American Housewife (TV Series 2016–2021) Poster


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It used to be 10/10...
nmckenna-9888712 February 2021
This show used to be SO GOOD but then they replaced ana-kat and angela and dolores and they're making taylor smart for some reason and just none of this works. Such a shame. I went from looking forward to watching this every week to barely getting through an episode.
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Season 5 is painful
mcinglett19 February 2021
My daughter and I have loved watching this series together, but season 5 has been really hard to watch. The change of Anna-Kat (though not their decision) has been hard, but losing Angela and Dorris... I don't think we realized how much these characters ment to the show. I like Holly Robinson Peet, but I feel like the show lost some of its shine. Hopefully they can reign it back in.
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Its a comedy not a pbs production!
scooterbrig3 May 2018
People seem to have lost their sense of humor... everything doesn't have to have some kind of lesson... Learn to laugh again.... Love this show... Stop being so serious all the time.. Some times you have to lighten up and just laugh...
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loving it
marig-4917017 October 2016
this show is great! It points out the humor and absurdity to suburban life. Some people get their drawers wadded up when you make references to Stepford wives or soccer moms. I've been the suburban soccer mom. I don't get my feelings hurt. It is incredibly funny to see caricatures of what I saw every day at scouts, church, pta, etc. Don't be so sensitive people. This is a hilarious look with exaggerations for humor. It's not meant to attack you or your American way of life. This show is fun. If you see yourself a little bit in there, laugh some more. No this woman isn't fat but she FEELS it based on images she sees and the women killing themselves with the diet and the leisure apparel day and night. And face it, society says size 6 is fat. So for her, she's reflecting what many women in the country are seeing, the reality of today, but with humor. The show points out that she and her husband have a healthy relationship and he helps her deal with body image by appreciating HER. and that happens every day in real life too.
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Former Fan
valeriematsumoto5 February 2021
I loved the first 3 seasons. I was starting to lose interest mid-season 4 but season 5 has lost me completely. I understand diversity but it's almost offensive to replace an African American actress and an Asian American actress with the exact same race in the exact same supporting role. It feels like they are trying too hard to be politically correct at the expense of keeping a realistic story line. The recast of Ana-Kat has also fallen seriously flat. Ghiselle Eisenberg is an excellent little actress but she's an odd fit for this particular sitcom.
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wescoand12 October 2018
I find this show quite entertaining! I do not think it is all negativity, unlike other reviewers. Katie expresses how ridiculous the upper class can be with elaborate spending and seemingly oblivious disregard for the working class. It is obviously over exaggerated in many ways but I find it captivating and amusing.
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Stop changing
loongclaw16 February 2021
The show hasn't been the same since season 5.(Actually season 4 isn't that great either.)

First they replaced Anna-Kat, who's the most interesting role in the show. Cute, witty, mature,a little evil, etc, she had it all. And now she's just anther kid in a family show. Ghiselle Eisenberg's Anna-Kat is good but Julia Butters' Anna-Kat was top-notch.(Sometimes I think she's the best in this show, )

Then Angela and Doris are replaced by two EXACT characters,{seriously what's up with that?} Holly Robinson Peete and Jake Choi are great, and I can see the effort they put in to build their characters, but It's hard to image second breakfast with strange faces. And it's lazy for the show to simply replace Angla and Doris, they should groom other characters such as Maria or Viv to join the second breakfast, it'd be less awkward.

Besides that, Katie has changed too much,(She's still a mother, right?) and it feels like Taylor is about to dump Trip for the T.A... please don't do that.

Maybe it's better to cancel this show before it's completely ruined,just saying.
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Hey mom, you are not going to believe this, but YOU are being characterized on TV's new sitcom "American Housewife"
Ed-Shullivan11 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Well the pilot episode was just aired and I must say that the story line about a slightly overweight mother and her husband raising three children in the suburbs of Westport Conneticut will resonate with a lot of household families. Actress Katy Mixon who just came off six seasons of the successful sitcom Mike and Molly plays mom Katie Otto, who feels a bit uncomfortable in what she feels is her over sized body compared to all the neighborhood school moms who remind her of the perfect Stepford wives. Now Katie's husband Greg, played by Diedrich Bader is just your normal dad who enjoys his morning read on the bathroom throne with a cup of java. Greg doesn't think Katie is as fat as Katie thinks she is. Nor does Greg think that two (2) of his three (3) kids are a bit weird, but Katie sure does.

Fat Pam is Katie's neighbor from across the street and she is moving which will leave Katie as the second fattest mom in her neighborhood. Katie convinces her husband Greg that he has to help her find a heavy woman to buy the house across the street so she won't be looked upon as the fattest mom in the neighborhood and she can feel better about herself. But common sense prevails and Katie ends up eventually having to welcome another Stepford looking wife to the neighborhood named Viv, played by Leslie Bibb. The initial interaction between Viv and Katie one could imagine it would not be exactly a warm welcome and thus we have the making of a new sitcom.

Katie and Greg are the proud parents of two daughters and one son. Their son Oliver's ambition is to be the next Warren Buffet but I don't think that Katie and Greg have the heart to tell their son that they actually are just renting the house they live in. Their younger daughter a cutey patootie named Anna-Kat is scared of germs and shows sign of having an obsessive compulsive disorder. Their older daughter Taylor fits right in the neighborhood with all the slim good looking girls and Katie resents that Taylor may grow up as just another plastic Stepford type wife, shallow but beautifully slim.

What I really like about this new sitcom is there is no "canned laughter" barreling at the audience during and after every conversation the family may have. The laughter will have to be earned and they earned my laughter during the first episode. This family themed comedy format has a good chance of becoming a weekly "must see" as we the audience get to know the personalities of Katie, Greg their three children Oliver, Anna-Kat, Taylor and their new neighbor Viv. I look forward to future episodes of American Housewife.

I give the pilot an 8 out of 10 rating.
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Should have stopped at 4
kanjeep19 April 2022
This was a really enjoyable show up to season 4. Season 5 just seems like a bunch of work agenda hacks trying to force things. Really miss Julia Butters as AnnaKat and the writing got lazy.
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Every time I watch it just gets better
chrisdye-3186715 December 2016
OK yea I am a family comedy junkie and I love this show and speechless equally though I have to say while Katie mixion was the only selling point for me at first I thought she was all I was going to enjoy from the trailer but I have fallen in love with the family kind of yes it's not really new but it is great.yes I get abc aring two family comedies too close to each other could be a problem but not here it's perfection like I Sayed it's not new just great my favorite part actually isn't even Katie . much to my surprise. It's the youngest daughter Anna Kat that has me in stitches every time I watch but the whole family is lovable and the adorable Katie mixion is just as sweet as always gotta love the show
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What it's become
xander895 December 2020
This show use to be really funny. It had a great story line with plenty of jokes and an interesting cast. Now it's become quite awful and honestly hard to watch. It seems like all the characters have become plain annoying. The shows plot has no sense of direction with seemingly no direction. To top all of this mess of a show, is the replacement of a main character Annakat. Who is not at all like the original character. ABC should do themselves a favor and cancel this show.
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Great show!
jenniferpitt7110 June 2018
I love this show and the cast! Hilarious and fun to watch. I was so happy that it was renewed for season 3!
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Overwritten but potentially good
basildave3 November 2018
First off, full disclosure, I met Diedrich Bader in London last summer and he made me promise I would watch the show! He is a really nice guy and he and his family were very decent to take a picture of him with me and my family.

I haven't yet watched an episode this season (2018) but last season I watched a couple. I found the premise to be excellent. Anyone who's lived in an "upscale" American bedroom community can probably relate. I wasn't as fixated on Katy MIxon's appearance as much as her character appears to be. While I'm not skinny, we all have our prejudices regarding overweight people but I think it's overemphasized in the writing. The other thing I noticed as well was that the jokes are pounded out with an almost rhythmic frequency. So the comedic timing that is really based on the actor's skill and experience is somewhat lost. Bader is a talented comedic actor and he seems squashed in this series, almost like he's rushing to get through the firehose like gush of jokes they write. I think more could be said with less words in the series. BTW, the jokes aren't bad but they come at such a quick pace it rings a little untrue. In my opinion it has a little bit more authentic a feel when you see the actor ponder a little bit before making the joke instead of having a breathless 50 joke back and forth exchange.

One other complaint, ABC doesn't seem to let Comcast play past seasons or episodes (without paying extra) so it's hard to jump on a series in the middle and just feel comfortable with all the characters and writing (assuming that maybe there are some episodes that don't follow the same styles).
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What happened?
fcpvuevyq17 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This used to be my favourite show. But what happened to Katie's character? She used to be funny, likeable, relatable (as a mom) in the earlier seasons. But now she's irresponsible, unlikeable, pushy and basically just a bad parent, she causes more problems for her kids. If you took her out of the show, everything would actually improve. That's how bad it has become. She went from hero to villain somewhere in Season 4. Getting her kids in trouble, encouraging them to do dangerous activities, forcing them to commit vandalism.... WTF? And this Mommy Vlog of hers, it's awful. She has a marketing degree and her kids are older, yes the show is called American HOUSEWIFE but isn't there a better way she can "work from home" doing something she is qualified to do? The entire Vlog story line is so cringe worthy. Please give Katie back some redeemable qualities, right now my favourite characters are EVERYBODY ELSE and I would probably enjoy it more if it was a show about a single dad raising 3 kids and their kooky friends. You could rename it Professor Badonkadonk and I'd be glued to my NEW favourite show.
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only watched for katie at first
chrisdye-7881712 October 2016
the whole thing that excited me for this show at first was the leading mother i think miss katie is hilarious let along beautiful but it turned out i got so much more from it then i ever expected too its an all around good show i laughed out loud a lot during the premiere if this keeps up it should be yet another hit for the folcks at abc i love how miss katie has such sass and is yet so sweet and charming the youngest daughter is hilarious too and a total sweetheart i say give this new family a try u might bge surprised by what u find 'no its nothing new just something lovable' warning though' there's talk of the boob fairy coming to see a teen girl and a conversation about the same girls period' but aside from that the shows wonderful i love it cant wait for more to come
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Awesome show
gladysmutie31 January 2020
This sitcom is great. I started watching it because of Katie but ended up loving it.
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American Housewife: Certainly Not as Good as Other Comedies Out There, But It Does What It's Supposed To--Make Me Laugh!
aaronredis24 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Let's get one thing out of the way: "American Housewife" certainly isn't the best comedy out there, especially when compared to other ABC comedies.

That said, it isn't bad. It's just . . . ok! It makes me laugh, which is what I set out to do when I watch a show like this.

What I do like is how it keeps it real, which is funny to see! It's fun and quirky but the characters also feel like ordinary people you'll see and encounter in day-to-day life. The basic storyline alone is relatable, and if that's what people are looking for, I don't think they'll be disappointed here.

The funny thing is, actually, it's normal people trying to assimilate in a richer, higher class, which can make the situation even more relatable and enjoyable for middle-class people, which will most likely be those who are watching this . . . like me! They stumble their way through the community, and it's quite fun to see what comes of it -- the funny remarks about those who are richer and, as what will be seen as here, maybe even "snobby."

The thing is, though, when compared to other comedies out there, something is just missing here. I'm not sure what the missing puzzle exactly is, but it's something that's much easier for other shows. Perhaps it's because this story has been done before and maybe even done better. But that's okay. The bigger picture: the show works! It makes me laugh.

All in all, it's quirky, it's relatable, it's funny. It does the trick. I give "American Housewife" a 7.3/10.
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A fun parody and comedy!
mindymoolaska8 March 2019
I absolutely love this show! I can't wait for Hulu to put up the new episode every week. Honestly don't understand why people are so critical of it. ( One user mentioned reality of 'public' high school use.) It isn't Meant to be wholly factual or give a documentary like feel.

The show is highly entertaining and highlights real life personality/ faulty perceptions one may have. It should be watched in the way it was intended... As a way to just relax and laugh.
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A Suburban Sitcom That's Not For Everyone.
atlasmb13 October 2016
"American Housewife" is a sitcom starring Katy Mixon (Katie Otto) as the titular housewife whose cynicism pervades every scene. Although she is attractive and sexy in my estimation, the character focuses on her weight, comparing herself to the exercise-and-diet housewives that populate Westport, CT, where her family rents because of the superior school system.

"Suburgatory" did it better. So did "Odd Mom Out", but this series attempts to make hay from Katie's observations about the shallow values of those around her. Unfortunately, Katie is hypocritical She wants to be "not fat", but her eating habits say otherwise. She criticizes the lean physiques of her neighbors, but really envies them. We can forgive the fact that she's hypocritical, but she's also mean, sometimes to her own children.

One daughter suffers from OCD, (Dad-induced) germophobia and other assorted personality disorders. The other hangs out with the shallow children of the shallow neighbors. And her son, who is Alex P. Keaton reincarnate, already has life goals that involve making plenty of money.

Oliver, the son, runs rings around his mother intellectually. She wants to turn him into an altruist (because we all know capitalists are never altruists, right?), but she has difficulty making arguments for her beliefs in the face of his comprehensive belief system. He points out how happy he made someone in one of his money making schemes and she realizes he has a point.

In some comedies, you laugh AT the lead character ("All in the Family") and in others you laugh WITH the protagonist ("Seinfeld"), and I think the audience for this show may consists of equal parts of each. Katie is part Leah Remini and part Roseanne Barr, but we mostly laugh WITH those two comedy greats.

In some ways, the show is non-PC, allowing Katie to take shots at many social "norms", but her two best friends are a black lesbian and an Asian woman. And she is clearly left-leaning. The result is an interesting mix.

Her husband, Greg (Diedrich Bader)--like most sitcom husbands--is primarily fodder for her jokes, but he does serve to offset some of Katie's neurotic behaviors (as she does for him).

Despite the fact Katie is sometimes mean to her children and sometimes lies to them, I think some American housewives will identify with her and find laughs in the dialogue. Personally, I only laughed once during the pilot episode, but it was a good one.

There are better shows, but this might tickle the funny bones of some viewers.
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A hilarious satire on upper class and parenting
trzecilisc5 March 2019
The Ottos are the poorest family in town and not really Instagram material. Dumb, greedy, malicious or OCD prone - each Otto has his or her quirky way. Still compared with their rich and glam neighbours they are strikingly good people. Perhaps it's all Katie the mom's doing - her parenting style might be eccentric (to say the least), but it works wonders. I highly recommend this show as it is both hilarious and moving. Food for thought for the modern society.
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Katy's Character is HORRIBLE !!!!
jennfinn5 November 2022
Why does EVERY SINGLE comedy have to have an annoying OTT female character (Leslie Knope, Liz Lemon, Pam Beasley, etc.) who is completely selfish and unlikable.

I usually enjoy Katy Mixon but in American Housewife she is so judgmental and a bully to her family and everyone else around her. Diedrich Bader is fun to watch as the goofy and extremely patient husband. The kids are actually enjoyable which is surprising because I find most kids annoying on shows.

Ali Wong is an absolute joy in everything she appears in and I love her as Doris. I've never seen Carly Hughes in anything before but she is delightful as Angela.
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Loving this
toohot6628 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
How can you not love this? It makes fun of everybody who's seemingly perfect. And I'm guessing those who strive to be like that are the ones who's having difficulties with this show. Don't get me wrong - I'd love to look perfect too - but looking perfect and looking down on every one who's not distorts that perfectness and makes it dirty. Katy is a full grown woman who's given birth to several people, who's living in a loving home, who's desired by her husband and doesn't feel like drinking kale and denying herself food and cookies to look like a stick insect.It's not about healthy or unhealthy - it's about how SHE feels. She feels fat next to the skinny mums. She feel their condemnation and she's not wrong. They are looking down on her. So she defends herself by thinking negative thoughts about them. All very human and how we women are. Women are masters of the art of putting other women down. She tries to teach her kids values and give them direction. I loved that she had them pick up garbage by the road. Cruel punishment - nah. In my country all the kids have to pick litter off the street and schools to clean up before and after our independence day celebrations - no one's died of shame yet.

I'm only done with episode three - and I'm looking forward to each and every episode to come.
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Westport? More like Sausalito or Malibu
Dream0013-11 December 2018
The creators/writers know literally nothing about Westport, CT. Case and point: rich kids don't go to public school. They go to Greens Farms Academy. Y'all clearly put zero time into research.

But the show is funny at times, so it's an enjoyable watch.
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Was great!
sheiladodd14 February 2021
This was the best show but first lost Anna-Kat now Angela and Doris. It is just not funny without Katie's friends. The two new ones don't even compare!!
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Maybe not for people without kids.
ladyinblack3262 March 2019
So yeah I have 3 kids and it's hard. I think people don't get that. I would kill for a nap, kill. Husbands are clueless. I know times are changing but it's hard being a mom. Our kids are in public school but even there others have nannies and help, or at least parents who watch the kids. Some of my best mom friends are beautiful bombshells. And I will admit I have envy, when do they have time. Obviously while im sitting here binge watching tv right.

I think it's fun to see her thinking things I think most everyone does. People are seeing negativity but I don't think it's always suppose to be that way. Feeling "fat" doesn't always mean fat just inadequate.

She does seem to hate everyone else though that's a bit much.
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