High Strung (2016) Poster


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Not bad at all once you get pass the fact that all the kids are annoying stereotypes
subxerogravity10 April 2016
High Strung was not the movie I planed to see, but the projector was broken on the movie I paid money for and I had limited options, so I gave it a try thinking the movie was this generation's version of Fame, but it looks and feels more like a spin-off of the Step-Up Franchise.

First off, I really need to vent on how ticked I was that they thought Romania was a good replacement for Manhattan. This vent is actually important to the film's content cause as unrealistic as it is to see young and poor college students living in a Loft that looks like it cost 500 dollars a minute to live in, it really annoys me that this is suppose to be the poor rough section of Manhattan. I would not want any upcoming dancers to see this movie filled with stock footage of New York Landscapes inter cut with Eastern European streets and be inspired to come to the city and find the same thing.

One of the lead characters named Johnny Blackwell is a Brit who was inspired to come to New York to be a violinist. This character was kind of lame. He was a pretty white boy with a chip on his soldier who wanted to bring the Violin into contemporary times, as if though no one has ever done that before, His Edgy attitude made no sense for a dude living in such a seller loft in Manhattan.

Maybe it was the Multi ethic dance troop he live above that ticked him off. These cats were living and breathing dance. The only character that did not annoy me when she first came on the screen was Johnny's love interest, a good girl ballerina similar to Julia Styles in Save the Last Dance, who is at an art school in Manhattan on a dance scholarship. They were smart to keep whatever background on the character short, because the little I knew the more I like.

Then came the point in the film when a "dangerous" street gang got into a break dance battle with a group of New York city Construction workers, and that's when I realized, I'm taking this movie far too seriously.

I realized that all I'm doing is watching a large dance recital being composed with string instruments, just like the recital at the end of the movie, which Johnny enters at the end of the film to use the cash money to stay in the country. Once I got that into my head I began to enjoy the movie for what it was.

It was fun to watch the dance numbers, this combination of ballet and modern dance, once again the concept is not original, but they had some cool dance routines going on.

I wish I could say that I loved the sting instrument part as much as I loved the dancing, but more so, I really respect that High Strung seemed to use more original composing than contemporary radio hits, which is far better.

So in the end, I could not help but to laugh out loud in my seat at the Archetype characters (They even had the spoiled little rich girl with dark hair who hated the blonde good girl and the preppy White dude who thought he was better than "street hood" white boy because he had money (did I mention Johnny has a cute little beauty mark on top of his puffy lips?), but the main focus is on the dancing mixed with the music, and that was enjoyable
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Artificial Art
timothyhilditch19 March 2022
A dance movie made with the idealistic teenagers in mind. The best line is "I just can't be perfect like her". With people looking manufactured as they perform in dance and play offs. The lines and scenes are so extreme in their perfection it feels parodied. You have the same theme of Ballet and Street dance combined which has been done before, this movie also combines the violin making visually appealing music and dancing. But the script made me laugh out loud so many times. You know dance just allows us express raw emotions which gives the audience a more enriched experience. Lol.
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A violinist meets a dancer: A love story.
Reno-Rangan4 December 2016
That's a freaky poster, but the film was good. You know there are dance flicks even worse than this, especially, it was once a trendy theme, but now nothing impressive. In that perspective, this film was a relief, a decently made film. So dance flick means people expect extraordinary moves and music, but in this, they had kept them simple. They did not press hard on either street dance or the classical dance. It was kind of fusion between them and in addition to that live music like mainly violin.

I don't know anybody from the cast or the director, but it does not look like a B movie/indie, because the production quality was excellent. Even the story was somewhat cliché, yet enjoyable, mainly for its around 90 minute narration. I mean being a short and a decent pace with the good performances and musics and dances, this film can be easily become a dance flick of the year.

The film is not just for youngsters, but for everyone. The matured contents like maintaining the decency from the dialogues to the pictures, nothing obscene in it. A perfect PG film, the majority would like it or not, but surely will be entertained. Having lots of good quality, I did not like it entirely. In some parts it looked just fake to me like in the real world kind. I would say watch it, but don't expect too much, especially twist or surprises. It's really a nice film.

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Nicely entertaining movie, violin and dance work well together.
TxMike17 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
My wife and I watched this at home on Netflix streaming. She is a ballet dancer on scholarship in NYC, he plays violin in the subway for handouts.

I didn't know who Keenan Kampa was before seeing this movie but afterwards I found out she not only has been dancing since very young, she has won many competitions and for a few years studied and excelled in ballet in Russia, a very difficult accomplishment for an American girl from Virginia. So she is primarily a dancer but very pretty and also an upcoming actress.

Here she is Ruby, not really sure of how good she is. One day in the subway as she heads home she encounters this young man playing violin for cash. It is clear that he is very accomplished but also angry. To add to his woes he has been giving cash to a man who says he is a lawyer and can get him a visa, but the lawyer's card is fake and the $5000 is gone.

The young man is Londoner Nicholas Galitzine as Johnnie. He comes around eventually and accepts Ruby's friendship, they perform together in a Strings and Dance competition.

Somewhat predictable story with many cliché' characters and situations but overall we enjoyed it, a nicely entertaining movie.
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Willing suspension of disbelief called for
RickManhattan1 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This feel-good, come-from-behind movie is refreshing and the two protagonists are attractive and appealing, while their antagonist is a jerk. If you presume the outcome will be positive the twists in the story are predictable but not shocking. The retrieval of the beloved violin at the very end evokes the memory of Johnnie's deceased father, about whom nothing is ever told. Since Galitzine is from a family of Russian aristocrats who fled to England after the Russian Revolution maybe the father could be famous, but who knows? The roommate Jasmine seems to be an afterthought, and why bother to have her involved with a druggie? Likewise the scam-lawyer immigration scam seems contrived, but it moves the story along.

It's a pity the film chose to perpetuate the '80s image of the New York City subway system, with graffiti-covered cars. New York MTA does not allow movies shot in the city to be depicted that way, and the subway scenes are patently not there. The illusion of New York is done pretty well, though, although the Inwood loft is not convincing because first of all those lofts do not exist in Inwood and second of all where they do exist the rents are beyond what an undocumented alien could afford. The Manhattan School of Music doubles pretty well as the Manhattan Conservatory of the Arts. Shooting the music and dance scenes in Bucharest must have saved a bundle, but it should have been done with New York studio performers. Johnnie does appear actually to be playing the violin himself, without simulation.
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A budgeted version of all the parts of step up
murtaza_kzl1 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I saw the trailer and it was of the genre i liked and so i thought, why not, let's give it a try. I knew going in that it would similar to all the dance movies that i have seen but boy oh boy i was disappointed. The lead male tries to play an angry guy but utterly fails. It is a big competition with 25 grand prize money and scholarship but only three teams enter it (sign me in the next one dude) :P Even in center stage turn it up we saw how big the competition was.... The room mate is very badly depicted. One minute she is continuously partying the next minute she is all redeemed after hearing that all we dancers do is dance, lol. I can write a better script than that guys. And the dance crew had no ambitions? It's like they were all sleeping and one day someone said you should enter this competition and they just accepted. I mean making a name for themselves shouldn't they be on the look out for these sort of events in the first place? And how does the lead actor even get the gig? I mean shouldn't it be university students only or such. Even step up had to show that the guy was spending his community service hours. And the crew did not go to the university either. The acting, the directing all of it sucks. You would do well to avoid this one. I assure you i am a fan of these dance movies and even i consider my time wasted by this one. Save the 96 minutes.
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Surprising Film
Yoyo7628 June 2016
What a gem of a film. I wasn't expecting much when I hit the 'Play' button, but as I kept watching, I was surprised at how good it turned out to be. It was predictable at times and yet I found myself still rooting for the main characters. Have you ever started watching a movie and during the opening credits, you start scrolling through your cell phone? That's what I did in the beginning. After hearing the music, I looked up, put my cell phone down and stared enjoying the scenery in the 1st few minutes. I was hooked after that. If you have seen a lot of dance movies (Step-up, Save the Last Dance, Stomp the Yard) I suggest you give this film a chance. It might surprise you, like it did me.
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Yaawwnnnn fest
Chxface21 May 2016
This is one of those movies that make you look at the cast & crew list to see if the actors and directors/producers are related because there is no way that his movie is actually good. At all.

As another review said, these "poor" dance school kids live in ridiculous lofts in Manhattan. I mean gorgeous. And even the ones with multiple teens living in them are spotless. Seriously, they would be cramped dark and filthy if this were true to form.

There's a scene with a West Side Story wannabe dance "fight". Even the subway platform that this took place on had floors so clean and shiny, there's no way anyone ever urinated on them. Smh.

The acting was atrocious, the music playing was truly horrifying at time. The only reason I am giving this 4 stars and not 1 is because I think the downstairs dancers were pretty good.

It was a really poor version of a compilation of Save the Last Dance, Step Up, and Stomp the Yard.

Final note: this may just be an homage to the fact the the main female character, ruby, can pull her leg past her head. Because she does that gratuitously and often. Ugh.
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Great music and great dancing
englchen7-346-2799442 October 2016
I don't know why this movie was not advertised and obviously only shown in a few theaters. We never heard of it and stumbled across it on Netflix and had to buy it online. The music in this movie excellent. It is beautiful composed and Johnnie really looses himself in the music. Johnnie plays the violin with a passion that is breathtaking. Ruby's dance is wonderful and she has that innocent Femme Fatale down pat. The dance off in the subway between two rivaling dance teams was unexpected, but I found them to be better dancers than the main dance team living below Johnnie. The final dance sequence is emotionally charged and one of the best I have ever seen. This movie can easily hold its own with any other dance movie our there. A must watch!
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Basically an extended music video
oldmrmablehall8 May 2018
You know how people say about musicals "oh, it's just a bunch of singing for no reason?" This is that, but dancing and violin.

First, the pros: The movie was visually very nice (except for the choice to include strobing lights, which people should really stop doing). The dance sequences were amazing and fun. The climax involved a plot point I didn't see coming. The characters of the hip hop group are great (especially Pop-Tart). The protagonist is likable. There's this whole Fame vibe going on with the Manhattan conservatory. Jane Seymour is in it.


Johnnie is terrible, and at no point did I want Ruby to end up with him. The movie wants to give us dark and brooding, but instead he either : 1. is outright rude to Ruby 2. Comes on EXTREMELY strong, in a very creepy way. They also have no chemistry. The lead dancer in the troupe, Hayward, has more chemistry with Ruby in the few minutes they're on screen together than Johnnie and Ruby do in the whole movie, to the point that I briefly rooted for Hayward and Ruby to kiss.

The dance sequences are all long and basically don't move the plot, at least one lacks explanation (although to some extent the inexplicability was something that kept me going). This movie has very little plot.

The whole plot with the roommate, Jazzy, is never really explained or settled (were we supposed to take that whole thing at face value? That ending felt way too neat, in real life there would definitely be an underlying reason why she did what she did). The movie couldn't quite keep up with the amount of characters it had.

There's a point where two women giggle and squeal and hit each other with pillows, which... look, I haven't met every woman in the world, but grown women who have just met usually don't behave this way.

Watch if you want to watch some really cool dancing, skip if you want to watch a movie for the plot.
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A little bit of uh-huh... But that's about it
vesil_vesalier28 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I managed to get through about a third of the movie before I felt that old, overwhelming glaze of "The Lifetime Movie" wash over the production, with its smiling, sunny "everything will be all right BECAUSE this is a Lifetime Movie" feeling completely ruining the flow.

Then the flow died. And I was left drudging through the remainder of the film, like a kid wading his boots through three feet of snow. Eventually, your legs just HURT.

Nicholas Galitzine is the only show-pony here, unfortunately with more potential than delivery (though I will confidently lay that at director Michael Damian's feet). Of all of the characters here, his was the most pulling.

I don't necessarily think that Keenan Kampa was phoning it in, but that's not a good thing in this kind of production. If your director insists on a soft delivery, it's best to get your punches in where you can, and Keenan never does. Her character does questionable things, has strange reactions to things that don't make sense to me (boy in question did not jump at your offer, soÂ… I guess that means you're not friends anymore?). Only the scene with Paul Freeman (he was Belloq in RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK) was one of near-perfection, where he has an almost intimate moment with the perfection of her dance, and that literally is my favorite scene of the movie. It even had Nicholas peering in through the window to illustrate its breathtaking brilliance.

I did enjoy the performance scenes, except for the battling dance crews in the subway. That part seemed to detract from the overall story, as the main characters were deleted in order to show off the abilities of the supportive friends that would later help define the final act. I get the ideaÂ… You need to set them up to deliver the final blowÂ… But I think the final blow would have been all the more powerful if it were done from a bunch of dancers who practiced regularly in an apartment and never showed it outside than a group who showed it and won in a subway street-fight. Losers becoming winners is ALWAYS more impressive than winners who keep on winning.

Lastly, Sonoya Mizuno (Keenan's room-mate) just had no impact on me whatsoever. She is part of the reason why the production sang of "Lifetime Movie" instead of "Hollywood film". From the smiling, automatic friendship (just because they're room-mates) to the forced artificial relationship problems (and forced fake-fight between her and Keenan), she brought nothing to the screen except sex appeal. AndÂ… I guess that's fine, on some level? But she was never defined any further than eye-candy. You could have had Keenan live alone and the movie would be exactly the same as it was.

I suppose I should mention Jane Seymour at some point, but she didn't do nearly enough to impress me as Paul Freeman did. If you're going to do a role because you're getting up there in years (and believe me I have NOTHING but sympathy for that), you should at least have that one scene in the movie that tells the audience who you are. When Paul and Keenan have that scene involving her impressive positioning, it felt like the teacher and the student, OUTSIDE of the story-line, a great actor handing down his knowledge to a younger, less experienced one. Jane never had a moment like that. And that is a shame.

Overall I did not enjoy this movie. I am a person who likes stakes, likes edge. This movie had none of it. Potential all around, and a few good scenes (the payoff at the end also worked for me), but overall just another Sunday on television when you're too tired to pay real attention to what you're watching, and won't remember much about it anyway a week from now.
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Classic Underdog Story with 'Refreshments'!!!
mariana-dineva1417 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This was a surprisingly interesting movie with beautiful dancing and music playing, which (music playing) I have been solely missing in other such movies. It is the classic underdog story but with new and fresh moments. The violin was amazing and the movie's ballet-oriented dancing delightful and strong. Of course the boy-meets-girl-and-they-fall-in-love cliché was present but no major "tragedy" between the main leads was portrayed right before 'the decisive moment', and that was both refreshing and much appreciated. Additionally, there was no big drama around joining the competition and the crew did not fight.

The final dance was astonishing, so beautiful for both the eyes and the ears, I was at a loss of words!!!
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Don't expect too much from this movie
huhtaro-6307426 February 2021
Boring, intuitive and repetitive. You can predict events, except for some scenes of playing and dancing, nothing worth wasting time on this movie
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Predictable and Inspiring
duvernetphotography19 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This is a well worn genre and story line. There have been many other dance movies with the same set up. Unlike others, the main dance character played by Keenan Kampa is the real deal. Unlike Flashdance, in which the climactic dance scene actually too three different people to pull off (a male hip hop dancer, an Olympic gymnast and a dancer), Keenan is the real deal. That's what made the movie for me. The Brit is a heavy character played weakly, Keenan's delivery is a bit too soft and sweet and there is certainly no Black Swan drama. Nonetheless, I feel the artistry, I connected with the desire to be different in a world expecting compliance and the final competition scene is worth the wait. The music is great and the dancing wonderful. There is no doubt, this movie is playing to a main stream audience. It is careful to avoid anything too cruel, rude or violent. So what, I enjoyed to scenery, the dancing and the music. Be inspired even if it is predictable.
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Joyful and Inspiring
jojami-729-7731275 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Thank goodness someone finally made a dance film that fits the bill as entertaining, artsy and family friendly. The two leads (Keenan Kampa and Nicholas Galitzine) are new comers to Hollywood but they do a wonderful job, have amazing chemistry and are certainly attractive to gaze at! I especially enjoyed all the twists and turns of the plot but the dance is what really shines in this film! There are numerous styles of dance from Hip Hop to Tango, Irish Dance and Ballet. It is rare that a movie can capture dance but the scenes are brilliantly edited and directed so that you feel emotionally connected. The original score is an integral part of this movie and it weaves it's way through the film in a seamless blend of classical and current music. The final dance scene will have you cheering and crying while you are on the edge of your seat! I was really surprised that even my husband flipped over this film. If you want to see a wonderful "feel good" movie that is appropriate for the entire family, you will be in for a treat with High Strung!
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Why I recommend you to watch this *-* Warning: Spoilers
This is by far the best movie I watched this year, and I've watched a lot! The acting isn't really satisfying since they seem acting; the main actress and few of the sub-actors aren't really fluent (speaking of acting here).

Now,the plot is good, little bit predictable, but very good for a romance-drama-musical movie. At the beginning, the movie seemed familiar and I almost stopped watching it, but the main actor is just cute *-* and after around 30 minutes, some twists appeared, and it became really interesting to watch. The pop dance steps, the violin musics and the ballerina swings were all good, original and different since the main instrument is the violin.

I rated it by 9 stars because after the magnificent last performance, I wished they lost to change the routine of THE MAIN CHARACTERS ALWAYS WIN, but they didn't, and they won. Surprisingly, and as much as it was expected to see them win, I was so happy when they were announced as winners. It is what the end made me feel that made me rate it by 9 stars. You will enjoy watching it, if you're the type who likes fluffy cute stuff. PS: it is the material you would watch with your family, it has only few kissing scenes.
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It delivers the fun anyway.
gorkem-bir22 September 2016
There is obviously a lack of emphasis here. However, it is one of those fast paced movies and the producers also aware of the fact that the movie could easily be reputed as such a cliché. So they don't give hard time to the audience and directly delivers the story. Most of the time I enjoyed it, and recommend everyone who isn't only the fan of the unique, must seen movies.

We have got to know that not every movie is made to become a masterpiece.Besides, critical minds can easily detect the flaws and decide not to see the whole of it by watching the trailer.

Those who want to get some good vibes from a cheesy movie. Don't miss it.
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Music & Dancing is incredible!
stefaniedonaghy15 January 2018
I am a sucker for a good dance movie, and in my opinion, this falls into that category. Is it cheesy and predictable? Yes, but not quite as cheesy and predictable as some. The acting was decent, but the violin playing and dancing was fantastic! The last dance movie I enjoyed this much was Center Stage back in 2000. If you liked Center Stage, you'll like High Strung!
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An Averaage IMDB Rating of 6.5???
kraveheart20 March 2018
Did anyone who shared a rating watch this movie? This was by far the best Music based movie I have seen. The leads were spot on and the music fantastic. The ending performance totally blew me away. If you like music and or dance, don't miss this one if you can find it. Bravo indeed.
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Glad I hung in there
xpamtn18 August 2020
At first I wasn't sure about this movie. The story took a while to catch on but after that I really enjoyed the music and the dancing. The last scene is worth a second viewing just to catch all that is going on.

Overall, great music, great dancing, acting is OK. If you want a feel good movie- this is it.
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Ballet dancer Ruby and hip-hop violinist Johnny cross each other's lives by accident which leads to dramatic series of events.
emiliecox23 December 2016
Full of drama, tension, romance and talent, this film has given me shivers from the very beginning. I have never fell more in love with the characters then in this movie. The actors did not have much experience which is what I have concluded my research to. But during their acts in the film, they have not even given me the hint that they weren't. The hip-hop violin theme that is represented is very original and gives a complete different image of classical arts. As the two themes combine (classical and hip-hop), the story fills itself up with tension and talent. I do hope for those actors, musicians and actors greatness in their futures as they deserve it.
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teen_gurl_angel6 March 2017
I love this movie because it was very emotional, insightful and inspiring. There are no words that can explain the music and the dancing sure it is not Step Up, Take the lead, Center stage, Street Dance or other big movie hits but, it is different and unique. This movie is worth watching just for what it is.
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Absolutely stunned
d-4821310 February 2019
The storyline is of course pretty predictable, no real surprises. But the music and the coreography makes up for that. The moves, the dedication, the power and the emotions are all one of a kind and because of that this movie had me fully glued to the screen until the last second. I very much suggest you all to give it a chance!
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Truly An Epic
kent-liles9 September 2018
This movie is a spectacular piece of what expressionism is when trying to display your passion through music, dance, and other commodities such as writing, and art. It's an underrated piece, for it speaks in volumes how we as a whole need to find our passion, and let it burst out into much color and vigor from the depth of how we feel inside. I believe that this was something many can't understand since most are only worried about the repition of staying the same as everyone else by leading a dull life in their comfort zone. The film wasn't perfect, but the characters were extraordinary. So what if it's cliche? So what if it's almost like a music video? Isn't this what is supposed to give us passion and live different lives is to break the cycle and become abstract than everyone else? If so, then many of us should re think deeply what it is we want to do so that we can inspire others to do the same, just as this story did. Please watch this, for it gives an epic on romance.
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Wonderfully Surprised
francesca_nicole41319 September 2021
This movie showed up in my queue after I binged the Centerstage trilogy and am so surprised! Story and music were great, acting was good and the icing on top was the writer and producer, Michael Damien who is best known for his role on Y&R. Loved his little cameo in the subway 😉 I will definitely watch it again...and again...and again!!!
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