the public. That was very sad to see as she clearly was very sad at the exposure of her private and painful experiences. However, I think it was valuable that people be able to see that this was a real thing that happened to her, and not something made up to get vengeance on the IBLP or to smear the Duggars. Again, I think it's important that what she said in the documentary was said when she is independent of her parents.

I also found it interesting to listen to the experiences of other ex-IBLP members, especially when they talked about the reality of what marriage was like, the extent of submission expected of women and girls to boys and men, and the way it turns the women and girls into perfect victims who can almost never escape.

If the documentary had remained focused on the issue of how the concept of authority and Christian doctrine was distorted and misused to victimize girls and women, or the other issue of the way the money was handled in the family (i.e. The income from the show), I think it would have done its major work. However, the documentary went farther and seemed quite political and ideological. Videos of pro-life protests pictured with ominous overtones and so on. At one point, a statement that the IBLP was training young men to "infiltrate" politics, and other things to that effect, worded to sound very creepy. But, if you break down what they are actually describing, it's basically US citizens getting into US politics and asking their fellow citizens to vote for them, or lobbying their elected officials, or engaging in perfectly legal protests. So, in fact, engaging in perfectly normal, constitutionally protected activity. This made me distrust the documentary. What else did they pick and choose to create a certain effect that is driven by ideology? In any case, it came across to me as very anti-Christian. Why weaken a perfectly good documentary by overreaching to push an ideological position?

The documentary talked about the IBLP (or ATI - apparently Gothard was very much into acronyms) having lots of money to put into redirecting politics and the culture, playing the long game so their way of thinking could become dominant. Considering that the documentary was done in a very professional, even slick way, and is being shown on Amazon, one of the most powerful platforms currently in existence, I couldn't help but find it ironic.

I'm glad to hear from Jill and I hope she thrives in her new life.
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partypest12 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This story and all other religious fanatics stories only prove what I have been saying my whole life. All religion should be abolished. ALL. It is fine if you want to have a belief in a "god", but that should be between you and no one else. This series had a very similar feel to the Keep Sweet docuseries. And it was just as twisted. Anyway... I did watch bits and pieces of the Duggar's show and always had the same feeling of cringe. The way Michelle looks into JB's face as he speaks. Or just JB himself. I was surprised it was the son that was caught molesting young girls. I would have bet my life it was the dad.
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Powerful documentary
southpaw-9803210 June 2023
This video is NOT just a Duggar video. I think the Duggars are featured because most of America knows who the Duggars are. It is about the cult, Institute of Basic Life Principles (IBLP), which the Duggars are a member of. From what I have read about this cult, this documentary barely scratches the surface. It is hard to believe modern, intelligent Americans would just blindly follow this cult leadership and raise children in this environment. There needs to be more of a deeper dive into this cult and other similar cults. I hope there is a follow up documentary providing more information. America needs to watch this, wake up and be aware of these cults.
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Poorly sourced and slightly hysterical in its presentation
awnuce3609 June 2023
This documentary could have been a timely and informative piece that pulled back the curtain on the problematic behind-the-scenes story of a family that grew up before our eyes on our tv screens. Instead, we get a poorly sourced and slightly hysterical hack job that loses credibility with each successive interview and sequence. Look, I'm not triggered by this or seeking to defend anyone involved, but calling this a documentary is kind of a stretch given the lack of actual factual evidence and explanation being given.

For example, when seeking to establish that American Christian minister Bill Gothard was secretly hoarding wealth, instead of presenting any kind of facts about his wealth, the documentary highlights a former IBLP member who says that Gothard tried to present himself as having humble means, but she "had heard others say" that his family actually had tons of money. The documentary then cuts to shots of a private plane and other evidences of Gothard's alleged wealth that could be stock footage for all the viewer knows. Again, I am perfectly willing to entertain the idea that Gothard weaseled away millions of dollars for family members, but this an extremely poor way to establish it. Honestly, wouldn't anyone want to know exactly how much wealth we're talking here because knowing specifics is more interesting? And why was a former IBLP member, who could be considered a problematic source by some, considered the proper person to establish this? Shouldn't the documentary have contacted someone with actual financial expertise or knowledge? That's just one example, but it's highly emblematic of the documentary's flawed approach.

The documentary entertains us with numerous unverifiable accusations against IBLP and the Duggar family from family members that are clearly estranged, former IBLP members, feminist university professors, and a YouTuber who apparently spent her days mocking the Duggar family while they were on air. This latter interviewee is used to establish factual information that she cannot possibly be the best source for. The only thing that this individual should have been used to establish was the reasons that the online community hate-watched the Duggars' series and the feelings of said community. She isn't really a valid source for anything else given her lack of expertise, but the documentary frequently uses her, essentially a nobody, to establish numerous important facts and details. Likewise, numerous interviewees are allowed to project from their own experiences what might be going on within the walls of the Duggars' home as if they had actual insider knowledge of the happenings of the household.

On a separate note, the documentary relies heavily on the narrative of Jill Duggar Dillard and her husband Derick Dillard. However, with twelve adult children and the parents themselves still out there, it's extremely troubling, at least to me, that the documentary was only able to interview one adult child. This means we are only getting one person's side of the story, which could easily be heavily biased or even outright false.

Nonetheless, I feel many will find this entertaining and insightful into the mindsets of those involved and of the communities they represent. For my part, I found myself unfortunately forced to take everything with a grain of salt. What could have been a factual account too often devolves into mud-slinging.
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Boring and nothing new
Cochise33334 June 2023
People who find this documentary informing must be living under a rock. The Scientology documentary was essentially the same thing, but at a larger level. We KNOW big religion is nothing more than a multi marketing machine. We know what happened to the Duggar's, nothing new is discovered in this series. The way the documentary was filmed and directed felt lack luster and redundant. One episode could easily encompass the story they were trying to tell. It is great that people have a chance to tell their stories however this documentary does little to convey the necessity of rooting out organizations like mega churches.
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More of an indictment of IBLP
seamysmama14 June 2023
I expected the Duggars (specifically Jim Bob and Michelle, not the children) to be absolutely evicerated during this series. While their hippocracy is indeed exposed, this is more or less a documentary exposing the IPLB and it's cult-like teachings. I think even when the show with the Duggars was at it's apex, even then people with eyes could see that something wasn't quite right with them, how they were raising their kids, or their nutty Christian belief system. This documentary doesn't really explore that much more than what we've all come to learn about them already. What this documentary does explore is the IBLP and how influential it has become to so many families, and how the Duggars made it all look so normal. If anything, it's a great watch exposing another cult, and how so often organized religion is bent and warped in a way to keep people (primarily women and children) down while a precious few thrive at their expense. Good watch overall, just don't expect to learn much more about the Duggars than you already know though.
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This is why religion gets a bad name.
htttrh3 June 2023
This doc is a revelation but not a surprise. These types of people tarnish genuine religious entities out there. Jim Bob is excrement not a human who sold his whole family out. Gothard (head of the church) is also excrement and will burn south of heaven. It doesn't stop there.... The level of brainwashing and relinquishing of children to these predators is awful. Don't even get me started on Josh Duggar, we all know his story. This doc will blow your mind to the level of evil that lurks within. You will not find a morale compass anywhere within this doc other than the innocent victims that were brave enough to be interviewed for this doc. Watch this doc it's filling of disgusting evil people(I use that term loosely) this film will open your eyes and take you to the edge and it will leave you wondering who or what you can believe in.
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One of the scariest documentaries I've ever watched
serahserah7 March 2024
This is scary! The Handmaids tale but in reality and much more scary.

The "West" (USA & UK) forces focus on the "East" (Central and West Asia) highlighting how religious fundamentalism has no place in the government. What this documentary shows us is that it is in fact a long game of distraction being played out by religious fundamentalists in positions of power in the USA ruling class.

Considering this documentary only touches on one major cult leader and one family, it can't be forgotten there are many more families like the Duggers in the USA infiltrating places religion should play no part in whatsoever.

Religious fundamentalist/terrorist is the same regardless of religion.
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I Wish I Were More Surprised....
annlevtex6 June 2023
I watched the Duggar's show from time to time when its was airing. I always thought they had too many children, mostly because the older ones (particularly the girls) had to parent their siblings and did not have their own needs met. I always thought that Michelle's little baby voice was creepily childlike and submissive, that the children were almost certainly not getting a real education, and that by making sex and the body itself so taboo, they were just going to create problems.

So, when Josh Duggar was found to have molested his sisters and other girls, and then to have moved on to actual child pornography, I was somewhat surprised but not entirely shocked. Like one of the escapees interviews said, monsters are created. They taught him that women should submit to men and children to adults, then built a giant wall around the subject of sex to the point that he grew up with a warped view of it. They also used corporal punishment (I didn't know how bad it was, yikes). I'm not excusing him. The guy belongs in jail. But it is certainly largely his parents' fault that he ended up like this.

I just felt heartsick and angry on behalf of all of the people interviewed who had to live like that for so many years before escaping. Cults like this really do give religion a bad name. I know plenty of people who grew up in large families and/or religious households who were treated with respect and love and grew up to be happy, productive, decent adults. I also know people who were home schooled who got good educations and went on to go to college and be successful. Notably, they were always given social outlets through sports and other activities.

This movement is rotten on every level. And yes, that includes the political wing. Peaking behind that particular dark curtain was pretty disturbing. If a couple wants to have a large family, that's their choice. But it should be a choice, not a method of keeping women barefoot, pregnant and beneath the heels of their spouses and fathers.
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Biased but informative
nzuypq3 June 2023
Worth watching. I never watched the Duggar's and only knew what I saw about Josh in the news. I think the documentary felt disjointed at times, inserting biased points of view towards Christianity as a whole versus really examining this religious sect and their extreme takes. Sometimes the focus was clear, other times it would jut off into strictly opinion based info that didn't answer my questions as a viewer. I knew nothing of IBLP until now and it was informative in that regard. Overall entertaining just beware the bitter, godless shade thrown on biblical principles which were twisted by a creepy old man...
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So much of my childhood
kmary06223 June 2023
First, let me say my parents were not in this cult. And it is a cult. I thank God we didn't live in an area where my dad could be influenced by Bill Gothard because even without that influence I see so much of my conservative Christian upbringing in this documentary. It's scary but also makes me stronger because I know the path I've chosen for myself and my kids is so much better. I've been working so hard the past few years to come to terms with the trauma and insecurities from my conservative upbringing and I'm still battling that because I regularly have to deal with family, but this series spoke to me. I really identified with so many of the teachings the Duggar kids were raised with. It was like watching my high school and college years again and scares me because I have so many friends from youth who have strictly homeschooled their kids. But I'm so glad I've found myself.
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A lot of "huh" moments
tadnashgunz4 June 2023
The events detailed in this documentary are absolutely heartbroken and some border on exaggeration, a lot of the things presented as oppressive practices are in fact old testament laws, repackaged and dished out by a sociopathic pedophile capitalising on religious ignorance. There were twisted layers of doctrine and pure delusions of grandeur by a man who should have never amassed that level of power and impunity, he is representative of a religious crisis where people yearn for the truth, answers and understanding but instead fall prey to individuals like Gothard who have probably suffered religious abuse themselves and found a way to manifest their depraved fantasies hiding behind inaccurate interpretations of the bible, sadly some people's entire view of life has been completely stained by this lunatic and are dealing with a lot of trauma which will probably take years to recover from.
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Wow! Just wow.
cscott23313 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I knew almost 15 years ago there was something up with this family. I remember walking in my moms house and she was watching the duggars, I watched a few minutes and said,"this is all fake and creepy as hell! Who has 19 kids?? When 19 was born so early I figured she stood up a baby just fell out, since she was no more than a baby making factory for her husband. He thought it made him more powerful in the eyes of the cult. He who has the most kids wins ugh!! Well my mom said he works hard and get nothing from the state. Well okay, but he's literally making his preteen daughters raise kids because he can't get off his wife. GROSS! So he ruined all their lives. Slave labor, children raising children, and molestation. This all went on under his roof. He denies it over and over and his wife is right by his side. She's absolutely complicit in all this abuse. Watching her gaze at him while he talks makes me want to punch her. And that stupid sing song voice. Now to the cult. WHAT A MESS! But Let's be honest, I'd venture to say 99% of all cults turn men into predators and women into slaves. The power goes to the men goes to their heads and they think they deserve all of it. Him making almost $13 million off of that show and never helping his children says all you need to know about it. Him conning is daughter into the signing a five-year deal for another show let you know that he cared nothing about his family it was all about the money. And all about dominating his power over his wife, and I think the sex was him dominating her. She can't say no because she belongs to him! And he thought she should always be barefoot and pregnant. He. Is. A. SCUMBAG!!! I'm so happy to see some of his children flourishing. Coming into their own and figuring out who they are without a dictator. Strong women and I commend you! For all you've been though, speaking up and out and helping others with similar stories.
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The Hypocrisy of the Business of Christianity
lmurray-759953 June 2023
All you have to do is watch this series, as well as the docuseries about Hillsong Church either on Hulu or HBO Max, to understand that the men who formulated and run these so-called "religions" care nothing at all about the teachings of Jesus, about loving your neighbor, about kindness and a true generosity of spirit. They're in it for the power (especially over the women they exploit) and the vast sums of money they accrue from the idiots who tithe to their "churches."

Of course the very people who really do need to see this won't because they're not allowed to watch television or films that are critical of religion. All the kids are homeschooled so the church can drill their own propaganda into innocent young minds.
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Very Disturbing
stevelilhasz6 June 2023
After the second episode, I was unable to watch anymore. It is so vile in how children are treated by these adults.

The first episode did not contain much to be alarming. But, the second episode delved deeper into the headlines. Its when the preview of the 3rd episode was shown, I knew I could not watch any more of this show.

Anyone who has experienced abuse should be warned that this is a very intense show.

Given that, people should watch to learn the pain that was and is inflicted on members of this religion. It is not anything a family should expose their wives or children to.

This religious cult needs to held accountable.
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Good but biased
magpye-0633426 June 2023
Well I definitely believe what's going on in this family is wrong and it seems to be a huge problem with humans in general around the world. Sexual abuse against women and children is armpit. Once they started getting into the bigger picture they seemed to be a bit biased and pulling in political view points which I think is unnecessary. They make it seem like this Christian cult is infultrating the use government when that,in my opinion, just seems a bit far fetched. The political left has a much stronger hold on what's going on here. They're culture hold is much stronger. But other than that this documentary was good, and it is very sad to see extreme groups like this still exists. Cults are real! And sexually predators need to be dealt with!
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I lived this and now relived this
I've had such a hard time trying to explain how I was raise to people outside of this cult and this show has given me a way to explain my childhood which has helped me feel more understood.

I used to tell people that I grew up in a weird Christian cult but when I tried to describe how the cult was a cult, I felt like they were thinking I was making it up or exaggerating. They'd say things like, "okay, the girls had to wear long dresses and you were taught to obey your parents; that doesn't sound like a cult to me." It was frustrating and so I stopped trying to explain it.

I only wish it was longer because I know that it just scratched the surface. I know so many stories of terrible abuse in the name of "training up a child."

Thanks for making this documentary.
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