Anthem (Video Game 2019) Poster

(2019 Video Game)

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Has potential, shame it's repetitive
slmcorrigan2 March 2019
For a casually, fill an hour gap in your day. Let's do a mission or two. This game is ok. Maybe that's what BioWare was aiming for. But if you're looking for anything else in you're games, I'd keep a wide birth of Anthem.

Every part of this game seems to have potential but then something just ruins it.

1. Flying is really fun. Except you have to fly to every single mission across really annoying terrain. Then fly to the next part of the mission across really annoying terrain and then.... you get my point. With the overheating aspect it just makes flying a tedious task and no longer fun.

2. Story was just getting started. The story is quite bland but the characters are interesting. Shame the story ends just as it feels worth playing. You finally get through the grind and repetitive missions for something so built up you're starting to enjoy them and then it's just oh so that was it.

3. The game is to updated from players feedback. That's all good for bugs and glitches maybe, even game mechanics but, the 'teaser' they give for 'Act 2' (why they have split the story up to be released over patch's and updates is beyond me, I'm not sure how the player feedback is going to help with that - unless we're writing the story for them or it's just a ploy in thoughts that it will keep players playing) is just, yeah and....? I just felt so disapppinted with it, I just lost all interest in the characters and world. I'd happily watch from Fort Tarsis and do nothing about it.

4. The characters Can potentially be well rounded and lovable. If you excuse the lack luster interactions between your character and them, where they basically talk at you and won't decide anything for themselves without your input about what exactly to do, they feel really well rounded in ways. The fact that the characters all have their own quirks and individuality makes the fact that you can't really do anything beyond listen to them, means you feel like you can't create a friendship (or anything more) with any of them. Making your interactions feel more like a therapy sim then anything else.

I have other things I could say but this is already getting too long. Overall maybe try this game in a few years when it's been updated a few times but for now. Not worth the price tag or time.
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Needs work...
samurai_ktm27 February 2019
Great gameplay smooth graphics interesting story but needs a couple tweeks: Stop dropping servers in the middle of missions...biggest gripe Stop nerfing drops Add options so players can play again with randoms within the game Allow players to select a javelin without having to go through the forge screen Load screens ok, a bit long but worth it, shorter would be better but when is that not true. Javelin activation screens always seem to stop early then go to load screens.
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A Disappointment....
thomasap_0216 February 2020
I had such high hopes for this game and when the first trailer dropped. It looked amazing:the graphics, the gameplay, the mechanics put into the game, being able to fly around like Iron man, all of it looked amazing. I knew that EA had been having some difficulties with past games, but I figured I would give them a chance with Anthem. When the beta came out the game was great, it was laggy as expected, but it was still great. But when I got the full game on release day, it took me less than 24 hours to finish the game, and then it got boring quick. And the open world of Anthem wasn't that great either. It was so much smaller in game than it appeared in the trailers.
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Mass Effect died for this. Was it worth it ? (April Update at the end)
angiris28 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
No. And I'll explain why whilst containing my frustration with this developers apparent downfall no matter their claims that they'll be okay.

-The Good: Love the mechs. Love the concept. I appreciate all the game could've been. Fantastic looking combat and mobility. The premise of combining multiplayer and singleplayer aspects whilst containing a bioware style soul is a very fascinating idea. But...

Thats unfortunately only a dream.

-The Bad: Everything... else. And I'm not gonna bother crediting graphics btw because all games these days from Tripple A devs look good so who freaking cares anymore.... Gameplay > Graphics.

Anthem does not have the soul we were promised from a classic Bioware singleplayer RPG. Its generic, boring, lifeless. Bioware / EA LIED about how much you could do in the game as well. Head right on back and listen to the developer interviews on youtube. Meaningful decisions? Nope. Intereactive gameplay with friends? Nope. NPC's are as baseline as it gets and if you play with friends in this game wont wont progress the same way you do.

The main hub is dead and bland. You have zero impact on the story. You have zero impact on any characters. There is zero interesting RPG elements to explore such as dialog, branching paths, relationships, etc. We knew about the relationships ahead of time sure but does that make it any better? No. Its a dumb move and when the rest of the game is so lacking it just stings even more.

It's so unbelivably baseline that I can barely believe its a Bioware game. This is a game that ME Andromeda got canned for. Mid development of Andromeda many devs were pulled off that game in favour of Anthem. And while I pushed through Andromeda and loved it after patches and mods, (mega fan) I am absolutely disgusted with Anthem.

I'm infuriated that the game that got so much trouble, horrible release, lacking story, troubled writing and so much more was sacrificed in favour of a game that now launches in an even worse and downgraded state. I still recall the articles about how Bioware doubles down on Anthem.

What? How? The game has less than Andromeda had. It has LESS than Fallout 76 has. How is that even possible?

Anthem is the most basic looter shooter you can imagine. Its not an RPG either for reasons I've already explained. The game doesn't even have a stats menu for christs sake. What game about loot, stats, percentage managing doesn't have a stat menu...? Exactly. NONE. Because thats unthinkably bad to not let your player understand how much of X value you have and how to get more.

Anthem offers you jack other than 4 Javlin suits, lots of paint jobs, bare gun variety, zero cool loot on release.

Bioware is dead in my book until they release something that lives up to their reputation. I didn't believe that after ME 3. I didn't believe that after Inquisition. I DIDN'T believe that after Andromeda. Because I'm a bloody mega fan ever since Dragon Age Origins & Kotor.

My best childhood gaming memories come from Kotor Jedi training areas with this music that makes me nostalgic and emotional to this day.

And as much as I want to hope... to dream that Bioware that made this is still around its just not true. A game developer is first and foremost its individual men and women that work to make the product grand and memorable. If these fine men and women that dedicate their time, blood, sweat and tears. Hell, even sharing their very soul with this work of art... if these people leave the company, the company suffers for it.

We've heard time and time again for developer leave Bioware. Casey Hudson left. During Anthem's development of last year we heard the lead writer Drew also quit. Sure we were promised all was okay. But now that the game is released does that promise hold any value? Seeing how baseline and empty the story and world feels I'd argue "no"

I'm sad andI'm angry, by merely imagining that this might be Bioware's last big game. To think that we'll never see Dragon Age again... or Mass Effect since thats on ice now which is just adding insult to injury since they could've done everything in their power to prevent that from happening. EA literally killed their own game by moving devs mid development, and now they are doing it again with Anthem. ( Update, they were in pre-production for 6 years out of 7. Game was pieced together in just over 1 year and the E3 trailer was 100 % fake. None of it existed)

Its such a repulsing thought that I can't even fathom how a gaming world without Bioware might be as a mega fan of their games and themselves as a developer. (Old Bioware anyway) Maybe theyll come back strong and redeem themselves with Dragon Age 4!

But I'm not holding my breath, nor do I even expect that to happen anymore after seeing the developer, renown for its amazing RPG mechanics and incomparable stories, come up with a game like Anthem which's design decisions are the very antithesis of what what a Bioware game truly is.

The game is boring. Its generic. You run, you jump, you shoot, have a bit of fun only you dont even get good rewards for any of it.

There's no interesting story here. The cinematics are full of lies and PR. Huge grand battle which we dont ever come close to see an in-game version of. Walking mega mechs except they dont ever move in the actual game. And dont even get me started on the graphical downgrade. I mean good god the game doesn't have do god rays right, let alone simple sunshine which we have modded in to help improve games like skyrim. A game thats 8 years old.

And as if these things weren't meh enough then you better get ready. Because thisis to be followed up by boring loot, minimal variation, huge lack of meaningful stat upgrades + equip bonuses to guns. Not to mention horrible loading screens. And ofc... the thing good game needs that is about collecting loot.

A character menu of which to show inventory and equipment slots to allow the player to outfit him/herself with new gear.

Except thats not here either as such. You get loot and then head back to base through what feeels like a lifetime of loading screens, equip your stuff only to realize not much happened because the loot is very unoptimized to the extent Legendaries dont even blow you away as they should. We all remember Jarrah's Wrath. Heh. The representation of the gun in that E3 trailer isn't even how you get the stuff in the actual game. It was pure PR and lies.

So you equip your stuff, and then proceed to get back out in the world but first you gotta deal with a few more loading screens of course because Anthem needs to remind you of the fatal error you made buying this game by forcing you to get so mad you'll end up on the brink of smashing your keyboard due to this horrid way of waiting... and waiting. Which you'll do more of almost than playing the actual bloody game.

I hate writing this. Hate writing this massive negative review because I've never given up hope on this developer before. But after this I genuinely feel like I'm spent. Inquisition has issues but I reckoned I'd just play witcher 3 instead and let Bioware learn from that. I played Andromeda which I loved and hoped that Bioware would learn from the game, let alone EA and then do better next time since the ME fans are some of the most passionate fans in gaming.

3 out of 10.

Bioware... get a grip and if its not you but EA sabotaging you, then I'm genuinely sorry. Because it took Viceral LESS bad game design & lower sales to get sacked.

ME + Andromeda got iced for this, no matter promising DLC for this game.

Yet Andromeda was better. And while I love that game, that's an insane statement to make because of all the troubles ew heard about. All the devs pulled off the project and unto Anthem mid development of Andromeda which arguably sealed its fate and still you managed to come up with the most bare-boned trend hunting looter shooter which outright baffled people since we didn't think there would be more to do in games like Fallout 7s, over a longer period of time.

Dear Bioware. We know that you can do better because your track record is amazing. So please do, because this game's features and core emphasis is not why you have been such a beloved developer for years.

And thats my review. Hopefully fit for submission this time, because I dont know how much more tame I can be in my wording of how I feel towards this game.

Last time I did this was with Viceral. I was one of the guys pushing for Dead Space 3. We sent letters to EA, sent letters to the Viceral too and we hoped they'd listen. Let Viceral try again. Hell we even got a reply if memory serves from one of the marketing guys that spoke about how we shouldn't give up. Push through and let them know there's a demand. But we all know how that turned out.

Update: So thanks to Kotaku we finally know what really happened. The game spent almost half a decade in pre-prodution, with people waiting over a year to proceed with dev stuff because leads didn't know jack, GROTESQUELY incompetent management at Bioware (not just EA) and horrific crunch time after 6 years of doing CONCEPTS till Deadline was knocking on the door. "sigh"

Frostbyte engine was horrible to work with, EA delegated support teams unto Fifa, Bioware staff quit mid development, the game underwent sporadic "back and forth" which explains poor level design for flying gameplay.

Stress caused people to quit, cry at work, break down mentally and take months off. What the F... is wrong with you management people at Bioware? I hope you get sued or fired for creating a workplace like this.

A game dev... is its developers. And many of the old guard have quit. Thus Bioware is no longer Bioware. Its a toxic, disorganised mess of a studio with the name of a Legend.

But that Legend is firmly dead to me after hearing this. Prove me wrong, Bioware... I dare you because I love ME and Dragon Age.

But personally, I think this is the end of the line with this incompetent leadership.
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To many bugs
brendanp19874 March 2019
Great graphics and gameplay,but so hard to get anything done between loading screens and connectivity issues. Since the game is completely online I think there shouldn't be as many problems as there is.
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Not A Bad Game At All.
Andy_Aitken5 September 2019
I'd heard all the bad reviews about this game and when I picked it up for $19 I wasn't expecting much. That said I've grown to love it. The gameplay is a little repetitive but the graphics, scenery and playability is pretty good even though a little repetitive. I'm sure it has its flaws but as a whole it was well worth the price of the game.
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The game was bad
tofy-5392228 May 2021
The gameplay is good but the game crashes alooooooot And I wish to have a refund.
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Love this game
chikita-9241324 February 2019
Extremely fun and challenging, beside all the bad reviews this game is good can't wait to see if the game grows significantly
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3 Stars out of 5 Stars
ajneeago9619 February 2024
When I first started playing this game, it was about a year ago; just yet another game attempted to coop with my friend, and I think we only made it like 3 missions past the introduction before he called it quits because of "lag" (he uses a crappy Xbox One) and I was left with yet again another game we started together and him just bailing partial/midway through, so me being a completionist, I decided I'd continue playing the game by myself.

So, the first impression about this game is that it really is hella fun. The flying mechanics is probably the best part of the game, being able to fly around this jungle-infested world with ease. Now, it definitely isn't flawless though, as you can only fly a certain height before getting pushed back down, which makes certain areas of the map kinda annoying. I also wish you were able to fly longer; I mean you can get a heat sink augment that gives you more fly time, but it just seemed limiting. Now, the map was cool enough; I did like the free play open world aspect... at first. It was cool exploring at your own pace, finding documents, runes, but only in increments as there isn't any story missions to do in free play, only things called Events that usually have you do a rinse and repeat mission. Now, the story. Well, I will say when I first started the game, the story seemed so barebones and frankly generic. The plot revolving around a planet littered with relics that give off a phenomenon called the Anthem of Creation, you play as a Freelancer, who are people who use exosuits to help stop and contain these relics/factions that would use these to their advantages. Now, while I did enjoy that BioWare decided to mix fantasy with science fiction, I don't think this was the best way to do it. The amount of lore they decide to dump on you in this game in insane, but to someone that thinks the story is already mediocre, it almost becomes pointless learning about yet again another battle or fun fact. But I'd say around the halfway mark of the game, it actually gets really intresting. Now, with this game, I was never truly invested with the faction stories, nor the relic lore or anything like that, but I really did enjoy the somewhat character development they have with some of these characters, even having a twist I didn't expect coming. During the campaign, I first used the Colossus javelin, and man was this javelin so much fun. I usually love playing as a heavy so that's why this was my first choice, and man was it. After getting the achievements relating to this javelin, I decided to use the storm javelin, which is a build that has low armor but can be airborne for longer periods of time and uses elemental damage. I'm not gonna lie, I was hesitant on using this javelin as I definitely figured it would be lame compared to the heavy exo I was more used to using. But I found that the storm was actually really fun, being able to fly and attack from high above with elemental damage actually proves useful to situations, especially dealing with hordes. And also, imo, he had by far the coolest looking armor in the entire game (and by time I was finishing up the game, this was the javelin I used the most). Now, after getting those javelin-specific achievements for the storm, I decided to then move into using the Interceptor which was a javelin designed for speed, agility, and to be honest, melee combat in general. Honestly, didn't know this was going to be this fun. I also found a really cool color scheme for this suit that was similar to Mark Grayson's Invincible, and a Baja blast-inspired twist. Now, by time I used this exo, I was so far into the game, so using a exo that had no common gear proved to be a struggle at times. This is when I started grinding out the free play collectibles (which tbh didn't get as far as I wanted to get) but it was enough to collect enough decent loot to at least continue the campaign. Toward the end is where the story gets somewhat good too, especially a plot point revolving around a character named Owen who ends up betraying you (which to me was unexpected) but other than this and I guess some of the character interactions I had, the story just still seemed bland and not up-to-code with other BioWare games. And this is frankly sad, as Mass Effect is one of my favorite sci-fi games ever, and not because of the gameplay, but because of the rich lore they present in a mystery setting. This game doesn't have that; instead it gives you way too much info on battles, people/legends you're not familiar with, just a lot of filler that doesn't bring anything to the story. The ending with the return of the Ursix could have been an even cooler twist to the game in the end, but from there, the story just... ends... presumably because there was going to be more story updates added to the game before EA decided to shut down development. I guess there's a couple other side missions you can do but there's really not much to them except give you a little more time with certain characters. But after this, the game becomes the endgame, with very little to no plot at all. Basically, to prove you're a legend of tarsis, you have to complete a bunch of boring, grindy missions that only have so much replayability before it just becomes insufferable. Now, if the game didn't boast amazing and addicting gameplay, I would of ended my playthrough here. But because it was, and I genuinely enjoyed helping other players out with my badass javelins, I stuck with it. The first one I ended up finishing was beating 25 contracts, which in this game, is basically a "side mission" that's really just some repeatable mission with no lore and just a way to get loot. They were fun at first, since some of them had cool moments like me having to kill a Ursix, but because you have to complete 25, and there's like 3-4 variations, you're gonna be doing the same thing multiple times. The next thing I ended up finishing was both quick play and strongholds at the same time, as all I did was quick play strongholds instead of quick playing missions. This way, I was able to only have to do 25 of them, getting 2 birds in one stone but also having to do the same 3 strongholds 25 different times was annoying to say the least. But also, no one did any strongholds other than the first one so I was seriously stuck joining the same stronghold one after another after another. Definitely got old, but I definitely got my fair share of masterwork/legendary gear and weapons. Actually, because of this, I ended up getting my Storm and Colossus javelins upgraded to Masterworks class, so at least it wasn't a huge waste of time. Now, after that, the only thing I had to do was finish 100 events in freeplay, and god this was seriously insufferable. During this time, I tried my best to collect as many collectibles as possible, but it was at a certain point, I gave up. Why you ask? Well, there was no way I was gonna grind out collectibles that are literally rng based, (after dealing with that in Marvels Avengers, I decided never again) so finding certain ones (arcanist and sentinel collectibles) were next to impossible, especially since there were more rare to find. I was able to find mostly all the other collectibles, but since I've grinded this game out to it's bone, been to every square inch of the map thrice, and truthfully, didn't care that much to get more lore, nor did I care about the last achievement, I just focused on finishing the events rather than look at every question make that popped up on my compass. I mean, there is no respect for players time with that kind of gameplay, so I wasn't going to give it the time. Now, after finally grinding out these dumb events, and thinking I finally beat the endgame, yet another quest is given to you where you have to kill literal thousands of different enemies (and on top of that, I looked it up and apparently THEE final endgame mission is after that one and you have to complete daily and weekly missions) and honestly, I put my hands up. The game had robbed me enough of my time, and with this endgame just being downright pointless, I ended my play through with 118 hours logged. While I do recommend the game for people who enjoy action sci-fi games, I still think this was a huge shame coming from BioWare. I truly do think that if EA would of let Anthem 2.0 became a thing, Anthems endgame and the game as a whole would of worked so much better, but because it was left in this empty state, I wouldn't recommend playing past the games serviceable campaign.
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Bored within an hour
danthayer2 June 2019
My wife was nice enough to buy this for me, but I wish she'd saved her money. It looks gorgeous, but is seemingly devoid of content. I've played the first three missions, which are all, 'Go there, find someone, kill the same spawning enemies, return to Fort Tarsis.' No character development, no story, nothing. I got more out of Destiny, and that's saying something. Urgh.
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Really good and enjoyable
tofisgod25 February 2019
Didn't pay much attention to the release of this as so many other games released I was more interested in getting. Got the free demo from Ea app and loved it. Immediately thought of destiny and how simular they were. Loved desti y but got so bored of it. Love this and it can only get better.
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bigbadlittlejohn27 September 2021
It's a good fun game but the connection errors, game freezing up and the glitches in it makes it a horrible game to play. It's just not every once in a while either. It's multiple times within the span of a couple hours.

I've only been playing for a few days and it's losing it's luster quickly.

I do enjoy how on public quests you don't have to wait for a full crew to play the level. It will let you start playing by yourself. I don't like other games where you're sitting around for ten or so minutes because there isn't enough folks for your expedition.

I also like how others can join you or you can join others in the middle of a quest.
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Love it!
olivershorthose-9878722 February 2019
This game is great with brilliant movement mechanics!
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It's like Destiny, except it's not
Pepe-arbiter11 January 2021
Anthem is a game that's both ambitious yet amazingly unambitious. It wants to be a rival to Destiny, yet there's hints it wants to be something more. It has a decent fun combat loop, but it lacks the good loot and becomes repetitive. It's story is a joke, which is sad for a legendary company like BioWare. The graphics are amazing and gorgeous, the art design is brilliant and pure eye candy, despite being a pain to use Frostbite is among the best when it comes to visual fidelity in gaming. Nobody talks about Anthem anymore, and there's a good reason for that.
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i want more!
lbosgard13 September 2021
The game is beautiful in almost all cases but the missions suck and make the game unplayable. In every mission you do the same thing and the opponents are unimaginative. Okay and because you can fly the map is way too small. But I give the game 8 points because I want a second and better part.
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My review after 60 hours of play time
kristophersilver28 February 2019
So this is the first game where I've noticed that it's being tweaked day after day, the developers are really working on it constantly and the grind loop is addicting as hell to me
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dont_trust_clowns27 February 2019
Been waiting for this game for years. Not been disappointed at all. So much fun. Finished the initial story and waiting for the next update in March.
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Great Game
jcflobato10 March 2019
Very funny. Fantastic surroundings Flying is great. Good plot Highly recommended and outstanding.
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steveob-5364228 February 2019
The game is fantastic. Devs are very responsive and constantly keeping us aware of changes and feed back from the fans.
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I feel like a real Iron man in never ending action!!!
samsanyb16 May 2019
This game is underestimated!! It's incredible how this game gets the negativity flu. I expected it to be good and guess what? it's the most addictive game ever.Period! All of the possibilities you have with it. Gets me lost in the details and graphics it has, the nature and landscapes, the sound mechanics, the puzzles they're more of a different sort that tends to be more of a active in action type puzzles. Its literally the best fantasy sci-fi action friendly game so far!! Makes me wanna sink into the couch and play it all day long and never get bored of it. With this style of gaming its future will be bright. I know the makers have done a really great job!! Because i never get bored of it like I said, and i do trust in them. As its a new thing of their own, i have no issue with it, but for the future I wish they could expand those puzzles and make them even more challenging and interesting than they already are. All in all! Literally Amazing in Absolutely Everything with it.
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meganmiles18017 March 2019
All new Game's have Bug's as this does take away that. We have grown shooting fighting. Then we have the flying side of it and being online lots to do. We can play with others or on your own
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Stop with the bad reviews...
thrashplayhere31 December 2019
Got this at Target for $9.99. Just a day in and I absolutely love this game. Looks and feels like Destiny only WAY better and more challenging. There's plenty to do either as a team or solo. Takes a while to get used to the flying, otherwise, the controls are really solid. The characters voices are spot on. Graphically, their faces and mouth movements could be improved but, it doesnt take away from the gameplay.

If you have $10 burning a hole in your pocket...go ahead and pick this one up. Major update coming soon so, I expect even more great content.
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These people...
draven-343469 August 2021
In the over 100 hours of playtime I have on this game I have only three times ever experienced a crash or major lag spike. It is not the game it is the consuls in areas people are playing on, they need to stop lowering scores based on their bad internet.

Yes the campaign/story is a little short but it's sweet and entertaining.

The movement is fluid and feels really awesome.

The combat could be better but it's definitely still very easy to control and fun to do.

The graphics are gorgeous and most animations are only toned down because of slight lag due to the sheer amount of blasting you will do.

Overall this game is worth much more than the Bad reviews and negativities all around it.
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